1,205 research outputs found

    Method of determining the optimal settings of automatic excitation regulators of synchronous machines in EPS

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    The stability of the electric power system can be improved by forming of the correct settings of automatic exciting regulators. Currently, there is no unified methodology of automatic exciting regulators, so analysis of their impact is still an urgent task. The article describes the approach to solving above-mentioned problem, which combines several methods. Research based on Hybrid Real Time Simulator of EPS developed in Tomsk Polytechnic University

    Method of determining the optimal settings of automatic excitation regulators of synchronous machines in EPS

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    The stability of the electric power system can be improved by forming of the correct settings of automatic exciting regulators. Currently, there is no unified methodology of automatic exciting regulators, so analysis of their impact is still an urgent task. The article describes the approach to solving above-mentioned problem, which combines several methods. Research based on Hybrid Real Time Simulator of EPS developed in Tomsk Polytechnic University

    Hydro-thermodynamic model of deep-water hydraulic lift of 3-phase fluid considering heat-mass-exchange processes

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    Purpose. To justify theoretical dependences of the main flow parameters of 3-phase streams for modeling the process of hydraulic hoisting of polymetallic nodules in the flow section of the deep-water air-lift for various structures of heterogeneous fluid flow. Methods. Theoretical studies allowed to establish dependences of the main flow parameters of 3-phase streams transporting solid material in a vertical pipeline. Findings. We obtained dependences describing the main characteristics of 3-phase flows in vertical pipelines and calculation formulas for determining the flow parameters of polymetallic nodules hydraulic hoisting for different flow patterns of the fluid. An approach to the development of a mathematical treatment of the mechanism underlying solid materials transportation in the carrying fluid is proposed. Originality. A thermohydrodynamic model of the rising pipe of the deep-water air-lift hydraulic hoisting is developed taking into account the heat-mass exchange processes with different structures of the 3-phase fluid. Practical implications. We developed and prepared for trial operation the software simulating transitional operation modes of deep-water hydraulic lifts transporting polymetallic nodules.Цель. Обоснование теоретических зависимостей основных расходных параметров 3-х фазных потоков для моделирования процесса гидроподъема полиметаллических конкреций в проточной части глубоководного эрлифта для различных структур течения гетерогенной смеси. Методика. Теоретическими исследованиями установлены зависимости основных расходных параметров 3-х фазных потоков, транспортирующих твердый материал в вертикальном трубопроводе. Результаты. Получены зависимости основных характеристик 3-х фазных течений в вертикальных трубопроводах и расчетные формулы для определения расходных параметров процесса гидроподъема полиметаллических конкреций при различных структурах течения смеси. Предложен подход к разработке математического описания механизма транспортирования твердых материалов в составе несущей гидросмеси. Научная новизна. Разработана термогидродинамическая модель подъемной трубы глубоководного эрлифтного гидроподъема учитывающая тепломассообменные процессы при различных структурах 3-х фазной смеси. Практическая значимость. Разработана и приготовлена к опытной эксплуатации программа, моделирующая рабочие переходные режимы глубоководных гидроподъемов, транспортирующих полиметаллические конкреции.Мета. Обґрунтування теоретичних залежностей основних витратних параметрів 3-х фазних потоків для моделювання процесу гідропідйому поліметалічних конкрецій в проточній частині глибоководного ерліфта для різних структур течії гетерогенної суміші. Методика. Теоретичними дослідженнями встановлено залежності основних витратних параметрів 3-х фазних потоків, що транспортують твердий матеріал у вертикальному трубопроводі. Результати. Отримано залежності основних характеристик 3-х фазних потоків у вертикальних трубопроводах та розрахункові формули для визначення витратних параметрів процесу гідропідйому поліметалічних конкрецій при різних структурах течії суміші. Запропоновано підхід до розробки математичного описання механізму транспортування твердих матеріалів у складі несучої гідросуміші. Наукова новизна. Розроблена термогідродинамічна модель підйомної труби глибоководного ерліфтного гідропідйому, що враховує тепломасообмінні процеси при різних структурах 3-х фазної суміші. Практична значимість. Розроблена й підготована до дослідної експлуатації програма, що моделює робочі перехідні режими глибоководних гідропідйомів, що транспортують поліметалічні конкреції.Авторы данной работы выражают благодарность за содействие в подготовке статьи заведующему кафедры строительной, теоретической и прикладной механики Д.Л. Колосову, а также сотрудникам кафедры горной механики Национального горного университета

    Implementing a Network Project for Pedagogical Workers Within the Framework of Continuing Education: A Case Study From Russia

