122 research outputs found

    An improved SPH scheme for cosmological simulations

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    We present an implementation of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with improved accuracy for simulations of galaxies and the large-scale structure. In particular, we combine, implement, modify and test a vast majority of SPH improvement techniques in the latest instalment of the GADGET code. We use the Wendland kernel functions, a particle wake-up time-step limiting mechanism and a time-dependent scheme for artificial viscosity, which includes a high-order gradient computation and shear flow limiter. Additionally, we include a novel prescription for time-dependent artificial conduction, which corrects for gravitationally induced pressure gradients and largely improves the SPH performance in capturing the development of gas-dynamical instabilities. We extensively test our new implementation in a wide range of hydrodynamical standard tests including weak and strong shocks as well as shear flows, turbulent spectra, gas mixing, hydrostatic equilibria and self-gravitating gas clouds. We jointly employ all modifications; however, when necessary we study the performance of individual code modules. We approximate hydrodynamical states more accurately and with significantly less noise than standard SPH. Furthermore, the new implementation promotes the mixing of entropy between different fluid phases, also within cosmological simulations. Finally, we study the performance of the hydrodynamical solver in the context of radiative galaxy formation and non-radiative galaxy cluster formation. We find galactic disks to be colder, thinner and more extended and our results on galaxy clusters show entropy cores instead of steadily declining entropy profiles. In summary, we demonstrate that our improved SPH implementation overcomes most of the undesirable limitations of standard SPH, thus becoming the core of an efficient code for large cosmological simulations.Comment: 21 figures, 2 tables, accepted to MNRA

    Cool Core Clusters from Cosmological Simulations

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    We present results obtained from a set of cosmological hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy clusters, aimed at comparing predictions with observational data on the diversity between cool-core (CC) and non-cool-core (NCC) clusters. Our simulations include the effects of stellar and AGN feedback and are based on an improved version of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics code GADGET-3, which ameliorates gas mixing and better captures gas-dynamical instabilities by including a suitable artificial thermal diffusion. In this Letter, we focus our analysis on the entropy profiles, the primary diagnostic we used to classify the degree of cool-coreness of clusters, and on the iron profiles. In keeping with observations, our simulated clusters display a variety of behaviors in entropy profiles: they range from steadily decreasing profiles at small radii, characteristic of cool-core systems, to nearly flat core isentropic profiles, characteristic of non-cool-core systems. Using observational criteria to distinguish between the two classes of objects, we find that they occur in similar proportions in both simulations and in observations. Furthermore, we also find that simulated cool-core clusters have profiles of iron abundance that are steeper than those of NCC clusters, which is also in agreement with observational results. We show that the capability of our simulations to generate a realistic cool-core structure in the cluster population is due to AGN feedback and artificial thermal diffusion: their combined action allows us to naturally distribute the energy extracted from super-massive black holes and to compensate for the radiative losses of low-entropy gas with short cooling time residing in the cluster core.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted in ApJL, v2 contains some modifications on the text (results unchanged

    Properties of the diffuse X-ray background in a high-resolution hydrodynamical simulation

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    We study the properties of the diffuse X-ray background by using the results of a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation of the concordance LambdaCDM model. The simulation follows gravitational and gas dynamics and includes a treatment of physical processes like radiative cooling, star formation and supernova feedback. From the simulation outputs, we produce a set of two-dimensional maps of the intergalactic medium X-ray emission integrated over redshift. We find that the signal in the soft (0.5-2 keV) band is lognormally distributed with a mean intensity of about 4 10^-12 erg s^-1 cm^-2 deg^-2; approximately 40 per cent of the emission originates from warm-hot gas (defined as baryons with 10^5<T<10^7 K), and 90 per cent comes from structures at z<0.9. Since the spectrum is soft, being mostly provided by the intergalactic medium at low temperature, the total mean intensity in the hard (2-10 keV) X-ray band is smaller by a factor of about 4. In order to constrain the physical processes included in our simulation, we compare our results with the observed upper limit (1.2 +/- 0.3) 10^-12 erg s^-1 cm^-2 deg^-2 of the soft X-ray emission due to diffuse gas. To this purpose, we remove the contributions of observable extended objects (groups and clusters of galaxies) from the simulated maps by adopting different detectability criteria which are calibrated on the properties of systems at intermediate redshifts observed by Chandra. We show that the simulated diffuse soft X-ray emission is consistent with the present observed upper limit. However, if future measurements will decrease the level of the unresolved X-ray background by a factor of two, a more efficient feedback mechanism should be required to suppress the soft emission of the gas residing within filaments and group-size haloes.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for pubblication in MNRAS. Added 2 new sections and other minor changes due to referee repor

    Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters: X-ray scaling relations and their evolution

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    We analyse cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters to study the X-ray scaling relations between total masses and observable quantities such as X-ray luminosity, gas mass, X-ray temperature, and YXY_{X}. Three sets of simulations are performed with an improved version of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics GADGET-3 code. These consider the following: non-radiative gas, star formation and stellar feedback, and the addition of feedback by active galactic nuclei (AGN). We select clusters with M500>1014ME(z)1M_{500} > 10^{14} M_{\odot} E(z)^{-1}, mimicking the typical selection of Sunyaev-Zeldovich samples. This permits to have a mass range large enough to enable robust fitting of the relations even at z2z \sim 2. The results of the analysis show a general agreement with observations. The values of the slope of the mass-gas mass and mass-temperature relations at z=2z=2 are 10 per cent lower with respect to z=0z=0 due to the applied mass selection, in the former case, and to the effect of early merger in the latter. We investigate the impact of the slope variation on the study of the evolution of the normalization. We conclude that cosmological studies through scaling relations should be limited to the redshift range z=01z=0-1, where we find that the slope, the scatter, and the covariance matrix of the relations are stable. The scaling between mass and YXY_X is confirmed to be the most robust relation, being almost independent of the gas physics. At higher redshifts, the scaling relations are sensitive to the inclusion of AGNs which influences low-mass systems. The detailed study of these objects will be crucial to evaluate the AGN effect on the ICM.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables, replaced to match accepted versio

    Diffuse light and galaxy interactions in the core of nearby clusters

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    The kinematics of the diffuse light in the densest regions of the nearby clusters can be unmasked using the planetary nebulae (PNs) as probes of the stellar motions. The position-velocity diagrams around the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) identify the relative contributions from the outer halos and the intracluster light (ICL), defined as the light radiated by the stars floating in the cluster potential. The kinematics of the ICL can then be used to asses the dynamical status of the nearby cluster cores and to infer their formation histories. The cores of the Virgo and Coma are observed to be far from equilibrium, with mergers currently on-going, while the ICL properties in the Fornax and Hydra clusters show the presence of sub-components being accreted in their cores, but superposed to an otherwise relaxed population of stars. Finally the comparison of the observed ICL properties with those predicted from Lambda-CDM simulations indicates a qualitative agreement and provides insights on the ICL formation. Both observations and simulations indicate that BCG halos and ICL are physically distinct components, with the ``hotter" ICL dominating at large radial distances from the BCGs halos as the latter become progressively fainter.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Invited review to appear in the proceedings of "Galaxies and their masks" eds. Block, D.L., Freeman, K.C. and Puerari, I., 2010, Springer (New York

    Cluster Correlation in Mixed Models

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    We evaluate the dependence of the cluster correlation length r_c on the mean intercluster separation D_c, for three models with critical matter density, vanishing vacuum energy (Lambda = 0) and COBE normalized: a tilted CDM (tCDM) model (n=0.8) and two blue mixed models with two light massive neutrinos yielding Omega_h = 0.26 and 0.14 (MDM1 and MDM2, respectively). All models approach the observational value of sigma_8 (and, henceforth, the observed cluster abundance) and are consistent with the observed abundance of Damped Lyman_alpha systems. Mixed models have a motivation in recent results of neutrino physics; they also agree with the observed value of the ratio sigma_8/sigma_25, yielding the spectral slope parameter Gamma, and nicely fit LCRS reconstructed spectra. We use parallel AP3M simulations, performed in a wide box (side 360/h Mpc) and with high mass and distance resolution, enabling us to build artificial samples of clusters, whose total number and mass range allow to cover the same D_c interval inspected through APM and Abell cluster clustering data. We find that the tCDM model performs substantially better than n=1 critical density CDM models. Our main finding, however, is that mixed models provide a surprisingly good fit of cluster clustering data.Comment: 22 pages + 10 Postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Mismatch between X-ray and emission-weighted temperatures in galaxy clusters: cosmological implications

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    The thermal properties of hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters are usually compared to observations by relying on the emission-weighted temperature T_ew, instead of on the spectroscopic X-ray temperature T_spec, which is obtained by actual observational data. In a recent paper Mazzotta et al. show that, if the cluster is thermally complex, T_ew fails at reproducing T_spec, and propose a new formula, the spectroscopic-like temperature, T_sl, which approximates T_spec better than a few per cent. By analyzing a set of hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters, we find that T_sl is lower than T_ew by 20-30 per cent. As a consequence, the normalization of the M-T_sl relation from the simulations is larger than the observed one by about 50 per cent. If masses in simulated clusters are estimated by following the same assumptions of hydrostatic equilibrium and \beta--model gas density profile, as often done for observed clusters, then the M-T relation decreases by about 40 per cent, and significantly reduces its scatter. Based on this result, we conclude that using the observed M-T relation to infer the amplitude of the power spectrum from the X-ray temperature function could bias low \sigma_8 by 10-20 per cent. This may alleviate the tension between the value of \sigma_8 inferred from the cluster number density and those from cosmic microwave background and large scale structure.Comment: Submitted for publication in APJL; 4 pages, 3 color figure

    The effect of dwarf galaxies disruption in semi-analytic models

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    We present results for a galaxy formation model that includes a simple treatment for the disruption of dwarf galaxies by gravitational forces and galaxy encounters within galaxy clusters. This is implemented a posteriori in a semi-analytic model by considering the stability of cluster dark matter sub-haloes at z=0. We assume that a galaxy whose dark matter substructure has been disrupted will itself disperse, while its stars become part of the population of intracluster stars responsible for the observed intracluster light. Despite the simplicity of this assumption, our results show a substantial improvement over previous models and indicate that the inclusion of galaxy disruption is indeed a necessary ingredient of galaxy formation models. We find that galaxy disruption suppresses the number density of dwarf galaxies by about a factor of two. This makes the slope of the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function shallower, in agreement with observations. In particular, the abundance of faint, red galaxies is strongly suppressed. As a result, the luminosity function of red galaxies and the distinction between the red and the blue galaxy populations in colour-magnitude relationships are correctly predicted. Finally, we estimate a fraction of intracluster light comparable to that found in clusters of galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, 2 figures changed and references adde

    The Diffuse Light in Simulations of Galaxy Clusters

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    We study the properties of the diffuse light in galaxy clusters forming in a large hydrodynamical cosmological simulation of the Lambda-CDM cosmology. The simulation includes a model for radiative cooling, star formation in dense cold gas, and feedback by SN-II explosions. We select clusters having mass M>10^(14) h^(-1) Msun and study the spatial distribution of their star particles. While most stellar light is concentrated in gravitationally bound galaxies orbiting in the cluster potential, we find evidence for a substantial diffuse component, which may account for the extended halos of light observed around central cD galaxies. We find that more massive simulated clusters have a larger fraction of stars in the diffuse light than the less massive ones. The intracluster light is more centrally concentrated than the galaxy light, and the stars in the diffuse component are on average older than the stars in cluster galaxies, supporting the view that the diffuse light is not a random sampling of the stellar population in the cluster galaxies. We thus expect that at least ~10% of the stars in a cluster may be distributed as intracluster light, largely hidden thus far due to its very low surface brightness.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure