86 research outputs found

    Caractéristiques floristiques, diversité et structure de la végétation ligneuse dans le Centre-Sud du Niger : cas du complexe des forêts classées de Dan kada Dodo-Dan Gado

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    Les forêts classées de Dan kada Dodo et Dan Gado, constituant le complexe forestier d'une superficie 11630 ha, sont situées dans la région de Maradi au centre-sud du Niger. La présente étude vise à caractériser la végétation ligneuse de ce complexe forestier sur le plan de sa composition floristique et de sa structure. Les données ont été collectées au moyen des relevés floristiques, de mesure du diamètre à 1,30 m pour les arbres et par le comptage des individus à diamètre < 5 cm dans 288 placettes de 20 x 20 m. Les indices de diversité ont été calculés sur la base des fréquences spécifiques. L'analyse a mis en évidence une faible richesse floristique avec 31 espèces ligneuses appartenant à 15 familles dont les plus dominantes sont les Mimosaceae (24,24%) et Combretaceae (15,15%). Les microphanérophytes sont plus abondants (94,24%), marquant le caractère arbustif de la végétation du complexe forestier. La chorologie de la flore est caractérisée par des espèces à distribution Soudano-Zambézienne (59,5%) suivies des Soudaniennes (31,8%). La faible densité des ligneux (425,19± 08 individus/ha) serait due entre autres aux conditions climatiques précaires et à la pression des populations riveraines. La structure diamétrique s'ajuste à la distribution de Weibull et montre une prédominance des individus jeunes.Mots clés: Composition floristique, spectre biologique, diversité, densité, structure

    Essai de germination et de croissance de Artemisia annua L. au Niger

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    L’essai a été conduit à la pépinière de l’INRAN de Niamey et à la cuvette de l’INRAN de Kollo, et a porté sur la germination, croissance, développement de Artemisia annua (l’hybride F2 et M), plante qui a des vertus  anti-paludique. Cette étude a pour objectif d’évaluer les meilleures  conditions de culture de artemisia annua et le meilleur substrat pour son adaptation. Le Niger, pays d’endémie du paludisme, maladie qui constitue la première cause de morbidité et de mortalité. Face à cette menace, les autorités ont opté pour l’utilisation des dérivés d’artémisinine comme molécule de choix dans la prise en charge du paludisme comme l’a recommandé l’OMS. Les tests de la levée en pépinière ont été effectués dans un bac à semis et un germoir en planche. Les plants ont été repiqués après levée dans des pots avec trois types de substrats (substrat dunaire,substrat de bas fond et substrat de sable du fleuve) afin de déterminer le meilleur substrat pour la culture de la plante en pépinière. Il ressort des résultats obtenus que le substrat de bas fond offre les meilleurs valeurs pour la hauteur, le diamètre au collet et le nombre de feuilles que les substrats dunaire et du fleuve. Les plants ont été transférés sur le site de Kollo et transplantés sur terre ferme. Pour la biomasse c’est la variété F2 qui a enregistrée les meilleurs rendements même si au niveau de la hauteur, elle enregistre les valeurs les plus basses comparativement à la variété M. Cette étude a montrée que Artemisia annua peut s’adapter au Niger et son introduction offre à la population un moyen supplémentaire de lutte contre le paludisme.Mots clés : Artemisia annua, artemisinine, paludisme, Niger

    Situation de référence de la phytodiversité et la productivité herbacée d’un dispositif de suivi du feu de brousse au Niger

