131 research outputs found

    La immigració en àrees rurals i petites ciutats d'Espanya : un estat de la qüestió

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    En l'estudi de la immigració a Espanya habitualment s'ha prioritzat la recerca sobre les àrees metropolitanes i les ciutats grans o mitjanes. Durant bona part dels segles XIX i XX, la major part dels fluxos han tingut com a destinació les grans àrees urbanes, però, en les darreres dècades, la migració cap a àrees rurals i petites ciutats, tant procedent de l'estranger com d'altres parts d'Espanya, ha esdevingut un fenomen molt significatiu. En aquestes pàgines, els autors realitzen una aproximació a la literatura publicada des de la dècada de 1980 sobre la immigració estrangera i sobre la immigració interior cap a àrees rurals i petites ciutats.En el estudio de la inmigración en España, habitualmente se ha priorizado la investigación de las áreas metropolitanas y las ciudades grandes o medianas. Durante buena parte de los siglos XIX y XX, la mayor parte de los flujos han tenido como destino las grandes áreas urbanas, pero en las últimas décadas la migración hacia áreas rurales y pequeñas ciudades, tanto procedente del extranjero como de otras partes de España, ha comenzado a ser un fenómeno muy significativo. En estas páginas, los autores realizan una aproximación a la literatura publicada desde la década de 1980 sobre la inmigración extranjera y sobre la inmigración interior hacia áreas rurales y pequeñas ciudades.Dans l'étude de l'immigration en Espagne on a couramment accordé la priorité à la recherche sur les zones métropolitaines et les grandes ou moyennes villes. Au long d'une bonne partie du XIXe et XXe siècles, la plupart des courants migratoires ont eu comme destination les grandes zones urbaines, mais dans les dernières décennies la migration vers les zones rurales et vers les petites villes, en provenance aussi bien de l'étranger que d'autres parties de l'Espagne, est devenu un phénomène très significatif. Dans les pages qui suivent les auteurs font une approche à la littérature publiée depuis les années 80 sur l'immigration étrangère et sur l'immigration interne.In Spain, immigration studies have been mainly focused on metropolitan areas and big or intermediate cities. During important parts of the XIXth and XXth centuries, most migration flows have had big urban areas as destination, but in the last decades both international and internal migration into rural areas and small towns have become a very significant phenomenon. In this paper, the authors approach the academic literature published since the 1980s on foreign immigration and internal immigration in rural areas and small towns

    Chemical regulators of epithelial plasticity reveal a nuclear receptor pathway controlling myofibroblast differentiation

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    Plasticity in epithelial tissues relates to processes of embryonic development, tissue fibrosis and cancer progression. Pharmacological modulation of epithelial transitions during disease progression may thus be clinically useful. Using human keratinocytes and a robotic high-content imaging platform, we screened for chemical compounds that reverse transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition. In addition to TGF-β receptor kinase inhibitors, we identified small molecule epithelial plasticity modulators including a naturally occurring hydroxysterol agonist of the liver X receptors (LXRs), members of the nuclear receptor transcription factor family. Endogenous and synthetic LXR agonists tested in diverse cell models blocked α-smooth muscle actin expression, myofibroblast differentiation and function. Agonist-dependent LXR activity or LXR overexpression in the absence of ligand counteracted TGF-β-mediated myofibroblast terminal differentiation and collagen contraction. The protective effect of LXR agonists against TGF-β-induced pro-fibrotic activity raises the possibility that anti-lipidogenic therapy may be relevant in fibrotic disorders and advanced cancer

    II Congreso sobre la inmigración en España : España y las migraciones internacionales en el cambio de siglo : Madrid, 5-7 d'octubre de 2000 :

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    Entre els dies 5 i 7 d'octubre de 2000 es va celebrar a Madrid el II Congreso sobre la inmigración en España. L'objectiu d'aquest congrés era el de consolidar el camp d'estudi de les migracions internacionals a Espanya i proporcionar un marc de discussió i de posada en comú de l'estat de la recerca i dels coneixements entre els investigadors que hi treballen.Entre los días 5 y 7 de octubre de 2000 se celebró en Madrid el II Congreso sobre la inmigración en España. El objetivo de este congreso fue consolidar el campo de estudio de las migraciones internacionales en España y proporcionar un marco de discusión y de puesta en común del estado de la investigación y de los conocimientos entre los investigadores que trabajan sobre estos temas.Du 5 au 7 octobre 2000 a eu lieu à Madrid le II Congreso sobre la inmigración en España. L'objectif de ce congrès fut consolider le champ d'études sur les immigrations internationales en Espagne et donner un cadre de débats et de misse en commun des recherches et les connaissances entre les chercheurs qui étudien sur ces sujets.In October 5th-7th 2000 the II Congreso sobre la Inmigración en España took place in Madrid. This congress was aiming to consolidate a research area on international migrations in Spain and to offer a framework for discussing and sharing a state of the art among researchers involved in such field

