55 research outputs found
Estudio del inicio y la finalización de la dentición permanente en un grupo de escolares de una población catalana
Este estudio pretende observar la erupción de la dentición permanente en niños y niñas residentes en una población de la provincia de Barcelona. La muestra se estudió en cuanto al sexo, la edad y los primeros y segundos molares erupcionados, encontrando que la primera pieza en aparecer es el primer molar a partir de los 5,33 años de edad, y de la misma forma, el segundo molar permanente es el que cierra todo el proceso eruptivo. Se adjuntan tablas para complementar la secuencia eruptiva
Key Figures on Alt Empordà 2022
Demografia; Salut; Economia; TerritoriDemografía; Salud; Economía; TerritorioDemographics; Health; Economy; TerritoryIndicadors Clau de l’Alt Empordà 2022 presenta una selecció de dades estadístiques sobre l’Alt Empordà i la demarcació de Girona. Aquestes dades s’emmarquen en l’àmbit municipal en tots aquells casos en què ha estat possible i, en altres en què no s’ha pogut obtenir informació prou detallada, es presenten en àmbit comarcal o provincial.
En aquest document es vol aportar una visió general que faciliti conèixer l’estat del territori amb dades de l’any 2021 o les més recents editades, i veure quines són les tendències actuals. El recull inclou dades sociodemogràfiques, de salut, d’economia, de medi ambient i d’altres recursos del territori.
En l’edició de 2022, com ja passava l’any anterior, s’objectiva la influència de l'epidèmia de COVID-19 en diversos indicadors i tendències.Indicadores Clave del Alt Empordà 2022 presenta una selección de datos estadísticos sobre el Alt Empordà y la demarcación de Girona. Estos datos se enmarcan en el ámbito municipal en todos aquellos casos en los que ha sido posible y, en los que no se ha podido obtener información lo suficientemente detallada, se presentan en ámbito comarcal o provincial.
En este documento se quiere aportar una visión general que facilite conocer el estado del territorio con datos del año 2021 o más recientes editados, y ver cuáles son las tendencias actuales. La recopilación incluye datos sociodemográficos, de salud, de economía, de medio ambiente y otros recursos del territorio.
En la edición de 2022, como ya pasaba el año anterior, se objetiva la influencia de la epidemia de COVID-19 en varios indicadores y tendencias.Key Figures on Alt Empordà 2022 presents a selection of statistics on Alt Empordà and the province of Girona. Whenever possible, this data is defined within the municipal scope, but in many cases, it has not been possible to obtain sufficiently detailed information, so the figures are for the whole area or provincial.
This document aims to provide a general view to help us find out about the state of the area using 2021 data or the most recent data available and identifying current trends. This document includes data on demographics, socio-demographics, health, economy, the territory and its resources.
As was the case last year, in the 2022 edition, the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic has been objectified in various indicators and trends
Evaluating intelligent interfaces for post-editing automatic transcriptions of online video lectures
Video lectures are fast becoming an everyday educational resource in higher education. They are being incorporated into existing university curricula around the world, while also emerging as a key component of the open education movement. In 2007, the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) implemented its poliMedia lecture capture system for the creation and publication of quality educational video content and now has a collection of over 10,000 video objects. In 2011, it embarked on the EU-subsidised transLectures project to add automatic subtitles to these videos in both Spanish and other languages. By doing so, it allows access to their educational content by non-native speakers and the deaf and hard-of-hearing, as well as enabling advanced repository management functions. In this paper, following a short introduction to poliMedia, transLectures and Docència en Xarxa (Teaching Online), the UPV s action plan to boost the use of digital resources at the university, we will discuss the three-stage evaluation process carried out with the collaboration of UPV lecturers to find the best interaction protocol for the task of post-editing automatic subtitles.Valor Miró, JD.; Spencer, RN.; Pérez González De Martos, AM.; Garcés Díaz-Munío, GV.; Turró Ribalta, C.; Civera Saiz, J.; Juan Císcar, A. (2014). Evaluating intelligent interfaces for post-editing automatic transcriptions of online video lectures. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning. 29(1):72-85. doi:10.1080/02680513.2014.909722S7285291Fujii, A., Itou, K., & Ishikawa, T. (2006). LODEM: A system for on-demand video lectures. Speech Communication, 48(5), 516-531. doi:10.1016/j.specom.2005.08.006Gilbert, M., Knight, K., & Young, S. (2008). Spoken Language Technology [From the Guest Editors]. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 25(3), 15-16. doi:10.1109/msp.2008.918412Leggetter, C. J., & Woodland, P. C. (1995). Maximum likelihood linear regression for speaker adaptation of continuous density hidden Markov models. Computer Speech & Language, 9(2), 171-185. doi:10.1006/csla.1995.0010Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCHI New Zealand Chapter’s International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Design Centered HCI - CHINZ ’08. (2008). doi:10.1145/1496976Martinez-Villaronga, A., del Agua, M. A., Andres-Ferrer, J., & Juan, A. (2013). Language model adaptation for video lectures transcription. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. doi:10.1109/icassp.2013.6639314Munteanu, C., Baecker, R., & Penn, G. (2008). Collaborative editing for improved usefulness and usability of transcript-enhanced webcasts. Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual CHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’08. doi:10.1145/1357054.1357117Repp, S., Gross, A., & Meinel, C. (2008). Browsing within Lecture Videos Based on the Chain Index of Speech Transcription. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 1(3), 145-156. doi:10.1109/tlt.2008.22Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI ’12. (2012). doi:10.1145/2166966Serrano, N., Giménez, A., Civera, J., Sanchis, A., & Juan, A. (2013). Interactive handwriting recognition with limited user effort. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), 17(1), 47-59. doi:10.1007/s10032-013-0204-5Torre Toledano, D., Ortega Giménez, A., Teixeira, A., González Rodríguez, J., Hernández Gómez, L., San Segundo Hernández, R., & Ramos Castro, D. (Eds.). (2012). Advances in Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages. Communications in Computer and Information Science. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35292-8Wald, M. (2006). Creating accessible educational multimedia through editing automatic speech recognition captioning in real time. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 3(2), 131-141. doi:10.1108/1741565068000005
Large scale analytics of global and regional MOOC providers: Differences in learners' demographics, preferences, and perceptions
[EN] Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) remarkably attracted global media attention, but the spotlight has been concentrated on a handful of English-language providers. While Coursera, edX, Udacity, and FutureLearn received most of the attention and scrutiny, an entirely new ecosystem of local MOOC providers was growing in parallel. This ecosystem is harder to study than the major players: they are spread around the world, have less staff devoted to maintaining research data, and operate in multiple languages with university and corporate regional partners. To better understand how online learning opportunities are expanding through this regional MOOC ecosystem, we created a research partnership among 15 different MOOC providers from nine countries. We gathered data from over eight million learners in six thousand MOOCs, and we conducted a large-scale survey with more than 10 thousand participants. From our analysis, we argue that these regional providers may be better positioned to meet the goals of expanding access to higher education in their regions than the better-known global providers. To make this claim we highlight three trends: first, regional providers attract a larger local population with more inclusive demographic profiles; second, students predominantly choose their courses based on topical interest, and regional providers do a better job at catering to those needs; and third, many students feel more at ease learning from institutions they already know and have references from. Our work raises the importance of local education in the global MOOC ecosystem, while calling for additional research and conversations across the diversity of MOOC providers.We would like to thank support from the MIT-SPAIN program sponsored by "la Caixa" Foundation SEED FUND. Jose A. Ruiperez-Valiente acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion program (IJC2020-044852-I). Xitong Li acknowledges funding support from the French National Research Agency (ANR) [Grants ANR AAPG iMOOC-18-CE28-0020-01 and Investissements d'Avenir LabEx Ecodec Grant ANR-11-LABX-0047].Ruipérez-Valiente, JA.; Staubitz, T.; Jenner, M.; Halawa, S.; Zhang, J.; Despujol, I.; Maldonado-Mahauad, J.... (2022). Large scale analytics of global and regional MOOC providers: Differences in learners' demographics, preferences, and perceptions. Computers & Education. 180:1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2021.10442611718
Tratamiento endoscópico de la obesidad: Técnica POSE utilizando la plataforma endoscópica sin incisiones (IOP). Estudio piloto prospectivo: Eficacia clínica y repercusión fisiológica
Está estructurada siguiendo las directrices de la normativa para la Presentación de tesis doctorales como un compendio de Publicaciones aprobado por el Consejo del Departamento de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona.
Artículos de la tesis:
Early Experience with the Incisionless Operating Platform
TM (IOP) for the Treatment of Obesity. The Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal (POSE) Procedure.
