37 research outputs found

    Spatially Explicit Analysis of Metal Transfer to Biota: Influence of Soil Contamination and Landscape

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    Concepts and developments for a new field in ecotoxicology, referred to as “landscape ecotoxicology,” were proposed in the 1990s; however, to date, few studies have been developed in this emergent field. In fact, there is a strong interest in developing this area, both for renewing the concepts and tools used in ecotoxicology as well as for responding to practical issues, such as risk assessment. The aim of this study was to investigate the spatial heterogeneity of metal bioaccumulation in animals in order to identify the role of spatially explicit factors, such as landscape as well as total and extractable metal concentrations in soils. Over a smelter-impacted area, we studied the accumulation of trace metals (TMs: Cd, Pb and Zn) in invertebrates (the grove snail Cepaea sp and the glass snail Oxychilus draparnaudi) and vertebrates (the bank vole Myodes glareolus and the greater white-toothed shrew Crocidura russula). Total and CaCl2-extractable concentrations of TMs were measured in soils from woody patches where the animals were captured. TM concentrations in animals exhibited a high spatial heterogeneity. They increased with soil pollution and were better explained by total rather than CaCl2-extractable TM concentrations, except in Cepaea sp. TM levels in animals and their variations along the pollution gradient were modulated by the landscape, and this influence was species and metal specific. Median soil metal concentrations (predicted by universal kriging) were calculated in buffers of increasing size and were related to bioaccumulation. The spatial scale at which TM concentrations in animals and soils showed the strongest correlations varied between metals, species and landscapes. The potential underlying mechanisms of landscape influence (community functioning, behaviour, etc.) are discussed. Present results highlight the need for the further development of landscape ecotoxicology and multi-scale approaches, which would enhance our understanding of pollutant transfer and effects in ecosystems

    Assessment of the bioavailability and depuration of uranium, cesium and thorium in snails ( Cantareus aspersus ) using kinetics models

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    International audienceUranium ore waste has led to soil contamination that may affect both environmental and soil health.To analyze the risk of metal transfer, metal bioavailability must be estimated by measuring biological parameters. Kinetic studies allow taking into account the dynamic mechanisms of bioavailability, as well as the steady state concentration in organisms necessary to take into account for relevant risk assessment. In this way, this work aims to model the snail accumulation and excretion kinetics of uranium(U), cesium (Cs) and thorium (Th). Results indicate an absence of Cs and Th accumulation showing the low bioavailability of these two elements and a strong uranium accumulation in snails related to the levels of soil contamination. During the depuration phase, most of the uranium ingested was excreted by the snails. After removing the source of uranium by soil remediation, continued snails excretion of accumulated uranium would lead to the return of their initial internal concentration, thus the potential trophic transfer of this hazardous element would stop

    Use of chemical methods to assess Cd and Pb bioavailability to the snail Cantareus aspersus: A first attempt taking into account soil characteristics

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    International audienceBioavailability is a key parameter in conditioning contaminant transfer to biota. However, in risk assessment of terrestrial contamination, insufficient attention is being paid to the influence of soil type on trace metal bioavailability. This paper addresses the influence of soil properties on the chemical availability of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb)(CaCl(2) extraction and ionic activity) and bioavailability (accumulation kinetics) to the land snail Cantareus aspersus. Snails were exposed to nine contaminated soils differing by a single characteristic (pH or organic matter content or clay content) for 28 days. Toxicokinetic models were applied to determine metal uptake and excretion rates in snails and multivariate regression was used to relate uptake parameters to soil properties. The results showed that alkalinisation of soil and an increase of the organic matter content decreased Pb and Cd bioavailability to snails whereas kaolin clay had no significant influence. The CaCl(2)-extractable concentrations tended to overestimate the effects of pH when used to explain metal uptake rate. We conclude that factors other than those controlling the extractable fraction affect metal bioavailability to snails, confirming the requirement of biota measurements in risk assessment procedures. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Bioaccessibility of metal(loid)s in soils to humans and their bioavailability to snails: A way to associate human health and ecotoxicological risk assessment?

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    International audienceHuman health risk assessment (HHRA) and ecotoxicological risk assessment (ERA) of contaminated soils are frequently performed separately and based on total soil concentrations without considering the concepts of mobility, bioaccessibility and bioavailability. However, some chemical and biological assays rarely used in combination can be applied to more accurately assess the exposure of organisms to metal(loid)s and thus to better estimate the links between soil contamination and effects. For humans, the unified bioaccessibility method (UBM) assesses oral bioaccessibility, while for soil fauna such as land snails, the bioaccumulation test reflects the bioavailability of contaminants. The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between oral bioaccessibility and the bioavailability of arsenic, cadmium and lead in twenty-nine contaminated soils. The results show a modulation of bioaccumulation and bioaccessibility of metal(loid)s by soil physicochemical parameters (organic matter especially). For the three metal(loid)s studied, strong relationships were modelled between the UBM and snail tests (0.77 < r²adj.<0.95), depending on the parameters of the linear regressions (contaminant and phases of the UBM test). The original models proposed demonstrate the feasibility of linking bioaccessibility to humans and bioavailability to snails and the relevance of their association for an integrative risk assessment of contaminated soils

    Effects of subchronic digestive exposure to organic or inorganic cadmium on biomarkers in rat tissues.

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    International audienceIn an experimental food chain, Wistar rats were fed cadmium (Cd) in an inorganic (CdCl(2)) or organic (mainly associated with metallothionein from Helix aspersa snail viscera) form. After 1 month of exposure to 100 microg inorganic Cd g(-1) in food, an induction of metallothionein was observed in all target tissues. In liver, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity decreased and alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) activity increased, suggesting that Cd causes hepatotoxicity. However, lipid peroxidation as well as catalase and caspase 3 (a marker of apoptosis) activities were not modified. At a rather low exposure (2.5 microg Cd g(-1)), metallothionein level in the kidney was found to be the most sensitive biomarker of exposure for both Cd forms. In the small intestine of rats ingesting inorganic Cd, metallothionein expression was significantly higher than that observed for rats fed organic Cd. Present results allowed proposing a simple design to assess the effect of a chemical in a trophic transfer approach

    Contamination of woody habitat soils around a former lead smelter in the North of France.

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    International audienceThe contamination of the topsoil of 262 woody habitats around a former lead smelter in the North of France was assessed. In this urbanized and industrialized area, these kinds of habitats comprise of hedges, groves, small woods, anthropogenic creations and one large forest. Except for the latter, which is 3km away, these woody habitat soils often present a high anthropization degree (a significant amount of pebbles and stones related to human activities) with a high metal contamination. In the studied woody habitat topsoils, Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations largely exceeded those of agricultural topsoils located in the same environmental context. Therefore, atmospheric emissions from the smelter are not the only cause of the high contamination of the woody habitat soils. This last one is related to the nature and the contamination level of deposit in relation with human activities (rubbles, slag, soils, etc). With regard to the results obtained with chemical extractions, the mobility of Cd, Pb and Zn in these soils is also greater than in agricultural soils. In the forest, pollutant solubility is increased by soil acidic pH. The variability of the physico-chemical parameters and the high metal contamination of the topsoils are the main characteristics of the woody habitats located around the former smelter. Although never taken into account during risk assessment, the disturbance of these environmental components could have important biogeochemical impacts (nutrients and metal cycles). Moreover, any modification of the soils' use could potentially cause mobilization and transfer of the pollutants to the biosphere. Six years after the closure of the smelter, and as social and economic pressures considerably increase in this area, the study of these peculiar ecosystems is necessary to understand and predict the bioavailability, transfer, bioaccumulation and effects of pollutants in food chains