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    Cette étude entre dans le cadre de la mise en place d’un dispositif de suivi des impacts des feux dans la Réserve Totale de Faune de Tamou contiguë au Parc Régional du W. Pour cela, la phytomasse a été prélevée par la méthode de la récolte intégrale et les relevés phytosociologiques ont été faits suivant l’approche Braun-Blanquet. L’Analyse Factorielle des Correspondances (AFC) a été appliquée à une matrice relevés X espècespour l’individualisation des groupements à l’aide du logiciel CANOCO 5.1. Pour l’interprétation écologique des résultats, une Analyse Canonique des Correspondances (ACC) a été réalisée sur la matrice relevés X variables environnementales. Au total, 107 espèces ont été recensées dont 37 ligneuses et 70 herbacées, reparties dans 80 genres et 39 familles. L’AFC a mis en évidence 7 groupements suivant un gradient nord-sud. Quatre (4) de ces groupements sont des faciès de savanes arborées +/- arbustives, localisées dans la partie sud de la station expérimentale et les trois (3) autres, situés au nord sont des savanes herbeuses. Par ailleurs,l’analyse de la diversité alpha au sein de ces différents faciès végétaux a fait ressortir un gradient d’augmentation de la phytodiversité selon le type de faciès. Quant à la productivité herbacée, elle varie dans le sens inverse.Mots clés: Savane ; productivité herbacée, phytodiversité, feux de brousse, Réserve Totale de Faune de Tamou, Niger

    Resonant interaction between gravitational waves, electromagnetic waves and plasma flows

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    In magnetized plasmas gravitational and electromagnetic waves may interact coherently and exchange energy between themselves and with plasma flows. We derive the wave interaction equations for these processes in the case of waves propagating perpendicular or parallel to the plasma background magnetic field. In the latter case, the electromagnetic waves are taken to be circularly polarized waves of arbitrary amplitude. We allow for a background drift flow of the plasma components which increases the number of possible evolution scenarios. The interaction equations are solved analytically and the characteristic time scales for conversion between gravitational and electromagnetic waves are found. In particular, it is shown that in the presence of a drift flow there are explosive instabilities resulting in the generation of gravitational and electromagnetic waves. Conversely, we show that energetic waves can interact to accelerate particles and thereby \emph{produce} a drift flow. The relevance of these results for astrophysical and cosmological plasmas is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, typos corrected and numerical example adde

    Ryanodine receptor point mutations confer diamide insecticide resistance in tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Insect ryanodine receptors (RyR) are the molecular target-site for the recently introduced diamide insecticides. Diamides are particularly active on Lepidoptera pests, including tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). High levels of diamide resistance were recently described in some European populations of T. absoluta, however, the mechanisms of resistance remained unknown. In this study the molecular basis of diamide resistance was investigated in a diamide resistant strain from Italy (IT-GELA-SD4), and additional resistant field populations collected in Greece, Spain and Brazil. The genetics of resistance was investigated by reciprocally crossing strain IT-GELA-SD4 with a susceptible strain and revealed an autosomal incompletely recessive mode of inheritance. To investigate the possible role of target-site mutations as known from diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), we sequenced respective domains of the RyR gene of T. absoluta. Genotyping of individuals of IT-GELA-SD4 and field-collected strains showing different levels of diamide resistance revealed the presence of G4903E and I4746M RyR target-site mutations. These amino acid substitutions correspond to those recently described for diamide resistant diamondback moth, i.e. G4946E and I4790M. We also detected two novel mutations, G4903V and I4746T, in some of the resistant T. absoluta strains. Radioligand binding studies with thoracic membrane preparations of the IT-GELA-SD4 strain provided functional evidence that these mutations alter the affinity of the RyR to diamides. In combination with previous work on P. xylostella our study highlights the importance of position G4903 (G4946 in P. xylostella) of the insect RyR in defining sensitivity to diamides. The discovery of diamide resistance mutations in T. absoluta populations of diverse geographic origin has serious implications for the efficacy of diamides under applied conditions. The implementation of appropriate resistance management strategies is strongly advised to delay the further spread of resistance.The work of Hellenic Agricultural Organisation - 'Demeter' was partially supported by an ARIMnet2 StomP grand to A.T and E.R. This work was also partially funded from a fellowship granted to H.A.A.S. (CNPq - PQ - Proc 308461/2013-4). The Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena group would like to thank for partial financial support the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain and FEDER (AGL2011-25164). Lidia García-Vidal holds a grant from the MECD (FPU13/01528). The Tuta absoluta strain from Gela, Sicily was collected under the frame a resistance monitoring program established among the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation - 'Demeter' and DuPont De Nemurs (data published in 2015). Finally, the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation - 'Demeter' would like to thank Fytochem S.A., Neo Mirtos, Ierapetra for supplies of plant material

