451 research outputs found

    Dinitrogen fixation and residue nitrogen of different managed legumes and nitrogen uptake of subsequent winter wheat [N2-Fixierung und residualer Stickstoff verschiedener Futterleguminosen sowie N-Aufnahme der Folgefrucht Winterweizen.]

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    Fixed nitrogen accumulated by legumes is the main nitrogen source for organic farming systems. Knowledge about the amount of fixed nitrogen, its pathways into forage yield, crop residues, soil-N and yield formation of the following crop is needed for designing crop rotations. Two field experiments were conducted in Northern Germany with differently managed (cut, mulched) legumes (red clover, alfalfa, white clover) in pure stands and various mixtures with two companion grasses (Lolium multiflorum, Lolium perenne) have been grown to determine N2-fixation, residue nitrogen and N-uptake of subsequent crops. Cropped grass/legume reached higher N2-fixation than mulched. While green manure grass/legume left up to 280 kg ha-1 of N in mulch, stubble and roots on the field, most cropped grass/legume mixtures left less than 110 kg N ha-1 in crop residues. Pure legume swards or legume rich mixtures showed higher N2-fixation than grass rich mixtures. N-uptake in late autumn and at maturity of the subsequent wheat was strongly correlated to the legume content in DM-yield

    Yield, forage quality, residue nitrogen and nitrogen fixation of different forage legumes

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    Fixed nitrogen accumulated by legumes is the main nitrogen source for organic farming systems. Knowledge about the amount of fixed nitrogen, its pathways into forage yield, crop residues, soil-N and yield formation of the following crop is needed for designing crop rotations. In a field experiment conducted in Northern Germany differently managed (cut, mulched) legumes (red clover, alfalfa, white clover) in pure stands and in mixture with a companion grass (Lolium perenne) have been grown to determine Yield, forage-quality, N2-fixation and residue nitrogen. Cropped grass/legume reached higher N2-fixation than mulched. While green manure grass/legume left up to 296 kg ha-1 of N in mulch, stubble and roots on the field, most cropped grass/legume mixtures left less than 120 kg N ha-1 in crop residues. Cropped swards showed higher N2-fixation than the mulched mixtures. Swards with red clover or alfalfa reached higher legume contents and harvestable biomass than swards with white clover. Conclusions The results show that biomass production, forage yields, residue nitrogen and N fixation of grass/legume mixtures can be influenced by various combinations of legume species and management. The factors listed have to be considered carefully when planning crop rotations

    Comparison of NIRS based methods to determine legume content of mixed swards

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    Four established and two new NIRS calibrations for the determination of legume content in dry ground mixtures were used to estimate clover content in ten Finnish red clover-grass mixtures of known legume content

    Environmental Impact of Rotationally Grazed Pastures at Different Management Intensities in South Africa

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    Nitrogen fertilization, irrigation and concentrate feeding are important factors in rotational pasture management for dairy farms in South Africa. The extent to which these factors affect environmental efficiency is subject to current and intense debate among scientists. A three-year field study was conducted to investigate the yield response of different N-fertilizer treatments (0 (N0), 220 (N20), 440 (N40), 660 (N60) and 880 (N80) kg N ha-1 year-1) on grazed pastures and to calculate the carbon footprint (CF) of milk produced. Excessive N-fertilization (N60 and N80) did not increase herbage dry matter and energy yields from pastures. However, N80 indicated the highest N-yield but at the same time also the highest N surpluses at field level. A maximum fertilizer rate of 220 kg ha-1 year-1 (in addition to excreted N from grazing animals) appears sufficient to ensure adequate herbage yields (~20 t DM ha-1 year-1) with a slightly positive field-N-balance. This amount will prevent the depletion of soil C and N, with low N losses to the environment, where adequate milk yields of ~17 t ECM ha-1 with a low CF (~1.3 kg CO2 kg ECM-1) are reached. Methane from enteric fermentation (~49% ± 3.3) and N2O (~16% ± 3.2) emissions from irrigated pastures were the main contributors to the CF. A further CF reduction can be achieved by improved N-fertilization planning, low emission irrigation techniques and strategies to limit N2O emissions from pasture soils in South Africa

    Nitrous oxide emissions from grass–clover swards as influenced by sward age and biological nitrogen fixation

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    Grassland renovation by cultivation and reseeding has been shown to increase short‐term emissions of N2O, but there is uncertainty about long‐term effects, despite the potential impacts of reseeding on sward composition and soil functions. A field experiment was therefore carried out to determine how N2O emissions from previously renovated grasslands varied in the intermediate to long‐term, compared with an undisturbed permanent grassland (PG). Plots on the PG site were renovated, either two (G2) or five (G5) years prior to the two experimental years. In each sward age and experimental year, annual N2O‐measurements were conducted on a weekly basis and compared with the undisturbed PG. Plots were either unfertilized or were fertilized with slurry (240 kg N ha−1 year−1). On average, annual N2O emissions were 0.39 kg N/ha for the unfertilized swards, and 0.91 kg N/ha for slurry‐fertilized swards. Sward age had no effect on N2O emissions. With increasing sward age the proportion of legumes in the sward was reduced, but a minimum biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) of 88 kg N/ha was maintained even in the fertilized PG. Both sward age and BNF were of limited importance for the annual N2O emissions compared with the effects of soil carbon content and nitrogen surplus levels. However, measured N2O emissions were low in all sward age treatments, with a low risk of additional N2O emissions when BNF is taken into account in fertilizer planning

    Assessing the Potential of Diverse Forage Mixtures to Reduce Enteric CH\u3csub\u3e4\u3c/sub\u3e Emissions

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    Enteric methane (CH4) is a main source of agriculture-related greenhouse gasses. Conversely, pasture is increasingly demanded by customers due to both perceived and real benefits regarding animal welfare, environmental aspects and product quality. However, if implemented poorly, CH4 emissions can increase, thus contributing to climate change. One promising option to reduce enteric CH4 emissions are plant specialized metabolites (PSM), and particularly tannins. Consequently, we conducted two complementary experiments to determine to what extent enteric CH4 emissions can be reduced, and how this affects milk yields: a) an in vivo experiment with grazing Jersey cows, where CH4 emissions were quantified using the SF6 tracer technique, and b) an in vitro experiment using the Hohenheim gas test. In the in vivo experiment, a binary mixture consisting of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens) was compared against a diverse mixture consisting of eight species, including birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), and salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor). In the in vitro experiment, the eight species from the in vivo experiment were combined in binary mixtures with perennial ryegrass in increasing proportions, to determine the mitigation potential of each species. Results show an increase in milk yield for the diverse mixture, although this is also accompanied by higher CH4 emissions. Nevertheless, these emissions are lower across both mixtures, when compared with similar trials. This is probably due to a very high digestibility of the ingested forage. With the in vitro experiment, we were able to confirm a substantial potential for CH4 reduction when including species rich in PSM. However, those forbs with the higher anti-methanogenic potential were only present in minor proportions in the pasture. Hence, further research will be required on how to increase the share of the bioactive species with lower competitiveness and confirm their potential in vivo
