260 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Guru

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    Urces that exist within a organization in addition to other resources of the organization. Basically, an organization not only expect skilled human resources and skilled, but more importantly it expects its employees to work with enterprising and willing to achieve optimal results. This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of leadership style and work motivation on employee performance. This study was conducted in 02 State Public High School Baucau-Timor Leste. Using a sample of 58 teachers, the data collected using questionnaires and interviews. There are two types of data used in this study is qualitative and quantitative data, both derived from primary and secondary sources. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. Based on regression analysis of the calculation results obtained conclusion, the influence of leadership style (X1) on teacher performance (Y) 0.571. The amount of motivation that directly influence on employee performance (Y) is 0,313. The magnitude of the effect of leadership style (X1) and motivation (X2) effect jointly by 73.5 percent while the remaining 26.5 percent is explained by other variables not included in this study

    The UN Secretary-General on the global digitalization and international cooperation

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    Nowadays, the establishment of peaceful cooperation between nations depends on the development of digital economy and its regulation. To a certain extent, this new reality challenges the basic principles of the old world and defines some new rules to which humankind is supposed to adapt. On May 13 during his visit to Moscow, Russia, the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres was welcomed at MGIMO-University and conferred an Honorary Doctor degree. Following the ceremony, as is tradition, the Secretary-General delivered a doctoral lecture to students and faculty. TheSecretary-General touched on the subject of the consequences of digitalization, its impact on human rights protection and the role of the international community in the era of digital revolution

    Biocontrol of Chromolaena odorata in Timor Leste

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    Chromolaena odorata (L.) King and Robinson (Asteraceae) is a major weed in Timor Leste, affecting grazing lands and subsistence farms, reducing productivity and food security. It was the focus of a biocontrol project funded by the Australian Government from 2005-2009. During this period, the gall fly Cecidochares connexa (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae) was introduced from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, where it is widespread. From these initial releases, the gall fly established at seven sites and was subsequently re-distributed to most areas in Timor Leste where chromolaena was a problem. It established at most of the release sites that were revisited and caused a visible reduction in plant density and height. Overall, control of chromolaena by the gall fly in Timor Leste is limited by the severe dry season and the widespread use of fire in clearing lands for agriculture, both of which reduce the ability of gall fly populations to persist at damaging levels. Thus additional agents that can tolerate prolonged dry periods are required to increase the level of control of chromolaena

    Laboratório cívico: laboratório espaço físico

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    Laboratório Cívico Urbano - O lugar no Espaço Físico - teve como objetivo geral proporcionar aos seus participantes um contexto de reflexão crítica global e local sobre as estratégias e mecanismos de regeneração do espaço público urbano tendo como caso de estudo o Bairro da Mouraria. Promoveram-se diferentes metodologias de intervenção, dotando os participantes de ferramentas aplicáveis em diferentes contextos e escalas, e integrando diferentes atores locais. O foco foi expandir as competências dos participantes como futuros agentes participativos junto das autoridades locais através do domínio de técnicas que viabilizem a identidade, a diversidade e a pluralidade no desenho do espaço público. Associando-se a esta problemática o papel cada vez maior da tecnologia móvel na sociedade contemporânea, foi lançado um desafio, mais específico aos participantes, testar lógicas que permitam gerar uma aplicação móvel para o desenvolvimento local do Bairro da Mouraria, uma ferramenta transversal para a mobilização do potencial dos recursos locais, numa ótica participativa, alinhada com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 2030 da ONU. Um modelo sustentável que constrói a melhoria das condições de vida da população mediante a participação ativa da comunidade. A metodologia adotada no laboratório cívico urbano assentou num conjunto de etapas e ferramentas operacionais para desenhar cidade. As palestras proferidas pelo Atelier Artéria introduziram as questões do laboratório. A primeira, expos os vários trabalhos realizados pelo atelier no Bairro da Mouraria. A segunda, apresentação de metodologias de intervenção para observar, avaliar e agir. Com um esforço coletivo e participativo de retratar e reconhecer a identidade da Mouraria, o António Brito Guterres lança o primeiro repto a duetos de participantes, uma experiência interativa híbrida, ao mesmo tempo física e virtual, de observação exploratória do bairro. A utilização dos dispositivos móveis – smatphones - e a aplicação ‘mytracks’ serviram para, em tempo real, registar trajetos e compartilhar fotografias geolocalizadas. Dados de matriz quantitativa e qualitativa que foram transferidos para a maquete do Bairro da Mouraria, à escala 1:400, modelada e produzida no Vitruvius FABLAB –IUL.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A pantropical population genetics study on cashew crop: uncovering genetic diversity and agrobiodiversity hotspots

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    XIX ENBE Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, 18-19 December 2023, Lisboninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Publicitary speeches and the May’s Revolution. ‘El Dia’ newspaper, 1943-1958

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    El artículo aborda el estudio de los avisos publicados por comercios minoristas, por profesionales, por empresas privadas y del estado, por instituciones y por los organismos estatales en ocasión del aniversario del 25 de Mayo de 1810. Se hace a partir de un relevamiento de los ejemplares del diario El Día de la ciudad de La Plata correspondientes al mes de mayo de los años que van desde 1943 a 1958 inclusive. Se considera a la Revolución de Mayo como un lugar de memoria para explicar sus múltiples formas de representación dentro del amplio e interesado espectro de anunciantes.The article faces up the study of the warnings published by the retail stores, by proffesionals, by private companies and of the state, by institutions and by the statal organisms in the ocasion of the aniversary of the May 25th of 1810. It is done starting from a survey of the exemplars of the ‘El Dia’ diary of the city of ‘La Plata’, that squares to the month of May of the years that goes from 193 to 1958 including it. It is considered that the the May’s Revolution as a place of memory to explain its multiple ways of representation inside of the wide and interested spectre of advertisers.Dossier: La Revolución de MayoFacultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    A Critical Approach to the Theoretical Corpus of the Commercial Associations

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolEste artigo é unha primeira aproximación ao marco teórico a partir do cal se construíron os esforzos de integración económica rexional e o seu obxectivo é estudar a súa utilidade para analizar os procesos de integración. A evolución dos enfoques teóricos aquí discutidos xustifican a existencia dunha perspectiva que permite formular a hipótese de que os procesos de integración económica entre economías asimétricas non necesariamente elevan o benestar dos participantes nin do mundo no seu conxuntoEste artículo es una primera aproximación al marco teórico a partir del cual se han construido los esfuerzos de integración económica regional y su objetivo es estudiar su utilidad para analizar los procesos de integración. La evolución de los enfoques teóricos aquí discutidos justifica la existencia de una perspectiva que permite formular la hipótesis de que los procesos de integración económica entre economías asimétricas no necesariamente elevan el bienestar de los participantes ni del mundo en su conjuntoThis article is a first approach to a theoretical frame from which different efforts of regional economic integration have been constructed, and its interest is to study its utility when analyzing integration processes. The evolution of the theoretical basis hereby discussed grants justification to the existence of a perspective that allows the formulation of an hypotheses that states that the economic integration processes among assymetric economies do not necessarily raise the welfare of the participants, particularly, and of the world, in a general viewS

    Inter- and intrafractional 4D dose accumulation for evaluating ΔNTCP robustness in lung cancer.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Model-based selection of proton therapy patients relies on a predefined reduction in normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) with respect to photon therapy. The decision is necessarily made based on the treatment plan, but NTCP can be affected when the delivered treatment deviates from the plan due to delivery inaccuracies. Especially for proton therapy of lung cancer, this can be important because of tissue density changes and, with pencil beam scanning, the interplay effect between the proton beam and breathing motion. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this work, we verified whether the expected benefit of proton therapy is retained despite delivery inaccuracies by reconstructing the delivered treatment using log-file based dose reconstruction and inter- and intrafractional accumulation. Additionally, the importance of two uncertain parameters for treatment reconstruction, namely deformable image registration (DIR) algorithm and α/β ratio, was assessed. RESULTS The expected benefit or proton therapy was confirmed in 97% of all studied cases, despite regular differences up to 2 percent point (p.p.) NTCP between the delivered and planned treatments. The choice of DIR algorithm affected NTCP up to 1.6 p.p., an order of magnitude higher than the effect of α/β ratio. CONCLUSION For the patient population and treatment technique employed, the predicted clinical benefit for patients selected for proton therapy was confirmed for 97.0 % percent of all cases, although the NTCP based proton selection was subject to 2 p.p. variations due to delivery inaccuracies
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