34 research outputs found

    Learning to be green: Accounting comparability and environmental violations

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData availability: Data will be made available on request.Over recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the costs to the environment of corporate actions. We posit that accounting comparability between a firm and its peers, facilitates firm learning of the impact peer firm activities have on the environment. This learning allows the firm to reduce its own environmental violations. In line with this conjecture, our findings show that accounting comparability is negatively associated with environmental violations. Further, the reduction in firm environmental violations is larger in the presence of comparable peer firms disclosing low toxic releases, suggesting that firms are better able to learn from peer firms with low environmental impact. Our results provide novel evidence that accounting comparability facilitates green learning and therefore benefits society at large by reducing environmental harm

    An HDAC6-dependent surveillance mechanism suppresses tau-mediated neurodegeneration and cognitive decline

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    Tauopathies including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are marked by the accumulation of aberrantly modified tau proteins. Acetylated tau, in particular, has recently been implicated in neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. HDAC6 reversibly regulates tau acetylation, but its role in tauopathy progression remains unclear. Here, we identified an HDAC6-chaperone complex that targets aberrantly modified tau. HDAC6 not only deacetylates tau but also suppresses tau hyperphosphorylation within the microtubule-binding region. In neurons and human AD brain, HDAC6 becomes co-aggregated within focal tau swellings and human AD neuritic plaques. Using mass spectrometry, we identify a novel HDAC6-regulated tau acetylation site as a disease specific marker for 3R/4R and 3R tauopathies, supporting uniquely modified tau species in different neurodegenerative disorders. Tau transgenic mice lacking HDAC6 show reduced survival characterized by accelerated tau pathology and cognitive decline. We propose that a HDAC6-dependent surveillance mechanism suppresses toxic tau accumulation, which may protect against the progression of AD and related tauopathies

    Radon intercomparison tests – Katowice, 2016

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    At the beginning of the year 2016, the representatives of the Polish Radon Centre decided to organize profi ciency tests (PTs) for measurements of radon gas and radon decay products in the air, involving radon monitors and laboratory passive techniques. The Silesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity of the Central Mining Institute (GIG), Katowice, became responsible for the organization of the PT exercises. The main reason to choose that location was the radon chamber in GIG with a volume of 17 m3, the biggest one in Poland. Accordingly, 13 participants from Poland plus one participant from Germany expressed their interest. The participants were invited to inform the organizers about what types of monitors and methods they would like to check during the tests. On this basis, the GIG team prepared the proposal for the schedule of exercises, such as the required level(s) of radon concentrations, the number and periods of tests, proposed potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC) levels and also the overall period of PT. The PT activity was performed between 6th and 17th June 2016. After assessment of the results, the agreement between radon monitors and other measurement methods was confi rmed. In the case of PAEC monitors and methods of measurements, the results of PT exercises were consistent and confi rmed the accuracy of the calibration procedures used by the participants. The results of the PAEC PTs will be published elsewhere; in this paper, only the results of radon intercomparison are described

    Gamma spectrometry as a tool of verification and refinement of radiological parameters documentation of mineral resouces in deposit

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    Porównano gamma-spektrometryczne pomiary aktywności 40K oraz izotopów z szeregów rozpadu 238U i 232Th wykonane spektrometrem RS230 in situ w zakładach eksploatujących złoża surowców mineralnych z wynikami laboratoryjnymi CLOR. Kombinacja tych wyników w formie wskaźników aktywności f1 i f2 jest podstawą oceny bezpieczeństwa materiałów budowlanych. Przy pomocy radiometru EKO-D mierzono całkowitą (obejmująca promieniowanie kosmiczne) moc dawki równoważnej promieniowania gamma. Wykazano, że dokładność pomiarów in situ jest porównywalna z wynikami analiz laboratoryjnych i że pomiary całkowitej mocy dawki równoważnej promieniowania gamma wykonywane przy użyciu radiometru EKO-D mogą być w wielu wypadkach wystarczające do oceny bezpieczeństwa materiału budowlanego.In situ gamma spectrometric measurements of 40K, 238U and 232Th series activity performed by means of RS230 radiometer have been compared with standard CLOR laboratory analyzes. Combination of these parameters in form of f1and f2 activity indices is crucial for radiological safety assessment of building material. Total gamma dose rate (including cosmic radiation) has been measured by means of EKO-D radiometer. Obtained results indicate that in situ measurements are comparable with laboratory analyzes and total gamma dose rate measured by means of EKO-D radiometer can be used for radiation safety estimation

