175 research outputs found

    The effect of schizotypy on spatial learning in an environment with a distinctive shape

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    In two experiments, participants completed the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences measuring schizotypal traits across four dimensions (unusual experiences, cognitive disorganization, introvertive anhedonia, and impulsive non-conformity). They then took part in a virtual navigation task where they were required to learn about the position of a hidden goal with reference to geometric cues of a rectangular arena or rely on colored wall panels to find the hidden goal in a square-shaped arena. Unusual experience and cognitive disorganization were significant predictors of the use of geometric cues, but no significant predictors were found for the use of wall panels. Implications to hippocampal function and the clinical domain are considered

    Cambios en el porcentaje de sodio intercambiable (psi) y la relación de absorción de sodio (ras) de un suelo y su influencia en la actividad y biomasa microbiana

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    Con el objetivo de evaluar los cambios en el PSI, la RAS y su influencia en la actividad y  biomasa  microbiana  del suelo,  se aplicaron  diversas  concentraciones  de vinaza  como enmienda procedente de la industria de alcohol carburante, sobre un suelo afectado por sodicidad con severas limitaciones en las condiciones físicas, químicas y biológicas. Se aplicó un diseño en bloques completos al azar que incluye cuatro tratamientos y tres repeticiones, y muestreos de suelo al inicio y final del proceso a tres profundidades (0-20, 20-40 y 40-60 cm), cuyas variables de respuesta a medir fueron  la respiración, C- biomasa microbiana, MO%, pH, CIC, CE, RAS y PSI. La actividad biológica (CO2) y el C-biomasa microbiana mostraron incrementos significativos en el rango ideal para el establecimento del cultivo de caña.To evaluate changes in ESP, SAR and its influence on the activity and soil microbial biomass, different concentrations of vinasse from the fuel ethanol industry as an amendment were applied on a soil affected by sodicity with strong physical, chemical and biological limitations. A randomized complete block design was used involving four treatments and three replications, which included soil sampling at the beginning and the end of the process at three different depths (0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm). Variables measured were respiration, microbial biomass C, OM%, pH, CIC, EC, SAR and ESP. Biological activity (CO2) and microbial biomass, C showed a significant increase in the ideal range for planting of sugar cane crop

    Supported Metal Nanohydrides for Hydrogen Storage

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    Producción CientíficaAdsorption of hydrogen on graphdiyne (GDY) and boron-graphdiyne (BGDY) doped with palladium clusters has been investigated by performing density functional calculations. Pd6 fits well on the large holes of those porous layers, preserving its octahedral structure in GDY and changing it to a capped trigonal bipyramid structure in BGDY. Pd6GDY adsorbs up to five H2 molecules with sizable adsorption energies, two dissociated and three nondissociated. The dissociation barrier of H2 on the Pd6GDY cluster is 0.58 eV. Pd6BGDY can adsorb up to six molecules, three dissociated and three nondissociated, and the dissociation barrier of H2 on Pd6BGDY is 0.23 eV. In both cases, the dissociation barriers are substantially smaller than the corresponding dissociation barriers on undoped GDY and BGDY. The Pd clusters saturated with hydrogen can be viewed as nanohydrides. Spilling of the adsorbed hydrogen atoms toward the GDY and BGDY substrates is hindered by large activation barriers. We then propose using BGDY and GDY layers as support platforms for metal nanohydrides. The amount of stored hydrogen using Pd as the dopant is below the target of 6% of hydrogen in weight, but replacing Pd by a lighter metal with similar or higher affinity for hydrogen would substantially enhance the storage.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033)(Grant PID2019-104924RB-I00

    Cambios en el porcentaje de sodio intercambiable (psi) y la relación de absorción de sodio (ras) de un suelo y su influencia en la actividad y biomasa microbiana

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    Con el objetivo de evaluar los cambios en el PSI, la RAS y su influencia en la actividad y  biomasa  microbiana  del suelo,  se aplicaron  diversas  concentraciones  de vinaza  como enmienda procedente de la industria de alcohol carburante, sobre un suelo afectado por sodicidad con severas limitaciones en las condiciones físicas, químicas y biológicas. Se aplicó un diseño en bloques completos al azar que incluye cuatro tratamientos y tres repeticiones, y muestreos de suelo al inicio y final del proceso a tres profundidades (0-20, 20-40 y 40-60 cm), cuyas variables de respuesta a medir fueron  la respiración, C- biomasa microbiana, MO%, pH, CIC, CE, RAS y PSI. La actividad biológica (CO2) y el C-biomasa microbiana mostraron incrementos significativos en el rango ideal para el establecimento del cultivo de caña.To evaluate changes in ESP, SAR and its influence on the activity and soil microbial biomass, different concentrations of vinasse from the fuel ethanol industry as an amendment were applied on a soil affected by sodicity with strong physical, chemical and biological limitations. A randomized complete block design was used involving four treatments and three replications, which included soil sampling at the beginning and the end of the process at three different depths (0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm). Variables measured were respiration, microbial biomass C, OM%, pH, CIC, EC, SAR and ESP. Biological activity (CO2) and microbial biomass, C showed a significant increase in the ideal range for planting of sugar cane crop

    Securitization and Community-Based Protection Among Chin Refugees in Kuala Lumpur

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    This article examines refugee-led community organizations among Chin refugees from Myanmar in Kuala Lumpur. It uses a structuration analysis that recognizes refugee-led organizations as complex governance entities engaged in a dynamic relationship with (among others) national policies of securitization of forced migration and international humanitarian governance. This approach expands the existing literature on the securitization of forced migration by exploring refugees’ lived experiences in a context of south–south migration. It expands the literature on community-based protection by going beyond recognizing the existence of refugee-led organizations to analyse their construction, constitution and consequences. Three primary areas of work by Chin refugee groups are analysed in relation to their immediate activity and longer term effects: organization (‘building ethnic unity in adversity’), documentation (‘asserting a bureaucratic identity’) and socialization (‘learning to be illegal’). These long-term effects indicate the possible impact of local protection activities on macrostructural processes such as identity construction and migration choices.construction, constitution and consequences. Three primary areas of work by Chin refugee groups are analysed in relation to their immediate activity and longer term effects: organization (‘building ethnic unity in adversity’), documentation (‘asserting a bureaucratic identity’) and socialization (‘learning to be illegal’). These long-term effects indicate the possible impact of local protection activities on macrostructural processes such as identity construction and migration choices

    Intersectional Differences in Segmented Assimilation: Skill and Gender in the Context of Reception

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    Purpose - Segmented assimilation theory predicts that contemporary non-white groups follow three patterns of assimilation: mainstream, downward, or delayed. Yet, the homogenous treatment and primacy of ethnicity resigns all group members to a similar fate. Whereas few studies of ethnic incorporation consider both the classed and gendered nature of the labor market, this study investigates the extent to which intersectional group differences within the highly stratified American economy shape segmented assimilation trajectories. Methodology/approach - This study introduces an intersectional approach to segmented assimilation theory. Using the 2000 census, this study examines how within group differences in skill and gender condition the hourly earnings, joblessness and self-employment participation outcomes of five ethnic minority groups from the first to the second generation, compared against US-born, non-Hispanic whites.Findings - Findings generally support the mainstream assimilation hypothesis for all groups; a downward assimilation trajectory among Chinese men only; and a delayed assimilation trajectory for low-skilled Filipinas and high-skilled Cuban men and women. This study reveals that intra-group differences in skill and gender shape divergent segmented assimilation trajectories among members of the same ethnic group. Originality/value - This study challenges the emphasis on and primacy of ethnicity in predicting segmented assimilation in favor of an intersectional approach that considers how multiple, interdependent, and intersecting dimensions of identity and not only ethnicity shape the process of economic incorporation among ethnic groups

    Ageing and Long-Term Care Planning Perceptions of Hispanics in the USA: Evidence from a Case Study in New London, Connecticut

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    This paper explores the ageing attitudes and long-term care planning behavior of adult Hispanics in New London, Connecticut, a town with 30 thousand inhabitants that is rapidly ageing. We conducted six focus groups and had 37 participants share their ageing perceptions and long-term care needs. Our main findings suggest that informal care arrangements are vulnerable and unsustainable especially since women have historically and disproportionately provided most family eldercare even at their own personal and financial expense. Though male participants expected their female relatives to care for them when they age and need personal assistance, female participants did not necessarily expect the same from their relatives including their daughters. Also, both formal and government long-term care systems lack cultural competence and can be prohibitively costly. Therefore, Hispanics plan for ageing within their circles of family care and their resilience in a context of cultural exclusion and socio-economic disadvantage epitomizes strong intergenerational values. These support networks may help explain why may outlive whites (the Hispanic paradox ) who, on average, have higher wealth and education levels. Long-term care planning is a complex process that cannot be relayed to families only. Adequate training for family members from other relatives, and from private and government entities to appropriately convey this type of planning is vital to ensure that Hispanic families understand their options