    Failed immune responses across multiple pathologies share pan-tumor and circulating lymphocytic targets

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    Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are widely associated with positive outcomes, yet carry key indicators of a systemic failed immune response against unresolved cancer. Cancer immunotherapies can reverse their tolerance phenotypes while preserving tumor reactivity and neoantigen specificity shared with circulating immune cells. We performed comprehensive transcriptomic analyses to identify gene signatures common to circulating and TILs in the context of clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Modulated genes also associated with disease outcome were validated in other cancer types. Through comprehensive bioinformatics analyses, we identified practical diagnostic markers and actionable targets of the failed immune response. On circulating lymphocytes, 3 genes (LEF1, FASLG, and MMP9) could efficiently stratify patients from healthy control donors. From their associations with resistance to cancer immunotherapies and microbial infections, we uncovered not only pan-cancer, but pan-pathology, failed immune response profiles. A prominent lymphocytic matrix metallopeptidase cell migration pathway is central to a panoply of diseases and tumor immunogenicity, correlates with multi-cancer recurrence, and identifies a feasible noninvasive approach to pan-pathology diagnoses. The differentially expressed genes we have identified warrant future investigation into the development of their potential in noninvasive precision diagnostics and precision pan-disease immunotherapeutics. - 2019, American Society for Clinical Investigation.We thank all study participants and patients; The Cancer Genome Atlas; Mathieu Latour and Roula Albadine and supporting staff of the CHUM pathology department; Manon de Ladurantaye and Anne-Marie Mes-Masson from the CRCHUM for RNA quality profiling, Geneviève Cormier and Fred Saad from the CRCHUM for drawing blood from control donors; Gilles Corbeil of the CRCHUM genomics department for RNA quality testing and microarray profiling; Francois Harvey of the CRCHUM bioinformatics department; Peter Graf and Patrick Sabourin from Affymetrix for providing reagents and technical assistance; Zeeshan Farroq and Ofir Goldberger from Fluidigm; Erika Diaz from StemCell; Andrew Mouland from McGill University; Simon Turcotte from University of Montreal; and Sascha Ring from Biostars for their advice. This work was partially performed at the Institut du Cancer de Montréal CRCHUM and University of Montreal, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. This work was supported by a Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute grant (CCSRI) (702036, to RL and IJ) and a Biomedical Research Grant from the Kidney Foundation of Canada (KFOC130019 to RL). RL is supported by the Quebec Cell, Tissue and Gene Therapy Network—ThéCell (a thematic network supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec–Santé [FRQS]), the FRQS, and the Immunotherapy Network (iTNT) from the Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI), A. Monette is supported by Mitacs, Merck, l’Institut du cancer de Montréal (ICM), the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer, and the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research. NAB is supported by the FRQS post-doctoral award and Qatar University. JBL is supported by l’Institut du Cancer de Montréal. JPR holds the Louis Lowenstein Chair, McGill University. DEK is supported by an FRQS Research Scholar Award (grant 31035), CIHR 377124, NHLBI RO1-HL-092565, and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) (grant 31756). IJ and computational analysis were supported by the Canada Research Chair Program (CRC) (grant 225404), Ontario Research Fund (grant 34876), the Natural Sciences Research Council (NSERC) (grant 203475), the CFI (grants 203373 and 30865), the Krembil Foundation, and IBM.Scopu

    Blimp-1–mediated CD4 T cell exhaustion causes CD8 T cell dysfunction during chronic toxoplasmosis

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    CD8, but not CD4, T cells are considered critical for control of chronic toxoplasmosis. Although CD8 exhaustion has been previously reported inToxoplasma encephalitis (TE)–susceptible model, our current work demonstrates that CD4 not only become exhausted during chronic toxoplasmosis but this dysfunction is more pronounced than CD8 T cells. Exhausted CD4 population expressed elevated levels of multiple inhibitory receptors concomitant with the reduced functionality and up-regulation of Blimp-1, a transcription factor. Our data demonstrates for the first time that Blimp-1 is a critical regulator for CD4 T cell exhaustion especially in the CD4 central memory cell subset. Using a tamoxifen-dependent conditional Blimp-1 knockout mixed bone marrow chimera as well as an adoptive transfer approach, we show that CD4 T cell–intrinsic deletion of Blimp-1 reversed CD8 T cell dysfunction and resulted in improved pathogen control. To the best of our knowledge, this is a novel finding, which demonstrates the role of Blimp-1 as a critical regulator of CD4 dysfunction and links it to the CD8 T cell dysfunctionality observed in infected mice. The critical role of CD4-intrinsic Blimp-1 expression in mediating CD4 and CD8 T cell exhaustion may provide a rational basis for designing novel therapeutic approaches

    Expression and Membrane Topology of Anopheles gambiae Odorant Receptors in Lepidopteran Insect Cells

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    A lepidopteran insect cell-based expression system has been employed to express three Anopheles gambiae odorant receptors (ORs), OR1 and OR2, which respond to components of human sweat, and OR7, the ortholog of Drosophila's OR83b, the heteromerization partner of all functional ORs in that system. With the aid of epitope tagging and specific antibodies, efficient expression of all ORs was demonstrated and intrinsic properties of the proteins were revealed. Moreover, analysis of the orientation of OR1 and OR2 on the cellular plasma membrane through the use of a novel ‘topology screen’ assay and FACS analysis demonstrates that, as was recently reported for the ORs in Drosophila melanogaster, mosquito ORs also have a topology different than their mammalian counterparts with their N-terminal ends located in the cytoplasm and their C-terminal ends facing outside the cell. These results set the stage for the production of mosquito ORs in quantities that should permit their detailed biochemical and structural characterization and the exploration of their functional properties

    Comparative Genomics of the Anopheline Glutathione S-Transferase Epsilon Cluster

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    Enzymes of the glutathione S-transferase (GST) family play critical roles in detoxification of xenobiotics across many taxa. While GSTs are ubiquitous both in animals and plants, the GST epsilon class (GSTE) is insect-specific and has been associated with resistance to chemical insecticides. While both Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae GSTE clusters consist of eight members, only four putative orthologs are identifiable between the species, suggesting independent expansions of the class in each lineage. We used a primer walking approach, sequencing almost the entire cluster from three Anopheles species (An. stephensi, An. funestus (both Cellia subgenus) and An. plumbeus (Anopheles subgenus)) and compared the sequences to putative orthologs in An. gambiae (Cellia) in an attempt to trace the evolution of the cluster within the subfamily Anophelinae. Furthermore, we measured transcript levels from the identified GSTE loci by real time reverse transcription PCR to determine if all genes were similarly transcribed at different life stages. Among the species investigated, gene order and orientation were similar with three exceptions: (i) GSTE1 was absent in An. plumbeus; (ii) GSTE2 is duplicated in An. plumbeus and (iii) an additional transcriptionally active pseudogene (ψAsGSTE2) was found in An. stephensi. Further statistical analysis and protein modelling gave evidence for positive selection on codons of the catalytic site in GSTE5 albeit its origin seems to predate the introduction of chemical insecticides. Gene expression profiles revealed differences in expression pattern among genes at different life stages. With the exception of GSTE1, ψAsGSTE2 and GSTE2b, all Anopheles species studied share orthologs and hence we assume that GSTE expansion generally predates radiation into subgenera, though the presence of GSTE1 may also suggest a recent duplication event in the Old World Cellia subgenus, instead of a secondary loss. The modifications of the catalytic site within GSTE5 may represent adaptations to new habitats
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