827 research outputs found

    Root foraging and avoidance in hyperaccumulator and excluder plants: a rhizotron experiment

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    Aims: Metal hyperaccumulation is a rare phenomenon described for an increasing number of plant taxa. In this study we investigated the root growth responses of the well-known nickel, zinc, cadmium hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens and of the metal tolerant (non-accumulator) Stellaria media, in order to observe root foraging vs avoidance responses to nickel. Methods: To allow for observations of root growth and foraging preferences, two accessions of Noccaea caerulescens and two accessions of Stellaria media orginating from high nickel and low nickel habitats were grown in rhizotrons with localized nickel enrichment. Results: The root density in the control and nickel-enriched soil areas in the rhizotrons with different N. caerulescens accessions had distinct responses: moderate nickel avoidance was recorded for the non-nickel accession, while a clear foraging response was observed in N. caerulescens from the nickel accession. In contrast, nickel rooting avoidance was observed for both S. media accessions and was more pronounced in the non-nickel accession. Conclusions: This study shows that N. caerulescens originating from different accessions responded differently to soil nickel enrichment, with the nickel accession of N. caerulescens actively foraging for nickel, suggesting a physiological adaptation and demand for this metal. In contrast, a clear nickel avoidance response by a metal tolerant species, S. media, was observed in this study, a phenomenon which has not been previously described; this suggests that root avoidance responses might play a role in the adaptation of metal tolerant species to Ni-rich soils

    Ultramafic geoecology of South and Southeast Asia

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    Globally, ultramafic outcrops are renowned for hosting foras with high levels of endemism, including plants with specialised adaptations such as nickel or manganese hyperaccumulation. Soils derived from ultramafic regoliths are generally nutrient-deficient, have major cation imbalances, and have concomitant high concentrations of potentially phytotoxic trace elements, especially nickel. The South and Southeast Asian region has the largest surface occurrences of ultramafic regoliths in the world, but the geoecology of these outcrops is still poorly studied despite severe conservation threats. Due to the paucity of systematic plant collections in many areas and the lack of georeferenced herbarium records and databased information, it is not possible to determine the distribution of species, levels of endemism, and the species most threatened. However, site-specific studies provide insights to the ultramafic geoecology of several locations in South and Southeast Asia. The geoecology of tropical ultramafic regions differs substantially from those in temperate regions in that the vegetation at lower elevations is generally tall forest with relatively low levels of endemism. On ultramafic mountaintops, where the combined forces of edaphic and climatic factors intersect, obligate ultramafic species and hyperendemics often occur. Forest clearing, agricultural development, mining, and climate change-related stressors have contributed to rapid and unprecedented loss of ultramafic-associated habitats in the region. The geoecology of the large ultramafic outcrops of Indonesia’s Sulawesi, Obi and Halmahera, and many other smaller outcrops in South and Southeast Asia, remains largely unexplored, and should be prioritised for study and conservation

    Recent advances in developing tropical nickel agromining

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    Hyperaccumulator plants can be utilized as ‘metal crops’ in agromining operations. This emerging technology produces ‘bio-ore’ by growing ‘metal crops’ on sub-economic ore materials, such as natural ultramafic soils. In a typical application plant material is periodically harvested, followed by air-drying and incineration to produce the bio-ore intermediate. The bio-ore is of very high grade (>15 wt. % nickel), and of high purity, and may be processed into a number of different products (including nickel metal, nickel-based catalysts and pure nickel salts). Current research efforts from our team focus on Mediterranean climate field trials (Albania, Spain) and tropical climate field trials (Malaysia, Indonesia). Field-scale demonstrations are required to provide evidence of real-life performance and of economic viability. If the trials are successful, agromining may in the near future support local livelihoods with income opportunities as an alternative type of agriculture: to farm nickel

    A Global Forum on Ultramafic Ecosystems: From Ultramafic Ecology to Rehabilitation of Degraded Environments

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    The 9th International Conference on Serpentine Ecology (ICSE) was held in Tirana and Pogradec (Albania) from June 5 to 9, 2017. More than 100 delegates from 29 countries around the world gathered to present their research on recent advances in: (i) ultramafic soils, (ii) biogeochemistry, (iii) diversity of ultramafic flora, microflora and fauna, (iv) ecophysiology of ultramafic-adapted organisms, (v) interactions between ultramafic organisms and their ecology, (vi) nature rehabilitation of degraded ultramafic environments (resulting from mining activities), and (vii) the production of bio-based metals through agromining technology. Additionally, the ICSE featured the first symposium on ultramafic aquatic ecology and ecotoxicology. Albania has one of the most diverse ultramafic floras in Europe. During the conference delegates visited some of the most emblematic ultramafic sites in Albania as well as the first agromining field trial in Europe. Here, we present the major topics and provide some highlights of the 25 contributions in this Special Issue (Vol. 33 no.3 and 4)

