32 research outputs found

    Coping strategies and postpartum depressive symptoms: A structural equation modelling approach

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    BACKGROUND: Variables such as the mother's personality, social support, coping strategies and stressful events have been described as risk factors for postpartum depression. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis was used to examine whether neuroticism, perceived social support, perceived life events, and coping strategies are associated with postpartum depressive symptoms at the 8th and 32nd weeks. METHODS: A total of 1626 pregnant women participated in a longitudinal study. Different evaluations were performed 8 and 32weeks after delivery. Several measures were used: the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS), the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-RS), the St. Paul Ramsey life events scale and the Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire. The brief COPE scale was used to measure coping strategies. SEM analysis was conducted for all women and in those women with a clinical diagnosis of postpartum depression. RESULTS: Passive coping strategies were associated with postpartum depressive symptoms at both visits (8th and 32nd weeks). Neuroticism was associated with more passive coping strategies and less active coping strategies. Neuroticism and life stress were positively correlated, and social support was negatively correlated with life stress and neuroticism. CONCLUSIONS: Early identification of potential risk for symptomatology of depression postpartum should include assessment of neuroticism, life events, social support and coping strategies.Gobierno de España. Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)Spanish Psychiatric Genetics and Genotyping networkRTAGeneralitat de Cataluny

    Males and females with first episode psychosis present distinct profiles of social cognition and metacognition

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    Altres ajuts: Royal Society of New Zealand - Marsden (E2987-3648) ; Obra Social La Caixa (RecerCaixa call 2013) ; Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu BML (RTI2018-100927-J-I00) ; Ministerio Regional de Salud AndaluzDeficits in social cognition and metacognition impact the course of psychosis. Sex diferences in social cognition and metacognition could explain heterogeneity in psychosis. 174 (58 females) patients with frst-episode psychosis completed a clinical, neuropsychological, social cognitive, and metacognitive assessment. Subsequent latent profle analysis split by sex yielded two clusters common to both sexes (a Homogeneous group, 53% and 79.3%, and an Indecisive group, 18.3% and 8.6% of males and females, respectively), a specifc male profle characterized by presenting jumping to conclusions (28.7%) and a specifc female profle characterized by cognitive biases (12.1%). Males and females in the homogeneous profle seem to have a more benign course of illness. Males with jumping to conclusions had more clinical symptoms and more neuropsychological defcits. Females with cognitive biases were younger and had lower self-esteem. These results suggest that males and females may beneft from specifc targeted treatment and highlights the need to consider sex when planning interventions

    Persons with first episode psychosis have distinct profiles of social cognition and metacognition

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    Altres ajuts: Obra Social La Caixa (RecerCaixa call 2013), by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, Spain). Junta de Andalucía: PI-0634/2011; PI-0193/2014.Subjects with first-episode psychosis experience substantial deficits in social cognition and metacognition. Although previous studies have investigated the role of profiles of individuals in social cognition and metacognition in chronic schizophrenia, profiling subjects with first-episode psychosis in both domains remains to be investigated. We used latent profile analysis to derive profiles of the abilities in 174 persons with first-episode psychosis using the Beck's Cognitive Insight Scale, the Faces Test, the Hinting Task, the Internal, Personal and Situational Attributions Questionnaire, and the Beads Task. Participants received a clinical assessment and a neuropsychological assessment. The best-fitting model was selected according to the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). We assessed the importance of the variables via a classification tree (CART). We derived three clusters with distinct profiles. The first profile (33.3%) comprised individuals with low social cognition. The second profile (60.9%) comprised individuals that had more proneness to present jumping to conclusions. The third profile (5.7%) presented a heterogeneous profile of metacognitive deficits. Persons with lower social cognition presented worse clinical and neuropsychological features than cluster 2 and cluster 3. Cluster 3 presented significantly worst functioning. Our results suggest that individuals with FEP present distinct profiles that concur with specific clinical, neuropsychological, and functional challenges. Each subgroup may benefit from different interventions

    ADHD symptomatology in eating disorders : a secondary psychopathological measure of severity?

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    Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has commonly been described in psychiatric disorders. Although several studies have found positive associations between abnormal eating patterns during childhood and ADHD, there is a lack of studies on ADHD and Eating Disorders (ED). The aims of this exploratory study were 1) to assess the ADHD symptoms level in ED and to ascertain whether there are differences among ED subtypes; 2) to analyze whether the presence of ADHD symptoms is associated with more severe eating disorder symptoms and greater general psychopathology; and 3) to assess whether the ADHD symptoms level is associated with specific temperament and character traits. Methods: 191 female ED patients were included. Assessment was carried out with the EDI-2, ASRS-v1.1, the SCL-90-R and the TCI-R. Results: The ADHD symptoms level was similar in bulimia, eating disorder not otherwise specified and binge eating subtypes, and lower in anorexic patients. Obsessiveness and Hostility were significantly positively associated with ADHD symptoms. A path model showed that ADHD was associated with high Novelty Seeking and low Self-Directedness, whereas ED severity was influenced by ADHD severity and low Self-Directedness. Conclusions: Bingeing/purging ED subtypes have a high ADHD symptoms level, also related with more severe eating, general and personality psychopathology

    Desarrollo de la versión española del cuestionario de personalidad Zuckerman-Kuhlman (ZKPQ-III) y propiedades psicométricas

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    El presente trabajo investiga las propiedades factoriales y características psicométricas de la in the versión española del ZKPQ Forma 111, que fue analizado en una muestra de 573 mujeres y 186 hombres. Fueron calculados las medias y desviaciones estándar, las fiabilidad e intercorrelación de las escalas y las diferencias en género y edad que fueron comparados con la versión americana de la prueba. El coeficiente de homegeneidad demostró unas buenas correlaciones inter ítem en cada dimensión. Los análisis de distribución de las dimensiones se testaron con los coeficientes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov y Kurtosis. Una solución de cinco factores fue probada para ambos sexos para intentar replicar la correspondencia con la versión americana del cuestionario apoyando la existencia de esas cinco dimensiones. La estructura factorial en hombres y mujeres fue comparada y se encontró una similar a la americana excepto en las saturaciones de algunos ítems en Búsqueda de Sensaciones Impulsivas y Sociabilidad