991 research outputs found

    Survival of Fecal Contamination Indicator Organisms in Soil

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    Soils amended with human or animal waste may result in pathogen contamination of ground and surface water. Because temperature has been shown to affect pathogen survival, two laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the impact of extremes in temperature on bacterial and viral pathogen indicator die-off in soil. A Captina silt loam was amended with broiler litter (0.1 g/g dry soil), septic tank effluent, or Escherichia coli (ATCC 13706) culture (both at 0.04 and 0.1 mL/g dry soil in the two respective studies), incubated at 5 and 35°C, and analyzed over time to determine the number of fecal coliform, E. coli, and coliphage remaining. Pathogen indicator die-off rate constants (k) for all indicator- temperature-treatment combinations were determined by first-order kinetics. For all three pathogen indicators, die-off was significantly more rapid at 35°C than at 5°C. In both studies, fecal coliform die-off rates were not different from E. coli die-off rates across each temperature-treatment combination. Levels of these bacterial indicators appeared in a ratio of 1:0.94 with 95% confidence intervals at 0.89 and 0.99 in the E. coli- and litter-amended soils. Die-off of the viral indicator was significantly slower than the die-off of the bacterial indicators at 5°C in litter-amended soil. Die-off of the bacterial indicator, E. coli, in soil amended with E. coli culture was not significantly different than die-off in soil amended with broiler litter at 5 or 35°C in the two studies. Because the higher incubation temperature increased die-off rates for all three indicators, it is expected that the potential for contamination of ground and surface water decreases with increasing temperature

    Extended Water Quality Monitoring of the Lincoln Lake Watershed

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    For seven years, the Lincoln Lake (Moores Creek and Beatty Branch) watershed was monitored for improvements in water quality resulting from agricultural best management practices (BMP) implemented to reduce nutrient transport. During the first three years of monitoring (1991 to 1994), nitrogen transport declined significantly (Edwards et al., 1994, 1996, and 1997) under both base and storm flow conditions. This decline in nitrogen transport was again observed in the three-year period following 1994 (Vendrell et al. 1998). This monitoring effort has demonstrated that water quality bas improved in the Lincoln Lake watershed. However, since the nitrogen transport continued to decline and there was some indication that phosphorus may begin to decline, monitoring was extended for another year (1998)

    Improving the functional properties of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 piezoceramics by acceptor doping

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    ZrO2 and TiO2 modified lead-free (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 (KNN) piezoelectric ceramics are prepared by a conventional solid-state reaction. The effect of acceptor doping on structural and functional properties is investigated. A decrease in the Curie temperature and an increase in the dielectric constant values are observed when doping. More interestingly, an increase in the coercive field E-c and remanent polarization P-r is observed. The piezoelectric properties are greatly increased when doping with small concentrations dopants. ZrO2 doped ceramic exhibits good piezoelectric properties with piezoelectric coefficient d(33) = 134 pC/N and electromechanical coupling factor k(p) = 35%. It is verified that nonlinearity is significantly reduced. Thus, the creation of complex defects capable of pinning the domain wall motion is enhanced with doping, probably due to the formation of oxygen vacancies. These results strongly suggest that compositional engineering using low concentrations of acceptor doping is a good means of improving the functional properties of KNN lead-free piezoceramic system. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Postprint (published version

    Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases-producing <i>Escherichia coli</i> in common vampire bats <i>Desmodus rotundus</i> and livestock in Peru

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    Antibiotic resistance mediated by bacterial production of extended‐spectrum beta‐lactamase (ESBL) is a global threat to public health. ESBL resistance is most commonly hospital‐acquired; however, infections acquired outside of hospital settings have raised concerns over the role of livestock and wildlife in the zoonotic spread of ESBL‐producing bacteria. Only limited data are available on the circulation of ESBL‐producing bacteria in animals. Here, we report ESBL‐producing Escherichia coli in wild common vampire bats Desmodus rotundus and livestock near Lima, Peru. Molecular analyses revealed that most of this resistance resulted from the expression of blaCTX‐M‐15 genes carried by plasmids, which are disseminating worldwide in hospital settings and have also been observed in healthy children of Peru. Multilocus sequence typing showed a diverse pool of E. coli strains carrying this resistance that were not always host species‐specific, suggesting sharing of strains between species or infection from a common source. This study shows widespread ESBL resistance in wild and domestic animals, supporting animal communities as a potential source of resistance. Future work is needed to elucidate the role of bats in the dissemination of antibiotic‐resistant strains of public health importance and to understand the origin of the observed resistance

    Interpretación de los valores de microdureza de la recta de Gahm. Aplicación del método al estudio de la dureza de la hematites y de la cobaltina

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    The description of how to obtain the experimental data of the hardness at microscopical scale in hematites and cobal- tirie and of the respective equipments used is given. The graphics of the data obtained are exposed according to Gahm, to obtain the best straight line. The conclusions and recomtnendations on doing the research work on the hardness of the minerals, are stablished

    Effects of Agricultural Practices on Nutrient Concentrations and Loads in Two Small Watersheds, Northwestern Arkansas

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    The water quality of two small, adjacent watersheds was monitored to determine the effect of land use on nutrient loads and flow-weighted mean concentrations. Poultry litter and liquid swine waste are surface applied as fertilizer to pastures that are used for hay production and beef cattle grazing. The study area is located in northwestern Arkansas, east central Washington County. Cannon Creek, the less influenced watershed (628 hectares), contains 11% pasture; whereas, Shumate Creek, the more influenced watershed (589 hectares), contains 22% pasture and receives approximately four times more land applied animal waste as fertilizer. The remaining land cover in both watersheds is primarily hardwood forest. Shumate Creek lad higher nutrient concentrations and greater nutrient mass transport. Stormflow transports a larger percentage of the nutrient load than baseflow; e.g., during the month of April more than 30% of the total phosphorus (TP) load was transported in less than four days of storm flow at the Shumate Creek site. The total pasture area, the proximity of pastures to streams, and he intensity of pasture management (i.e., the rate and timing of manure applications) are important aspects to consider when monitoring water quality

    Upper White River BMP Implementation Project (NPS Final Report)

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    The project objective was to monitor agricultural best management practices implemented to minimize sediment, nutrient, and bacterial impact on water quality of the Upper White River watershed. The project targeted the primary agricultural causes of non-point source nutrient and bacterial pollution in three sub-basins of the White River in the Beaver Lake Watershed. Areas with high animal densities targeted high source areas. High source areas were treated with best management practices (BMP) in an effort to reduce the impact to the White River and Beaver Lake. The predominant BMP implemented was waste management, a component of the farm nutrient management plan

    Identificación de la brecha existente entre la ALFIN de los ingresantes y las competencias informacionales requeridas por la FHyCS-UNaM [ponencia]. En: VI Encuentro Iberoamericano de Colectivos Escolares y Redes de Maestras y Maestros que hacen investigación e innovación desde la escuela.

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    Los docentes de los primeros años de las distintas carreras que se dictan en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones (en adelante FHyCS-UNaM) coinciden en afirmar que los alumnos “ingresantes” demuestran un importante déficit de alfabetización informacional (en adelante ALFIN). Con el fin de verificar estos supuestos e identificar los puntos sobresalientes de la brecha informacional, que se advierte como existente frente a los requerimientos iniciales para acceder a la institución, se diseñó un proyecto de investigación, de tipo exploratorio, que aportara elementos teóricos, conceptuales y esquemas de acción que faciliten, a través de las TIC, la accesibilidad y permanencia del alumnado que ingresa a la comunidad universitaria. Este proyecto se inició en el año 2008 y continúa. En este trabajo se presenta el análisis de algunos de los resultados que permitieron arrojar luz sobre el problema

    Tailoring the microstructure by a proper electric current control in flash sintering: The case of barium titanate

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    Flash sintering is arousing growing interest because high-density ceramics can be obtained at lower temperatures and shorter dwell times than conventional sintering. However, not only temperature and dwell times should be controlled during flash sintering but also parameters such as the electric field and electric current should be considered. Controlling all the parameters during the processing allows comprehensive control of the microstructure and, consequently, functional properties can be improved. In this work, it is evidenced that an exhaustive control of the flash electric current is a crucial factor for tailoring the microstructure of BaTiO3 ceramics. The results reveal that the most suitable way to control the sintering process is by using nonlinear current profiles because better densification and improved grain growth is achieved. Although the results focus on BaTiO3, this work offers a new pathway to tailor the microstructure of flash sintered ceramics, which may be extended to other materials