48 research outputs found

    Coherent Cherenkov radiation as an intense THz source

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    Diffraction and Cherenkov radiation of relativistic electrons from a dielectric target has been proposed as mechanism for production of intense terahertz (THz) radiation. The use of an extremely short high-energy electron beam of a 4th generation light source (X-ray free electron laser) appears to be very promising. A moderate power from the electron beam can be extracted and converted into THz radiation with nearly zero absorption losses. The initial experiment on THz observation will be performed at CLARA/VELA FEL test facility in the UK to demonstrate the principle to a wider community and to develop the radiator prototype. In this paper, we present our theoretical predictions (based on the approach of polarization currents), which provides the basis for interpreting the future experimental measurements. We will also present our hardware design and discuss a plan of the future experiment

    Diagnosis of disorders of urination in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia

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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a widespread disease among men of middle, elderly and senile age. The main clinical manifestations of prostatic hyperplasia are urination disorders, the so-called lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). The main goals of treating patients with prostatic hyperplasia are to improve the quality of life by eliminating the symptoms of urinary disorders, preventing the occurrence of complications [14]. Despite the developed absolute and relative indications for the surgical treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, the results of this type of treatment do not always suit the surgeon and satisfy the patient. The "golden standard" of surgical treatment of prostate adenoma is transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). According to different authors, 20% to 50% of patients have the same symptoms of urination disorder as before the operation. [6,8,9]. In this connection, the purpose of our work was to establish the diagnosis and rationale for the surgical treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, to study the nature and severity of urinary disorders prior to surgery. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of urological department № 3 of the Regional Clinical Hospital "Regional Clinical Hospital No. 3" in the city of Chelyabinsk. 120 patients were observed with BPH diagnosis from 1 year to 15 years. The age of patients varies from 52 to 83 years. All patients entered the urological department to perform surgical intervention-a transurethral resection of the prostate. All patients before the operative treatment and after twice performed an FMS, an invasive UDI and a pressure-flow study. Results. On the basis of our preoperative survey, we established that all patients had moderate and severe LUTS. Complex urodynamic examination with LUTS, namely pressure-flow allows objectively to identify infravesical obstruction, which is characterized by an increase in detrusor pressure and a decrease in the flow rate of urine. Symptoms of the lower middle and severe urinary tract and infravesical obstruction caused by BPH, the absence of the effect of conservative therapy allowed to substantiate the surgical treatment of TURP to all patients, which led to the conclusion that timely detection of infravesical obstruction and detrusor hyperactivity in men with prostatic hyperplasia gland is of great practical importance. Taking these factors into account allows us to reasonably suggest surgical intervention and eliminate infravesical obstruction, correcting the symptoms of bladder filling with medication. The absence of infravesical obstruction in the presence of neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder allows in some cases to refrain from an unjustified operation.Доброкачественная гиперплазия предстательной железы является широко распространенным заболеванием среди мужчин среднего, пожилого и старческого возраста. Основными клиническими проявлениями гиперплазии простаты является нарушение мочеиспускания, так называемые симптомы нижних мочевых путей (СНМП). Основными целями лечения пациентов с гиперплазией простаты являются- повышение качества жизни путем устранения симптомов расстройств мочеиспускания, предотвращения возникновения осложнений [14]. Несмотря на разработанные абсолютные и относительные показания к оперативному лечению гиперплазии предстательной железы результаты этого вида лечения не всегда устраивают хирурга и удовлетворяют пациента. «Золотым стандартом» хирургического лечения аденомы простаты является трансуретральная резекция простаты (ТУРП). По данным различных авторов от 20% до 50% пациентов имеют те же симптомы нарушения мочеиспускания, что и до операции. [6,8,9]. В связи с чем целью нашей работы явилось установление диагноза и обоснование хирургического лечения гиперплазии предстательной железы, исследование характера и выраженности нарушений мочеиспускания до операции. Материалы и методы. Исследование проведено на базе урологического отделения №3 ГБУЗ «Областная клиническая больница № 3» города Челябинска. Было обследовано 120 пациентов, наблюдающихся с диагнозом ДГПЖ от 1 года до 15 лет. Возраст пациентов варьируется от 52 до 83 лет. Все пациенты поступали в урологическое отделение для выполнения оперативного вмешательства- трансуретральной резекции предстательной железы. Всем пациентам до оперативного лечения и после дважды выполняли УФМ, инвазивное УДИ и исследование давление- поток. Результаты. На основании проведенного нами дооперационного обследования установили, что у всех больных были выражены СНМП средней и тяжелой степени. Комплексное уродинамическое исследование при СНМП, а именно давление- поток позволяет объективно выявить инфравезикальную обструкцию, которая характеризуется повышением давления детрузора и снижением скорости потока мочи. Симптомы нижних мочевых путей средней и тяжелой степени, инфравезикальная обструкция, которые обусловлены ДГПЖ, отсутствие эффекта от проводимой консервативной терапии позволяло обосновать оперативное лечение ТУРП всем пациентам, что позволило сделать вывод, согласно которому своевременное выявление инфравезикальной обструкции, и гиперактивности детрузора у мужчин с гиперплазией предстательной железы имеет важное практическое значение. Учет этих факторов позволяет обоснованно предложить оперативное вмешательство и устранить инфравезикальную обструкцию, коррегировапть медикаментозно симптомы наполнения мочевого пузыря. Отсутствие инфравезикальной обструкции при наличии нейрогенной дисфункции мочевого пузыря позволяет в ряде случаев воздерживаться от необоснованной операции