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    The article presents the experience of Kursk State University and the department of education pedagogy of the International Children Center “Artek” for the implementation of a network project aimed at programs of continuing professional education of employees of Artek, including pedagogical workers. The authors present the result of providing a network project to implement additional professional programs for a new generation. The research aims at identifying new opportunities for everyone while implementing a network project for training pedagogical workers at Artek. The paper presents the experience of implementing continuing professional education programs at Artek when implementing a network project covering various training areas. All implemented programs are characterized by newness and modern approaches in educational practice. The research is based on the system-activity and personality-oriented approaches, the theory and methodology of vocational education. As a result of the study, the quality of the training program improved, and highly qualified specialists worked on implementing this project. Moreover, the massive coverage of students allowed them to improve their qualification level of education

    Hydro-thermodynamic model of deep-water hydraulic lift of 3-phase fluid considering heat-mass-exchange processes

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    Purpose. To justify theoretical dependences of the main flow parameters of 3-phase streams for modeling the process of hydraulic hoisting of polymetallic nodules in the flow section of the deep-water air-lift for various structures of heterogeneous fluid flow. Methods. Theoretical studies allowed to establish dependences of the main flow parameters of 3-phase streams transporting solid material in a vertical pipeline. Findings. We obtained dependences describing the main characteristics of 3-phase flows in vertical pipelines and calculation formulas for determining the flow parameters of polymetallic nodules hydraulic hoisting for different flow patterns of the fluid. An approach to the development of a mathematical treatment of the mechanism underlying solid materials transportation in the carrying fluid is proposed. Originality. A thermohydrodynamic model of the rising pipe of the deep-water air-lift hydraulic hoisting is developed taking into account the heat-mass exchange processes with different structures of the 3-phase fluid. Practical implications. We developed and prepared for trial operation the software simulating transitional operation modes of deep-water hydraulic lifts transporting polymetallic nodules.Цель. Обоснование теоретических зависимостей основных расходных параметров 3-х фазных потоков для моделирования процесса гидроподъема полиметаллических конкреций в проточной части глубоководного эрлифта для различных структур течения гетерогенной смеси. Методика. Теоретическими исследованиями установлены зависимости основных расходных параметров 3-х фазных потоков, транспортирующих твердый материал в вертикальном трубопроводе. Результаты. Получены зависимости основных характеристик 3-х фазных течений в вертикальных трубопроводах и расчетные формулы для определения расходных параметров процесса гидроподъема полиметаллических конкреций при различных структурах течения смеси. Предложен подход к разработке математического описания механизма транспортирования твердых материалов в составе несущей гидросмеси. Научная новизна. Разработана термогидродинамическая модель подъемной трубы глубоководного эрлифтного гидроподъема учитывающая тепломассообменные процессы при различных структурах 3-х фазной смеси. Практическая значимость. Разработана и приготовлена к опытной эксплуатации программа, моделирующая рабочие переходные режимы глубоководных гидроподъемов, транспортирующих полиметаллические конкреции.Мета. Обґрунтування теоретичних залежностей основних витратних параметрів 3-х фазних потоків для моделювання процесу гідропідйому поліметалічних конкрецій в проточній частині глибоководного ерліфта для різних структур течії гетерогенної суміші. Методика. Теоретичними дослідженнями встановлено залежності основних витратних параметрів 3-х фазних потоків, що транспортують твердий матеріал у вертикальному трубопроводі. Результати. Отримано залежності основних характеристик 3-х фазних потоків у вертикальних трубопроводах та розрахункові формули для визначення витратних параметрів процесу гідропідйому поліметалічних конкрецій при різних структурах течії суміші. Запропоновано підхід до розробки математичного описання механізму транспортування твердих матеріалів у складі несучої гідросуміші. Наукова новизна. Розроблена термогідродинамічна модель підйомної труби глибоководного ерліфтного гідропідйому, що враховує тепломасообмінні процеси при різних структурах 3-х фазної суміші. Практична значимість. Розроблена й підготована до дослідної експлуатації програма, що моделює робочі перехідні режими глибоководних гідропідйомів, що транспортують поліметалічні конкреції.Авторы данной работы выражают благодарность за содействие в подготовке статьи заведующему кафедры строительной, теоретической и прикладной механики Д.Л. Колосову, а также сотрудникам кафедры горной механики Национального горного университета

    Behind the Facade of Uvarov’s Classicism: Career Strategies of Classical Philologists at Russian Universities

