54 research outputs found

    Proteção do artesanato tradicional dos povos indígenas do norte da Rússia: aspectos socioeconômicos e metodologia

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    The article provides general information about the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia); gives a brief description of the rich resource base of the Republic and the main directions of the economy of administrative regions. Industrial enterprises and transport infrastructure are considered as the main sources of anthropogenic impact on the environment, and specifically on hunting resources.Information about the indigenous peoples living in the territory of Yakutia, including those engaged in one of the main types of traditional crafts – hunting is given. The general characteristics of the current number of hunting animals in the areas where the largest number of hunting spots assigned to the communities of indigenous peoples of the North of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are described. The dependence of the density of the hunting animals’ population on the geographical location of hunting spots is shown. mThe article provides information on the legal protection of the indigenous peoples of Russia in matters of preservation of the native habitat and traditional crafts. The thesis about the need for compensation of losses arising because of industrial enterprises is confirmed.The method of estimation of losses of indigenous peoples of the North which arise as a result of withdrawal of part of hunting grounds under industrial objects is considered. A brief analysis of the indicators used in the calculation of losses is given, as well as recommendations for improving these indicators.El artículo proporciona información general sobre la República de Sakha (Yakutia); ofrece una breve descripción de la rica base de recursos de la República y las principales direcciones de la economía de las regiones administrativas. Las empresas industriales y la infraestructura de transporte se consideran las principales fuentes de impacto antropogénico en el medio ambiente, y específicamente en los recursos de caza.Información sobre los pueblos indígenas que viven en el territorio de Yakutia, incluidos los que participan en uno de los principales tipos de artesanía tradicional: la caza. Las características generales del número actual de animales de caza en las áreas donde se describe el mayor número de sitios de caza asignados a las comunidades de pueblos indígenas del norte de la República de Sakha (Yakutia). Se muestra la dependencia de la densidad de la población de animales de caza con respecto a la ubicación geográfica de los lugares de caza.El artículo proporciona información sobre la protección legal de los pueblos indígenas de Rusia en materia de preservación del hábitat nativo y la artesanía tradicional. Se confirma la tesis sobre la necesidad de compensar las pérdidas derivadas de empresas industriales. Se considera el método de estimación de las pérdidas de los pueblos indígenas del norte que surgen como resultado de la retirada de parte de los cotos de caza bajo objetos industriales. Se ofrece un breve análisis de los indicadores utilizados en el cálculo de las pérdidas, así como recomendaciones para mejorar estos indicadores.O artigo fornece informações gerais sobre a República de Sakha (Yakutia); dá uma breve descrição da rica base de recursos da República e as principais direções da economia das regiões administrativas. As empresas industriais e a infraestrutura de transportes são consideradas as principais fontes de impacto antropogênico no meio ambiente e, especificamente, nos recursos de caça.Informações sobre os povos indígenas que vivem no território de Yakutia, incluindo aqueles envolvidos em um dos principais tipos de artesanato tradicional - a caça é dada.As características gerais do número atual de animais de caça nas áreas onde o maior número de locais de caça atribuídos às comunidades de povos indígenas do norte da República de Sakha (Yakutia) são descritos. A dependência da densidade da população de animais de caça na localização geográfica dos locais de caça é mostrada. O artigo fornece informações sobre a proteção legal dos povos indígenas da Rússia em questões de preservação do habitat nativo e do artesanato tradicional. A tese sobre a necessidade de compensação de perdas decorrentes de empreendimentos industriais é confirmada. O método de estimação de perdas de povos indígenas do Norte que surgem em consequência da retirada de parte de áreas de caça abaixo de objetos industriais considera-se. É feita uma breve análise dos indicadores utilizados no cálculo das perdas, bem como recomendações para melhoria desses indicadores

    Electrooxidation of 4-clorphenol on modified lead dioxide anodes

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    The electrochemical oxidation of 4-chlorophenol on lead dioxide anodes micromodified by ions of iron group has been investigated. As follows from the data obtained, the rate of oxidation of organic substances on the anode materials involved is proportional to the number of reactive oxygen species in the near-electrode zone (OH–radicals) formed during the electrolysis as intermediates in water oxidation and participating in subsequent homogeneous chemical reactions with organic substrates in the bulk. The O1s peak on X– Ray photoelectron spectra was used to evaluate the amount of inert and labile oxygencontaining particles on undoped and doped PbO2 . Doping of lead dioxide with nickel leads to a significant increase in the number of labile oxygen-containing particles on the surface of the electrode, while iron modification leads to the opposite effect – an increase in the amount of inert oxygen-containing particles. The anodic oxidation of 4-chlorophenol yields a rather large number of intermediate products. The main intermediates include benzoquinone and maleic acid which was confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The micromodification of lead dioxide with metal ions of iron group leads to a significant change in the electrocatalytic activity of oxide materials. The activity grows in the following sequence of modifying ions: PbO2<Co–PbO2<Fe–PbO2<Ni–PbO2

    The comparative study of electrocatalytic activity of various anode materials in respect to the oxidation of nitroanilines

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    The comparative study of electrocatalytic activity of DSA, lead dioxide and F-PbO2 has been performed. It has been shown that the processes of electrochemical oxidation of nitroanilines on investigated materials occur qualitatively the same and differ only in the rate. This suggests the invariability of the mechanism of their oxidation on different materials that allows one for a correct comparison of their electrocatalytic activity. The maximum interest for the electrochemical destruction of nitroanilines represents lead dioxide electrodes modified by fluorine to which a rate constant of p-nitroaniline oxidation increases in 3 times compared with nonmodified electrodes

    Мaterial selection and optimization of conditions for electrooxidation of nitrofurazone: a comparative study of tin and lead dioxides

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    The electrochemical oxidation of nitrofurazone with SnO2, doped by platinum group metals, and pure PbO2 has been investigated. Тhe oxidation rate of nitrofurazone with PbO2-anode is 5.3 times higher compared to doped SnO2 anodes. It was found that the presence of 1; 2 and 3 g l−1 NaCl in electrolyte affects the efficiency of the electrooxidation process in the case of doped SnO2 anodes, the oxidation rate of nitrofurazone increases by 2.3; 3.7; 5.8 times, respectively. Using of doped SnO2 in chloride-containing media allows one to achieve the same rate of destruction of nitrofurazone as when using lead dioxide. Moreover, SnO2 doped electrodes are characterized by the production of a large number of hypochlorous acid and have a higher service life compared to PbO2 in such harsh condition

