988 research outputs found

    Análisis comparativo de las primeras ediciones del tratado de álgebra superior de Juan Cortázar

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    Las investigaciones en el campo de la Historia de la Educación Matemática buscan en los manuales de texto escolares evidencias de interés didáctico que nos permitan entender los avances matemáticos incorporados en cada época así como su evolución a lo largo de la historia. Además, nos dan acceso a situaciones, instituciones o personajes que han sido claves para la Educación Matemática. En este sentido, los libros de texto se convierten en una herramienta fundamental, pues su análisis manifiesta qué se enseñaba, cómo se enseñaba y cómo se divulgaban los conocimientos matemáticos de la época, además de describirnos el contexto social, cultural y educativo (Maz-Machado y Rico, 2015)

    Defects of steroidogenesis

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    In the biosynthesis of steroid hormones the neutral lipid cholesterol, a normal constituent of lipid bilayers is transformed via a series of hydroxylation, oxidation, and reduction steps into a vast array of biologically active compounds: mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and sex hormones. Glucocorticoids regulate many aspects of metabolism and immune function, whereas mineralocorticoids help maintain blood volume and control renal excretion of electrolytes. Sex hormones are essential for sex differentiation in male and support reproduction. They include androgens, estrogens, and progestins. A block in the pathway of steroid biosynthesis leads to the lack of hormones downstream and accumulation of the upstream compounds that can activate other members of the steroid receptor family. This review deals with the clinical consequences of these block

    Matemáticas para la sociedad: una visión desde los libros de aritmética del siglo XVI

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    Dentro de las investigaciones en Historia de la Educación Matemática el análisis de libros antiguos utilizados para la enseñanza de las matemáticas supone una importante fuente de información. Esto se debe a que los textos antiguos ayudan a reconstruir los conceptos, a contextualizarlos y a conocer sus diversos acercamientos, a interrogarse sobre la validez de las formas de argumentar vigentes en otras épocas, y a buscar los fundamentos de las formas actuales. De la misma forma, aportan información sobre lo pedagógico: las formas de organizar y presentar el contenido, sus representaciones, las situaciones, problemas y ejercicios utilizados para explicar mejor los conceptos y métodos matemáticos (Gómez, 2001). En este sentido, el objetivo de este estudio es identificar el interés social que otorgan los autores de libros de aritmética del siglo XVI a las matemáticas, es decir, si los contenidos matemáticos presentes en las obras se pueden encontrar dentro de algún contexto cotidiano, científico, económico, militar, etc

    The Geant4-DNA project

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    The Geant4-DNA project proposes to develop an open-source simulation software based and fully included in the general-purpose Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit. The main objective of this software is to simulate biological damages induced by ionising radiation at the cellular and sub-cellular scale. This project was originally initiated by the European Space Agency for the prediction of deleterious effects of radiation that may affect astronauts during future long duration space exploration missions. In this paper, the Geant4-DNA collaboration presents an overview of the whole ongoing project, including its most recent developments already available in the last Geant4 public release (9.3 BETA), as well as an illustration example simulating the direct irradiation of a chromatin fibre. Expected extensions involving several research domains, such as particle physics, chemistry and cellular and molecular biology, within a fully interdiciplinary activity of the Geant4 collaboration are also discussed.Comment: presented by S. Incerti at the ASIA SIMULATION CONFERENCE 2009, October 7-9, 2009, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japa

    New models for PIXE simulation with Geant4

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    Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is a physical effect that is not yet adequately modelled in Geant4. The current status as in Geant4 9.2 release is reviewed and new developments are described. The capabilities of the software prototype are illustrated in application to the shielding of the X-ray detectors of the eROSITA telescope on the upcoming Spectrum-X-Gamma space mission.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of the CHEP (Computing in High Energy Physics) 2009 conferenc

    Identificando las relaciones dimensionales de la escala de actitudes hacia las matemáticas propuesta por Auzmendi en maestros en formación

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    Diversas investigaciones señalan que las actitudes hacia contenidos o asignaturas de Matemáticas atienden a uno de los factores más influyentes en la futura labor docente de los maestros en formación. Por ello, consideramos que es necesario y de interés comparar las diferentes dimensiones que posee la actitud hacia las matemáticas entre los alumnos de Educación Primaria, debido a que en el grado que están estudiando deben adquirir tanto conocimientos de Matemáticas como la capacidad para impartirlos en su futuro empeño laboral

    The Dlx5 homeodomain gene is essential for normal olfactory development and connectivity in the mouse.

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    Versatile and non-cytotoxic GelMA-xanthan gum biomaterial ink for extrusion-based 3D bioprinting

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    Extrusion-based 3D bioprinting allows the 3D printing of bioinks, composed of cells and biomaterials, to mimic the complex 3D hierarchical structure of native tissues. Successful 3D bioprinting requires bioinks with specific properties, such as biocompatibility, printability, and biodegradability according to the desired application. In the present work, we aimed at developing a new versatile blend of gelatin methacryloyl-xanthan gum (GelMA-XG) suitable for extrusion-based 3D bioprinting with a straightforward process. To this end, we first optimized the process of gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) synthesis by investigating the impact of different buffer solutions on the degree of functionalization, swelling degree, and degradation rate. The addition of xanthan gum (XG) enabled further tuning of biodegradability and an improvement of GelMA printability. Specifically, an optimal concentration of XG was found through rheological characterization and printability tests. The optimized blend showed enhanced printability and improved shape fidelity as well as its degradation products turned out to be non-cytotoxic, thus laying the foundation for cell-based applications. In conclusion, our newly developed biomaterial ink is a promising candidate for extrusion-based 3D bioprinting