467 research outputs found

    Clustering of HIV-1 Subtypes Based on gp120 V3 Loop electrostatic properties

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The V3 loop of the glycoprotein gp120 of HIV-1 plays an important role in viral entry into cells by utilizing as coreceptor CCR5 or CXCR4, and is implicated in the phenotypic tropisms of HIV viruses. It has been hypothesized that the interaction between the V3 loop and CCR5 or CXCR4 is mediated by electrostatics. We have performed hierarchical clustering analysis of the spatial distributions of electrostatic potentials and charges of V3 loop structures containing consensus sequences of HIV-1 subtypes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although the majority of consensus sequences have a net charge of +3, the spatial distribution of their electrostatic potentials and charges may be a discriminating factor for binding and infectivity. This is demonstrated by the formation of several small subclusters, within major clusters, which indicates common origin but distinct spatial details of electrostatic properties. Some of this information may be present, in a coarse manner, in clustering of sequences, but the spatial details are largely lost. We show the effect of ionic strength on clustering of electrostatic potentials, information that is not present in clustering of charges or sequences. We also make correlations between clustering of electrostatic potentials and net charge, coreceptor selectivity, global prevalence, and geographic distribution. Finally, we interpret coreceptor selectivity based on the N<sup>6</sup>X<sup>7</sup>T<sup>8</sup>|S<sup>8</sup>X<sup>9 </sup>sequence glycosylation motif, the specific positive charge location according to the 11/24/25 rule, and the overall charge and electrostatic potential distribution.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We propose that in addition to the sequence and the net charge of the V3 loop of each subtype, the spatial distributions of electrostatic potentials and charges may also be important factors for receptor recognition and binding and subsequent viral entry into cells. This implies that the overall electrostatic potential is responsible for long-range recognition of the V3 loop with coreceptors CCR5/CXCR4, whereas the charge distribution contributes to the specific short-range interactions responsible for the formation of the bound complex. We also propose a scheme for coreceptor selectivity based on the sequence glycosylation motif, the 11/24/25 rule, and net charge.</p

    Balance de nitrógeno y digestibilidad de la grasa en la intoxicación hepática experimental por tetracloruro de carbono

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    Hemos realizado experiencias de balance de nitrógeno con dietas de nivel protéico bajo (4%) y normal (18%) en ratas adultas a las que se les ha producido una intoxicación hepática sostenida mediante el tratamiento de dosis sucesivas de tetracloruro de carbono; asimismo se han efectuado experimentos de digestibilidad de la grasa en los mismos animales con un nivel graso en la dieta normal (4%). El efecto negativo observado sobre el balance de nitrógeno en animales tratados con tetracloruro de carbono es especialmente importante para ingestas protéicas bajas y es consecuencia de pequeños cambios tanto en la ingesta como en la excreción fecal y urinaria. Al mismo tiempo la digestibilidad de la grasa se ve reducida por el tratamiento con tetracloruro de carbono

    Study on the migrations and stock structure of Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) from the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean sea based on conventional tag release-recapture experiences

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    In this paper a study on the migrations of albacore from the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea is made, based on the information from conventional tag release-recapture experiences. Information on 643 recaptured fish from a total of 23,777 tagged fish has been analyzed. This information highlights the long distance movements of albacore, their transoceanic migrations and the possibility of an interchange of fish between the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean.Le présent document fait état d'une étude sur les migrations du germon de l'Atlantique nord et de la Méditerranée, d'après des informations provenant d'expériences de marquage et de recapture avec marques conventionnelles. L'information correspondant à 643 poissons recapturés sur un total de 23.777 poissons marqués a été analysée. Cette information révèle les déplacements du germon sur de grandes distances, ses migrations transocéaniques et l'éventualité d'échanges de poissons entre l'Atlantique nord et la Méditerranée.En este documento se hace un estudio de las migraciones del atún blanco del Atlántico norte y Mediterráneo en base a las informaciones procedentes de las experiencias de marcado-recaptura convencionales. Se ha analizado la información procedente de 643 peces recapturados de un total de 23.777 peces marcados. Con esta información se ponen de manifiesto los grandes movimientos del atún blanco, sus desplazamientos transoceánicos y la posibilidad de intercambio de peces entre el Atlántico norte y el Mediterráneo

    Influencia de la pilocarpina sobre el flujo de saliva en las glándulas parótida y mandibular del conejo

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    Se ha estudiado el efecto de la infusión de pilocarpina en las dos glándulas principales, en conejo anestesiado, usando dosis entre 1,2 y 100 μg/min/Kg. En todos los casos la respuesta en flujo fue mucho mayor en la glándula parótida donde para la máxima dosis del fármaco obtenemos flujos del orden de 400 μl/min., mientras que en la mandibular para la misma dosis el flujo es 10,78 μl/min. Estas diferencias se pueden atribuir al distinto patrón de inervación vegetativa existente en las dos glándulas.The effect of infusion of Pilocarpine in both, parotid and mandibular glands was estudied in anaesthetized rabbits. The doses of Pilocarpine used were from 1.2 up to 100 μtg/mín/Kg. In aH the cases the change of the salivary flow was higert in the parotid gland (about 400 μl/min) than in the mandibular gland (10.78 μtl/min). Therefore ours results can be attributed to the different, pattern of vegetative inervation