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    Introduction. The article is focused on reconstruction of the practices of forming a disciplinary group of classical philologists in the Russian Empire universities in the 1830s – 1850s. Methods. For this purpose, the archival materials of the Ministry of Education, as well as Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan and Kiev Universities are considered. The research methodology is based on a combination of both traditional general historical methods and methods of classical source studies, and approaches developed in the framework of the history of science, the sociology of knowledge and the history of disciplines. Analysis and results. It is important to analyze three points: the political context, practices in building career trajectories and academic networks of professors of Greek and Roman literature and antiquities at Russian universities. The transformation of the existing network of universities into the system of public education was carried out by the Minister of Public Education Sergey Uvarov in the 1830s. Transferring to Russia the European model of secondary education based on the study of classical languages, Uvarov created a system of general education and relentlessly promoted antiquity studies in the Russian Empire. Teaching classical disciplines was expanded at gymnasiums and universities. Following the academic personnel reform of the late 1830s, a number of “antiquity chairs” at universities was headed by young philologists and historians who had spent two or three years of training at universities in Germany, mainly in Berlin, attending lectures and seminars of leading German classical philologists. In the 1840s – 1850s, an artificially constructed group of classical philologists gradually transformed into a disciplinary community

    Strategic analysis of the industrial enterprise functioning on the example of “KAMPO” company

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    The article performs a strategic analysis of the functioning of an industrial enterprise, presents the results of the PEST – analysis of the industrial sector, considers measures to improve the financial stability of the enterprise of “KAMPO identifies and characterises the factors affecting the activity of the studied enterprise (SWOT – analysis), analyses its stability in the current market as a whole. Special attention has been paid to the key goals of this enterprise in various fields, as well as possible ways to improve the efficiency of “KAMPO”. In the final part of the article, it is concluded that there is a constant need to study enterprises in modern market conditions, their products, because the active participation of commodity producers in trade makes it possible to use available resources more effectively, join international achievements of science and technology, and allows identifying the existing strategic directions of their activities

    Development of encapsulated extracts on the basis of meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) in the composition of functional foods with oncoprotective properties

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    ArticleMeadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) is a quite common plant throughout the European countries, including Russia. Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of the meadowsweet are mainly associated with the action of biologically active substances (BAS), in particularly tannins, phenolic compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids, catechins, flavonoids, essential oils etc. The main substances with proven clinical effects are salicylates and flavonoids, what allows to consider meadowsweet as an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, nootropic, adaptogenic and antihypoxic agent. The aim of this study was to analyze the content of BAS in water and 70% ethyl alcohol extract of F. ulmaria flowers from different regions of Russia and develop their encapsulated forms for further use as an ingredient for functional food products. To increase the shelf life of meadowsweet extracts and create a stable form for their delivery to the human body with various food products, encapsulated forms of extracts in the form of microand nanosized capsules were developed. The method of encapsulation was carried out using a spray dryer. It was shown that encapsulated meadowsweet BAS can be added to a chicken pate without negative effect on the organoleptic properties of the finished product. The calculation of the cost of the meat product with the complex functional dry mixture showed a slight increase in the cost of the final product compared to the traditional analogue. This study shows that encapsulated meadowsweet BAS can be used for inclusion in various food products, to ensure the functional properties of food and optimize the population's rations

    Accounting and management systems as the basis of enterprise development

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    The article presents a study on the management of accounting systems, its current state, as well as on the difficulties that arise in the work of enterprises under the risks’ influence. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been studied on the economic activity of the enterprise and on the reporting formation. The main changes in the organization of the company’s activities in modern conditions and costs affecting the accounting statements have been reflected. The accounting problems in conditions of uncertainty and violation of information exchange between responsibility centers have been identified. The existing systems’ comparative analysis of accounting, management accounting and risk management has been compiled. The benefits of optimizing accounting systems under the influence of modern risks have been formulated and information on them has been detailed, in accordance with the specifics of conducting financial and business operations at enterprises. The interrelation of accounting and risk management systems has been established, aimed at minimizing losses in the implementation of the enterprise’s activities in conditions of uncertainty

    Teacher Education in Higher Education Systems during Pandemic and the Synergy of Digital Technology

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    In the modern world of education, the level of digital technology development plays a decisive role in the competitiveness of educational institutions. The transition to digital education is considered a key driving force for the development of any university. In recent years, pedagogical universities have made tangible progress in many areas of digital development. However, the introduction of digital technologies (DT) in the educational process reached its peak during the pandemic. This study aims to identify the distinctive features in the work of a teacher at a pedagogical university during the pandemic. The study revealed the following: the doubts of the teachers with no e-learning experience; didactically effective digital technologies in the educational process, the combined use of which ensures the synergistic effectiveness of e-learning; students’ attitude towards the quality of the e-learning process during the pandemic. Given the identified problems and positive aspects, the results of the study can be used to further develop a strategy for the digitalization of teacher education. The study proved that effective digitalization of the educational process is possible under the condition of cooperative and systematic work of all participants