53 research outputs found

    How the IMF By\mathit{B}_{y} Induces a Local By\mathit{B}_{y} Component During Northward IMF Bz\mathit{B}_{z} and Characteristic Timescales

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    We use the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry global magnetohydrodynamics model to study the effects of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By\mathit{B}_{y} component on the coupling between the solar wind and magnetosphere-ionosphere system when IMF Bz\mathit{B}_{z} >>0. We describe the evolution of how a magnetospheric By\mathit{B}_{y} component is induced on closed field lines during these conditions. Starting from dayside lobe reconnection, the magnetic tension on newly reconnected field lines redistribute the open flux asymmetrically between the two hemispheres. This results in asymmetric magnetic energy density in the lobes. Shear flows are induced to restore equilibrium, and these flows are what effectively induces a local By\mathit{B}_{y} component. We show the radial dependence of the induced By\mathit{B}_{y} and compare the results to the induced By\mathit{B}_{y} during southward IMF conditions. We also show the response and reconfiguration time of the inner magnetosphere to IMF By\mathit{B}_{y} reversals during northward IMF Bz\mathit{B}_{z}. A superposed epoch analysis of magnetic field measurements from seven Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite spacecraft at different local times both for negative-to-positive and positive-to-negative IMF By\mathit{B}_{y} reversals is presented. We find that the induced By\mathit{B}_{y} responds within 16 min of the arrival of IMF By\mathit{B}_{y} at the bow shock, and it completely reconfigures within 47 min

    Spatial Resolution in Inverse Problems: The EZIE Satellite Mission

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    Under embargo until: 2023-11-16Inverse modeling has become one of the primary methods for studying ionospheric electrodynamics, especially when using magnetic field measurements from below the ionosphere. We present a method for quantifying the spatial resolution in an inverse model for non-uniformly sampled spatial data. This method provides a tool for assessing if a model can resolve the physical phenomena of interest. We quantify the spatial resolution for the Spherical Elementary Current System basis functions to model the ionospheric dynamics. Our results apply to models with spatially confined model parameters, unlike spherical harmonics where the model parameters describe the amplitude of global surface functions. The method is demonstrated for the upcoming Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer cubesat mission which will provide spatially distributed remote sensing measurements of the magnetic field in the mesosphere. We show that, including measurements from a single ground magnetometer can significantly improve the spatial resolution. However, the impact of including a ground magnetometer depends on the relative position of the station with respect to the mesospheric measurements. In addition, a method for reducing two regularization parameters to one is presented. Reducing the amount of regularization parameters simplifies the optimization problem and facilitates a fair comparison between the models with and without a ground magnetometer.publishedVersio

    A Comparison of Auroral Oval Proxies With the Boundaries of the Auroral Electrojets

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    The boundaries of the auroral oval and auroral electrojets are an important source of information for understanding the coupling between the solar wind and the near-earth plasma environment. Of these two types of boundaries the auroral electrojet boundaries have received comparatively little attention, and even less attention has been given to the connection between the two. Here we introduce a technique for estimating the electrojet boundaries, and other properties such as total current and peak current, from 1-D latitudinal profiles of the eastward component of equivalent current sheet density. We apply this technique to a preexisting database of such currents along the 105° magnetic meridian, estimated using ground-based magnetometers, producing a total of 11 years of 1-min resolution electrojet boundaries during the period 2000–2020. Using statistics and conjunction events we compare our electrojet boundary data set with an existing electrojet boundary data set, based on Swarm satellite measurements, and auroral oval proxies based on particle precipitation and field-aligned currents. This allows us to validate our data set and investigate the feasibility of an auroral oval proxy based on electrojet boundaries. Through this investigation we find the proton precipitation auroral oval is a closer match with the electrojet boundaries. However, the bimodal nature of the electrojet boundaries as we approach the noon and midnight discontinuities makes an average electrojet oval poorly defined. With this and the direct comparisons differing from the statistics, defining the proton auroral oval from electrojet boundaries across all local and universal times is challenging

    The Lompe code: A Python toolbox for ionospheric data analysis

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    A recent paper by Laundal et al. (2022c) presented a new technique to combine all available measurements of polar ionospheric electrodynamics; magnetic field measurements from ground and space, ionospheric convection data from radars and satellites, and conductance measurements; to a full 2D map within analysis regions of arbitrary resolution and extent. The technique, called Local Mapping of Polar Ionospheric Electrodynamics (Lompe), is implemented in Python (Laundal et al., 2022a). The Lompe technique combines spherical elementary current system analysis, finite element analysis on a cubed-sphere projection, the use of empirical models like the International Geomagnetic Reference Field, and visualization tools. In this paper, we go through these different components of the Lompe code and show how they are useful on their own, for example in the analysis of ground magnetometer data or data from the upcoming Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer mission. We also demonstrate how to use the Lompe code to produce a coherent picture of ionospheric electrodynamics

    Background removal from global auroral images: Data-driven dayglow modeling

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    Global images of auroras obtained by cameras on spacecraft are a key tool for studying the near-Earth environment. However, the cameras are sensitive not only to auroral emissions produced by precipitating particles, but also to dayglow emissions produced by photoelectrons induced by sunlight. Nightglow emissions and scattered sunlight can contribute to the background signal. To fully utilize such images in space science, background contamination must be removed to isolate the auroral signal. Here we outline a data-driven approach to modeling the background intensity in multiple images by formulating linear inverse problems based on B-splines and spherical harmonics. The approach is robust, flexible, and iteratively deselects outliers, such as auroral emissions. The final model is smooth across the terminator and accounts for slow temporal variations and large-scale asymmetries in the dayglow. We demonstrate the model by using the three far ultraviolet cameras on the Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) mission. The method can be applied to historical missions and is relevant for upcoming missions, such as the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) mission

    Liquid electrolytes for lithium-ion accumulators

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    Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce bolo meranie elektrickej vodivosti a dynamickej viskozity elektrolytov. Na základe týchto meraní bolo možné overiť Waldenov vzťah medzi meranými veličinami. Boli použité elektrolyty na bázy sulfolanu v kombinácií s propylenkarbonátom a so soľou. Diplomová práca sa tiež zaoberá meraním dielektrických vlastností elektrickou metódou a optickou metódou pomocou refraktometrie. Taktiež boli stanovené body tuhnutia zmesi sulfolanu a propylenkarbonátu pomocou kryoskopie.The aim of this master´s thesis was the measurement of electrical conductivity and dynamic viscosity of the electrolytes. Based on these measurements to verify Walden theorem between measured variables. Electrolytes were used on sulfolane base in combination with propylene carbonate and salt. The thesis also deals with the measuring method of dielectric properties of electrical and optical method with a refractometer. The freezing point of combination of sulfolan and propylene carbonate were determined by cryoscopy.

    Evolution of Asymmetrically Displaced Footpoints During Substorms

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    It is well established that a transverse (y) component in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) induces a By component in the closed magnetosphere through asymmetric loading and/or redistribution of magnetic flux. Simultaneous images of the aurora in the two hemispheres have revealed that conjugate auroral features are displaced longitudinally during such conditions. Although the direction and magnitude of this displacement show correlations with IMF clock angle and dipole tilt, single events show large temporal and spatial variability of this displacement. For instance, we know little about how the displacement changes during a substorm. A previous case study demonstrated that displaced auroral forms, associated with the prevailing IMF orientation, returned to a more symmetric configuration during the expansion phase of two substorms. Using the far ultraviolet cameras on board the Imager for Magnetopause‐to‐Aurora Global Exploration and Polar satellites, we have identified multiple events where conjugate auroral images are available during periods with substorm activity and IMF By≠0. We identify conjugate auroral features and investigate how the asymmetry evolves during the expansion phase. We find that the system returns to a more symmetric state in the events with a clear increase in the nightside reconnection rate and that the displacement remains unchanged in the events with little or no net closure of open magnetic flux. The return to a more symmetric state can therefore be interpreted as the result of increased reconnection rate in the magnetotail during the expansion phase, which reduces the asymmetric lobe pressure