    Migraciones en Cataluña (1975-2000) : reflexiones sobre el estado de la cuestión desde las ciencias sociales

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    Las migraciones en Cataluña y las investigaciones realizadas sobre ellas desde las ciencias sociales han experimentado una serie de cambios en las últimas décadas, mientras que otros rasgos prácticamente han permanecido inmutables. En el presente artículo se presentan unas reflexiones basadas en el análisis del material aparecido sobre esta temática durante los últimos veinticinco años. Concretamente se sintetizan las principales conclusiones de un reciente estudio realizado por los autores, que se ha fundamentado -entre otras bases de datos- en un censo de los trabajos elaborados durante las últimas décadas, que incluye más de mil ítems. En un apartado introductorio se apuntan los principales objetivos de aquel estudio y sus parámetros de definición espaciales y temporales, comentándose también las características de las bases de datos elaboradas. En un segundo apartado se desarrollan unas consideraciones sobre la difusión de la investigación, incluyendo datos de la producción sobre migraciones en Cataluña en las diferentes universidades, los artículos aparecidos en las revistas académicas, etc. En tercer lugar se incorporan unas reflexiones sobre la temporalidad y las escalas geográficas de análisis que caracterizan los estudios localizados. En un cuarto apartado se realiza un análisis de los principales temas estudiados en los trabajos incluidos en la base de datos. En quinto lugar se sugiere una serie de temáticas vinculadas a las migraciones sobre las que escasean estudios y que sería interesante investigar durante los próximos años. Finalmente, se hace una referencia a otros estados de la cuestión migratoria en Cataluña y España realizados durante los últimos años.Migrations in Catalonia and researches carried out on them from the social sciences have experienced a series of changes during the last decades, while other features have remained almost unchanged. In this article some reflections based on materials that are focused on such issues and have appeared during the last twenty-five years are presented. Concretely, the main conclusions of a recent study signed by the authors and based, among other data basis, on a census including over one thousand works have been synthesised here. In an introductory section, the main aims of that research and its spatio-temporal definition are noted, along the key characteristics of the analysed data basis. Secondly, some considerations on the scope of the research on migrations in Catalonia is developed, including data on the university production, the number of articles found in academic journals, etc. In a third moment, some reflections on the timing and spatial scales of analysis are incorporated. In a fourth section, an analysis of the main topics studied in the items included in the data base is undertaken. Fifthly, several issues linked to migrations that have been so far scarcely researched and that would be interesting to study in the future are suggested in another section. Finally, other previous states-of-the-art on migrations in Catalonia and Spain that have been published during the last years are mentioned closing the article

    Multicentric standardization of protocols for the diagnosis of human mitochondrial respiratory chain defects

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    The quantification of mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) enzymatic activities is essential for diagnosis of a wide range of mitochondrial diseases, ranging from inherited defects to secondary dysfunctions. MRC lesion is frequently linked to extended cell damage through the generation of proton leak or oxidative stress, threatening organ viability and patient health. However, the intrinsic challenge of a methodological setup and the high variability in measuring MRC enzymatic activities represents a major obstacle for comparative analysis amongst institutions. To improve experimental and statistical robustness, seven Spanish centers with extensive experience in mitochondrial research and diagnosis joined to standardize common protocols for spectrophotometric MRC enzymatic measurements using minimum amounts of sample. Herein, we present the detailed protocols, reference ranges, tips and troubleshooting methods for experimental and analytical setups in different sample preparations and tissues that will allow an international standardization of common protocols for the diagnosis of MRC defects. Methodological standardization is a crucial step to obtain comparable reference ranges and international standards for laboratory assays to set the path for further diagnosis and research in the field of mitochondrial diseases. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Multicentric Standardization of protocols for the diagnosis of human mitochondrial respiratory chain defects