J. C. Espinós & R. Turró & A. Mata & M. Cruz & M. da Costa
& V. Villa & J. N. Buchwald & J. Turró
Obesity Surgery. 2013 Sep; 23(9):1375-83
Gastrointestinal Physiological Changes and Their Relationship to Weight Loss Following the POSE Procedure.
J. C. Espinós & R. Turró & G. Moragas & A. Bronstone &
J. N. Buchwald & F. Mearin & A. Mata & H. Uchima & J. Turró & S. Delgado-Aros.
Obesity Surgery. DOI 10.1007/s11695-015-1863-8
En el estudio 1 "Early Experience with the Incisionless Operating PlatformTM(IOP) for the Treatment of Obesity. The Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal (POSE) Procedure" se realiza el seguimiento de una serie consecutiva de 45 pacientes con obesidad tipos 1, II y III a los que se les realiza la intervención endoscópica "POSE" con la plataforma endoscópica "IOP" como tratamiento primario de su obesidad. Es la primera serie publicada a nivel mundial utilizando la técnica POSE como tratamiento primario de la obesidad.
Los resultados confirman las hipótesis de realización y seguridad de la técnica al conseguirse realizar en el 100% de los casos con un tiempo medio de 63 minutos, con alta antes de las 24 horas en todos los casos y solo dos interconsultas por dolor en las primeras 48 horas como efectos adversos.
La media de Porcentaje de sobrepeso perdido fué de 49,4+-21 % y del % de peso total de un 15,5+-6,1, resultados muy similares a los de las distintas técnicas quirúrgicas en el mismo plazo de tiempo.
En el estudio 2 se realiza un estudio de capacidad de ingesta calórica (test de saciedad), estudio de vaciamiento gástrico y de hormonas que participan en los mecanismos de hambre-saciedad (leptina, PYY, Ghrelina, péptido c, insulina, Glucosa) antes y a los 2 y seis meses post tratamiento endoscópico POSE de la obesidad. Se estudian 18 pacientes y se evidencia que a los 15 meses de seguimiento la pérdida de peso llega al 60% del sobrepeso y al 20 % del peso total. Se evidencia una disminución de casi el 50 % de la capacidad de ingesta calórica a los 2 y 6 meses con normalización y mejora de los valores basales y tras ingesta de glucosa, péptido c, insulina, grhelina y PYY.
Se concluye que:
1.- La utilización de la plataforma endoscópica IOP para la realización de plicaturas en estómago (Método POSE) como tratamiento primario de la obesidad, es una técnica realizable en un 100% de los casos en un tiempo limitado con muy buena tolerancia y sin efectos secundarios.
2. Los pacientes sometidos a este tratamiento presentan sensación de saciedad precoz y presentan una pérdida de peso significativa a los 6 meses y que se mantiene y aumenta a los 15 meses.
3.- Los mecanismos fisiológicos de acción del método POSE pasan por la disminución de la adaptabilidad del fundus gástrico, provocando una disminución de la capacidad de ingesta calórica. A este hecho se acompaña una disminución basal de la PYY pero con un importante aumento postpandrial. Como conclusión final, el método POSE es una técnica prometedora en el tratamiento endoscópico de la obesidad y reúne todas las condiciones requeridas de eficacia y seguridad tanto de las técnicas endoscópicas como de las quirúrgicas. Los estudios de seguimiento a largo plazo y los estudios comparativos controlados con otras técnicas permitirán delimitar la población de pacientes que se beneficiará más de esta técnica.Obesity Endoscopic treatment. POSE with the endoscopic Incisionless platform (10P). PILOT PROSPECTIVE STUDY. Clinical efficacy and physiological repercussion.
This doctoral thesis is structured according to the guidelines of the rules for the Presentation of doctoral thesis as a compendium of Publications approved by the Council of the Department of Medicine of the University of Barcelona.
Articles of the thesis:
Early Experience with the Incisionless Operating Platform
TM (10P) for the Treatment of Obesity. The Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal (POSE) Procedure.
J. C. EspinOs & r. TurrO A. Mata M. Cruz & M. da Costa & V. Villa & J. N. Buchwald & j. TurrO Obesity Surgery. 2013 Sep; 23 (9): 1375-83
Gastrointestinal Physiological Changes and Their Relationship to Weight Loss Following the POSE Procedure.
J. C. Espin6s & r. TurrO & g. Moragas & A. Bronstone &J. N. F. Mearin, Buchwald & H. Uchima & A. Mata & j. TurrO & S. delgado-Aros.
Obesity Surgery. DOI 10.1007/s11695-015-1863-8
Study 1: We analyze a series of 45 patients to whom we performed the endoscopic intervention "POSE" with the endoscopic platform "10P" as primary treatment for their obesity. It is the first series published worldwide using the POSE as primary treatment of obesity
The results confirm the hypothesis of performance and safety of the technique to be performed in 100% of cases with an average time 63 minutes, with no side effects.
The average percentage of overweight lost was 49, 4 ± 21% and % of total weight of 15, 5 ± 6, 1, results very similar to those of the different surgical techniques in the same time frame.
In the second paper we performed a study of the caloric intake capacity (test of satiety), a study of gastric emptying and hormones involved in the mechanisms of hunger and satiety (leptin, PYY, ghrelin, insulin, c-peptide, glucose) before and 2 and six months post POSE endoscopic treatment of obesity. We studied 18 patients and there was evidence that 15 months weight loss reaches 60% of overweight and 20% of the total weight. A decrease of almost 50% of the caloric intake capacity at 2 and 6 months with standardization and improvement of the baseline and after ingestion levels of glucose, c-peptide, insulin, ghrelin and PYY happened after the POSE procedure.
It is concluded that:
1. The use of endoscopic 10P platform for the realization of plication's in stomach (method POSE) as primary treatment of obesity is a workable technique in 100% of cases in a time-limited with very good tolerance and without side effects.
2. Patients undergoing this treatment have feeling of early satiety and presented a significant weight loss at six months and stay and increases up to 15 months.
3. The physiological action of the POSE method mechanisms go through the decrease of the adaptability of the fundus of the stomach, causing a decrease in caloric intake capacity. This fact is accompanied by a basal decrease the PYY but with an important increase in others.
As a final conclusion, the POSE method is a promising technique in the Endoscopic treatment of obesity. Long-term follow-up and controlled studies will allow delimiting the population of patients that will benefit more of this technique
Gastrointestinal physiological changes and their relationship to weight loss following the POSE procedure.
BACKGROUND: Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal (POSE) is a novel bariatric endoscopic procedure that has been shown to reduce weight safely through 12 months. The study investigated potential mechanisms of weight loss following POSE. METHODS: Patients with class I-II obesity received transmural plications in the gastric fundus and distal gastric body. Patients were evaluated at baseline and at 2- and 6-month follow-up with gastric-emptying (GE) scintigraphy, a validated test of intake capacity (kcal) and plasma glucose homeostasis hormones/gastrointestinal peptides. Weight was recorded through 15 months. Mean data and 95 % CIs are reported. Regression modeling assessed variables that influenced total weight loss (%TWL) and excess weight loss (%EWL). RESULTS: POSE was performed on 18 patients (14 F/4 M); mean age 39 years (34-44), body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2)) 36 (95 % CI, 35; 37). At 15 months (n = 15), mean TWL was 19.1 ± 6.6 % (15.5; 22.8) and EWL was 63.7 ± 25.1 % (49.8; 77.6). At 2 and 6 months (n = 18), intake capacity decreased significantly from 901 (685; 1117) to 473 (345; 600) and 574 kcal (418; 730), respectively (p < 0.001). At 2 months, GE was delayed but returned to baseline levels at 6 months (n = 18). Glucose/insulin ratio improved (p < 0.05). Postprandial decrease in ghrelin was enhanced (p = 0.03) as well as postprandial increase in PYY (p = 0.001). The best model for EWL prediction 15 months after POSE (R (2): 66 %, p = 0.006) included pre-POSE BMI, post-POSE GE, and postprandial PYY increase. CONCLUSIONS: The POSE procedure was followed by significant sustained weight loss and improved glucose homeostasis and satiation peptide responses. Weight loss following POSE may be mediated through changes in gastrointestinal neuro-endocrine physiology.Manuscript development was financially supported by USGI Medical, Inc., US
Estudio del inicio y la finalización de la dentición permanente en un grupo de escolares de una población catalana
Este estudio pretende observar la erupción de la dentición permanente en niños y niñas residentes en una población de la provincia de Barcelona. La muestra se estudió en cuanto al sexo, la edad y los primeros y segundos molares erupcionados, encontrando que la primera pieza en aparecer es el primer molar a partir de los 5,33 años de edad, y de la misma forma, el segundo molar permanente es el que cierra todo el proceso eruptivo. Se adjuntan tablas para complementar la secuencia eruptiva
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