3,363 research outputs found

    Evaluation of VDR gene polymorphisms in Trypanosoma cruzi infection and chronic Chagasic cardiomyopathy

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    Vitamin D is an important modulator of the immune response. It acts over several immune cell types where the Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is expressed. Due to the high relevance of this signaling pathway, several studies have investigated the possible influence of genes involved in the metabolism of Vitamin D and its receptor in different human diseases. Here, we analyzed whether four single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the VDR gene (rs731236, rs7975232, rs1544410 and rs2228570) are involved in the susceptibility to infection by Trypanosoma cruzi and/or to chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) in a Colombian endemic population for this parasite. Our results showed that the rs2228570*A allele is associated with CCC development (P = 4.46E−03, OR = 1.51). In summary, the data presented in this report suggest that variation within the VDR gene may affect the immune response against T. cruzi, increasing the probability of cardiac complications in infected individuals.Peer reviewe

    Variations in the contents of vitamins A and e during the ripening of cheeses with different compositions

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    We investigated the composition in vitamins A and E of cheeses made from the milks of ewes, goats and cows. A total of 84 cheeses of known composition were prepared and controlled to determine the influence of different factors, e.g. the variable proportions of cow’s, ewe’s, and goat’s milks, seasonality (winter/summer), and evolution during the course of ripening. The variable proportions of milk from the different species did not vary in either the amount of vitamin A or that of vitamin E in the cheeses. Seasonality and ripening were seen to have a significant effect on the concentration of vitamin

    Changes in the mineral content in cheeses of different compositions during 6 months of ripening

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    The mineral content of cheese depends on the origin of the milk (cow, ewe, goat) and its ripening. In this work the effect of different factors on the mineral composition and the correlation between minerals (Ca, Fe, Mg, K, Na, and Zn) and the type of milk used are studied. The One-Way ANOVA procedure revealed that the effect of cow’s milk was statistically significant on Fe, K, P, and Zn; goat’s milk was statistically significant for Fe and Mg, and ewe’s milk was statistically significant for K. The effect of the ripening time was statistically significant in all cases, except for Zn; the effect of the season was statistically significant for K, Mg and P and the effect of the year was statistically significant in the case of K, Na, P, and Zn. The percentage of cow’s cheese was positively correlated with K and P; the percentage of ewe’s cheese was negatively correlated with K, Mg, Na, and P and the percentage of goat’s cheese was negatively correlated with Na, and P

    Seasonal evolution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic peptide contents in cheeses made from ewe's goat's or cow's milk

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    Proteolysis is the principal and most complex biochemical event occurring during the maturation of the majority of ripened cheese varieties. In addition to softening the cheese body, proteolysis influences the development of cheese flavour via the formation of amino acid and peptides which make a direct contribution to flavour. Goat, cow and sheep cheeses have been elaborated with raw milk and calf rennet. The extent of proteolysis was monitored over six months of ripening and means of HPLC peptide profile analysis. The influence of season on the changes in hydrophobic and hydrophilic peptides and the HO/HI ratio during the ripening of the cheeses were studie


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    Fork length-dressed weight relationships on shark species (Prionace glauca, Isurus oxyrinchus, Carcharhinus longimanus and Carcharhinus falciformis) were obtained from 8,331 observations recorded at sea on longliners. Significance of the sex factor was specifically assessed using GLM procedures. Linear and non-linear fits of size-weight data by species were tested. The results obtained were compared with those values provided by other authors using equivalent type of data. Deviation of the predicted versus observer weights were also assessed. Both types of fits tested have provided similar results, their confidence intervals plotted are mostly overlapped and the equations obtained were generally within those confidence intervals. Predicted mean dressed weights at size by species were in most cases quite similar or just mimetic to those obtained using equations previously reported.En prens

    Fact-checkers on social networks: analysis of their presence and content distribution channels

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    Fact-checking is a thriving journalistic discipline that, in recent years, has gained great prominence as a tool in combating disinformation. The effectiveness of the work carried out by these journalistic initiatives depends not only on the quality of their content, but also on their ability to reach large audiences through the same channels by which disinformation spreads. In this context, we consider it important to know to what extent fact-checkers use social networks and other types of digital channels in order to deliver their fact-checks to a wide audience, whether there are differences between the practices developed by these actors according to the type of organisation to which they belong and whether there is a distinguishing element in this regard for Ibero-American fact-checkers. This article focuses on analysing the presence on social networks and the use of content distribution tools by 104 fact-checkers from all over the world pertaining to the International Fact-Checking Network in 2020. The results show significant differences in terms of network presence based on the type of entity to which fact-checkers belong, the independent fact-checkers being the ones using a wider variety of distribution channels. It has also been confirmed that Ibero-American fact-checkers have a greater presence on social networks, use more digital tools and provide more channels to share their content than the rest of the international sample.La verificación de datos es una disciplina periodística en auge que, en los últimos años, ha alcanzado un gran protagonismo como herramienta de lucha contra la desinformación. La eficacia del trabajo desarrollado por esas iniciativas periodísticas depende no solo de la calidad de sus contenidos, sino también de su capacidad de hacerlos llegar a grandes audiencias a través de las mismas vías por las que se expande la desinformación. En este contexto, consideramos importante conocer en qué medida los fact-checkers están utilizando las redes sociales y otro tipo de canales digitales para hacer llegar sus verificaciones a un público amplio, si hay diferencias entre las prácticas desarrolladas por estos actores en función del tipo de organización al que pertenecen, y si existe un elemento diferencial a este respecto de los fact-checkers iberoamericanos. Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la presencia en redes sociales y el uso de herramientas para la difusión de contenidos de 104 fact-checkers de todo el mundo pertenecientes a la International Fact-Checking Network en 2020. Los resultados muestran diferencias notables en cuanto a presencia en redes según el tipo de entidad a la que pertenece el verificador, siendo los fact-checkers independientes los que presentan una mayor variedad de canales de distribución. También se constata que los fact-checkers iberoamericanos tienen mayor presencia en redes, usan más herramientas digitales y ofrecen más vías para compartir sus contenidos que el resto de la muestra internacional analizada

    Secondary Control for Storage Power Converters in Isolated Nanogrids to Allow Peer-to-Peer Power Sharing

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    It is usual in literature that power sharing among grid-forming sources of an isolated microgrid obeys their energy rating, instead of economic agreements between stakeholders, and circulating energy among them is usually avoided. However, these energy interchanges make strong sense and classical power sharing methods must be reformulated in the context of prosumer-based microgrids. This paper proposes a secondary control method for a prosumer-based low-voltage nanogrid that allows for energy interchange between prosumers, where storage systems, together with PV generators, are the controllable grid-forming sources. A power flow technique adapted to islanded microgrids is used for secondary control algorithm and the whole hierarchical control strategy for the prosumer converter is simulated and validated. This hierarchical control consists of three stages: tertiary control plans the energy interchange among prosumers, secondary obtains different voltage and power setpoints for each of the grid-forming sources, and, finally, primary control guarantees stable voltage and frequency values within the nanogrid with droop rules. Inner control loops for the power converter are also defined to track setpoints and assure stable performance. Simulation tests are carried out, which prove the stability of the proposed methods and the accuracy of the setpoint tracking

    Tear film inflammatory mediators during continuous wear of contact lenses and corneal refractive therapy

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    OBJECTIVES: To study changes in tear film inflammatory mediators following continuous wear of silicone-hydrogel lenses and corneal refractive therapy with reverse geometry contact lenses. DESIGN: A prospective, case-control study. METHODS: Twenty-eight subjects had worn silicone-hydrogel lenses on a 30-night continuous wear basis. Thirty-two subjects had worn corneal refractive therapy lenses on an overnight basis. Thirty-two matched control subjects were also recruited. Tear samples were obtained 12 months after initial fitting and assayed using ELISA for cytokines (interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) and epidermal growth factor (EGF). RESULTS: EGF was significantly increased 12 months after both interventions. IL-6, IL-8 and MMP-9 were significantly increased only after corneal refractive therapy. The inflammatory response for the corneal refractive therapy patients was found to be associated with the degree of myopia corrected and the presence of corneal staining. Moreover, an increased level of MMP-9 and EGF was found to be associated with the presence of corneal-pigmented arc in the corneal refractive therapy group. CONCLUSIONS: This research showed long-term increased tear levels of inflammatory markers in subjects wearing corneal refractive therapy lenses when compared with continuous wear of silicone-hydrogel lenses or no lens wear.This research was financed by a grant (PI-081380) from the National Institute of Health Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, Ministry of Health and Consume (General Division for Health Research Funding)

    IL18 Gene Variants Influence the Susceptibility to Chagas Disease

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    Chagas disease is a parasitic disorder caused by the infection with the flagellated protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. According to the World Health Organization, more than six million people are currently infected in endemic regions. Genetic factors have been proposed to influence predisposition to infection and development of severe clinical phenotypes like chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC). Interleukin 18 (IL18) encodes a proinflammatory cytokine that has been proposed to be involved in controlling T. cruzi infection. In this study, we analyzed the possible role of six IL18 gene variants (rs5744258, rs360722, rs2043055, rs187238, rs1946518 and rs360719), which cover most of the variation within the locus, in the susceptibility to infection by T. cruzi and/or CCC. In total, 1,171 individuals from a Colombian region endemic for Chagas disease, classified as seronegative (n = 595), seropositive asymptomatic (n = 175) and CCC (n = 401), were genotyped using TaqMan probes. Significant associations with T. cruzi infection were observed when comparing seronegative and seropositive individuals for rs187238 (P = 2.18E-03, OR = 0.77), rs360719 (P = 1.49E-03, OR = 0.76), rs2043055 (P = 2.52E-03, OR = 1.29), and rs1946518 (P = 0.0162, OR = 1.22). However, dependence analyses suggested that the association was mainly driven by the polymorphism rs360719. This variant is located within the promoter region of the IL18 gene, and it has been described that it creates a binding site for the transcription factor OCT-1 affecting IL-18 expression levels. In addition, no evidence of association was observed between any of the analyzed IL18 gene polymorphisms and the development of CCC. In summary, our data suggest that genetic variation within the promoter region of IL18 is directly involved in the susceptibility to infection by T. cruzi, which provides novel insight into disease pathophysiology and adds new perspectives to achieve a more effective disease control.This work is part of the doctoral thesis “Estudio de las bases genéticas de la enfermedad de Chagas” from the Biomedicine PhD program at the Universidad de Granada (Spain).Peer reviewe