66 research outputs found


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    The analysis of biochemical indeces of mineral metabolism and the results of densitometry in children with chronic gastroduodenitis (the duration of disease — 1-5 years) have revealed the signs of osteologic pathology associated with mineral metabolism disturbances, depending on alkaline phosphatase aectivity. The findings of our investigation prove the necessity of seeking the ways to correct osteologic changes.Проведено анализ биохимических показателей минерального обмена веществ й результатов денситометрии у детей с хроническим гастродуоденитом при сроке заболевания 1-5 лет. Результати исследований показали наличие признаков остеопороза й остеосклероза на фоне нарушенного минерального обмена в зависимости от активности щелочной фосфатази, что указывает на необходимость поиска коррекции выявленных изменений.Проведено аналіз біохімічних показників мінерального обміну речовин та результатів денситометрії у дітей з хронічним гастродуоденітом при терміні захворювання 1-5 років. Результати досліджень показали наявність ознак остеопорозу та остеосклерозу на тлі порушеного мінерального обміну в залежності від активності лужної фосфатази, що вказує на необхідність пошуку корекції виявлених змін


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    40 children with chronic pyelonephritis aged 5-14 years were examined. Research of level in blood of phosphorus and calcium for the children of a chronic pyelonephritis at 20 % patients was found hyperphosphatemia, and at 17% - hypоphosphatemia. At 8 % children are marked increase of level of calcium in the serum of blood and at 27% it is his decline.Обследовано 40 детей с хроническим пиелонефритом в возрасте 5-14 лет. Исследование уровня в крови фосфора и кальция у детей з ХПН у 20 % больных виявлено гиперфосфатемию, а у 17 % - гипофосфатемию. У 8 % детей отмечено повышение уровня кальция в сыворотке крови и у 27 % - его снижение.Обстежено 40 дітей з хронічним пієлонефритом у віці 5-14 років. При аналізі вмісту в крові фосфору і кальцію у дітей з ХПН у 20 % хворих виявлено гіперфосфатемію, а у 17% - гіпофосфатемію. У 8 % дітей відмічено підвищення рівня кальцію в сироватці крові і у 27 % - його зниження


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    The article shows peculiarities of cardio-vascular disorders among pre-military-age boysinTernopil region. It’s established, that the autonomous vascular dysfunction is detected in 75.9 % observed boys, mitral valve prolapse in 48.1 % patients. The autonomous vascular dysfunction has hypertensive type in 62.9 % and cardial type in 12.0% cases.Работа посвящена изучению кардиологической патологии у допризывников Тернопольской области. Установлено, что вегето-сосудистая дисфункция регистрируется в 75,9 % обследованных, пролапс митрального клапана - 48,1 % пациентов. Вегето-сосудистая дисфункция, в основном, протекает за гипертоническим (62,9 %) и кардиальным типом (12,0 %).Робота присвячена вивченню кардіологічної патології у допризовників Тернопільської області. Встановлено, що вегето-судинна дисфункція реєструється в 75,9% обстежених, пролапс морального клапана -48,1 % пацієнтів. Вегето-судинна дисфункція, в основному, протікає за гіпертонічним (62,9 %) та кардіальним типом (12,0 %)

    Nemateriālo aktīvu grāmatvedības metodoloģiskās problēmas Latvijas Republikā

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    Nonfluorinated hydrophobic surfaces are of interest for reduced cost, toxicity, and environmental problems. Searching for such surfaces together with versatile processing, A200 silica nanoparticles are modified with an oligodimethylsiloxane and used by themselves or with a polymer matrix. The goal of the surface modification is controlled aggregate size and stable suspensions. Characterization is done by NMR, microanalysis, nitrogen adsorption, and dynamic light scattering. The feasibility of the concept is then demonstrated. The silica aggregates are sprayed in a scalable process to form ultrahydrophobic and imperceptible coatings with surface topographies of controlled nanoscale roughness onto different supports, including nanofibrillated cellulose. To improve adhesion and wear properties, the organosilica was mixed with polymers. The resulting composite coatings are characterized by FE-SEM, AFM, and contact angle measurements. Depending on the nature of the polymer, different functionalities can be developed. Poly­(methyl methacrylate) leads to almost superhydrophobic and highly transparent coatings. Composites based on commercial acrylic car paint show “pearl-bouncing” droplet behavior. A light-emitting polyfluorene is synthesized to prepare luminescent and water repellent coatings on different supports. The interactions between polymers and the organosilica influence coating roughness and are critical for wetting behavior. In summary, the feasibility of a facile, rapid, and fluorine-free hydrophobization concept was successfully demonstrated in multipurpose antiwetting applications

    Switchable adhesion by chemical functionality and topography

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    Progress in adhesion technology over the last few decades has led to widespread replacement of mechanical fasteners with adhesive bonds. Despite the advances, it remains challenging to produce materials that are sticky on demand. In this feature article we highlight recent efforts to develop reversibly switchable adhesives, that exhibit the ability to trigger adhesion in response to an environmental change – for example, pH, solvent, temperature, mechanics, and electro/magnetic field. We review two initially separate design principles to induce switchable adhesion: (1) chemical functionality and (2) topography. Combining both approaches may lead to novel hierarchical adhesives with interesting property profiles

    Protein-resistant polymer coatings based on surface-adsorbed poly(aminoethyl methacrylate)/poly(ethylene glycol) copolymers.

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    We report on the protein-resistant properties of glass substrates coated with novel copolymers of 2-aminoethyl methacrylate hydrochloride and poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (AEM-PEG). In comparison to currently available protein-blocking polymer systems, such as poly-l-lysine-poly(ethylene glycol), silane-based poly(ethylene glycol), and poly(ethylene glycol) brushes prepared by surface-initiated polymerization, the proposed AEM-PEG offers the combined advantages of low cost, simplicity of use, and applicability in aqueous solutions. We demonstrate the capability of AEM-PEG to block the surface binding of globular proteins (tubulin), their assemblies (microtubules), and functional motor proteins (kinesin-1). Moreover, we demonstrate the applicability of AEM-PEG for surface patterning of proteins in microfluidic devices

    Simple and fast method for the fabrication of switchable bicomponent micropatterned polymer surfaces

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    We report on the fabrication of micropatterned polymer surfaces that allow the reversible inversion of surface topography, charge, and wettability. Micropatterned surfaces were prepared by grafting two oppositely charged polyelectrolytes (poly(acrylic acid) and poly(2-vinylpyridine)) using a combination of photolithography, "lift off", and "grafting to" techniques. The switchable surfaces are of interest in microprinting and for the design of microfluidic devices and programmed protein adsorption