1,153 research outputs found

    Threshold Resonant Structure of the 232Th Neutron-Induced Fission Cross Section

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    The structures observed in the sub-threshold neutron-induced fission of ^{232}Th were investigated employing a recent developed model. Theoretical single-particle excitations of a phenomenological two-humped barrier are determined by solving a system of coupled differential equations for the motion along the optimal fission path. A rather good agreement with experimental data was obtained using a small number of independent parameters. It is predicted that the structure at 1.4 and 1.6 MeV is mainly dominated by spin 3/2 partial cross-section with small admixture of spin 1/2, while the structure at 1.7 MeV is given by a large partial cross section of spin 5/2.Comment: 17 pages 11 figure

    Isotopic and velocity distributions of Bi produced in charge-pickup reactions of 208Pb at 1 A GeV

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    Isotopically resolved cross sections and velocity distributions have been measured in charge-pickup reactions of 1 A GeV 208Pb with proton, deuterium and titanium target. The total and partial charge-pickup cross sections in the reactions 208Pb + 1H and 208Pb + 2H are measured to be the same in the limits of the error bars. A weak increase in the total charge-pickup cross section is seen in the reaction of 208Pb with the titanium target. The measured velocity distributions show different contributions - quasi-elastic scattering and Delta-resonance excitation - to the charge-pickup production. Data on total and partial charge-pickup cross sections from these three reactions are compared with other existing data and also with model calculations based on the coupling of different intra-nuclear cascade codes and an evaporation code.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, background information on http://www-w2k.gsi.de/kschmidt

    Entrance-channel Mass-asymmetry Dependence of Compound-nucleus Formation Time in Light Heavy-ion Reactions

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    The entrance-channel mass-asymmetry dependence of the compound nucleus formation time in light heavy-ion reactions has been investigated within the framework of semiclassical dissipative collision models. the model calculations have been succesfully applied to the formation of the 38^{38}Ar compound nucleus as populated via the 9^{9}Be+29^{29}Si, 11^{11}B+27^{27}Al, 12^{12}C+26^{26}Mg and 19^{19}F+19^{19}F entrance channels. The shape evolution of several other light composite systems appears to be consistent with the so-called "Fusion Inhibition Factor" which has been experimentally observed. As found previously in more massive systems for the fusion-evaporation process, the entrance-channel mass-asymmetry degree of freedom appears to determine the competition between the different mechanisms as well as the time scales involved.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Figures available upon request, Submitted at Phys. Rev.

    Production of medium-mass neutron-rich nuclei in reactions induced by 136Xe projectiles at 1 A GeV on a beryllium target

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    Production cross sections of medium-mass neutron-rich nuclei obtained in the fragmentation of 136Xe projectiles at 1 A GeV have been measured with the FRagment Separator (FRS) at GSI. 125Pd was identified for the first time. The measured cross sections are compared to 238U fission yields and model calculations in order to determine the optimum reaction mechanism to extend the limits of the chart of the nuclides around the r-process waiting point at N=82.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Determination of the freeze-out temperature by the isospin thermometer

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    The high-resolution spectrometer FRS at GSI Darmstadt provides the full isotopic and kinematical identification of fragmentation residues in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Recent measurements of the isotopic distribution of heavy projectile fragments led to a very surprising new physical finding: the residue production does not lose the memory of the N/Z of the projectile ending up in a universal de-excitation corridor; an ordering of the residues in relation to the neutron excess of the projectile has been observed. These unexpected features can be interpreted as a new manifestation of multifragmentation. We have found that at the last stage of the reaction the temperature of the big clusters subjected to evaporation is limited to a universal value. The thermometer to measure this limiting temperature is the neutron excess of the residues.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, corrected some misprints in the abstract, to be published in "Yadernaya Fizika" as a proceeding of the "VII International School Seminar on Heavy-Ion Phyics", Dubna (Russia), May 27 - June 1, 200

    A Quasi-Classical Model of Intermediate Velocity Particle Production in Asymmetric Heavy Ion Reactions

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    The particle emission at intermediate velocities in mass asymmetric reactions is studied within the framework of classical molecular dynamics. Two reactions in the Fermi energy domain were modelized, 58^{58}Ni+C and 58^{58}Ni+Au at 34.5 MeV/nucleon. The availability of microscopic correlations at all times allowed a detailed study of the fragment formation process. Special attention was paid to the physical origin of fragments and emission timescales, which allowed us to disentangle the different processes involved in the mid-rapidity particle production. Consequently, a clear distinction between a prompt pre- equilibrium emission and a delayed aligned asymmetric breakup of the heavier partner of the reaction was achieved.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Final version: figures were redesigned, and a new section discussing the role of Coulomb in IMF production was include

    Measurement of the complete nuclide production and kinetic energies of the system 136Xe + hydrogen at 1 GeV per nucleon

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    We present an extensive overview of production cross sections and kinetic energies for the complete set of nuclides formed in the spallation of 136Xe by protons at the incident energy of 1 GeV per nucleon. The measurement was performed in inverse kinematics at the FRagment Separator (GSI, Darmstadt). Slightly below the Businaro-Gallone point, 136Xe is the stable nuclide with the largest neutron excess. The kinematic data and cross sections collected in this work for the full nuclide production are a general benchmark for modelling the spallation process in a neutron-rich nuclear system, where fission is characterised by predominantly mass-asymmetric splits.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Measurement of residual nucleus cross sections and recoil energies in p + Fe collisions at 300, 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 MeV

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    The production of residual nuclei in p + Fe collisions has been measured at GSI on the FRS facility by means of the reverse kinematic techniques at 300, 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 MeV/A. The cross-sections larger than 0.01 mb of all isotopes with Z larger than 8 have been obtained. Velocity distributions were also measured. Comparisons to models describing spallation reactions and some empirical formulae often used in astrophysics are presented. These data are directly used to calculate impurety production and DPAs in a thin window as foreseen in spallation sources or accelerator-driven systems

    Long lifetime components in the decay of excited super-heavy nuclei

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    For nuclear reactions in which super-heavy nuclei can be formed, the essential difference between the fusion process followed by fission and non-equilibrium processes leading to fission-like fragments is there action time. Quite probable non-equilibrium

    Measurement of nuclide cross-sections of spallation residues in 1 A GeV 238U + proton collisions

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    The production of heavy nuclides from the spallation-evaporation reaction of 238U induced by 1 GeV protons was studied in inverse kinematics. The evaporation residues from tungsten to uranium were identified in-flight in mass and atomic number. Their production cross-sections and their momentum distributions were determined. The data are compared with empirical systematics. A comparison with previous results from the spallation of 208Pb and 197Au reveals the strong influence of fission in the spallation of 238U.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, background information at http://www-wnt.gsi.de/kschmidt