    Morphological features of autoimmune gastritis

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    Aim of investigation. To estimate presence of classical morphological signs of autoimmune gastritis (AIH) in patients with high titer of antiparietal cells antibodies.Material and methods. Overall 15 patients (3 men and 12 women, 28 to 72 years old) have been included in original study. Clinical symptoms in the study group varied and included both severe В12-deficient anemia and normal levels of pepsinogen I, gastrin-17 and cyanocobalamine. In 4 patients Helicobacter pylori infection has been detected. According to guidelines of the Russian Society of Pathologists in all cases multiple biopsies have been taken at esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Biopsy specimens were processed by the standard technique, sections were stained by hematoxyline and eosine.Results. Classical signs of AIH i.e. atrophy of mucosa of body of the stomach and intestinal metaplasia were not revealed. The signs of feeble inflammation in body of the stomach were found in 6 patients. In 4 cases biopsy specimens had no inflammatory or atrophic changes. Pseudo-hypertrophy of parietal cells was the unique morphological feature found out in these cases. At all patients involvement of antral region of the stomach was marked. Atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia was diagnosed in 4 patients. In 3 cases non-metaplastic variant of patchy atrophic gastritis was present, the rest revealed superficial gastritis with signs of activity in 4 cases. No Н. рylori was found out morphologically.Conclusion. In our investigation in patients with AIG no metaplastic atrophic lesions was found in body of the stomach, while metaplastic atrophy had patchy pattern. The pseudo-hypertrophy of parietal cells as well as dilation of main glands lumen can be the earliest and unique sign found in biopsy specimens. Involvement of antral region was revealed in all patients, in 4 cases it has been related to presence of H. pylori infection at the moment of investigation. Thus, the diagnosis of AIG was based mainly on elevated level antiparietal cells antibodies at blood serum test

    Observation of soft X-ray Cherenkov radiation in Al

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    The soft X-ray radiation generated by 5.7 MeV electrons from both an Al foil and a Mylar film in forward direction was experimentally studied. A narrow specific directivity, an ultra-narrow spectral bandwidth and a good consistency between the experiment and theory prove that the Cherenkov radiation (CR) with photon energy near the L-edge of absorption in Al was observed. The results demonstrate that the CR spectral-angular properties and the absolute photon yield can be described well enough using Pafomov's theoretical model and Henke's refractive index database, which is essential for all practical applications

    Impact of liquid metal surface on plasma-surface interaction in experiments with lithium and tin capillary porous systems

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    The lithium and tin capillary-porous systems (CPSs) were tested with steady-state plasma in the PLM plasma device which is the divertor simulator with plasma parameters relevant to divertor and SOL plasma of tokamaks. The CPS consists of tin/lithium tile fixed between two molybdenum meshs constructed in the module faced to plasma. Steady-state plasma load of 0.1 - 1 MW/m(2) on the CPS during more than 200 min was achieved in experiments on PLM which is a modeling far scrapeoff- layer and far zone of divertor plasma of a large tokamak. The heating of the CPS was controlled remotely including biasing technique which allows to regulate evaporated metal influx to plasma. After exposure, the materials of the tin and lithium CPSs were inspected and analyzed with optic and scanning electron micriscopy. Experiments have demonstrated sustainability of the tin and lithium CPSs to the high heat steady state plasma load expected in a large scale tokamak. The effect of evaporated lithium and tin on the plasma transport/radiation was studied with spectroscopy to evaluate changes of plasma properties and plasma-surface interaction