    Analysis of verbal and non-verbal relations in football

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    1. Реймонд Верхейєр, «Невербальне спілкування: читання мови тіла» 21.09.2022. Категорія «Теорія футболу, психологія, тактика». 2. Джефф Голдберг. « Невербальна комунікація спортивних лідерів та вплив на задоволеність участю студентів, позитивні емоції, прихильність до вправ та рекомендації щодо спорту». (2023). DOI: 10.2174/1875399X-v16-e230530-2023-2 3. Дейнеко І.В., «Чинники просторового орієнтування у футболі». Науковий журнал Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 15, Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури. 15.10.23р. 4. Тобі Чемберс, «Так між собою спілкуються футболісти» 26.10.2022 р https://soccersourcecoaching.com/how-football-players-communicate/ 5. Вржесневський І.І. «Специфіка сприйняття та оцінювання рухового досвіду в педагогіці рухової активності та фізичних зусиль». 15.01.24р. Науковий журнал Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 15, Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури.Комунікація на футбольному полі відбувається у формі вербального або невербального спілкування. Вербальне і невербальне спілкування у футболі функціонює паралельно, і в свою чергу доповнює один одного, прискорюючи рішення, розуміння ситуацій для покращення командних дій. Вербальне спілкування – це те, у якому ви використовуєте слова чи фрази, щоб допомогти надати інформацію товаришу по команді, у порівнянні з невербальним спілкуванням, де ви використовуєте мову тіла, зоровий контакт або жести руками, щоб передати повідомлення своєму напарнику. Поєднання цих методів спілкування, допоможуть командам надати більше інформації гравцям на футбольному полі, що допоможе їм швидше та краще приймати рішення як під час гри, так і поза ним. Для вивчення питання розробили анкетування щоб визначити доцільності поєднання вербальних і невербальних методів тренування. Анкета розроблена колективом авторів співробітниками НАУ на кафедрі фізичного виховання і спортивного самовдосконалення. У питанні анкетування, ми сподівалися, що невербальне спілкування буде більш в пріоритеті перед вербальним. Але в тім діюча методика тренування не спонукає до швидкого переходу до невербального спілкування. На підставі опрацьованих результатів можемо констатувати: 1. Гравці використовують як вербальне, і невербальні методи спілкування. 2. Перевага під час ігрових дій надається вербальному методу спілкування. 3. Оптимального розподілу вербального чи невербального методу на даний час не запропоновано. В ідеалі гравці мають спілкуватися один з одним як вербально так і невербально, щоб бути більш непередбачуваними для суперника.. Communication on the football field takes place in the form of verbal or non-verbal communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication in football function in parallel, and in turn complement each other, accelerating decisions, understanding situations to improve team actions. Verbal communication is where you use words or phrases to help convey information to a teammate, as opposed to nonverbal communication where you use body language, eye contact, or hand gestures to convey a message to your teammate. The combination of these communication methods will help teams provide more information to players on the football field, helping them make faster and better decisions both on and off the field. To study the issue, a questionnaire was developed to determine the expediency of combining verbal and non-verbal training methods. The questionnaire was developed by a team of authors, employees of NAU at the department of physical education and sports self-improvement. In the question of questionnaires, we hoped that non-verbal communication would be more in priority than verbal communication. However, the current training method does not encourage a quick transition to non-verbal communication. Based on the processed results, we can state: 1. Players use both verbal and non-verbal methods of communication. 2. Preference during game actions is given to the verbal method of communication. 3. The optimal distribution of verbal or non-verbal method has not been proposed at the moment. Ideally, players should communicate with each other both verbally and non-verbally in order to be more unpredictable for the opponent

    Formation of Pb(III) Intermediates in the Electrochemically Controlled Pb(II)/PbO 2

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    The formation of lead dioxide PbO(2), an important corrosion product in drinking water distribution systems with lead-bearing plumbing materials, has been hypothesized to involve Pb(III) intermediates, but their nature and formation mechanisms remain unexplored. This study employed the electrochemical (EC) method of rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) and quantum chemical (QC) simulations to examine the generation of intermediates produced during the oxidation of Pb(II) to PbO(2). RRDE data demonstrate that PbO(2) deposition and reduction involves at least two intermediates. One of them is a soluble Pb(III) species that undergoes further transformations to yield immobilized PbO(2) nanoparticles. The formation of this intermediate in EC system is mediated by hydroxyl radicals (OH(•)), as was evidenced by the suppression of intermediates formation in the presence of the OH(•) scavenger para-chlorobenzoic acid. QC simulations confirmed that the oxidation of Pb(II) by OH(•) proceeds via Pb(III) species. These results show that Pb(III) intermediates play an important role in the reactions determining transitions between Pb(II) and Pb(IV) species and could impact lead release in drinking water

    Bi-doped PbO2 anodes: Electrodeposition and physico-chemical properties

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    The influence of bismuth ions on kinetics of lead dioxide electrodeposition from methanesulfonate elec-trolytes and physico-chemical properties of obtained coatings were studied. Experimental results areconsistent with a mechanism previously proposed in the literature for lead dioxide electrodeposition.The presence of bismuth ions in the electrodeposition solution causes a decrease of rate constants oflead dioxide formation due to co-adsorption phenomena. Deposits from solutions containing bismuthions appear shiny dark grey, and show good adhesion to metal support. SEM images reveal a compactstructure with spindle-shaped submicron and nanosized crystals and X-ray diffractograms demonstratedthat incorporation of bismuth diminishes the size of crystal particles. Oxygen evolution was investigatedto test electrocatalytic activity. It is shown, that oxygen overpotential on modified electrodes is signifi-cantly higher than on non-modified PbO2-electrode, which depends on bismuth content in deposit andsegregation of bismuth that induces surface heterogeneity due to sites with different electroactivity forwater oxidation. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd