372 research outputs found

    Habilidades fonológicas y lectura en adultos analfabetos

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    [Resumen] El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es analizar la capacidad de lectura, las habilidades fonológicas y la relación entre lectura y habilidades fonológicas en adultos analfabetos españoles que asisten a cursos de alfabetización. Se recogieron datos de 14 sujetos, ninguno de los cuales había estado escolarizado anteriormente. Se les administró una tarea de lectura de palabras, pseudopalabras y no palabras en la que se manipularon diferentes variables (frecuencia léxica y categoría léxica). Para evaluar sus habilidades fonológicas se utilizó la Prueba de Segmentación Lingüística (Ji~énez y Ortiz, 1995) que comprende un conjunto de diferentes tareas metafonológicaso Los resultados mostraron un efecto significativo en las variables manipuladas. El comportamiento en éstas variables apunta a la utilización de dos procedimientos de lectura (léxico y fonológico). Por otro lado, en las habilidades fonológicas, se observan diferentes niveles de dificultad siendo las habilidades de segmentación silábica más fáciles que las habilidades de análisis fonémico de las palabras. Finalmente, se encontró una correlación significativa entre la lectura de pseudopalabras y no palabras con las habilidades fonológicas pero no con respecto a la lectura de palabras. Estos resultados sugieren la utilización de los dos procedimientos de lectura propuestos por el modelo de doble ruta y muestran el importante papel desempeñado por los procesos fonológicos en el desarrollo de la habilidad lectora en estos sujetos.[Abstract] The aim of our study is to examine reading ability, phonological awareness and the relationship between reading and phonological awareness in adult illiterates in a transparent language such as Spanish. Fourteen people illiterates were tested. None of the subjects had attended school in childhood. All the subjects were assessed using a reading test composed of 306 items in which we manipulated difIerent variables (lexicality and frecuency). Phonological awareness was measured using the Linguistic Segmentation Test (Prueba de Segmentación Lingüística) (Jiménez y Ortiz, 1995). This test has different tasks for evaluating word consciousness andphonemic awareness skills. Our results showed that all the above mentioned variables produced a significant effect. The behaviour of the variables lexicality andfrequency, suggest the use of the two reading procedures (lexical and phonologica!). On the other hand, regarding phonological awareness; adults did better in segmentation tasks than in rhyme recognition or isolation and deletion ofsyllables andphonemes. Finally, the reading performance with pseudowords and no words showed significant correlation with phonological awareness, this relation wasn 't significant with words. These results suggest the use ofthe dual route model, and show la importance ofphonological processes lor the development of word reading skills in this subject

    Implikasi Pembatalan Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2004 Tentang Sumber Daya Air terhadap Perusahaan Pengelola Air (Pdam Kota Surakarta dan PT Tirta Investama Klaten)

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    This law article is written in order to determine the implication of abrogated law number 7 year 2004 on water resource into government\u27s water management company and private\u27s water management company, in this case is PDAM Kota Surakarta and PT Tirta Investama Klaten. The writer using empirical research which tries to identify law that live in society based on fact that happen in the location, and the writer got the answer by interviewing the head of legal unit PDAM Kota Surakarta and HRD manager PT Tirta Investama Klaten. Implication of abrogated law number 7 year 2004 on the Government is the legislation as rules of law implementation water management does not apply, so as a legal umbrella reintroduced Irrigation and molded Government Law No. 121 and 122 in 2015 as an implementing regulation of the law on water resources. Both the Government Law is to restore the priority right to control and exploit the water resources to the country\u27s state and public enterprises. Regulation No. 121 Year 2015 on Exploitation of Water Resources regulates the private company that will run the business in the field of water resources must cooperate with State or local government in the region, while private companies are already doing business in the field of water resources before Law of water resources canceled still run the business until the contract expires, and if it will be extended to refer to the latest rules on water resources. Many important things are not regulated by the Water Act, therefore the government should immediately prepare a draft water resource management was good and ideally suited to the concept of domination and exploitation of water resources by the State

    Acceso a la justicia y confianza ciudadana : Percepción de la justicia en los barrios populares de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (2015)

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    A continuación, se presentan los resultados de la investigación empírica realizada por el Ministerio Público Fiscal de la Nación (MPF) a través de su Dirección General de Acceso a la Justicia en tres barrios de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. La misma se llevó a cabo entre los meses de abril y octubre de 2015, a fin de analizar principalmente las percepciones y vivencias de sectores populares respecto de la justicia. También se indagó acerca de la sensación de seguridad/inseguridad y la confianza en las instituciones estatales en general. (de la presentación de Julián Axat)Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Acceso a la justicia y confianza ciudadana : Percepción de la justicia en los barrios populares de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (2015)

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    A continuación, se presentan los resultados de la investigación empírica realizada por el Ministerio Público Fiscal de la Nación (MPF) a través de su Dirección General de Acceso a la Justicia en tres barrios de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. La misma se llevó a cabo entre los meses de abril y octubre de 2015, a fin de analizar principalmente las percepciones y vivencias de sectores populares respecto de la justicia. También se indagó acerca de la sensación de seguridad/inseguridad y la confianza en las instituciones estatales en general. (de la presentación de Julián Axat)Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Tracking Asian tiger mosquito introductions in the Netherlands using Nextstrain

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    The Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus is an undesirable invasive mosquito species that causes considerable nuisance through its biting behaviour, and has been proven to transmit more than 22 different viruses under laboratory conditions. Human-aided transportation, the capacity of winter diapause, and possibly global warming have contributed to the global invasion of Ae. albopictus. The species was found for the first time in the Netherlands in 2005, and since 2010 has been found introduced at many locations throughout the country. Elucidating the origin of these introduced mosquitoes could help the authorities on the planning and evaluation of the risk-based surveillance of Aedes invasive mosquitoes. This study aims to determine the genomic diversity of Ae. albopictus that is represented within and between collection sites with a database consisting of Ae. albopictus specimens from past introductions in the Netherlands, specimens from populations from other regions in the world, and data from specimens present in databases. In this study, complete mitochondrial genomes were sequenced, a recommended marker for phylogeography analysis of Ae. albopictus. Metadata is presented in a Nextstrain build containing 254 Ae. albopictus genomes up to October 2020. Overall, the phylogeny results of the Nextstrain build reveals a low mitogenomic diversity within Ae. albopictus. Genomic diversity of Ae. albopictus specimens found in the Netherlands fall within one main cluster which is hypothesised to represent the globally invasive strain of the species. Other organisations are stimulated to share data or materials for inclusion and improvement of the Nextstrain build, which can be accessed at https://nextstrain.nrcnvwa.nl/Aedes/20210728.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio