589 research outputs found

    Efecto del uso de claves y de la relación semántica en la recuperación de la información desde la memoria episódica en niños con TEL y en niños con desarrollo típico.

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    218 p.Los niños con trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL) presentan limitaciones que implican dificultades tanto en el dominio lingüístico como en el no lingüístico. Varios investigadores han señalado los problemas que exhiben estos menores a nivel de la memoria, principalmente la memoria de trabajo. Sin embargo son pocos, casi nulos, los estudios que centran su atención en la memoria de largo plazo, en especial la memoria episódica (ME). Por tal motivo, esta investigación tuvo como propósito corroborar los escasos datos existentes y ampliar la información respecto al desempeño de los niños con TEL en tareas de ME. Se evaluó el efecto del uso de claves y la relación semántica entre los estímulos en la recuperación de la información desde la ME en niños con TEL, comparando su desempeño con un grupo de pares de desarrollo típico de igual edad cronológica (5 años a 5 años 11 meses) y otro de igual nivel comprensivo (4 años a 4 años 11 meses). Los resultados corroboran lo señalado en estudios anteriores, los niños con TEL exhiben un desempeño significativamente inferior al grupo de igual edad. Pero, se encuentra un resultado diferente cuando se compara con aquellos de igual nivel comprensivo, evidenciando ambos grupos un rendimiento similar. Se plantea que los niños con TEL evidencian un nivel de procesamiento de información contextual similar a niños de menor edad en casi todas las situaciones de presentación de los estímulos, y semejante a sus pares típicos de igual edad cuando se cumplen con ciertas condiciones específicas, las que favorecen su procesamiento. Se discuten los resultados en torno a las diferencias y similitudes encontradas en los grupos, así como sus implicancias para el quehacer fonoaudiológico.Palabras clave: trastorno específico del lenguaje, memoria episódica, uso de claves, relaciones semánticas./ABSTRACT:Children with Specific Language Impairment exhibit limitations that imply difficulties both in linguistic and non-linguistic domains. Several researchers have pointed at the difficulties exhibited by children with SLI in memory processes, especially in working memory. Nevertheless there are few studies focusing their attention in long-term memory, especially in episodic memory (EM). Because of the lack of information on this topic is that the present research had the purpose of confirming the current sparse data, and to obtain more information about the performance of children with SLI in EM tasks. The effect of the use of cues and the semantic relationship between the stimuli on the information retrieval from EM were compared between children with SLI and two control groups, one group of typically developing peers matched by chronological age (5,0 to 5,11 years old), and another of similar comprehensive language skills (4,0 to 4,11 years old). Results confirm previous findings: children with SLI show a significantly lower performance than their chronological-matched peers. However, a different finding is made when comparing with peers with similar comprehensive skills, showing similar performance. It is hypothesized that children with SLI exhibit a level of processing of contextual information similar to younger peers in almost all situations of presentation of the stimulus, and similar to their typical peers when given specific situations are present, which help their processing. Results are discussed about the similarities and differences found in the groups, as well as the implications for the work of SLP.Keywords: Specific Language Impairment, episodic memory, use of cues, semantic relationship

    Estudio descriptivo de dimorfismo sexual en una poblacion de 15 a 50 anos de edad, en base a un analisis rugoscopico

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    94 p.En la actualidad la odontología forense ha hecho significativas contribuciones para la identificación humana, en casos donde no es posible aplicar los métodos tradicionales debido al estado en que quedan los cadáveres, cuando ya han desaparecido otros elementos identificativos, o por las propias limitaciones que conllevan otros métodos. Así la rugoscopía, aparece como una técnica identificatoria ideal en casos de necroidentificación, y por lo mismo su uso ha ganado importancia durante el siglo pasado. Al realizar una breve revisión bibliográfica se encontró que las rugas palatinas se han considerado específicas para grupos raciales (Kapali et al.; Shetty et al., 2005), lo que facilita la identificación de poblaciones, además presentar diferencias entre géneros. A pesar de lo anterior muchos estudios han dado lugar a considerar que estas formaciones anatómicas no expresan diferencias sustanciales entre sexos (Thomas, 1972; Kashima, 1990; Hinojal-Fonseca y Martínez Cordero, 2005; Nayak et al., 2007), aunque también existen otros que si plantean dimorfismo sexual (Mona et al., 1998; Shetty et al., 2005; Preethi et al. 2007; Lysell, 1955). El objetivo del estudio es determinar las diferencias morfológicas de las rugas palatinas en sujetos de sexo femenino y sexo masculino, demostrando los mejores indicadores de dimorfismo obtenido a partir de ellas con interés médico legal en una muestra de sujetos de 15 a 50 años. Para ello se analizaron 120 modelos de yeso del maxilar superior, de pacientes entre 15 y 50 años de edad, 60 hombres y 60 mujeres, clasificándose las rugas palatinas según forma, número, tamaño y posición. Los valores obtenidos dieron como resultado diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos en relación a la forma y al tamaño de las rugas palatinas, siendo las formas punto y recta las más prevalentes para mujeres y hombres respectivamente. En cuanto al tamaño, se observó que las rugas circulares resultaron significativamente de mayor tamaño en mujeres que en hombres, a diferencia de las rugas de tipo compuestas, las cuales resultaron de mayor tamaño en hombres que en mujeres

