1,174 research outputs found

    The Electrostatic Screening Length in Concentrated Electrolytes Increases with Concentration

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    According to classical electrolyte theories interactions in dilute (low ion density) electrolytes decay exponentially with distance, with the Debye screening length the characteristic length-scale. This decay length decreases monotonically with increasing ion concentration, due to effective screening of charges over short distances. Thus within the Debye model no long-range forces are expected in concentrated electrolytes. Here we reveal, using experimental detection of the interaction between two planar charged surfaces across a wide range of electrolytes, that beyond the dilute (Debye-Huuckel) regime the screening length increases with increasing concentration. The screening lengths for all electrolytes studied - including aqueous NaCl solutions, ionic liquids diluted with propylene carbonate, and pure ionic liquids - collapse onto a single curve when scaled by the dielectric constant. This non-monotonic variation of the screening length with concentration, and its generality across ionic liquids and aqueous salt solutions, demonstrates an important characteristic of concentrated electrolytes of substantial relevance from biology to energy storage.Comment: This document is the unedited authors' version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, copyright American Chemical Society, after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see http://pubsdc3.acs.org/articlesonrequest/AOR-EW6FuIC6wIh6D9qqEeH

    Unravelling Nanoconfined Films of Ionic Liquids

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    The confinement of an ionic liquid between charged solid surfaces is treated using an exactly solvable 1D Coulomb gas model. The theory highlights the importance of two dimensionless parameters: the fugacity of the ionic liquid, and the electrostatic interaction energy of ions at closest approach relative to thermal energy, in determining how the disjoining pressure exerted on the walls depends on the geometrical confinement. Our theory reveals that thermodynamic fluctuations play a vital role in the "squeezing out" of charged layers as the confinement is increased. The model shows good qualitative agreement with previous experimental data, with all parameters independently estimated without fitting

    Scaling analysis of the screening length in concentrated electrolytes

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    The interaction between charged objects in an electrolyte solution is a fundamental question in soft matter physics. It is well-known that the electrostatic contribution to the interaction energy decays exponentially with object separation. Recent measurements reveal that, contrary to the conventional wisdom given by classic Poisson-Boltzmann theory, the decay length increases with ion concentration for concentrated electrolytes and can be an order of magnitude larger than the ion diameter in ionic liquids. We derive a simple scaling theory that explains this anomalous dependence of the decay length on ion concentration. Our theory successfully collapses the decay lengths of a wide class of salts onto a single curve. A novel prediction of our theory is that the decay length increases linearly with the Bjerrum length, which we experimentally verify by surface force measurements. Moreover, we quantitatively relate the measured decay length to classic measurements of the activity coefficient in concentrated electrolytes, thus showing that the measured decay length is indeed a bulk property of the concentrated electrolyte as well as contributing a mechanistic insight into empirical activity coefficients.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, Body Mass Index, and Dieting Behaviors among Florida Middle and High School Youth

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    The purpose of this study was to examine fruit and vegetable consumption reported by Florida middle school and high school students and to determine if consumption was associated with: (1) demographic characteristics; (2) body mass index (BMI); and/or (3) weight loss behaviors. Data from the 2009 Florida YRBS and the MSHBS were used. Both surveys used a two-stage cluster sample design, producing a representative sample of students. In addition to socio- demographic variables, independent variables included engaging in weight loss behaviors. Dependent variables were adequate fruit and adequate vegetable consumption. Descriptive, chi-square and logistic regression analyses were performed. Results indicated that less than 25% of youth reported consumption of adequate amounts of fruit and less than 10% reported consuming adequate amounts of vegetables. No significant relationships were found between BMI and either fruit or vegetable consumption. Exercising, both exercising and dieting, fasting, and using pills /powders to lose weight were significantly associated with adequate fruit and vegetable consumption. Dieting to lose weight was significantly associated with adequate vegetable but not adequate fruit consumption. Interventions promoting healthy weight for children and adolescents need to address positive and negative behaviors and encourage greater consumption of fruits and vegetables

    Assessment of Client Satisfaction in Six Urban WIC Clinics

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    Customer service is a measure of support and courtesy provided to individuals who patronize an organization, and is a factor vital to the success of any business. Programs that strive to meet critical needs of at risk populations, such as the Special Supplementation Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), may also benefit from assessment of client satisfaction. The purpose of the study was to examine factors related to customer satisfaction in Duval County Florida WIC clinics and identify potential barriers to participation through a two-year project initiated by the health department and the state university. The study examined appointment wait time, duration of appointment, the preferred time of day and day of the week for appointment scheduling, and customer service practices in WIC clinics from the perspective of WIC participants. Results suggest that most WIC participants served by the Duval County Health Department were satisfied; however, three areas exist for improvement. The most salient issue reported by clients was duration of appointment wait time, continued improved customer service, and to a lesser extent improvement in the physical environment. Clients provided suggestions for improvement related to each of these areas

    Study of the acoustic signature of UHE neutrino interactions in water and ice

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    The production of acoustic signals from the interactions of ultra-high energy (UHE) cosmic ray neutrinos in water and ice has been studied. A new computationally fast and efficient method of deriving the signal is presented. This method allows the implementation of up to date parameterisations of acoustic attenuation in sea water and ice that now includes the effects of complex attenuation, where appropriate. The methods presented here have been used to compute and study the properties of the acoustic signals which would be expected from such interactions. A matrix method of parameterising the signals, which includes the expected fluctuations, is also presented. These methods are used to generate the expected signals that would be detected in acoustic UHE neutrino telescopes.Comment: 21 pages and 13 figure

