312 research outputs found

    Beyoğlu'nun adı

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 38-Beyoğlu-İstiklal Caddesiİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Generalizations of ⊕ -supplemented modules

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    We introduce ⊕-radical supplemented modules and strongly ⊕-radical supplemented modules (briefly, srs⊕-modules) as proper generalizations of ⊕-supplemented modules. We prove that (1) a semilocal ring R is left perfect if and only if every left R-module is an ⊕-radical supplemented module; (2) a commutative ring R is an Artinian principal ideal ring if and only if every left R-module is a srs⊕-module; (3) over a local Dedekind domain, every ⊕-radical supplemented module is a srs⊕-module. Moreover, we completely determine the structure of these modules over local Dedekind domains.Введено поняття ⊕-радикальних доповнюваних модулiв та сильно ⊕-радикальних доповнюваних модулiв (скорочено srs⊕-модулiв) як вiдповiдних узагальнень ⊕-доповнюваних модулiв. Доведено, що: (1) напiвлокальне кiльце R є досконалим злiва тодi i тiльки тодi, коли кожен лiвий R-модуль є ⊕-радикальним доповнюваним модулем; (2) комутативне кiльце R є артiновим кiльцем головних iдеалiв тодi i тiльки тодi, коли кожен лiвий R-модуль є srs⊕-модулем; (3) над локальною дедекiндовою областю кожен ⊕-радикальний доповнюваний модуль є srs⊕-модулем. Повнiстю визначено структуру цих модулiв над локальними дедекiндовими областями

    Structural motifs of pre-nucleation clusters

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    Structural motifs of pre-nucleation clusters prepared in single, optically levitated supersaturated aqueous aerosol microparticles containing CaBr2 as a model system are reported. Cluster formation is identified by means of X-ray absorption in the Br K-edge regime. The salt concentration beyond the saturation point is varied by controlling the humidity in the ambient atmosphere surrounding the 15–30 μm microdroplets. This leads to the formation of metastable supersaturated liquid particles. Distinct spectral shifts in near-edge spectra as a function of salt concentration are observed, in which the energy position of the Br K-edge is red-shifted by up to 7.1 ± 0.4 eV if the dilute solution is compared to the solid. The K-edge positions of supersaturated solutions are found between these limits. The changes in electronic structure are rationalized in terms of the formation of pre- nucleation clusters. This assumption is verified by spectral simulations using first-principle density functional theory and molecular dynamics calculations, in which structural motifs are considered, explaining the experimental results. These consist of solvated CaBr2 moieties, rather than building blocks forming calcium bromide hexahydrates, the crystal system that is formed by drying aqueous CaBr2 solutions

    Model based analysis of the variation in Korotkoff sound onset time during exercise

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    In this study, a minimal mathematical model of the cardiovascular system is used to study the effects of changes in arterial compliance and cardiac contractility on the onset time of Korotkoff sounds during an auscultatory procedure. The model provides blood pressure waveforms in the ventricle, the aorta and the brachial artery. From these waveforms, pre-ejection time, pulse propagation time and rise time of the blood pressure at the brachial artery can be computed. The time delay between onset time of ECG Q wave and onset time of Korotkoff sound is the sum of these three times. Rise time is zero and the time delay is minimal when the cuff pressure is slightly above the diastolic pressure. This minimum time delay is represented by QKD. Simulation results suggest that during the Bruce exercise protocol QKD decreases to one-third of its pre-exercise value if the cardiac contractility increases threefold. The effect of arterial compliance is not as significant as that of the cardiac contractility. From data recorded during an exercise test, it is observed that QKD decreases considerably as the test load is increased. We show in this study that the amount of decrease in QKD can be used as an index of the amount of increase in cardiac contractility during an exercise ECG test. Use of signal averaging for reducing the effect of motion artifacts during an exercise test is also shown to be very instrumental for making accurate QKD measurements

    Flow cytometric maturity score as a novel prognostic parameter in patients with acute myeloid leukemia

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    The European LeukemiaNet (ELN) classification is widely accepted for risk stratification of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In order to establish immunophenotypic features that predict prognosis, the expression of single AML blast cell antigens has been evaluated with partly conflicting results; however, the influence of immunophenotypic blast maturity is largely unknown. In our study, 300 AML patients diagnosed at our institution between January 2003 and April 2012 were analyzed. A flow cytometric maturity score was developed in order to distinguish "mature" AML (AML-ma) from "immature" AML (AML-im) by quantitative expression levels of early progenitor cell antigens (CD34, CD117, and TdT). AML-ma showed significantly longer relapse-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) than AML-im (p < 0.001). Interestingly, statistically significant differences in RFS and OS were maintained within the "intermediate-risk" group according to ELN (RFS, 7.0 years (AML-ma) vs. 3.3 years (AML-im); p = 0.002; OS, 5.1 years (AML-ma) vs. 3.0 years (AML-im); p = 0.022). Our novel flow cytometric score easily determines AML blast maturity and can predict clinical outcome. It remains to be clarified whether these results simply reflect an accumulation of favorable molecular phenotypes in the AML-ma subgroup or whether they rely on biological differences such as a higher proportion of leukemia stem cells and/or a higher degree of genetic instability within the AML-im subgroup

    Substrate selectivity and inhibition of histidine JmjC hydroxylases MINA53 and NO66.

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    Non-haem Fe(II) and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) dependent oxygenases catalyse oxidation of multiple proteins in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. We describe studies on the substrate selectivity and inhibition of the human ribosomal oxygenases (ROX) MINA53 and NO66, members of the JmjC 2OG oxygenase subfamily, which catalyse C-3 hydroxylation of histidine residues in Rpl27a and Rpl8, respectively. Assays with natural and unnatural histidine analogues incorporated into Rpl peptides provide evidence that MINA53 and NO66 have narrow substrate selectivities compared to some other human JmjC hydroxylases, including factor inhibiting HIF and JMJD6. Notably, the results of inhibition assays with Rpl peptides containing histidine analogues with acyclic side chains, including Asn, Gln and homoGln, suggest the activities of MINA53/NO66, and by implication related 2OG dependent protein hydroxylases/demethylases, might be regulated in vivo by competition with non-oxidised proteins/peptides. The inhibition results also provide avenues for development of inhibitors selective for MINA53 and NO66

    Schiff base-Poloxamer P85 combination demonstrates chemotherapeutic effect on prostate cancer cells in vitro

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    © 2016 Elsevier Masson SASProstate cancer is a multistep and complicated cancer type that is regulated by androgens at the cellular level and remains the second commonest cause of death among men. Discovery and development of novel chemotherapeutic agents enabling rapid tumor cell death with minimal toxic effects to healthy tissues might greatly improve the safety of chemotherapy. The present study evaluates the anti-cancer activity of a novel heterodinuclear copper(II)Mn(II) complex (Schiff base) in combination with poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(propylene oxide) block copolymer (Pluronic) P85. We used assays for cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell migration and invasion, DNA binding and cleavage to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of action, in addition to the anti-inflammatory potency of the new combination. The combined treatment of Schiff base and P85 lead to a remarkable anti-cancer effect on prostate cancer cell lines. Cell proliferation was inhibited in Schiff base-P85 treatment. The activity of this formulation is on DNA binding and cleavage and prevents inflammation in in vitro conditions. This is the first study presenting the anti-cancer activity of the present Schiff base derivative and its combination with P85 to treat prostate cancer in vitro