    An easy synthetic way to exfoliate and stabilize MWCNTs in a thermoplastic pyrrole-containing matrix assisted by hydrogen bonds

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    This work focuses on the design of an engineered thermoplastic polymer containing pyrrole units in the main chain and hydroxyl pendant groups (A-PPy-OH), which help in achieving nanocomposites containing well-distributed, exfoliated and undamaged MWCNTs. The thermal annealing at 100 °C of the pristine nanocomposite promotes the redistribution of the nanotubes in terms of a percolative network, thus converting the insulating material in a conducting soft matrix (60 μΩ m). This network remains unaltered after cooling to r.t. and successive heating cycles up to 100 °C thanks to the effective stabilization of MWCNTs provided by the functional polymer matrix. Notably, the resistivity-temperature profile is very reproducible and with a negative temperature coefficient of -0.002 K-1, which suggests the potential application of the composite as a temperature sensor. Overall, the industrial scale by which A-PPy-OH can be produced offers a straightforward alternative for the scale-up production of suitable polymers to generate multifunctional nanocomposites

    One-step functionalization of mildly and strongly reduced graphene oxide with maleimide: An experimental and theoretical investigation of the Diels-Alder [4+2] cycloaddition reaction

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    For large-scale graphene applications, such as the production of polymer-graphene nanocomposites, exfoliated graphene oxide (GO) and its reduced form (rGO) are presently considered to be very suitable starting materials, showing enhanced chemical reactivity with respect to pristine graphene, in addition to suitable electronic properties (i.e., tunable band gap). Among other chemical processes, a suitable way to obtain surface decoration of graphene is through a direct one-step Diels-Alder (DA) reaction, e.g. through the use of dienophile or diene moieties. However, the feasibility and extent of decoration largely depends on the specific graphene microstructure that in the case of rGO sheets is not easy to control and generally presents a high degree of inhomogeneity owing to various on-plane functionalization (e.g., epoxide and hydroxyl groups) or in-plane lattice defects. In an effort to gain some insights into the covalent functionalization of variably reduced GO samples, we present a combined experimental and theoretical study on the DA cycloaddition reaction of maleimide, a dienophile functional unit well-suited for chemical conjugation of polymers and macromolecules. In particular, we considered both mildly and strongly reduced GOs. Using thermogravimetry, Raman and X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and elemental analysis we show evidence of variable chemical reactivity of rGO as a function of the residual oxygen content. Moreover, from quantum mechanical calculations carried out at the DFT level on different graphene reaction sites, we provide a more detailed molecular view to interpret experimental findings and to assess the reactivity series of different graphene modifications. This journal i

    Cross-linking of rubber in the presence of multi-functional cross-linking aids via thermoreversible Diels-Alder chemistry

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    Furan-functionalized polyketone (PK-FU) was added to a furan-functionalized ethylene-propylene rubber (EPM-FU). The mixture was subsequently cross-linked with a bismaleimide through Diels-Alder chemistry in order to improve the mechanical properties of the rubber. Infrared spectroscopy showed the reversible interaction between both polymers and the bismaleimide cross-linker. Likewise, mechanical measurements indicated the re-workability of the mixtures with no evident differences in storage modulus and mechanical properties after several heating cycles. The cross-link density and mechanical properties, such as hardness, tensile properties and compression set, could be modulated by changing the degree of furan functionalization of PK-FU and the PK-FU loading in the blends. It is concluded that PK-FU has some characteristics of an inert filler, but mainly acts as a multi-functional cross-linking aid, enabling larger amounts of bismaleimide to cross-link EPM-FU

    A newly described strain of Eimeria arloingi (strain A) belongs to the phylogenetic group of ruminant-infecting pathogenic species, which replicate in host endothelial cells in vivo

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    Coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species is an important disease worldwide, particularly in ruminants and poultry. Eimeria infection can result in significant economic losses due to costs associated with treatment and slower growth rates, or even with mortality of heavily infected individuals. In goat production, a growing industry due to increasing demand for caprine products worldwide, coccidiosis is caused by several Eimeria species with E. arloingi and E. ninakohlyakimovae the most pathogenic. The aims of this study were genetic characterization of a newly isolated European E. arloingi strain (A) and determination of phylogenetic relationships with Eimeria species from other ruminants. Therefore, a DNA sequence of E. arloingi strain (A) containing 2290 consensus nucleotides (the majority of 18S rDNA, complete ITS-1 and 5.8S sequences, and the partial ITS-2) was amplified and phylogenetic relationship determined with the most similar sequences available on GenBank. The phylogenetic tree presented a branch constituted by bovine Eimeria species plus E. arloingi, and another one exclusively populated by ovine Eimeria species. Moreover, E. arloingi, E. bovis and E. zuernii, which all replicate in host intestinal endothelial cells of the lacteals, were found within the same cluster. This study gives new insights into the evolutionary phylogenetic relationships of this newly described caprine Eimeria strain and confirmed its close relationship to other highly pathogenic ruminant Eimeria species characterized by macromeront formation in host endothelial cells of the central lymph capillaries of the small intestine

    Analysis of Implementation the Evaluation of Guidance and Counseling Program at Senior High Schools of Singkawang

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    Focus of this study are (1) describe and analyze the implementation of the guidance and counseling program, (2) find some factors inhibiting the implementation of the guidance and counseling program. This study uses qualitative methods; using interview data collecting technique, tested its validity through triangulation. Subjects in this study are all teachers of guidance and counseling in the Senior High School of Singkawang as many as 10 people as well as principals and supervisors as the informants with the total of 11 people. Results (1) the implementation of evaluation of guidance and counseling program by the teachers still has many weaknesses on each phase of the evaluation, such as not understanding the evaluation models of the guidance and counseling program, how to apply them, and monitoring process that is not done in deeply and in detail, (2) Some factors inhibiting the implementation of the evaluation of guidance and counseling program are lack of knowledge and understanding of the evaluation of guidance and counseling program in the schools, lack of interest in developing professional competencies, and lack of guidance to the teachers in implementing the guidance and counseling evaluation program

    Prevalence and molecular identification of zoonotic Anisakis and Pseudoterranova species in fish destined to human consumption in Chile

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    Zoonotic larvae of the family Anisakidae found in several fish species represent a serious risk in public health since they may cause food-borne anisakidosis in humans. Chile has culinary preferences including eating raw fish in many traditional preparations. In the present study, a total of 180 fish specimens representing three different fish species, i.e., Chilean hake (Merluccius gayi), snoek (Thyrsites atun), and sea bream (Brama australis), were caught at central coast of Chile. Parasitological examination was performed on musculature and abdominal cavity for subsequent extraction and quantification of anisakid larvae. Estimation of infection parameters, such as prevalence, was performed indicating 100% (CI: 0.94-1.0) prevalence of anisakid L3 in Chilean hakes and snoeks. Moreover, sea breams reached a prevalence of 35% (CI: 0.23-0.48). Prevalence of anisakid larvae in muscle was also analyzed showing values of 18.6% (CI: 0.097-0.309) in Chilean hakes, 15% (CI: 0.07-0.26) in snoeks, and 1.7% (CI: 0-0.089) in sea breams. Meanwhile, prevalence of anisakid larvae in internal organs showed highest values for peritoneum (100% and 83.3%) for snoeks and Chilean hakes, respectively, for liver (96.7%) and gonads (86.6%) in Chilean hakes, and for intestine (98.3%) in snoeks. Molecular analysis of collected anisakid L3 unveiled presence of two potentially zoonotic nematode species, i.e., Pseudoterranova cattani and Anisakis pegreffii. P. cattani was found in Chilean hakes and snoeks being the first molecular host species report for Chilean snoeks. Besides, A. pegreffii was also identified in these species being the first molecular report on this regard. These findings are relevant for better understanding of epidemiology of anisakiasis in Chilean coasts and for public health issues considering potential risk of human population due to its culinary preferences in eating raw fish

    Anthropozoonotic parasites circulating in synanthropic and pacific colonies of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens): non-invasive techniques data and a review of the literature

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    Since late 1970s, the southern Chilean city Valdivia constitutes home for a unique bachelor group of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens), initially descendant from colonies at the Pacific coast, but now directly living in a freshwater habitat in close proximity to human population and a vast amount of wild and domestic animal species. In the framework of a parasitological monitoring program, 115 individual fecal samples were collected from synanthropic South American sea lions between March and May 2018. For comparative reasons, 79 individual fecal samples from two free-living O. flavescens colonies at the Pacific coast were also sampled. Coproscopical analyses revealed the presence of nine different parasite taxa in individual fecal samples, including two protozoan (Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp.) and seven metazoan parasites (Anisakidae gen. spp., Diphyllobothriidae gen. spp., Ogmogaster heptalineatus, Trematoda indet. type 1, Trematoda indet. type 2, Otostrongylus circumlitus, and Parafilaroides spp.), and morphological and molecular characterizations of adult helminths confirmed identification of following species: Anisakis simplex/A. pegreffi, Pseudoterranova cattani, Contracaecum ogmorhini, and Adenocephalus pacificus. For the first time, the results of the current study show the presence of zoonotic relevant Giardia- and Cryptosporidium-infections in two free-ranging colonies of South American sea lions apart from human settlement. Furthermore, a detailed literature search of previous publications on the endoparasite fauna of South American sea lions was conducted, revealing reports of at least 50 protozoan and metazoan parasite taxa including findings of the current study. Thereby, at least 25 of reported taxa (50%) have been recorded to bear zoonotic potential. The present study illustrates a successful application of non-invasive screening methods and their applicability in the field of marine mammal parasitology, bringing new insights into the endogenous parasite fauna of South American sea lions in Southern Chile, including anthropozoonotic protozoan and metazoan taxa