1,634 research outputs found

    Creation of long-term coherent optical memory via controlled nonlinear interactions in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    A Bose-Einstein condensate confined in an optical dipole trap is used to generate long-term coherent memory for light, and storage times of more than one second are observed. Phase coherence of the condensate as well as controlled manipulations of elastic and inelastic atomic scattering processes are utilized to increase the storage fidelity by several orders of magnitude over previous schemes. The results have important applications for creation of long-distance quantum networks and for generation of entangled states of light and matter.Comment: published version of the pape

    Is barley malt safe as a food ingredient?

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    Ovaj rad opisuje proces izrade web aplikacije učeničkog servisa Turističke i ugostiteljske škole Dubrovnik. U radu su opisani modeli razvoja programske podrške, prikupljeni su i evidentirani korisnički zahtjevi na temelju kojih su izrađeni dizajn i arhitektura programskog rješenja. Opisani su scenariji korištenja aplikacije, a dizajn i arhitektura su opisani dijagramima slijeda, aktivnosti i razmještaja. Izrađena je shema baze podataka, analizirane su tehnologije korištene za izgradnju aplikacije te su izrađene korisničke upute za rad s aplikacijom.This thesis is about the process of Tourism and Catering School Dubrovnik Student Service web application development. The thesis describes system development models, collected customer requirements, software design and architecture. Software design and architecture are made based on collected and recorded customer requirements and they are described using sequence diagrams, activity diagrams and deployment diagrams. Use cases are described with scenarios. A scheme of database is made, technologies used to develop the application are analyzed and user manual for application is created

    Approaches to Studying: A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Occupational Therapy Students in Six Education Programs in Norway

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    Students’ approaches to studying have been associated with their academic performance. Although previous research suggests that the cultural and educational context may influence approaches to studying, few studies have investigated differences in study approaches across education programs. The aim of this study was to examine whether approaches to studying differed among occupational therapy students enrolled in six different educational programs in Norway. From a population of 308 students, 187 first-year occupational therapy students in six educational programs in Norway were recruited. The students provided their sociodemographic information and completed the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST), and group differences were analyzed with Chi-square tests and one-way analyses of variance. Scores on the deep and surface approach scales did not differ significantly among the students in the six educational programs, while there was an overall difference in scores on the strategic approach scale. Group differences regarding the subscales were minor, and only a few of the pairwise differences reached statistical significance. Differences at the education program level appear not to be important for the interpretation of differences in study approaches among students

    Microbiological criteria - Danish experience with use of the food safety criteria on minced meat and meat preparations

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    The recently introduced EU Commission regulation 2073/2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs sets food safety criteria on Salmonella in minced meat and meat preparations. Products intended to be eaten cooked are to be sampled weekly by five samples of 10g each. If Salmonella is found and the product is on the market, a recall will take place. Data from several EU countries in 2005 show a Salmonella prevalence varying from 0-8% in minced pork and 0-4% in minced beef. In Denmark, a total of 32 recalls were performed in 2006. This is costly, and it is questionably whether it has any impact on food safety, since the meat is supposed to be heat-treated prior to consumption

    Clover fatigue - a reason for precaution in organic farming?

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    Different species of fungi and nematodes cause clover fatigue. The literature review shows that there is a lack of knowledge about the status of clover fatigue in Norway. Samples from fields with clover/grass ley on organic farms in Norway demonstrated the presence of plant parasitic nematodes (Serikstad and De Boer 2013). High densities of fungi and nematodes can impair the growth of legumes. Intensive use of clover in organic farming systems and a warmer climate are factors that indicate a need for attention to increased occurrence of diseases and pests in clover (Brandsæter et al. 2006). Problems with growing legumes will influence the nitrogen supply and economy in organic farming negatively
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