69 research outputs found

    Challenges and Roles of Extension Workers on Cyber Extension as Information Media

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    Agriculture has been developing, which attracts more attention from all aspects of the economy. Besides, the industrialization of agriculture is the process of transforming agricultural production towards a comprehensive industrial direction in all aspects such as implementing livestock industry or agricultural mechanization, modernization of farming process, production in the form of modern farming (intensive farming, increasing crops, fertilizing in cultivation, and animal production). Thanks to the application of science, technology, and technology in the agricultural sector, agriculture activities have improved their productivity. Agricultural products include cattle, fish, poultry, and crops. The methods include economic institutions (economic laws such as supply and demand, value, competition) and legal, political institutions. One of the methods to implement agriculture extension is a cyber extension or using the power of online networks, computer communications, and digital interactive multimedia. The paper aimed to provide an overview of cyber extension in the context of agriculture development. Keywords: Cyber extension, agriculture extension, adoption, agricultural developmen

    Evaluasi Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Arachis Pintoi sebagai Biomulsa pada Budidaya Tanaman di Lahan Kering Tropis

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    Cover crops is widely used as biomulch because of its advantages for land conservation, weed control and increasing soil nutrients, especially in upland agriculture. The objective of the research was to study the growth and development of Arachis pintoi as biomulch in upland agriculture. The experiment was carried out at IPB Experimental Field from February until May 2014. Observation was done everyweek up to 12 weeks with 10 plants were used for each observation. One stolon of A. pintoi with 4 internodes was planted in each 0.25 m2 plot. The results showed that root initiation of A. pintoi was occured at 3 weeks after planting (wap) and produced 42.4 roots with average root length of 17.10 cm on 12 wap.A. pintoi had nett assimilation rate of 0.0023 g cm-2 per day and relative growth rate of 0.052 g per day. With this growth rate, A. pintoi covered 58% of 0.25 m2 plot and produced biomass 10.08 g per plant within 12 wap. A. pintoi produced flowers on 4 wap and pods on 7 wap. A. pintoi produced root nodules through mutualism symbiosis with local Rhizobium. The equation for rate of coverage is Coverage (%) = 5.273 Time (wap)-16.512; 100% land coverage can be reached on 22 wap. Based on the results of this study, A. pintoi is potential to be used as biomulch; however, a denser spacing must be applied for faster land coverage

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Sosial Budaya Terhadap Kecemasan Pada Pasien Pre Operasi Sectio Caesarea Di Rumah Sakit Myria Km 7 Palembang

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    Background: Entering into maternity is a critical period for pregnant mother because everything can happen before it ends up safely or with death. From many number of cesarean mentioned, some mothers will come anxiety. Besides level of knowledge, social culture in the community is also very possible anxiety to comes. Aim: The purpose of this study was to knowing the relationship of knowledge and socio-culture to anxiety in patients with preoperative sectio caesarea in RS. Myria KM 7 Palembang. Method: This research used analytical survey method with cross sectional approach and the sample consist of 47 respondents by using purposive sampling technique. Result: Univariate analysis was found by mother of pre-operation sectio caesarea more have enough knowledge as many as 23 people (48,9%) and have good social culture as much 28 people (59,6%). While those experiencing anxiety are moderate anxiety 23 (48,9%). Kendall Tau test results obtained there is a relationship knowledge of anxiety in patients with preoperative sectio caesarea with p value = 0.008 with r value of 0.360 and has a positive relationship direction and there is a relationship between socio-culture to anxiety in patients pre surgery sectio caesarea with p value = 0.006 with r value of 0.382 and has a positive relationship direction. For that is required health education about the operating procedure from preparation to the operation of sectio caesarea to the mother who will do the operation

    Penggunaan Herbisida Untuk Pengendalian Gulma Pada Budi Daya Kedelai Jenuh Air Di Lahan Pasang Surut

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    Weed is a problem on the soybean saturated culture in tidal swamp land. The objective of this study was to obtain the most effective herbicide for weed control on soybean planted under saturated culture in the tidal swamp land. Research was conducted in tidal swamp land at Banyu Urip village, Tanjung Lago districs, Banyuasin, South Sumatra Province, from July to December 2013, using a randomized block design consisted, of the eight treatments, with three replications. The treatments were: control (P0), manual weeding 4 weeks after planting (P1), paraquat 2 l/ha 4 weeks after planting (P2), glyphosate 3 l/ha 4 after planting (P3), oxyfluorfen 2 l/ha 3 days before planting (P4), oxyfluorfen 3 days before planting 2 l/ha followed application of paraquat 4 weeks after planting 2 l/ha (P5), oxyfluorfen 3 days before planting 2 l/ha followed application of glyphosate 4 weeks after planting 3 l/ha (P6), penoxulam 1 l/ha 2 weeks after planting (P7). Results showed that herbicide paraquat effectively suppressed total dry weight of weeds at 4, 6, and 8 weeks after planting. Cyperus iria was the most dominant weed in the field, with Sum Dominance Ratio 37.7%. The highest soybean productivity was 3.7 t/ha obtained from glyphosate treatment. Pre-emergence herbicide applications should be done prior to soybean planting and the post-emergence herbicide application must be done carefully by using nozzle lid to prevent toxicity to the crop plants

    Cattle Farmers' Participation in Rural Development Program in Bantul YOGYAKARTA

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    The purpose of this study to determine the level of participation, identify the factors that influence the participation of farmers and to analysis the effect of participation in the Scholars develop village or Sarjana Membangun Desa (SMD) program. The research was conducted on a group of beef cattle in the SMD program Bantul Yogyakarta Province. Primary data were collected by survey method using questionnaire interviews on 8 SMD groups consisting of 42 members. Analysis of the level of participation of farmers using discriptive analysis, while to analysis factors that affect the participation of farmers and the influence of participation to the success of the program was used multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS tools for windows 16. The result analysis shows that farmers level participation in planning, 71.43% farmers had low participation; 59.52% farmers in the implementation stage had participation that was middle level. On stage of evaluation 54.76% farmers had low participation and in stage sharing benefits 50% farmers had low participation. Success of the program SMD viewed from population cattle declined from 184 head to 107 head, while the existing capital in the group also decreased from IDR 2.904.000.000 to IDR seen from number of members group declined from 185 farmers being 114 farmers. Regression analysis showed that age, occupation, level of formal education, non-formal education, long became members of the group, farming experience, family income, number of dependents, land holdings, cosmopolitan, group motivation, the role of SMD, and the role of agency participation of farmers had not been able to explain the participation of farmers and the value of R2 value of 0.132 (13.2%). Partially no factor capable of affecting farmers participation. Further results of the regression analysis with the participation of relationship success SMD program showed no effect with R2 value of 0.01

    Identifikasi Senyawa Fenol Beberapa Aksesi Teki (Cyperus Rotundus L.) Serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Perkecambahan Biji Borreria Alata (Aubl.) DC.

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    Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) is one of the important weeds in the world because of its ability to suppress the production of crops and difficult to control. C. rotundus residues can suppress the growth of others weeds. The experiments were conducted to identify the phenolic compound of C. rotundus from six different accessions and to determine the allelopathic effects of C. rotundus extracts on germination of Borreria alata (Aubl.) DC. The identification of phenolic compound was done using extract from all part of mature C. rotundus taken from different accessions and was analyzed using GC-MS. Analysis of C. rotundus extracts on germination of B. alata was designed using completely randomized design with three replications. The treatments were extract of C. rotundus from different accessions (from Cikarawang-Darmaga, Babakan-Darmaga, Ciawi, Megamendung, Cisarua, and Cianjur) with different concentration, 0.75 kg L-1 and 1.5 kg L-1. The result showed that C. rotundus from six accession had phenolic compond with different amounts. Cianjur accesion contained the most phenol content such as 2-furanmethanol; 1,4-benzenediol; 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol; phenol, 2,6-dimethoxy; syringic acid; and 3-hydroxybenzoic acid. Germination test showed that C. rotundus extracts from different accessions and concentration had the same inhibitory effect on germination of B. alata

    Rancang Aplikasi Penjualan Online Perlengkapan Anak pada CV. Permata

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    CV.Permata is a child store with the name of Nikita Baby Shop. CV. Permata located in Gotong Royong street No. 25E, Babat Lamongan. In 2015, sales of CV. Permata instability.CV. Permata must be expanding their sales to get more profit. Based on interviews, CV. Permata do not want to using social media such as facebook and instagram to selling their products. The shortage of facebook and instagram, customers got difficult to booking the products. Of the CV. Permata problem, CV. Permata need online shop application that have add to cart features, product catalogue features, best seller report, most buyer report, product stock report, etc. With this application is expected to provide information data member, best seller report, most buyer report, product stock report with the aim of providing information to help CV.Permata sales

    The Consumers' Choice of Purchasing Location and the Preferences for Beef in Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to analyze the consumer preferences about choosing a place to buy beef and beef attribute product influence in buying decision of consumers in Yogyakarta. There were 300 beef consumers selected near traditional markets, butcher or meat shops, supermarkets, restaurants and food stalls for the survey using the questionnaire. The data were analyzed descriptively and used the chi-square test to evaluate the relationship between demographic characteristics and the consumers' choice of place when buying beef in Yogyakarta. The study reveals that most respondents buy beef at butcher or meat shops, followed by traditional markets and supermarkets. Consumers consider price, top quality of beef, the freshness of the product, shopping convenience and friends with sellers as the top five reasons when they choose a place to buy beef. Further, there is no correlation between demographic aspects with consumer preferences in choosing a place to buy beef. Finally, the beef attributes consumers consider when buying beef are the halal slaughtering method, bright red colour, quality assured and beef cuts
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