204 research outputs found


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    Using a recently developed technique of synchronous differential temperature measurements (Titov & Malinovsky 2005), the existence of the thermal surface energy (TSE) and of thermal hysteresis effect has been demonstrated in metallic gauge blocks (GB). The TSE (described here) is observed if there are inputs of energy and momentum of external electromagnetic (EM) field to material artefact and the heat source is not symmetrically located relative to the artefact surface. The TSE, linearly related to the Poynting vector of the EM field, presents the energy of the oriented motion of the coupled field-particles system inside artifacts. The TSE results in a thermal hysteresis effect, which is irreversible in time and has no symmetry in space. As the principle of superposition is shown not to be valid for EM fields in case of TSE, the hysteresis loop for the continuous sweep in time converts into a spiral, in which the form and the magnitude of the each cycle are slightly different from the ones of the adjacent cycles. In confirmation of the preceding theoretical result (Stroud et al 1972), the number of influence parameters in case of the field-particle system is found to be absolutely enormous, so that the thermal evolution process has, practically, infinite number of the existence and manifestation modes. Our studies present also an experimental confirmation of the basic results of the series of theoretical papers, initiated by R. H. Dicke (1954), in which the interaction of the ensemble of atoms with the electromagnetic field is analyzed


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    Using variation principle, we have demonstrated experimentally, for the first time, the existence of the thermal surface energy (TSE), resulting from the oriented motion of charged particles inside a material artefact and the energy of the guided electromagnetic (EM) field, which always accompanies the irregular motion of charged particles. The TSE arises gradually as an evolution process of hysteresis type as a result of interaction of the external EM field, characterized by a mean nonzero value of the Poynting vector, with an ensemble of charged particles of material artefact. It has been demonstrated experimentally that the principle of superposition of the external EM fields is not valid in case of TSE, and an artefact is shown to be in a continuous thermal evolution process, which has no symmetry in space and is irreversible in time, clearly confirming the preceding theoretical results of (Dicke 1954). Such process can be called as thermal synthesis. It is shown that the number of influence parameters, necessary for the description of the thermal evolution process is always huge, thus presenting an experimental confirmation of the fundamental theoretical observation of (Stroud et al. 1972, p.1096). We have shown experimentally for the first time that in a homogeneous material a heat source induces a larger flux of energy in a specified direction, if the energy flux in that direction has been created before by an auxiliary heat source. A deep agreement of our studies with Ancient Indian and Greek Philosophies, as well as with the classical German dialectics is outlined

    Structural investigation of twinned crystals

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    Urban geochemical changes and pollution with potentially harmful elements in seven Russian cities

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    This paper presents results of an analysis of potentially harmful elements (PHEs, Pb, Zn and Cu) and conservative element (CE, Fe) concentrations in urban surface deposited sediment (USDS). The study was conducted in seven large Russian cities located in different geographic and climatic zones, and in territories with different geology and anthropogenic pressures: Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhniy Tagil, Rostov-on-Don, Tyumen, and Ufa. The initial geochemical baseline relationships between PHEs and CE concentrations in the USDS were reconstructed for each city applying an approach based on linear weighted fitting of PHE as a function of CE with lower weights assigned to more polluted samples. The reconstructed average initial baseline Pb, Cu, and Zn concentrations varied between 17–52, 25–196, and 91–413 mg kg−1, respectively. Several new criteria for assessing the degree of geochemical transformation and pollution of the urban environment, such as the percentage of polluted samples, average pollutant concentration in polluted samples, and weighting degree index δ, were suggested and compared with common criteria, such as the PHE concentration and the geo-accumulation index. The environmental rank of a city significantly differed depending on whether the criterion for ranking was total PHE pollution or changes in comparison with the initial geochemical baseline. © 2020, The Author(s).Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-77-10024The study was supported by Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 18-77-10024)

    Coarse technogenic material in urban surface deposited sediments (Usds)

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    In the current paper, the analysis of heavy mineral concentrate (Schlich analysis) was used to study the particles of technogenic origin in the samples of urban surface-deposited sediments (USDS). The USDS samples were collected in the residential areas of 10 Russian cities located in different economic, climatic, and geological zones: Ufa, Perm, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Murmansk, and Ekaterinburg. The number of technogenic particles was determined in the coarse particle size fractions of 0.1–0.25 and 0.25–1 mm. The types of technogenic particle were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. The amount of technogenic material differed from city to city; the fraction of technogenic particles in the samples varied in the range from 0.01 to 0.43 with an average value of 0.18. The technogenic particles in USDS samples were represented by lithoid and granulated slag, iron and silicate microspheres, fragments of brick, paint, glass, plaster, and other household waste. Various types of technogenic particle differed in morphological characteristics as well as in chemical composition. The novelty and significance of the study comprises the following: it has been shown that technogenic particles are contained in a significant part of the USDS; the quantitative indicators of the accumulation of technogenic particles in the urban landscape have been determined; the contributions of various types of particles to the total amount of technogenic material were estimated for the urban landscape; the trends in the transformation of typomorphic elemental associations in the urban sediments associated with the material of technogenic origin were demonstrated; and the alteration trends in the USDS microelemental content were revealed, taking into account the impurities in the composition of technogenic particles. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The reported study was funded by Russian Science Foundation, project number № 18-77-10024