    Assessment of radiological parameters of natural stones by means of in situ gamma spectrometry

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    Przy użyciu gamma spektrometru RS 230 przeprowadzono pomiary in situ zawartości potasu K-40 oraz pierwiastków promieniotwórczych szeregów rozpadu uranu U-238 oraz toru Th-232 w blokach kamiennych na terenie centrum handlu kamieniem naturalnym. Dokonano oceny bezpieczeństwa materiałów budowlanych na podstawie wyliczonych wskaźników aktywności f 1 oraz f 2 . Badania wykazały, że nie wszystkie kamienie naturalne spełniają wymagania określone dla surowców i materiałów budowlanych stosowanych w budynkach przeznaczonych na pobyt ludzi lub inwentarza żywego. Równocześnie z pomiarami gamma spektrometrycznymi przeprowadzono pomiar całkowitej mocy dawki równoważnej przy użyciu radiometru EKO D. Wykazano, że radiometr ten może być wystarczającym narzędziem do oceny in situ zagrożenia radiacyjnego.In situ measurements of potassium K-40 content and contents of radionuclides of uranium U-238 and thorium Th-232 decay series in blocks of stone within a natural stone trade center have been performed by means of gamma spectrometer RS 230. The safety of building materials has been assessed on the basis of calculated f 1 and f 2 activity indices. The research has shown that not all of the natural stones comply the requirements defined for raw materials and building materials used in buildings designed for people and livestock. Simultaneously with gamma spectrometric measurements, the measurement of the total equivalent dose rate has been performed by means of radiometer ECO D. It has been shown that this radiometer can be a sufficient tool for the in situ assessment of radiation risk.dose rate has been performed by means of radiometer ECO D. It has been shown that this radiometer can be a sufficient tool for the in situ assessment of radiation risk

    Hesperidin and naringin, two main flavonoids of citrus fruit, modulate bone metabolism in gonad-intact senescent male rats

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    1 page.Among fruit, citrus varieties are important sources of polyphenolic compounds, which could be responsible for the health-promoting effects. In the present study the effect of hesperidin (Hp) and naringin (Nar), the two major citrus flavonoids (flavanones), in regulating bone metabolism was examined in elderly male rats.Peer reviewe

    In situ assessment of building materiał radioactivity of tourist promenadę in Wrocław

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    Za pomocą przenośnego gainma-spektrometru RS-320 wykonano pomiary mocy dawki promieniowania gamma DK,ii,Tn [nGy/h], generowanej przez naturalne materiały kamienne oraz zawartości uranu, toru i potasu. W pierwszym etapie badań zmierzono zmienność mocy dawki w zależności od grubości warstwy płytek granitowych. Stwierdzono, że w miarę wzrostu miąższości warstwy do wartości 8,4 cm następuje stopniowy wzrost mocy dawki do wartości 84 nGy/h. Powyżej miąższości 8,4 cm dalszy wzrost miąższości warstwy nie powoduje widocznego wzrostu mocy dawki promieniowania gamma, a niewielkie kilkuprocentowe wahania związane są z naturalną zmiennością składu płytek. W drugim etapie badań przeprowadzono pomiary mocy dawki promieniowania gamma DK. u, Th [nGy/h], generowanej przez naturalne materiały kamienne, zastosowane do budowy promenady na ulicy Świdnickiej we Wrocławiu. Pomiary wykonano w trzech profilach wysokościowych. Pierwsza seria pomiarów, wykonana bezpośrednio na płytach kamiennych, wykazywała znaczne zróżnicowanie mocy dawki promieniowania gamma, wahające się w przedziale od 107,4 nGy/h dla bazaltów do 173,0 nGy/h dla czerwonych granitów. Pomiary wykonane na wysokości 0,5 i 1,0 m wskazują na stopniowe uśrednianie wyników, wynikające z nakładania się efektów przylegających do siebie pasów wykonanych z różnych materiałów kamiennych. Gamma-spektrometryczne pomiary in situ umożliwiają bardziej wszechstronną analizę zagrożeń radiacyjnych niż klasyczne pomiary laboratoryjne materiałów budowlanych. Jest to możliwe dzięki pomiarowi końcowego efektu radiacyjnego wynikającego z różnych rozmiarów i geometrii badanych budowli.Absorbed radiation dose of terrestrial gamma dose rate DK, u, n. [nGy/h] emitted by building stone has been measured using RS-320 gamma-spectrometer. Also uranium, thorium and potassium content has been measured. In the first stage relation of emitted dose to the thickness of granite tiles layer has been measured and analyzed. Dose increase is evidently related to the layer thickness in the range below 8.4 cm. Later on, further increase of granite layer thickness does not result in significant increasing trend in gamma dose and observed variation is related to natural differences in composition of granite tiles. In the second stage measurements on the promenade of the Świdnicka street in Wrocław have been carried out in the place where various stone materials (basalt, granodiorite, red and grey granite) have been used. In the case of measurements located directly on the promenade surface gamma dose range varied from 107.4 nGy/h (basalt) to 173.0 nGy/h (red granite). Measurements at the altitude of 0.5 and 1.0 m resulted in more averaged values due to influence of adjacent less radioactive stones. In situ gamma-spectrometric measurements seem to be more effective tool of radiological risk assessment than traditional laboratory analyses of building stones due to the possibility of analyzing finał result of various geometries and thicknesses of measured constructions

    Application of gamma spectrometry for prospecting and quality assesment of rock raw materials

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    Wskazano na potencjalne możliwość gamma spektrometrii w zakresie poszukiwania i oceny jakości złóż. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono złożom surowców skalnych. Na przykładzie triasowych arkoz Sudetów wskazano na możliwość zastosowania przenośnych gamma spektrometrów do poszukiwania skaleni potasowych - surowca przemysłu ceramicznego. Na przykładzie złóż: glin ogniotrwałych w Rusku-Jaroszowie, kaolinu w Nowogrodźcu i surowca kaolinowego z kopalni Turów podjęto próbę porównania wyników pomiarów gamma spektrometrycznych z diagramem klasyfikacyjnym obejmującym pola takich minerałów jak: chloryt, kaolinit, smektyt, montmorylonit, illit, muskowit, skalenie, glaukonit, kwarc.Potential of gamma spectrometry application for exploration and evaluation of the quality of the mineral deposits was analysed. Particular attention was paid to deposits of rock materials. The application of portable gamma spectrometers for prospecting for K feldspar in the Sudetic Triassic arkose was shown. Comparison of the results of gamma spectrometric measurements in deposits of Rusko-Jaroszów refractory clays, Nowogrodziec kaoline and byproduct kaolin of lignite mine Turow was made with classification diagram covering the fields of minerals such as: chlorite, kaolinite, smectite, montmorillonite, illite, muscovite, feldspar, glauconite, quartz

    Hesperidin inhibits ovariectomized-induced osteopenia and shows differential effects on bone mass and strength in young and adult intact rats

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    7 pages, 3 tables, 1 figure.The main aim of this study was to investigate the bone-sparing effect of hesperidin, one of the main flavonoid present in oranges, in two age groups of ovariectomized female rats, compared with their intact controls. Young (3 mo) and adult (6 mo) female Wistar rats were sham operated (SH) or ovariectomized (OVX) and then pair-fed for 90 days a casein-based diet supplemented or not with 0.5% hesperidin (Hp; n = 10/group). In older rats, Hp intake led to a partial inhibition of OVX-induced bone loss, whereas a complete inhibition was obtained in younger animals. At both ages, while plasma osteocalcin concentrations were unchanged, urinary excretion of deoxypyridinoline was reduced by Hp intake, suggesting that Hp was able to slow down bone resorption. Unexpectedly, in intact young rats, Hp consumption resulted in a significant increase in bone mineral density (BMD). Indeed, 6-mo-old HpSH rats had a similar BMD to 9-mo-old nontreated SH adult rats, suggesting an accelerated bone mass gain in the young rats. In contrast, in intact adult rats, Hp did not further increase BMD but did improve their bone strength. The results of this study show a protective effect of Hp on bone loss in OVX rats of both ages without uterine stimulation and accompanied by a lipid-lowering effect. The unexpected and intriguing findings obtained in intact rats showing improved BMD in young rats and improved femoral load in adult rats merit further investigation. The bone and lipid benefits of hesperidin make it an attractive dietary agent for the management of the health of postmenopausal women.Peer reviewe