15 research outputs found

    10. Sitzung der § 35 LMBG-Arbeitsgruppe Mineralwasser (chem)

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    Bericht �ber die 12. Sitzung der � 35 LMBG AG Mineralwasser (chem.)

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    Untersuchungen zur Kontamination der Muttermilch in Hessen mit chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen und zur Verunreinigung mit Arsen, Bleiund Cadmium in drei ausgewaehlten Hessischen Gebieten

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    Schlussfolgerungen: Zukuenftig sollte auch weiterhin den stillenden Frauen die Moeglichkeit der kostenlosen Untersuchung ihrer Milch geboten werden. Sie erhalten hierdurch eine Entscheidungshilfe, ob undwie lange sie ihr Kind mit Humanmilch ernaehren sollten. Dies gilt besonders, wenn der Wunsch besteht, laenger als vier bis sechs Monate zu stillen. Die gesundheitliche Entwicklung der gestillten Kinder sollte durch epidemiologische Studien kontinuierlich ueberwacht werdenAvailable from: Giessen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Universitaetsbibliothek / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Data from: Spatially correlated extinctions select for less emigration but larger dispersal distances in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae

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    Dispersal is a central process to almost all species on earth, as it connects spatially structured populations and thereby increases population persistence. Dispersal is subject to (rapid) evolution and local patch extinctions are an important selective force in this context. In contrast to the randomly distributed local extinctions considered in most theoretical studies, habitat fragmentation or other anthropogenic interventions will lead to spatially correlated extinction patterns. Under such conditions natural selection is thought to lead to more long-distance dispersal, but this theoretical prediction has not yet been verified empirically. We test this hypothesis in experimental spatially structured populations of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae and supplement these empirical results with insights from an individual-based evolutionary model. We demonstrate that the spatial correlation of local extinctions changes the entire distribution of dispersal distances (dispersal kernel) and selects for overall less emigration but more long-distance dispersal

    Data from: Spatially correlated extinctions select for less emigration but larger dispersal distances in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae

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    Dispersal is a central process to almost all species on earth, as it connects spatially structured populations and thereby increases population persistence. Dispersal is subject to (rapid) evolution and local patch extinctions are an important selective force in this context. In contrast to the randomly distributed local extinctions considered in most theoretical studies, habitat fragmentation or other anthropogenic interventions will lead to spatially correlated extinction patterns. Under such conditions natural selection is thought to lead to more long-distance dispersal, but this theoretical prediction has not yet been verified empirically. We test this hypothesis in experimental spatially structured populations of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae and supplement these empirical results with insights from an individual-based evolutionary model. We demonstrate that the spatial correlation of local extinctions changes the entire distribution of dispersal distances (dispersal kernel) and selects for overall less emigration but more long-distance dispersal

    simulation package

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    The simualtion package contains all simulated data. The folders indicate the scenarios. Both individual- and population level output is included

    data package

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    Every file provides the data for the respective life-history trait or for the dispersal distances. Header lines describe the content of every column. Generally the first columns are explanatory variables and the last column(s) represent(s) the data of interest