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    First detrital zircon geochronology data and results of geochemical studies for clastic rocks of the Rymnik and Nabil zones of the East Sakhalin accretionary terrane, located within the region of the East Sakhalin Mountains, are presented. The studies have been carried out at the Center for Collective Use of Far Eastern Geological Institute of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Vladivostok. The established geochemical features suggest that the source of the clastic material of the zones was felsic rocks of the deeply eroded continental island arc or arcs. Although the geochemical characteristics are similar, there are sharp differences between the detrital zircons’ age distribution patterns of rocks of these zones. In the sandstone of the Nabil zone, 75 % of the zircon grains are of the middle Cretaceous age (94–108 Ma) with a peak of 96 Ma, 15 % are the middle Permian-Early Jurassic, and 10 % are the Precambrian (mainly Paleoproterozoic). The sandstone of the Rymnik zone has a more complex (polymodal) pattern of the detrital zircon age distribution, with a significant contribution of the Precambrian grains (37 %). Most of the grains belong to the Early Jurassic (peak 196 Ma) and the Early Cretaceous (peak 137 Ma), with 47 % of the Mesozoic grains. The likely provenances of the clastic material were the Middle Cretaceous volcanic arcs of the Asian eastern margin older complexes of the continent

    Venous thromboembolism in surgical practice.

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    A statistical retrospective analysis of the results of treatment of patients undergoing inpatient treatment in the surgical clinic, proctology and urology departments for 5 years was conducted, total number of patients – 27771, of them operated – 14849 (53.5%), postoperative mortality – 448 patients (3.0%), the overall mortality – 989 patients (3.6%). According to the analysis of the medical documentation, the total number of patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) was 98 (0.35%), the number of patients diagnosed during treatment – 56 (57.1%), at the time of pathoanatomical examination – 42 (42.9%); in 72 patients PE was directly responsible for death, 26 patients were cured by conservative methods. Of 98 patients with PE in 56 (56.1%), the main disease was oncological disease, in most cases in neglected form with distant metastases. A reduction in postoperative lethality by 40% was obtained, the reason for which, in our opinion, are: mandatory adherence to the recommended timing of the prevention of acute thromboembolic complications; prolongation of the prophylaxis term in patients who have undergone major surgical interventions or with postoperative complications that lead to a prolonged limitation of the patients' motor activity; a wider use of low molecular weight heparins

    Venous thromboembolism in surgical practice.

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    A statistical retrospective analysis of the results of treatment of patients undergoing inpatient treatment in the surgical clinic, proctology and urology departments for 5 years was conducted, total number of patients – 27771, of them operated – 14849 (53.5%), postoperative mortality – 448 patients (3.0%), the overall mortality – 989 patients (3.6%). According to the analysis of the medical documentation, the total number of patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) was 98 (0.35%), the number of patients diagnosed during treatment – 56 (57.1%), at the time of pathoanatomical examination – 42 (42.9%); in 72 patients PE was directly responsible for death, 26 patients were cured by conservative methods. Of 98 patients with PE in 56 (56.1%), the main disease was oncological disease, in most cases in neglected form with distant metastases. A reduction in postoperative lethality by 40% was obtained, the reason for which, in our opinion, are: mandatory adherence to the recommended timing of the prevention of acute thromboembolic complications; prolongation of the prophylaxis term in patients who have undergone major surgical interventions or with postoperative complications that lead to a prolonged limitation of the patients' motor activity; a wider use of low molecular weight heparins


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    The aim of this study is to provide a tool to assess sediment production in an urban area. The urban environment is affected by a variety of anthropogenic and natural factors that, in particular, lead to the sediment production. The storage of sediments in the urban landscape negatively affects the quality of the urban environment. The model was developed on the basis of landscape studies conducted in residential areas of six Russian cities. The model takes into account (1) the influence of precipitation, spring snowmelt, and vehicles, (2) the influence of erosion factors for two seasons: warm (t>5°C) and cold (t<5°C), and (3) the presence of disturbed surfaces. The application of the developed model to Ekaterinburg city conditions returned sediment production equal to 1.2 kg/m2/y. A comparison of seasonal values shows that sediment production in cold season is 2.5 times higher than in the warm season. In the absence of the disturbed surfaces, sediment production decreases to 0.44 kg/m2/y. Modeling showed a correlation between sediment production in Russian cities and duration of the cold season. The efficiency of various urban area maintenance practices and cleaning measures were evaluated in terms of sediment production and storage. The developed model presented in this paper is based on research in Russian cities, but can be applied to assess the formation of sediment and measures to reduce the value of its accumulation in the urban environment in different regions of the world. © 2023, Russian Geographical Society. All rights reserved