    Nickel biopathways in tropical nickel hyperaccumulating trees from Sabah (Malaysia)

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    The extraordinary level of accumulation of nickel (Ni) in hyperaccumulator plants is a consequence of specific metal sequestering and transport mechanisms, and knowledge of these processes is critical for advancing an understanding of transition element metabolic regulation in these plants. The Ni biopathways were elucidated in three plant species, Phyllanthus balgooyi, Phyllanthus securinegioides (Phyllanthaceae) and Rinorea bengalensis (Violaceae), that occur in Sabah (Malaysia) on the Island of Borneo. This study showed that Ni is mainly concentrated in the phloem in roots and stems (up to 16.9% Ni in phloem sap in Phyllanthus balgooyi) in all three species. However, the species differ in their leaves - in P. balgooyi the highest Ni concentration is in the phloem, but in P. securinegioides and R. bengalensis in the epidermis and in the spongy mesophyll (R. bengalensis). The chemical speciation of Ni(2+) does not substantially differ between the species nor between the plant tissues and transport fluids, and is unambiguously associated with citrate. This study combines ion microbeam (PIXE and RBS) and metabolomics techniques (GC-MS, LC-MS) with synchrotron methods (XAS) to overcome the drawbacks of the individual techniques to quantitatively determine Ni distribution and Ni(2+) chemical speciation in hyperaccumulator plants.Antony van der Ent, Damien L. Callahan, Barry N. Noller, Jolanta Mesjasz-Przybylowicz, Wojciech J. Przybylowicz, Alban Barnabas and Hugh H. Harri

    Low dose Naltrexone for induction of remission in inflammatory bowel disease patients

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    Background: Around 30% of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are refractory to current IBD drugs or relapse over time. Novel treatments are called for, and low dose Naltrexone (LDN) may provide a safe, easily accessible alternative treatment option for these patients. We investigated the potential of LDN to induce clinical response in therapy refractory IBD patients, and investigated its direct effects on epithelial barrier function. Methods: Patients not in remission and not responding to conventional therapy were offered to initiate LDN as a concomitant treatment. In total 47 IBD patients prescribed LDN were followed prospectively for 12 weeks. Where available, endoscopic remission data, serum and biopsies were collected. Further the effect of Naltrexone on wound healing (scratch assay), cytokine production and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress (GRP78 and CHOP western blot analysis, immunohistochemistry) were investigated in HCT116 and CACO2 intestinal epithelial cells, human IBD intestinal organoids and patient samples. Results: Low dose Naltrexone induce

    CFTR Expression Analysis in Human Nasal Epithelial Cells by Flow Cytometry

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    Rationale: Unbiased approaches that study aberrant protein expression in primary airway epithelial cells at single cell level may profoundly improve diagnosis and understanding of airway diseases. We here present a flow cytometric procedure to study CFTR expression in human primary nasal epithelial cells from patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Our novel approach may be important in monitoring of therapeutic responses, and better understanding of CF disease at the molecular level. Objectives: Validation of a panel of CFTR-directed monoclonal antibodies for flow cytometry and CFTR expression analysis in nasal epithelial cells from healthy controls and CF patients. Methods: We analyzed CFTR expression in primary nasal epithelial cells at single cell level using flow cytometry. Nasal cells were stained for pan-Cytokeratin, E cadherin, and CD45 (to discriminate epithelial cells and leukocytes) in combination with intracellular staining of CFTR. Healthy individuals and CF patients were compared. Measurements and Main Results: We observed various cellular populations present in nasal brushings that expressed CFTR protein at different levels. Our data indicated that CF patients homozygous for F508del express varying levels of CFTR protein in nasal epithelial cells, although at a lower level than healthy controls. Conclusion: CFTR protein is expressed in CF patients harboring F508del mutations but at lower levels than in healthy controls. Multicolor flow cytometry of nasal cells is a relatively simple procedure to analyze the composition of cellula

    The 3^3He(e, e′'d)p Reaction in qω\omega-constant Kinematics

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    The cross section for the 3^3He(e, e′'d)p reaction has been measured as a function of the missing momentum pmp_m in qω\omega -constant kinematics at beam energies of 370 and 576 MeV for values of the three-momentum transfer qq of 412, 504 and 604 \mevc. The L(+TT), T and LT structure functions have been separated for qq = 412 and 504 \mevc. The data are compared to three-body Faddeev calculations, including meson-exchange currents (MEC), and to calculations based on a covariant diagrammatic expansion. The influence of final-state interactions and meson-exchange currents is discussed. The pmp_m-dependence of the data is reasonably well described by all calculations. However, the most advanced Faddeev calculations, which employ the AV18 nucleon-nucleon interaction and include MEC, overestimate the measured cross sections, especially the longitudinal part, and at the larger values of qq. The diagrammatic approach gives a fair description of the cross section, but under(over)estimates the longitudinal (transverse) structure function.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure
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