    Preliminary structural and seismic performance assessment of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba: The Abd al-Rahman I sector

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    This manuscript discusses some preliminary results on the structural and the seismic performance of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, a UNESCO World Heritage. The area is characterized by a moderate seismic hazard. The building was built from the 8th to the 16th century and it has undergone several transformations. Owing to the complexity of the building, this work has focused on the assessment of the Abd al-Rahman I sector, which is the most aged part of the complex. For that, first, a 3D numerical finite element model of the sector has been done in the OpenSees framework and calibrated. To do so, an experimental non-destructive campaign has been carried out. Second, the model has been used to evaluate the structural behaviour, under vertical and horizontal loads, considering different scenarios. Finally, the crack patterns and the seismic safety have been obtained. The results showed that the numerical damage obtained for the gravitational loads is in good agreement with the data collected from the in situ surveys. Also, particular attention should be paid to the cymatiums, as they are the most demanded part of the system. Regarding its seismic performance, the building presents a higher capacity in the direction of the arcades. For the seismic demand, slight damage is expected in both principal directions of the building, which could be easily repaired. Damage concentration is expected in the contact between the perimetral wall and the arcades. This work has expanded the study of the features of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba to the structural and seismic analysis with advanced numerical FE computing, which has not been done to date. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time that a macro-modelling approach with solid elements is presented for the seismic assessment of heritage buildings using the OpenSees framework. The methodology to do so is also presented. Apart from showing how advanced numerical analyses can provide useful information to assess the existing damage on monumental buildings, this work aims at contributing to the assessment of the vulnerability and the safety of one of the most emblematic mosque-like buildings of the world.20 página

    Influencia de la hepatecnomía parcial sobre el balance de nitrógeno y digestibilidad de la grasa

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    Hemos estudiado el balance de nitrógeno en ratas adultas hepatectomizadas con dieta de bajo nivel proteico (4%) y con dieta de nivel proteico normal (18%), y digestibilidad de la grasa en los mismos animales con un nivel graso en la dieta normal (4%), encontrando los siguientes resultados: 1) Un mes después de la hepatectomía parcial la recuperación funcional del hígado es completa desde todos los puntos de vista estudiados vpor nosotros. 2) Los efectos negativos de la hepatectomía sobre el balance de nitrógeno son pasajeros; su duración queda circunscrita a los tres primeros días después de la intervención quirúrgica, para volver inmediatamente a la normalidad. 3) Los efectos negativos de la hepatectomía sobre el balance de nitrógeno son inespecíficos y dependen de la influencia de la situación de stress y del trauma quirúrgico ejercida a través de cambios en la ingesta y en la excreción urinaria de nitrógeno. 4) La gran capacidad funcional de reserva del hígado de la rata, aparte de su extraordinaria velocidad de regenerción, condición el hecho de que solamente se observen ligeras y pasajeras alteraciones a consecuencia de la hepatectomía parcial, en los parámetros fisiológicos controlados en nuestro trabajo.The nitrogen balance in hepatectomized adult rats fed with either a low-protein diet (4%) or a normal-protein diet (18%, and fat digestibility in the same animals fed with a normal fat diet (40/01), were studied. 1) The functional recovery nf the liver was ·complete one month after partial hepatectomy, with regard to the parameters consideed. 2) The negative effects of the hepatectomy on the nitrogen balance are transient: after three days it becomes normal. 3) These effects that are inespe,cific, are conditioned by the stress situation and the surgical damage and mediated by change both in levels of intake and nitrogen urinary excretion. 4) The slight and transient alterations in the physiological parameters above mentioned, 'can be explained by the great functional residual capacity of the rat tliver and its unusual regeneration rate

    Gestión de resultado de investigación en Instituciones de Educación Superior

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    "El presente libro se deriva del proyecto de investigación «La introducción de resultados de las investigaciones científicas "" tecnológicas en Instituciones de Educación Superior»: un análisis explicativo de sus alcances en la solución de problemas sociales, empresariales y académicos en tres instituciones de la ciudad de Medellín: Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid y la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de la Universidad de Antioquia. Se propone como objetivo dar cuenta de los componentes necesarios a tener presente en la configuración de un modelo para la gestión de los resultados de la investigación en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en las Instituciones de Educación Superior. Con este estudio se espera lograr una contribución a la gestión del conocimiento que dé cuenta de las posibles estrategias, para avanzar de la producción de la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación, hacia la introducción, generalización y validación de sus resultados en los diversos contextos, donde se hacen necesarios para lograr metas coherentes con los procesos de construcción de una sociedad del conocimiento.""""This book is derived from the research project """"The introduction of results from scientific-technological research in Higher Education Institutions"""": a comprehensive analysis of their scope in the solution of social, business and academic problems in three institutions from Medellín: Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid and the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the Universidad de Antioquia. The book aims at presenting the necessary components that must be present in the configuration of a model for the management of research results in Science, Technology and Innovation in Higher Education Institutions. This study is expected to be a contribution to knowledge management that presents the potential strategies for progress in the production of science, technology and innovation, aiming at the introduction, generalization and validation of the results in the various contexts in which they are needed to achieve goals consistent with the process of building a knowledge society.""


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    The ICCAT North Atlantic Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) Research Program was established to enhance knowledge on albacore to provide more accurate scientific advice to the Commission. Funds are provided to the Albacore WG to develop research activities to accomplish several objectives. One of the research objectives is to increase knowledge on reproductive biology for the northern Atlantic stock, maturity schedules (L50) and egg production (size/age related fecundity. In March 2021, Terms of Reference were published by ICCAT. A Consortium integrated by Canada, Venezuela, Chinese-Taipei and Spain presented an offer to collect gonad samples and spines throughout the year and carry out the study of reproductive biology for North Atlantic albacore stock. Results of histological analysis: maturity stages, batch fecundity and seasonal area of spawners are presented as well as the age determined of partially collection of albacore spines. Analysis were done with the total albacore gonads samples collected in 2020 and 2021 for the reproductive biology study of northern albacore.

    Design of an innovative learning experience for the final project of the building engineering degree

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    This essay presents the bases for a new teaching methodology for the Final Project of the Degree of Building Engineering. The aim of this methodology is to approach students to advanced forms of work in architectural and engineering offices by employing Building Information Modelling (BIM) technologies. This initiative has been funded within the Call 2011 for Teaching Research Incentives ofthe I Teaching Plan of the University of Seville. Following the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area, the learning experience designed has to enable the future Building Engineers to acquire specific and generic competences ascribed to the Final Project in the Verification Report of the Building Engineering Degree. The specific competence “E71. Presentation and defence before a university board of a final project, consisting of an integration exercise of the formative contents received and skills acquired through t he degree” is trained by the development of a building execution project with the use of BIM technologies. For a decade, architecture and engineering offices have increasingly been incorporating in their projects new tools for information processing in digital integrated systems, i.e. programs which allow the construction of building virtual models in three dimensions, and the identification of their constructive components, providing them with parametric dimensions. The operating capacity of BIM programs is stronger than that of 2D drawing programs, since they can manage and generate all the technical documentation in an integrated way. As far as the generic competences are concerned, the problem is that the Final Project has ascribed twenty four competences and their training and evaluation throughout a single term, which seems rather unattainable. In order to solve this matter, the four most important generic competences of Building Engineers have been identified according to their professional profile: “G01. Capacity for organization and planning”, “G06. Information management skills”, “G09. Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team” and “G13. Positive social attitude towards social and technological innovations”. The use of BIM technologies and collaborative work methodologies allow the training of these genericcompetences. Finally, assessment matrixes of the five competences involved have been established with the descriptors of the assessment indicators for each of their corresponding criteria at each level of student achievement. This study is limited to the design of the experience; its implementation could be carried out in the first term of the 2012/2013 academic year, provided the main pre-requisite are met by students, and command of BIM programs such as ALLPLAN, REVIT or ARCHICAD, is achieved. Aware of this challenge− since BIM programs are taught as optional subjects− a curricular line for students interested in participating in this experience is also proposed for the next academic yea

    Sur8, a determinant protein in colorectal cancer tumor progression

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en el 43rd Annual Meeting of the SEBBM, celebrado en Barcelona (España) del 19 al 21 de julio de 2021.Colorectal cancer (CRC) has the highest incidence rate in the Spanish population. The most important challenge consists on the discovery of efficient disease treatments, due to high mortality rates in highly developed stages. Sur8 is a scaffold protein that positively modulates ERK signaling pathway, which has a major role in the progression and metastasis in colorectal cancer. The main goals of our research are to determine the role that Sur8 plays in the development and progression of CRC and to analyze its possible therapeutic potential. For this purpose, our group has developed an inducible conditional mouse model msur8f/fVillinCreERT2. In order to determine Sur8 action in the colonic tissue, we have developed organoids from the colon epithelium of healthy mice and have analyzed gene expression pattern by an RNAseq approach. Sur8 KO affects oncogenic CRC transcription factors expression, as well as the modulation of some Wnt pathway regulators. In regard to miRNA data, we have observed deregulation of miRNAs related to CRC in Sur8 KO organoids. To determine the role that Sur8 plays in the development and progression of CRC, we have subjected our inducible conditional mice to chemical carcinogenesis and we have observed that Sur8 KO males display less and smaller tumors and do not present any adenocarcinoma. In addition, we have carried out Sur8 silencing in human CRC cell lines by infection with constitutive shRNA lentiviruses. We have observed that Sur8 silencing produces decreases of cell tumor proliferation, and reduction of p-ERK levels. Finally, we are evaluating the effects of putative therapeutic agents against Sur8 in human CRC cell lines. Concretely, we are testing Celastrol, which has been described that binds and blocks the action of Sur8 in vitro. We have observed that Celastrol treatment diminishes the cell tumor proliferation in this model. Altogether, our results indicate that Sur8 may have a determinant role in CRC progression and that Sur8 could be a potential molecular target for the design of novel strategies against CRC