167 research outputs found

    Viral and Insect Genes that Inhibit the Immune System and Methods of Use Thereof

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    Viral, endoparasitoid and/or host genes that specifically inhibit the immune response of insect pests, useful for broadening the host range of insect viruses. Symbiont viruses of insect pests are genetically modified to express immune-suppressing proteins or biologically active fragments thereof and, optionally toxins, to increase the virus host range and/or improve the efficacy of insect pathogens

    Treated Wastewater and Nitrate Transport Beneath Irrigated Fields near Dodge City, Kansas

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    Use of secondary-treated municipal wastewater for crop irrigation south of Dodge City, Kansas, where the soils are mainly of silty clay loam texture, has raised a concern that it has resulted in high nitrate-nitrogen concentrations (10-50 mg/kg) in the soil and deeper vadose zone, and also in the underlying deep (20-45 m) ground water. The goal of this field-monitoring project was to assess how and under what circumstances nitrogen (N) nutrients under cultivated corn that is irrigated with this treated wastewater can reach the deep ground water of the underlying High Plains aquifer, and what can realistically be done to minimize this problem. We collected 15.2-m-deep cores for physical and chemical properties characterization; installed neutron moisture-probe access tubes and suction lysimeters for periodic measurements; sampled area monitoring, irrigation, and domestic wells; performed dye-tracer experiments to examine soil preferential-flow processes through macropores; and obtained climatic, crop, irrigation, and N-application rate records. These data and additional information were used in the comprehensive Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM2) to identify key parameters and processes that influence N losses in the study area. We demonstrated that nitrate-N transport processes result in significant accumulations of N in the thick vadose zone. We also showed that nitrate-N in the underlying ground water is increasing with time and that the source of the nitrate is from the wastewater applications. RZWQM2 simulations indicated that macropore flow is generated particularly during heavy rainfall events, but during our 2005-06 simulations the total macropore flow was only about 3% of precipitation for one of two investigated sites, whereas it was more than 13% for the other site. Our calibrated model for the two wastewater-irrigated study sites indicated that reducing current levels of corn N fertilization by half or more to the level of 170 kg/ha substantially increases N-use efficiency and achieves near-maximum crop yield. Combining such measures with a crop rotation that includes alfalfa should further reduce the amounts of residual N in the soil, as indicated in one of the study sites that had alfalfa in past crop rotations

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Determinasi Pasar Benih Kelapa Sawit Di Indonesia

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    * Plant Production and Biotechnology Division, PT SMART Tbk., Jakarta** Manajemen dan Bisnis, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.Email : [email protected] development of oil palm (Elaeis guinensis Jacq.) industry in Indonesia was very fast,especially within the last decade. This rapid development was in line with the increasing of land usedfor oil palm plantation and the availability of oil palm hybrid seeds. Until 2009 the demand of oilpalm certified hybrid seeds was beyond its supply which has resulted into the USAge of the illegal oilpalm seeds with low quality. One of the strategies to solve the shortage of certified hybrid seeds wasto increase the number of seed producer in Indonesia, so that since 2009 the oil palm seeds produceddomestically was over supplied. However, the USAge of illegal oil palm seeds was still taking place.Therefore, this research was designed to analysis the determinant factors of oil palm seeds market inIndonesia based on consumer's demography profile, purpose and frequency seed purchase,costumer satisfaction level and seed compatibility. This research was based on the survey taken fromthe respondents in the regency of Siak, Kampar and Rokan Hulu, province of Riau. Selection of therespondents was used the convenience sampling method and later on by judgmental sampling. Slovinmethod was used to determine number of respondent. Data was analyzed using descriptive analysisand ordinal logistic regression analysis. The results of data analysis shown that the amount of soldseeds was depend on demographic factors, i.e. gender, education level, activity and consumer statusin company, but not age of consumers. The purpose and frequency to purchase the oil palm seedswere negatively correlated to the number of sold seeds. Moreover, the level of customer satisfactionhas significant effect on the number of sold seeds

    Plasmodium vivax populations revisited: mitochondrial genomes of temperate strains in Asia suggest ancient population expansion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Plasmodium vivax </it>is the most widely distributed human malaria parasite outside of Africa, and its range extends well into the temperate zones. Previous studies provided evidence for vivax population differentiation, but temperate vivax parasites were not well represented in these analyses. Here we address this deficit by using complete mitochondrial (mt) genome sequences to elucidate the broad genetic diversity and population structure of <it>P. vivax </it>from temperate regions in East and Southeast Asia.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From the complete mtDNA sequences of 99 clinical samples collected in China, Myanmar and Korea, a total of 30 different haplotypes were identified from 26 polymorphic sites. Significant differentiation between different East and Southeast Asian parasite populations was observed except for the comparison between populations from Korea and southern China. Haplotype patterns and structure diversity analysis showed coexistence of two different groups in East Asia, which were genetically related to the Southeast Asian population and Myanmar population, respectively. The demographic history of <it>P. vivax</it>, examined using neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analyses, revealed population expansion events across the entire <it>P. vivax </it>range and the Myanmar population. Bayesian skyline analysis further supported the occurrence of ancient <it>P. vivax </it>population expansion.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study provided further resolution of the population structure and evolution of <it>P. vivax</it>, especially in temperate/warm-temperate endemic areas of Asia. The results revealed divergence of the <it>P. vivax </it>populations in temperate regions of China and Korea from other populations. Multiple analyses confirmed ancient population expansion of this parasite. The extensive genetic diversity of the <it>P. vivax </it>populations is consistent with phenotypic plasticity of the parasites, which has implications for malaria control.</p

    Optimization of Concentration and EM4 Augmentation for Improving Bio-Gas Productivity From Jatropha Curcas Linn Capsule Husk

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    Most literature suggests that two-phase digestion is more efficient than single-phase. The series of two-phase digestion studies have been conducted from 2011 to 2013 at the research farm of PT Bumimas Ekapersada, West Java, Indonesia. This paper reports on a research on optimation of concentration and augmentation of EM-4 (effective microorganism-4), a local commercial decomposer, as efforts to stabilize a biogas technology which made ​​from husk capsules of Jatropha curcas Linn (DH-JcL). The studies of increasing organic loading rate (OLR) for the two-phase digestion was conducted to improve efficiency. The concentration variable studied was 1: 8 (1 part DH-JCL and 8 parts water), compared to 1: 12 as a control. The augmentation treatment is the addition of EM-4 by 5% (v/v). It was also examined the augmentation of F2-EM4 (150 times duplication of EM-4) due to cost consideration. The studies were conducted in the laboratory which using a liter and two liters of glass digester and glass wool as immobilized growth. The results of this study support the previous studies: the optimum concentration was 1: 8, EM-4 was able to increase biogas production in two-phase digestion, yet biogas production decrease at single-phase. F2-EM4's ability to support production of biogas were equivalent to that of EM-4

    Deuterium isotope effects on 15N backbone chemical shifts in proteins

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    Quantum mechanical calculations are presented that predict that one-bond deuterium isotope effects on the 15N chemical shift of backbone amides of proteins, 1Δ15N(D), are sensitive to backbone conformation and hydrogen bonding. A quantitative empirical model for 1Δ15N(D) including the backbone dihedral angles, Φ and Ψ, and the hydrogen bonding geometry is presented for glycine and amino acid residues with aliphatic side chains. The effect of hydrogen bonding is rationalized in part as an electric-field effect on the first derivative of the nuclear shielding with respect to N–H bond length. Another contributing factor is the effect of increased anharmonicity of the N–H stretching vibrational state upon hydrogen bonding, which results in an altered N–H/N–D equilibrium bond length ratio. The N–H stretching anharmonicity contribution falls off with the cosine of the N–H···O bond angle. For residues with uncharged side chains a very good prediction of isotope effects can be made. Thus, for proteins with known secondary structures, 1Δ15N(D) can provide insights into hydrogen bonding geometries

    Plasmodium falciparum Genetic Diversity in Western Kenya Highlands

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    The present study examined the genetic diversity and population structure of Plasmodium falciparum in western Kenya by analyzing the polymorphism of 12 microsatellite loci and two antigen loci. Malaria in highland areas is unstable and epidemic whereas malaria in lowland areas is endemic. Transmission intensity and malaria prevalence are substantially lower in the highlands than in the lowlands. Despite that the highland parasite populations exhibited reduced number of alleles, lower expected heterozygosity, and infection complexity in comparison to the surrounding lowland population, genetic diversity of the highland populations remained high in comparison to parasites from other meso-endemic regions. More than 70% of infections from western Kenya highland study sites were mixed genotype infections. Small but statistically significant genetic differentiation between highland and lowland populations was detected. These findings are discussed in the context of human travel and local transmission in the study area

    University of California Research Seminar Network: A Prospectus

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    By webcasting the hundreds of seminars presented in the University of California system each week, UC educators hope to enhance the exchange of scientific information for their campuses and create the foundation for an international research seminar network

    Population Genetics, Evolutionary Genomics, and Genome-Wide Studies of Malaria: A View Across the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research.

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    The study of the three protagonists in malaria-the Plasmodium parasite, the Anopheles mosquito, and the human host-is key to developing methods to control and eventually eliminate the disease. Genomic technologies, including the recent development of next-generation sequencing, enable interrogation of this triangle to an unprecedented level of scrutiny, and promise exciting progress toward real-time epidemiology studies and the study of evolutionary adaptation. We discuss the use of genomics by the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research, a network of field sites and laboratories in malaria-endemic countries that undertake cutting-edge research, training, and technology transfer in malarious countries of the world