536 research outputs found

    The embedded cluster or association Trumpler 37 in IC1396: a search for evolutionary constraints

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    It is currently widely accepted that open star clusters and stellar associations result from the evolution of embedded star clusters. Parameters such star formation efficiency, time-scale of gas removal and velocity dispersion can be determinants of their future as bound or unbound systems. Finding objects at an intermediate evolution state can provide constraints to model the embedded cluster evolution. In the HII region IC1396, Trumpler 37 is an extended young cluster that presents characteristics of an association. We employed the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry to analysing its structure and stellar content, and determining its astrophysical parameters. We also analysed 11 bright-rimmed clouds in IC1396 in order to search for young infrared star clusters, and the background open star cluster Teutsch 74, to verify whether it has any contribution to the observed stellar density profile of Trumpler 37. The derived parameters and comparison with template objects from other studies lead us to conclude that Trumpler 37, rather than as a star cluster, will probably emerge from its molecular cloud as an OB association.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 6 table

    Experiences with high definition interactive video conferencing

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    We review the design and implementation of UltraGrid, a new high definition video conferencing system, and present some experimental results. UltraGrid was the first system to support gigabit rate high definition interactive video conferencing on commodity systems and networks, and we present measurements to illustrate behavior of production networks subject to such real time traffic. We illustrate the benefits of hybrid IP/provisioned optical networks over best effort IP networks for this class of traffic, and motivate the development of congestion control algorithms for interactive conferencing on best effort IP networks

    Reinforcement of Earth Structures with Cast-In-Place Piles in the Expanded Boreholes

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    This given work has been dedicated to samples of the constructive layouts for simplified rigid rollers, grounds categories as per labour input of the holes to be unreeled, constructive layouts for strengthening ground constructions with cast-in-place piles in the unreeled holes (PUH). A formula for assessment of the distance between PUH is also given here as well as some results of the studies as per compacted areas of the space around piles and improving PUH ground characteristics (ρd and E)

    A taxonomy of interactions in socio-technical systems: A functional perspective

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    Although the modelling of interactions has long been at the core of socio-technical systems theory, and is a key for understanding resilience, there is a lack of a holistic taxonomy of interactions. This study introduces a taxonomy of interactions to be used in association with the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM). The taxonomy has nine criteria: nature of agents, output nature, levelling, waiting time, distance, degree of coupling, visibility, safety and/or security hazards, and parallel replications. For each criterion, two descriptors are proposed: what the interaction looks like; and - when applicable - the variability level of the interaction. The use of the taxonomy is presented for three systems with clearly distinct complexity characteristics: cash withdrawal from an ATM, teaching a university course, and manufacturing operations. These case studies indicate the usefulness of the taxonomy for the identification of leverage points in work system design. They also show the value of modelling the variability of the interactions in FRAM models, in addition to the traditional modelling of the variability of the outputs of functions. Implications of the taxonomy for resilience engineering are discussed

    Suitability of brackish water tilapia species from the Ivory Coast for lagoon aquaculture : 2. Growth and rearing methods

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    En élevage intensif, les deux espèces de tilapia lagunaire, #T. guineensis et #S. melanotheron, se sont avérées décevantes. En effet, même dans la situation la plus favorable, l'élevage monosexe mâle de #S. melanotheron,unevitessedecroissancemeˊdiocre(delordrede0.5g.j1)etunemauvaisetransformationdesalimentsartificielsnepermettentpasdansleˊtatactueldenvisageruneexploitationrentable.Lesessaisdeˊlevageextensifutilisantlatechniqueoriginaledes"acadjaenclos"ontparcontredonneˊdesreˊsultatstreˋsencourageants.Desrendementsannuelsenpoissonsdeplusde8t/ha,dont70aˋ80, une vitesse de croissance médiocre (de l'ordre de 0.5 g.j-1) et une mauvaise transformation des aliments artificiels ne permettent pas dans l'état actuel d'envisager une exploitation rentable. Les essais d'élevage extensif utilisant la technique originale des "acadja-enclos" ont par contre donné des résultats très encourageants. Des rendements annuels en poissons de plus de 8t/ha, dont 70 à 80% de #S. melanotheron de taille marchande, sont possibles sans aucun apport en aliment artificiel. (Résumé d'auteur

