476 research outputs found

    Spitzer spectra of Seyfert galaxies

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    The Spitzer IRS high resolution spectra of about 90 Seyfert galaxies from the 12um Galaxy Sample are presented and discussed. These represent about 70% of the total complete sample of local Seyfert galaxies. The presence of starburst components in these galaxies can be quantified by powerful mid-IR diagnostics tools (i.e. 11.25um PAH feature equivalent width and the H_2 emission line intensity) as well as the AGN dominance can be measured by specific fine structure line ratios (e.g. [NeV]/[NeII], [NeV]/[SiII], etc.). The observed line ratios are compared to the results of semianalytical models, which can be used to compute the AGN and starburst contributions to the total luminosity of the galaxies. The results are also discussed in the light of unification and evolution models.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of "The Starburst-AGN Connection Conference", Shanghai, China, 27 Oct - 1 Nov 2008, ASP Conference Serie

    Seyfert Galaxies in the Local Universe: Analysis of Spitzer Spectra of a Complete Sample

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    The Spitzer high resolution spectra of 72 Seyfert galaxies from the 12μ\mum Galaxy Sample are presented and discussed. The presence of starburst components in these galaxies can be quantified by powerful mid-IR diagnostics tools (i.e. 11.25μ\mum PAH feature equivalent width and the H2_2 emission line intensity), as well as the AGN dominance can be measured by specific fine structure line ratios (e.g. [NeV]/[NeII], [NeV]/[SiII], etc.). The two types of Seyfert galaxies do not show any statistical difference in our diagnostic tools. However, the Seyfert 2's showing hidden Broad Line Regions in spectro-polarimetric observations have on average an higher AGN dominance, a weaker star formation component and a warmer [60 - 25] spectral index than those without broad emission lines.Comment: Proceedings of the Conference "The central kiloparsec. Active Galactic Nuclei and their hosts, 4-6 June 2008, Ierapetra, Crete, Greec

    Composite Spectral Energy Distributions and Infrared-Optical Colors of Type 1 and Type 2 Quasars

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    We present observed mid-infrared and optical colors and composite spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of type 1 (broad-line) and 2 (narrow-line) quasars selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopy. A significant fraction of powerful quasars are obscured by dust, and are difficult to detect in optical photometric or spectroscopic surveys. However these may be more easily identified on the basis of mid-infrared (MIR) colors and SEDs. Using samples of SDSS type 1 type 2 matched in redshift and [OIII] luminosity, we produce composite rest-frame 0.2-15 micron SEDs based on SDSS, UKIDSS, and Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) photometry and perform model fits using simple galaxy and quasar SED templates. The SEDs of type 1 and 2 quasars are remarkably similar, with the differences explained primarily by the extinction of the quasar component in the type 2 systems. For both types of quasar, the flux of the AGN relative to the host galaxy increases with AGN luminosity (L_[OIII]) and redder observed MIR color, but we find only weak dependencies of the composite SEDs on mechanical jet power as determined through radio luminosity. We conclude that luminous quasars can be effectively selected using simple MIR color criteria similar to those identified previously (W1-W2 > 0.7 [Vega]), although these criteria miss many heavily obscured objects. Obscured quasars can be further identified based on optical-IR colors (for example, (u-W3 [AB]) > 1.4(W1-W2 [Vega])+3.2). These results illustrate the power of large statistical studies of obscured quasars selected on the basis of mid-IR and optical photometry.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 14 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; composite Type 1 and Type 2 quasar SEDs available at http://www.dartmouth.edu/~hickox/Hickox2017_QSO_SED_Table1.tx

    The Kinematics of Multiple-Peaked Lyα Emission in Star-Forming Galaxies at z ~ 2-3

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    We present new results on the Lyα emission-line kinematics of 18 z ~ 2-3 star-forming galaxies with multiple-peaked Lyα profiles. With our large spectroscopic database of UV-selected star-forming galaxies at these redshifts, we have determined that ~30% of such objects with detectable Lyα emission display multiple-peaked emission profiles. These profiles provide additional constraints on the escape of Lyα photons due to the rich velocity structure in the emergent line. Despite recent advances in modeling the escape of Lyα from star-forming galaxies at high redshifts, comparisons between models and data are often missing crucial observational information. Using Keck II NIRSPEC spectra of Hα (z ~ 2) and [O III]λ5007 (z ~ 3), we have measured accurate systemic redshifts, rest-frame optical nebular velocity dispersions, and emission-line fluxes for the objects in the sample. In addition, rest-frame UV luminosities and colors provide estimates of star formation rates and the degree of dust extinction. In concert with the profile sub-structure, these measurements provide critical constraints on the geometry and kinematics of interstellar gas in high-redshift galaxies. Accurate systemic redshifts allow us to translate the multiple-peaked Lyα profiles into velocity space, revealing that the majority (11/18) display double-peaked emission straddling the velocity-field zero point with stronger red-side emission. Interstellar absorption-line kinematics suggest the presence of large-scale outflows for the majority of objects in our sample, with an average measured interstellar absorption velocity offset of (Δv_(abs))=–230 km s^(–1). A comparison of the interstellar absorption kinematics for objects with multiple- and single-peaked Lyα profiles indicate that the multiple-peaked objects are characterized by significantly narrower absorption line widths. We compare our data with the predictions of simple models for outflowing and infalling gas distributions around high-redshift galaxies. While popular "shell" models provide a qualitative match with many of the observations of Lyα emission, we find that in detail there are important discrepancies between the models and data, as well as problems with applying the framework of an expanding thin shell of gas to explain high-redshift galaxy spectra. Our data highlight these inconsistencies, as well as illuminating critical elements for success in future models of outflow and infall in high-redshift galaxies

    Analgesic Management of Pain in Elite Athletes: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: To identify the prevalence, frequency of use, and effects of analgesic pain management strategies used in elite athletes. Design: Systematic literature review. Data Sources: Six databases: Ovid/Medline, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL, Embase, Cochrane Library, and Scopus. Eligibility Criteria for Selecting Studies: Empirical studies involving elite athletes and focused on the use or effects of medications used for pain or painful injury. Studies involving recreational sportspeople or those that undertake general exercise were excluded. Main Results: Of 70 articles found, the majority examined the frequency with which elite athletes use pain medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, anesthetics, and opioids. A smaller set of studies assessed the effect of medications on outcomes such as pain, function, and adverse effects. Oral NSAIDs are reported to be the most common medication, being used in some international sporting events by over 50% of athletes. Studies examining the effects of pain medications on elite athletes typically involved small samples and lacked control groups against which treated athletes were compared. Conclusions: Existing empirical research does not provide a sufficient body of evidence to guide athletes and healthcare professionals in making analgesic medication treatment decisions. Based on the relatively robust evidence regarding the widespread use of NSAIDs, clinicians and policymakers should carefully assess their current recommendations for NSAID use and adhere to a more unified consensus-based strategy for multidisciplinary pain management in elite athletes. In the future, we hope to see more rigorous, prospective studies of various pain management strategies in elite athletes, thus enabling a shift from consensus-based recommendations to evidence-based recommendations

    Stellar Populations of UV-Selected Active Galactic Nuclei Host Galaxies at z ~ 2 - 3

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    We use stellar population synthesis modeling to analyze the host galaxy properties of a sample of 33 UV-selected, narrow-lined active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at z ~ 2 - 3. In order to quantify the contribution of AGN emission to host galaxy broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs), we use the subsample of 11 AGNs with photometric coverage spanning from rest-frame UV through near-IR wavelengths. Modeling the SEDs of these objects with a linear combination of stellar population and AGN templates, we infer the effect of the AGN on derived stellar population parameters. We also estimate the typical bias in derived stellar populations for AGNs lacking rest-frame near-IR wavelength coverage, and develop a method for inferring the true host galaxy properties. We compare AGN host galaxy properties to those of a sample of UV-selected, star-forming non-AGNs in the same redshift range, including a subsample carefully matched in stellar mass. Although the AGNs have higher masses and SFRs than the full non-active sample, their stellar population properties are consistent with those of the mass-selected sample, suggesting that the presence of an AGN is not connected with the cessation of star-formation activity in star-forming galaxies at z ~ 2 - 3. We suggest that a correlation between M_BH and galaxy stellar mass is already in place at this epoch. Assuming a roughly constant Eddington ratio for AGNs at all stellar masses, we are unable to detect the AGNs in low-mass galaxies because they are simply too faint.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures, ApJ accepted. Replaced with accepted versio

    Weighing Obscured and Unobscured Quasar Hosts with the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    We cross-correlate a cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing map with the projected space densities of quasars to measure the bias and halo masses of a quasar sample split into obscured and unobscured populations, the first application of this method to distinct quasar subclasses. Several recent studies of the angular clustering of obscured quasars have shown that these objects likely reside in higher-mass halos compared to their unobscured counterparts. This has important implications for models of the structure and geometry of quasars, their role in growing supermassive black holes, and mutual quasar/host galaxy evolution. However, the magnitude and significance of this difference has varied from study to study. Using data from \planck, \wise, and SDSS, we follow up on these results using the independent method of CMB lensing cross-correlations. The region and sample are identical to that used for recent angular clustering measurements, allowing for a direct comparison of the CMB-lensing and angular clustering methods. At z∼1, we find that the bias of obscured quasars is bq=2.57±0.24, while that of unobscured quasars is bq=1.89±0.19. This corresponds to halo masses of log(Mh/M⊙h−1)=13.24+0.14−0.15 (obscured) and log(Mh/M⊙h−1)=12.71+0.15−0.13 (unobscured). These results agree well with with those from angular clustering (well within 1σ), and confirm that obscured quasars reside in host halos ∼3 times as massive as halos hosting unobscured quasars. This implies that quasars spend a significant portion of their lifetime in an obscured state, possibly more than one half of the entire active phase

    A Change in Perspective: Agriculturally -Based Study Abroad Experience for Nicaraguan Students

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    Study abroad experiences serve to enrich students’ educational experiences, granted these programs must be evaluated to assess educational effectiveness. The purpose of this qualitative study was toexamine Nicaraguan students’ perceptions of agriculture and future aspirations, before and after engaging in a four-day agricultural-based program. Graphic elicitation and arts-based projective techniques served as metrics to assess students’ perceptions.Four major themes, with six sub-themes emerged from the data: a) perceptions of agriculture (i.e., previous agriculture); b) strength through unity (i.e., unity; and ripple effect); c) aspirations (i.e., importance of education); d) value of experience (i.e., learning new things; and thankfulness). Overall, the Nicaraguan students indicated the study abroad experience broadened their perspective of agriculture, having a direct impact on their career aspirations

    The Intrinsic Eddington Ratio Distribution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Star-Forming Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    An important question in extragalactic astronomy concerns the distribution of black hole accretion rates of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Based on observations at X-ray wavelengths, the observed Eddington ratio distribution appears as a power law, while optical studies have often yielded a lognormal distribution. There is increasing evidence that these observed discrepancies may be due to contamination by star formation and other selection effects. Using a sample of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7, we test whether or not an intrinsic Eddington ratio distribution that takes the form of a Schechter function is consistent with previous work suggesting that young galaxies in optical surveys have an observed lognormal Eddington ratio distribution. We simulate the optical emission line properties of a population of galaxies and AGNs using a broad, instantaneous luminosity distribution described by a Schechter function near the Eddington limit. This simulated AGN population is then compared to observed galaxies via their positions on an emission line excitation diagram and Eddington ratio distributions. We present an improved method for extracting the AGN distribution using BPT diagnostics that allows us to probe over one order of magnitude lower in Eddington ratio, counteracting the effects of dilution by star formation. We conclude that for optically selected AGNs in young galaxies, the intrinsic Eddington ratio distribution is consistent with a possibly universal, broad power law with an exponential cutoff, as this distribution is observed in old, optically selected galaxies and X-rays

    A Robust Determination of the size of quasar accretion disks using gravitational microlensing

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    Using microlensing measurements from a sample of 27 image-pairs of 19 lensed quasars we determine a maximum likelihood estimate for the accretion disk size of an {{\em}average} quasar of rs=4.0−3.1+2.4r_s=4.0^{+2.4}_{-3.1} light days at rest frame =1736=1736\AA\ for microlenses with a mean mass of =0.3M⊙=0.3M_\odot. This value, in good agreement with previous results from smaller samples, is roughly a factor of 5 greater than the predictions of the standard thin disk model. The individual size estimates for the 19 quasars in our sample are also in excellent agreement with the results of the joint maximum likelihood analysis.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Ap
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