    Groundwater declines are linked to changes in Great Plains stream fish assemblages

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    Groundwater pumping for agriculture is a major driver causing declines of global freshwater ecosystems, yet the ecological consequences for stream fish assemblages are rarely quantified. We combined retrospective (1950–2010) and prospective (2011–2060) modeling approaches within a multiscale framework to predict change in Great Plains stream fish assemblages associated with groundwater pumping from the United States High Plains Aquifer. We modeled the relationship between the length of stream receiving water from the High Plains Aquifer and the occurrence of fishes characteristic of small and large streams in the western Great Plains at a regional scale and for six subwatersheds nested within the region. Water development at the regional scale was associated with construction of 154 barriers that fragment stream habitats, increased depth to groundwater and loss of 558 km of stream, and transformation of fish assemblage structure from dominance by large-stream to small-stream fishes. Scaling down to subwatersheds revealed consistent transformations in fish assemblage structure among western subwatersheds with increasing depths to groundwater. Although transformations occurred in the absence of barriers, barriers along mainstem rivers isolate depauperate western fish assemblages from relatively intact eastern fish assemblages. Projections to 2060 indicate loss of an additional 286 km of stream across the region, as well as continued replacement of largestream fishes by small-stream fishes where groundwater pumping has increased depth to groundwater. Our work illustrates the shrinking of streams and homogenization of Great Plains stream fish assemblages related to groundwater pumping, and we predict similar transformations worldwide where local and regional aquifer depletions occur

    Fragmentation and dewatering transform Great Plains stream fish communities

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    Citation: Perkin, J. S., Gido, K. B., Cooper, A. R., Turner, T. F., Osborne, M. J., Johnson, E. R., & Mayes, K. B. (2015). Fragmentation and dewatering transform Great Plains stream fish communities. Ecological Monographs, 85(1), 73-92. doi:10.1890/14-0121.1Biodiversity in stream networks is threatened globally by interactions between habitat fragmentation and altered hydrologic regimes. In the Great Plains of North America, stream networks are fragmented by >19000 anthropogenic barriers, and flow regimes are altered by surface water retention and groundwater extraction. We documented the distribution of anthropogenic barriers and dry stream segments in five basins covering the central Great Plains to assess effects of broad-scale environmental change on stream fish community structure and distribution of reproductive guilds. We used an information-theoretic approach to rank competing models in which fragmentation, discharge magnitude, and percentage of time streams had zero flow (a measure of desiccation) were included to predict effects of environmental alterations on the distribution of fishes belonging to different reproductive guilds. Fragmentation caused by anthropogenic barriers was most common in the eastern Great Plains, but stream desiccation became more common to the west, where rivers are underlain by the depleted (i.e., extraction > recharge) High Plains Aquifer. Longitudinal gradients in fragmentation and desiccation contributed to spatial shifts in community structure from taxonomically and functionally diverse communities dominated by pelagic reproductive guilds where fragmentation and desiccation were least, to homogenized communities dominated by benthic guilds where fragmentation and desiccation were common. Modeling results revealed these shifts were primarily associated with decline of pelagic reproductive guilds, notably small-bodied pelagophilic and lithopelagophilic fishes that declined in association with decreased fragment length and increased number of days with zero flow. Graph theory combined with a barrier prioritization approach revealed specific fragments that could be reconnected to allow fishes within these guilds to colonize currently unoccupied fragments with the mitigation or removal of small dams (<10 m height). These findings are useful for natural resource managers charged with halting or reversing the prevailing pattern of declining fish diversity in the Great Plains. Our study represents one of the most comprehensive assessments of fish diversity responses to broad-scale environmental change in the Great Plains and provides a conservation strategy for addressing the simultaneous contributions of fragmentation and flow alteration to the global freshwater biodiversity crisis

    Efficacy of the Enquiring About Tolerance (EAT) study among infants at high risk of developing food allergy.

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    BACKGROUND: The Enquiring About Tolerance (EAT) study was a randomized trial of the early introduction of allergenic solids into the infant diet from 3 months of age. The intervention effect did not reach statistical significance in the intention-to-treat analysis of the primary outcome. OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine whether infants at high risk of developing a food allergy benefited from early introduction. METHODS: A secondary intention-to-treat analysis was performed of 3 groups: nonwhite infants; infants with visible eczema at enrollment, with severity determined by SCORAD; and infants with enrollment food sensitization (specific IgE ≥0.1 kU/L). RESULTS: Among infants with sensitization to 1 or more foods at enrollment (≥0.1 kU/L), early introduction group (EIG) infants developed significantly less food allergy to 1 or more foods than standard introduction group (SIG) infants (SIG, 34.2%; EIG, 19.2%; P = .03), and among infants with sensitization to egg at enrollment, EIG infants developed less egg allergy (SIG, 48.6%; EIG, 20.0%; P = .01). Similarly, among infants with moderate SCORAD (15-<40) at enrollment, EIG infants developed significantly less food allergy to 1 or more foods (SIG, 46.7%; EIG, 22.6%; P = .048) and less egg allergy (SIG, 43.3%; EIG, 16.1%; P = .02). CONCLUSION: Early introduction was effective in preventing the development of food allergy in specific groups of infants at high risk of developing food allergy: those sensitized to egg or to any food at enrollment and those with eczema of increasing severity at enrollment. This efficacy occurred despite low adherence to the early introduction regimen. This has significant implications for the new national infant feeding recommendations that are emerging around the world
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