4,500 research outputs found

    Respons Siswa SMP Negeri Se-Kota Lubuklinggau terhadap Bahan Ajar Cerita Rakyat Lubuklingau

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan respons siswa terhadap bahan ajar cerita rakyat Lubuklinggau. Rumusan masalah “Bagaimana respons siswa terhadap bahan ajar cerita rakyat Lubuklinggau di SMPN se-Kota  Lubuklinggau?”. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi kelas. Teknik analisis data yaitu dengan tahap deskripsi, tahap klasifikasi, tahap analisis, interpretasi data, evaluasi, dan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui hasil Indikator pertama, 100% siswa senang, antusias dan bersemangat dalam membaca atau mendengar cerita rakyat Lubuklinggau. Pada indikator kedua, 139 siswa atau 100% peduli terhadap karya sastra cerita rakyat, sementara siswa yang merespon karya sastra cerita rakyat sebanyak 139 siswa atau 100%. Pada indikator ketiga, 134 siswa atau 96,40%, optimis terhadap manfaat membaca karya sastra cerita rakyat Lubuklinggau dan, indikator percaya manfaat membaca karya sastra sebanyak 134 orang atau 96,40%. Indikator keempat, 139 siswa atau 100%, serius dalam belajar sastra cerita rakyat Lubuklinggau, sedangkan siswa yang aktif belajar sastra sebanyak 135 orang atau 97,12%. Siswa yang terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran sastra sebanyak 139 orang atau 100%. Pada indikator kelima, 139 siswa atau 100%, bersedia dalam kegiatan belajar sastra dan siswa yang merespons bahan ajar sastra secara sempotan sebanyak 135 orang atau 97,12% dan 4 siswa atau 2,88% belum menunjukkan sikap sepontan dalam merespons bahan ajar cerita rakyat Lubuklinggau. Berdasarkan hasil respons siswa dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar cerita rakyat Lubuklinggau mampu memotivasi kegiatan belajar siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri in se-Kota Lubuklinggau. Kata kunci: respons, bahan ajar, cerita rakyat Lubuklinggau &nbsp

    Pengaruh Suhu dan Waku Sintering terhadap Pembuatan Foam Glass Menggunakan Limbah Pecahan Kaca dan Abu Terbang (Fly Ash) dari Pabrik Sawit

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    Foam glass is a material can be used as a insulation acoustic. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of sintering temperature and time sintering on the physicalproperties of foam glass preparation from sheet glass and fly ash using dolomite as foaming agents. Slurry was made with mixed fly ash 50wt% and powder glass 50wt% incorporated indolomite 8wt% and strirred for 30 minutes; 300 rpm. Slurry was dried in oven at oven 105˚C for for 12 hours. Green bodies removed from mold and then it was sintered in the range 750, 900 and 950 oC at the furnace for 10,20,30 minutes. The effect of sintering temperature andsintering time on the shrinkage, porosity, density, compressive strength, microstructure and crystalline phases (XRD) were investigated. As the sintering temperature range 750oCthe density, compressive strength, shrinkage increased while the percentage of porosity decreased however as sintering temperature 900-950oC density and compressive strengthdecreased but percentage porosity increased. Furthermore, the sintering time increased the bulk density, compressive strength, shrinkage increased while the percentage of porositydecreased. The shrinkage, percentage of porosity, density, and compressive strength of the produced foam glass for insulation were 9,28-20,36%; 63-66%; 0,85-0,91 g/cm3; 1,53-1,69MPa; respectively. The optimum processing for producing foam glass for insulation was to use sintering temperature 900oC, time sintering 30 minutes

    Phase portraits of the quadratic polynomial Liénard differential systems

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    We classify the global phase portraits in the Poincaré disc of the quadratic polynomial Liénard differential systems ˙ x = y, ˙ y = (ax + b)y + cx2 + dx + e, where (x,y) ∈R2 are the variables and a,b,c,d,e are real parameters

    Modulation of Toll-like receptors in psoriatic patients during therapy with adalimumab

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a key part of the innate immune system that detect pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) of microorganisms and their stimulation results in the activation of signaling pathways leading to the modulation of inflammatory and immune responses. Since psoriasis is a complex, inflammatory and immune skin disease, characterized by an abnormal immune response and increased proliferation of keratinocytes, with an increased production of proinflammatory cytokines, TLRs could play an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. We propose to assess the modulation of TLR expression on psoriatic skin of patients treated with Adalimumab and systemic conventional therapies. We therefore recruited fifteen patients: ten were treated with adalimumab and five with systemic conventional therapies; their clinical conditions were analyzed by PASI index and skin biopsies were evaluated for TLR1 and TLR2 expression by immunohistochemistry assays. Our data suggest adalimumab is not only able to improve the clinical condition of psoriatic patients, but also to modulate TLR1 and TLR2 expression involved in psoriasis, as in healthy skin. Adalimumab is a most promising biological drug able to orchestrate immune and inflammatory responses in psoriatic lesions, recovering TLR expression on basal keratinocytes and improving clinical conditions of psoriatic patients, with no evident side effects

    Guilt: One story behind psychological and sexual health

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    This poster examines the specific relationship three types of guilt have with markers of psychological and sexual health to provide an empirical basis to help understand the complex role guilt plays in college student's lives

    Determinación de la adhesión de hidroxiapatita sobre Ti cp utilizando impedancia electroquímica

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    La espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica es una de las técnicas más modernas utilizadas para caracterizar las propiedades eléctricas de una película cerámica y su adhesión a la superficie metálica. Este trabajo representa parte de un proyecto en ejecución en el que se propone evaluar la solubilidad de una película de hidroxiapatita (HA) depositada sobre la superficie pulida de Ti cp por el método biomimético, después de varios períodos de inmersión en un medio fisiológico con la composición siguiente (g/L): NaCl 8,74; NaHCO3 0,35; Na2HPO4 0,06; NaH2PO4 0,06. A través de la técnica de impedancia es posible determinar la cantidad de disolución que penetra en la película y, a partir de esto, estimar la solubilidad y el límite de saturación que conduce a la pérdida de adhesión mediante un gráfico que describe el perfil de las variaciones de la capacidad eléctrica en función del tiempo. Las mediciones de impedancia fueron realizadas a potenciales de circuito abierto después de varios períodos de inmersión, en el intervalo de 100 KHz a 10 mHz . Los diagramas de Bode muestran claramente que el recubrimiento provee una protección cada vez menos eficaz con el aumento del tiempo de exposición en disolución fisiológica. La máxima impedancia |z| obtenida, correspondiente a un período de 24 h en el que la protección fue más efectiva, permaneció alrededor de 106Ω · cm2 a 0,01 Hz