62 research outputs found

    Simulating the interaction between a society and a renewable resource

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    ... In this paper we present the simulator, and, in order to give a general outline of its use we present different experimentations. The architecture of simulators is based on Distributed Artificial Intelligence principle (multi-agents simulations, object oriented language). We simulate an aquatic ecosystem submitted to an increase of the fishing effort and compare the effect of different representation of fishing effort. As a result of the simulations, focus can be put on the relation between space sharing rules and the evolution of the ecological equilibrium. The simulator is considered as a discussion tool to lead to interdisciplinary meetings. (D'aprÚs résumé d'auteur

    Modern cities modelled as “super-cells” rather than multicellular organisms: Implications for industry, goods and services

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    The structure and “metabolism” (movement and conversion of goods and energy) of urban areas has caused cities to be identified as “super-organisms”, placed between ecosystems and the biosphere, in the hierarchy of living systems. Yet most such analogies are weak, and render the super-organism model ineffective for sustainable development of cities. Via a cluster analysis of 15 shared traits of the hierarchical living system, we found that industrialized cities are more similar to eukaryotic cells than to multicellular organisms; enclosed systems, such as factories and greenhouses, paralleling organelles in eukaryotic cells. We further developed a “super-cell” industrialized city model: a “eukarcity” with citynucleus (urban area) as a regulating centre, and organaras (enclosed systems, which provide the majority of goods and services) as the functional components, and cityplasm (natural ecosystems and farmlands) as the matrix. This model may improve the vitality and sustainability of cities through planning and management

    Symbolic-Numeric Methods for Nonlinear Integro-Differential Modeling

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    International audienceThis paper presents a proof of concept for symbolic and numeric methods dedicated to the parameter estimation problem for models formulated by means of nonlinear integro-differential equations (IDE). In particular, we address: the computation of the model input-output equation and the numerical integration of IDE systems

    Au Sujet des Approches Symboliques des Équations IntĂ©gro-DiffĂ©rentielles

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    International audienceRecent progress in computer algebra has opened new opportunities for the parameter estimation problem in nonlinear control theory, by means of integro-differential input-output equations. This paper recalls the origin of integro-differential equations. It presents new opportunities in nonlinear control theory. Finally, it reviews related recent theoretical approaches on integro-differential algebras, illustrating what an integro-differential elimination method might be and what benefits the parameter estimation problem would gain from it.Un rĂ©sultat rĂ©cent en calcul formel a ouvert de nouvelles opportunitĂ©s pour l'estimation de paramĂštres en thĂ©orie du contrĂŽle non linĂ©aire, via des Ă©quations entrĂ©e-sortie intĂ©gro-diffĂ©rentielles. Ce chapitre rappelle les origines des Ă©quations intĂ©gro-diffĂ©rentielles. Il prĂ©sente de nouvelles opportunitĂ©s en thĂ©orie du contrĂŽle non linĂ©aire. Finalement, il passe en revue des approches thĂ©oriques rĂ©centes sur les algĂšbres intĂ©gro-diffĂ©rentielles, illustrant ce qu'une mĂ©thode d'Ă©limination intĂ©gro-diffĂ©rentielle pourrait ĂȘtre et les bĂ©nĂ©fices que le problĂšme de l'estimation de paramĂštres pourrait en tirer

    Organisationskultur. Eine Konkretisierung aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive

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    KĂŒhl S. Organisationskultur. Eine Konkretisierung aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive. Managementforschung. 2018;28(1):7-35.Die Bestimmung des VerhĂ€ltnisses von InformalitĂ€t und Organisationskultur bereitet in der Organisationstheorie Schwierigkeiten. Das liegt daran, dass der Begriff InformalitĂ€t hĂ€ufig stillschweigend durch den Begriff der Organisationskultur ersetzt wurde, ohne dass dafĂŒr eine prĂ€zise, abgrenzungsscharfe Definition vorgenommen worden wĂ€re. Unter RĂŒckgriff auf Überlegungen von Dario RodrĂ­guez argumentiert dieser Artikel, dass die beiden Begriffe Organisationskultur und InformalitĂ€t das gleiche PhĂ€nomen bezeichnen: die nichtentschiedenen EntscheidungsprĂ€missen einer Organisation. Dabei wird systematisch zwischen „unentscheidbaren EntscheidungsprĂ€missen“ und „prinzipiell entscheidbaren, aber nicht entschiedenen EntscheidungsprĂ€missen“ unterschieden. Es wird gezeigt, wie sich mit einer prĂ€zisen Bestimmung ĂŒber das Konzept der EntscheidungsprĂ€missen Ordnung in die „wilden Merkmallisten“ der Literatur sowohl ĂŒber InformalitĂ€t als auch Organisationskultur bringen lĂ€sst und empirische PhĂ€nomene genauer erfasst werden können