    Penggunaan Bungkil Inti Kelapa Sawit Hasil Biokonversi Sebagai Substrat Pertumbuhan Larva Hermetia Illucens L (Maggot)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang Palm Kernel Meal (PKM) yang difermentasi selama 7 hari secara alami tanpa penambahan inokulum yang hasil fermentasi disebut dengan PKMK. Produk fermentasi ditambahkan telur Hermetia illucens L. (maggot) diinkubasi selama 14 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan adanya kenaikan berat dan panjang maggot. Analisis proksimat menunjukkan kenaikan berat kering, nitrogen total dan serat, tetapi terjadi penurunan lemak dan abu

    Contribuições de justiça social para uma educação justa: Identidade pedagógica na formação profissional

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    Una mirada crítica al sistema educativo requiere de una teoría de justicia social que permita evaluar en qué medida la institución promueve prácticas educativas que favorecen o disminuyen la justicia social. Desde una concepción multidimensional de justicia social que considera la redistribución, el reconocimiento y la representación como elementos necesarios para valorar una práctica como socialmente justa; en este artículo proponemos un modelo de análisis que nos permite describir la reproducción de desigualdades sociales en el sistema educativo. Concretamos este análisis en contextos educativos de formación profesional inicial, que cuentan con una población de jóvenes en riesgo potencial de exclusión educativa, poniendo en relación las identidades pedagógicas producidas en estos programas con la participación diferencial de las mismas en el orden social. Las condiciones institucionales y estructurales del sistema educativo y las inserciones sociales diferenciales de los y las jóvenes que pasan por él, institucionalizan una injusticia que consolida situaciones de desigualdad social. Es, por tanto, necesario el desarrollo de un modelo de justicia social en educación que promueva la paridad participativa en la sociedadA critical look at the educational system requires a social justice theory that allows us to assess to what extent the institution promotes educational practices that reinforce or undermine social justice. From a multi-dimensional conceptualization of social justice that considers redistribution, recognition and representation as those aspects needed to assess a practice as socially just, in this article we propose a model of analysis that allows us to describe the reproduction of social inequalities in the educational system. We focus this analysis on initial vocational educational training contexts, addressed to at-risk youth who are in a potential situation of educational exclusion, by relating pedagogical identities produced in these programmes to their differential participation in the social order. Institutional and structural conditions of the educational system and the differential social insertion of young people institutionalise a social injustice that consolidates situations of social inequalities. It is therefore necessary to develop a social justice model applied to education that promotes parity of participation in societyUm olhar crítico sobre o sistema de ensino exige uma teoria da justiça social para avaliar em que medida a instituição promove práticas educativas que promovam ou diminuir a justiça social. A partir de um conceito multidimensional da justiça social que considera a redistribuição, reconhecimento e representação como necessária para avaliar uma prática socialmente justa. Neste trabalho propomos um modelo analítico que nos permite descrever a reprodução das desigualdades sociais na educação. Concluímos esta análise em contextos educativos na formação profissional inicial, que têm uma população de jovens potencialmente em risco de exclusão educacional, ligando identidades pedagógicos produzidos a esses programas com a participação diferencial das mulheres na ordem social. Condições institucionais e estruturais do sistema de ensino e inserções sociais diferencial jovens que passa por ele, a injustiça institucionalizada que consolida situações de desigualdade social. Por isso, é necessário desenvolver um modelo de justiça social na educação que promove a paridade participativa na sociedad

    Monitor, anticipate, respond, and learn: developing and interpreting a multilayer social network of resilience abilities

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    Resilient performance is influenced by social interactions of several types, which may be analysed as layers of interwoven networks. The combination of these layers gives rise to a “network of networks”, also known as a multilayer network. This study presents an approach to develop and interpret multilayer networks in light of resilience engineering. Layers correspond to the four abilities of resilient systems: monitor, anticipate, respond, and learn. The proposal is applied in a 34-bed intensive care unit. To map relationships between actors in each layer, a questionnaire was devised and answered by 133 staff members, including doctors, nurses, nurse technicians, and allied health professionals. Two multilayer networks were developed: one considering that actors are 100% available and reliable (work-as-imagined) and another considering suboptimal availability and reliability (work-as-done). The multilayer networks were analysed through actor-centred (Katz centrality, degree deviation, and neighbourhood centrality) and layer-centred metrics (inter-layer correlation, and assortativity correlation). Strengths and weaknesses of social interactions at the ICU are discussed based on the adopted metrics