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    《新撰万叶集》成立于“国风暗黑时代”向“和风复兴时代”转变的过程中,在日本古典文学史上占有极其重要的地位。该集由上下两卷组成,其中上卷的每一首和歌的左边都附有一首七言绝句,可以说包含着编撰者特殊的编撰意图。该集这种“和汉共存”的特点不断吸引着和汉比较文学学界的关注。 至今为止的研究主要是从“和汉共存”出发,围绕该集的和歌和汉诗的表达、抑或是和歌和汉诗的关系论而展开的。为了更加客观地把握该集在日本古典文学史上的地位,我们要对“和汉共存”这一点开展进一步的研究。本论文把该集的汉诗作者看成该集和歌的鉴赏者之一。并由此出发,摒弃一直以来对本集的汉诗所持的偏见,把《新撰万叶集》上卷的和歌和其相应的汉诗...「国風暗黒時代」から「和風復興時代」へと進行していった過程に成立された『新撰万葉集』(以下は「本集」とも)は、日本古典文学史上で極めて重要な地位を占めている。本集は上下二巻からなるが、上巻は和歌とともにその左に七言絶句が付されているもので、特別な編纂意図が含まれるに違いない。その「和漢共存」という点で和漢比較文学学界の注目を引き続く。 今日まで、「和漢共存」から主に本集における和漢詩歌の表現や和歌と漢詩との関係論をめぐって行われてきたが、本集の日本古典文学史における地位をより客観的に把握するために、更なる研究が期待される。本論は、本集の漢詩作者は本集の和歌の鑑賞者でもあることから出発し、従来の本集の漢詩に対する偏見に挑み、『新撰万葉集』上巻の和歌とそれに付される漢詩を、平安人の作詩を中心とする文学上の訓練とその成果の総決算の縮図の一つと見なす。その認識の上で、先学の研究成果を踏まえながら...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院日本语言文学系_日语语言文学学号:1222007115181

    Digitalization in Political Relations: Planes for Perception and Mechanisms for Transformation

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    The process of digital technologies development and their comprehensive integration into people’s lives influences consecutively different social processes. Mostly such an influences relieves at the present moment in the economic sphere, where digital economy gets to be one of the key priorities all over the world. Also processes of digitalization are likely to touch education, health care, law, they filter through political relations too. The article dwells upon analyzing directions for such an infiltration and mechanisms for transforming political sphere of society because of their pressure, generalizes digital practices in the political discourse. The author attempts in particular to evaluate retrospectively prerequisites and initial characteristics for involving web instruments by political actors, to define specific features of digital environment as a new domain for social and political relations, to capture process and functional characteristics for applying consecutive technologies. The specific emphasize is made on Russian experience of regulating and applying the political dimension of digital technologies, which reveals the active search by government for some national vision of digital policy both inside and outside as far as state borders are not likely to apply to the web space. Based on approaching consecutive practices the author distinguishes three meaningful planes (directions) to consider digitalization in political relations: digital democracy, which characterizes upscaling deliberative mechanisms for public policy with web communication opportunities; digital bureaucracy, which reflects advanced skills of political establishment and emerging technocratic platforms based on advanced e-government: and also digital diplomacy, which makes it possible for involving new technologies into politi cal achievements on the international and supranational arena


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    The article is devoted to considering soft power as a new form of power within the modern political system. The emerging importance of the corresponding mechanisms which regulate social development would lead, on the one hand, to the growing competition between countries for an opportunity to promote their own agendas, and on the other hand, it would undermine state monopoly on internal communication and produce new risks for sovereignty. Non-state actors who are more fl exible and responsive to diversifi ed demands of civil society pretend to e capable to build an alternative for the contemporary state and world order. One of consequences is likeliness of a state to “mimicry” into civil society institutions to react early to emerging threats