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    The quantification of mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) enzymatic activities is essential for diagnosis of a wide range of mitochondrial diseases, ranging from inherited defects to secondary dysfunctions. MRC lesion is frequently linked to extended cell damage through the generation of proton leak or oxidative stress, threatening organ viability and patient health. However, the intrinsic challenge of a methodological setup and the high variability in measuring MRC enzymatic activities represents a major obstacle for comparative analysis amongst institutions. To improve experimental and statistical robustness, seven Spanish centers with extensive experience in mitochondrial research and diagnosis joined to standardize common protocols for spectrophotometric MRC enzymatic measurements using minimum amounts of sample. Herein, we present the detailed protocols, reference ranges, tips and troubleshooting methods for experimental and analytical setups in different sample preparations and tissues that will allow an international standardization of common protocols for the diagnosis of MRC defects. Methodological standardization is a crucial step to obtain comparable reference ranges and international standards for laboratory assays to set the path for further diagnosis and research in the field of mitochondrial diseases

    Cardiac and placental mitochondrial characterization in a rabbit model of intrauterine growth restriction

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    BACKGROUND: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with cardiovascular remodeling persisting into adulthood. Mitochondrial bioenergetics, essential for embryonic development and cardiovascular function, are regulated by nuclear effectors as sirtuins. A rabbit model of IUGR and cardiovascular remodeling was generated, in which heart mitochondrial alterations were observed by microscopic and transcriptomic analysis. We aimed to evaluate if such alterations are translated at a functional mitochondrial level to establish the etiopathology and potential therapeutic targets for this obstetric complication. METHODS: Hearts and placentas from 16 IUGR-offspring and 14 controls were included to characterize mitochondrial function. RESULTS: Enzymatic activities of complexes II, IV and II + III in IUGR-hearts (-11.96 ± 3.16%; -15.58 ± 5.32%; -14.73 ± 4.37%; p < 0.05) and II and II + III in IUGR-placentas (-17.22 ± 3.46%; p < 0.005 and -29.64 ± 4.43%; p < 0.001) significantly decreased. This was accompanied by a not significant reduction in CI-stimulated oxygen consumption and significantly decreased complex II SDHB subunit expression in placenta (-44.12 ± 5.88%; p < 0.001). Levels of mitochondrial content, Coenzyme Q and cellular ATP were conserved. Lipid peroxidation significantly decreased in IUGR-hearts (-39.02 ± 4.35%; p < 0.001), but not significantly increased in IUGR-placentas. Sirtuin3 protein expression significantly increased in IUGR-hearts (84.21 ± 31.58%; p < 0.05) despite conserved anti-oxidant SOD2 protein expression and activity in both tissues. CONCLUSIONS: IUGR is associated with cardiac and placental mitochondrial CII dysfunction. Up-regulated expression of Sirtuin3 may explain attenuation of cardiac oxidative damage and preserved ATP levels under CII deficiency. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: These findings may allow the design of dietary interventions to modulate Sirtuin3 expression and consequent regulation of mitochondrial imbalance associated with IUGR and derived cardiovascular remodeling

    Migracions a Catalunya : l'estat de la qüestió, 1975-2000

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    A la part superior de la portada: Grup de Recerca sobre Migracions (GRM) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada

    Comparing very low birth weight versus very low gestation cohort methods for outcome analysis of high risk preterm infants

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Background: Compared to very low gestational age (<32 weeks, VLGA) cohorts, very low birth weight (<1500 g; VLBW) cohorts are more prone to selection bias toward small-for-gestational age (SGA) infants, which may impact upon the validity of data for benchmarking purposes. Method: Data from all VLGA or VLBW infants admitted in the 3 Networks between 2008 and 2011 were used. Two-thirds of each network cohort was randomly selected to develop prediction models for mortality and composite adverse outcome (CAO: mortality or cerebral injuries, chronic lung disease, severe retinopathy or necrotizing enterocolitis) and the remaining for internal validation. Areas under the ROC curves (AUC) of the models were compared. Results: VLBW cohort (24,335 infants) had twice more SGA infants (20.4% vs. 9.3%) than the VLGA cohort (29,180 infants) and had a higher rate of CAO (36.5% vs. 32.6%). The two models had equal prediction power for mortality and CAO (AUC 0.83), and similarly for all other cross-cohort validations (AUC 0.81-0.85). Neither model performed well for the extremes of birth weight for gestation (<1500 g and ≥32 weeks, AUC 0.50-0.65; ≥1500 g and <32 weeks, AUC 0.60-0.62). Conclusion: There was no difference in prediction power for adverse outcome between cohorting VLGA or VLBW despite substantial bias in SGA population. Either cohorting practises are suitable for international benchmarking