92 research outputs found

    Performance assessment of drop tube reactor for biomass fast pyrolysis using process simulator

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    Biomass pyrolysis process from a drop tube reactor was modelled in a plug flow reactor using Aspen Plus process simulation software. A kinetic mechanism for pyrolysis was developed considering the recent improvements and updated kinetic schemes to account for different content of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. In this regard, oak, beechwood, rice straw, and cassava stalk biomasses were analyzed. The main phenomena governing the pyrolysis process are identified in terms of the characteristic times. Pyrolysis process was found to be reaction rate controlled. Effects of pyrolysis temperature on bio-oil, gases, and char yields were evaluated. At optimum pyrolysis conditions (i.e., 500?), a bio-oil yield of 67.3, 64, 43, and 52 wt.% were obtained from oak, beechwood, rice straw, and cassava stalk, respectively. Oak and beechwood were found to give high yields of bio-oil, while rice straw produced high gas and char yields compared to other biomasses. Although temperature is the main factor that plays a key role in the distribution of pyrolysis products, the composition of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin in the feedstock also determines the yield behaviour and composition of products. With the rise in pyrolysis temperature, further decomposition of intermediate components was initiated favouring the formation of lighter fractions. Comparably, species belonging to the aldehyde chemical family had the highest share of bio-oil components in all the investigated feedstocks. Overall, the present study shows a good agreement with the experimental study reported in the literature, confirming its validity as a predictive tool for the biomass pyrolysis process

    Potential energy landscape-based extended van der Waals equation

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    The inherent structures ({\it IS}) are the local minima of the potential energy surface or landscape, U(r)U({\bf r}), of an {\it N} atom system. Stillinger has given an exact {\it IS} formulation of thermodynamics. Here the implications for the equation of state are investigated. It is shown that the van der Waals ({\it vdW}) equation, with density-dependent aa and bb coefficients, holds on the high-temperature plateau of the averaged {\it IS} energy. However, an additional ``landscape'' contribution to the pressure is found at lower TT. The resulting extended {\it vdW} equation, unlike the original, is capable of yielding a water-like density anomaly, flat isotherms in the coexistence region {\it vs} {\it vdW} loops, and several other desirable features. The plateau energy, the width of the distribution of {\it IS}, and the ``top of the landscape'' temperature are simulated over a broad reduced density range, 2.0ρ0.202.0 \ge \rho \ge 0.20, in the Lennard-Jones fluid. Fits to the data yield an explicit equation of state, which is argued to be useful at high density; it nevertheless reproduces the known values of aa and bb at the critical point

    The Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Screening for HIV in Migrants in the EU/EEA: A Systematic Review

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    Migrants, defined as individuals who move from their country of origin to another, account for 40% of newly-diagnosed cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA). Populations at high risk for HIV include migrants, from countries or living in neighbourhoods where HIV is prevalent, and those participating in high risk behaviour. These migrants are at risk of low CD4 counts at diagnosis, increased morbidity, mortality, and onward transmission. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HIV testing strategies in migrant populations and to estimate their effect on testing uptake, mortality, and resource requirements. Following a systematic overview, we included four systematic reviews on the effectiveness of strategies in non-migrant populations and inferred their effect on migrant populations, as well as eight individual studies on cost-effectiveness/resource requirements. We assessed the certainty of our results using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) approach. The systematic reviews reported that HIV tests are highly accurate (rapid test >90% sensitivity, Western blot and ELISA >99% sensitivity). A meta-analysis showed that rapid testing approaches improve the access and uptake of testing (risk ratio = 2.95, 95% CI: 1.69 to 5.16), and were associated with a lower incidence of HIV in the middle-aged women subgroup among marginalised populations at a high risk of HIV exposure and HIV related stigma. Economic evidence on rapid counselling and testing identified strategic advantages with rapid tests. In conclusion, community-based rapid testing programmes may have the potential to improve uptake of HIV testing among migrant populations across a range of EU/EEA settings

    New Mediterranean biodiversity records (October 2015)

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    The Collective Article “New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records” of the Mediterranean Marine Science journal offers the means to publish biodiversity records in the Mediterranean Sea. The current article has adopted a country-based classification and the countries are listed according to their geographic position, from west to east. New biodiversity data are reported for 7 different countries, although one species reported from Malta is new for the entire Mediterranean basin, and is presumably also present in Israel and Lebanon (see below, under Malta). Italy: the rare native fish Gobius kolombatovici is first reported from the Ionian Sea, whilst the alien jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica and the alien fish Oplegnathus fasciatus are first reported from the entire country. The presence of O. fasciatus from Trieste is concomitantly the first for the entire Adriatic Sea. Finally, the alien bivalve Arcuatula senhousia is reported for the first time from Campania (Tyrrhenian Sea). Tunisia: a bloom of the alien crab ortunus segnis is first reported from the Gulf of Gabes, where it was considered as casual. Malta: the alien flatworm Maritigrella fuscopunctata is recorded in the Mediterranean Sea for the first time, on the basis of 25 specimens. At the same time, web searches include possible unpublished records from Israel and Lebanon. The alien crab P. segnis, already mentioned above, is first formally reported from Malta based on specimens collected in 1972. Concomitantly, the presence of Callinectes sapidus in Maltese waters is excluded since based on misidentifications. Greece: the Atlantic northern brown shrimp Penaeus atzecus, previously known from the Ionian Sea from sporadic records only, is now well established in Greek and international Ionian waters. The alien sea urchin Diadema setosum is reported for the second time from Greece, and its first record from the country is backdated to 2010 in Rhodes Island. The alien lionfish Pterois miles is first reported from Greece and concomitantly from the entire Aegean Sea. Turkey: the alien rhodophyte Antithamnion hubbsii is first reported from Turkey and the entire eastern Mediterranean. New distribution data are also provided for the native fishes Alectis alexandrina and Heptranchias perlo. In particular, the former record consists of a juvenile measuring 21.38 mm total length, whilst the latter by a mature male. Cyprus: the rare native cephalopod Macrotritopus defilippi, and the alien crab Atergatis roseus, sea slug Plocamopherus ocellatus and fish Cheilodipterus novemstriatus are first recorded from the entire country. Lebanon: the alien crabs Actaea savignii and Matuta victor, as well as the alien fish Synanceia verrucosa, are first recorded from the entire country. In addition, the first Mediterranean record of A. savignii is backdated to 2006, whilst the high number of M. victor specimens observed in Lebanon suggest its establishment in the Basin. The Atlantic fishes Paranthias furcifer and Seriola fasciata, and the circumtropical Rachycentron canadum, are also first reported from the country. The P. furcifer record backdates its presence in the Mediterranean to 2007, whilst S. fasciata records backdate its presence in the eastern Mediterranean to 2005. Finally, two of these latter species have been recently ascribed to alien species, but all three species may fit the cryptogenic category, if not a new one, better.peer-reviewe

    Hubble PanCET: an isothermal day-side atmosphere for the bloated gas-giant HAT-P-32Ab

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    We present a thermal emission spectrum of the bloated hot Jupiter HAT-P-32Ab from a single eclipse observation made in spatial scan mode with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The spectrum covers the wavelength regime from 1.123 to 1.644 μm which is binned into 14 eclipse depths measured to an averaged precision of 104 parts-per million. The spectrum is unaffected by a dilution from the close M-dwarf companion HAT-P-32B, which was fully resolved. We complemented our spectrum with literature results and performed a comparative forward and retrieval analysis with the 1D radiative-convective ATMO model. Assuming solar abundance of the planet atmosphere, we find that the measured spectrum can best be explained by the spectrum of a blackbody isothermal atmosphere with Tp = 1995 ± 17 K, but can equally well be described by a spectrum with modest thermal inversion. The retrieved spectrum suggests emission from VO at the WFC3 wavelengths and no evidence of the 1.4 μm water feature. The emission models with temperature profiles decreasing with height are rejected at a high confidence. An isothermal or inverted spectrum can imply a clear atmosphere with an absorber, a dusty cloud deck or a combination of both. We find that the planet can have continuum of values for the albedo and recirculation, ranging from high albedo and poor recirculation to low albedo and efficient recirculation. Optical spectroscopy of the planet\u27s day-side or thermal emission phase curves can potentially resolve the current albedo with recirculation degeneracy

    An interface debonding law subject to viscous regularization for avoiding instability: Application to the delamination problems

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    International audienceThe prediction of ply delamination in laminated composites is modeled by using interface elements. The numerical approach is based on the cohesive zone model, which is shown to provide an efficient description of the delamination growth. The theoretical study is performed in quasi-static regime and an implicit finite element scheme is used. A comprehensive I D example shows that cohesive elements may induce numerical instability and that the use of a viscous regularization is relevant to suppress the instability and to obtain a reasonable numerical convergence. This paper describes a technique that can be used to introduce damping into cohesive zone finite element simulations of crack nucleation and growth, with a view to avoiding convergence difficulties in quasi-static finite element simulations. A new kind of viscous regularization is proposed, which applies to the bilinear debonding model and has a limited rate dependency. An experimental study is performed by using DCB (double cantilever beam) samples for the mode I interlaminar fracture toughness test; a good agreement between numerical predictions and experimental results is obtained. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved