40 research outputs found


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    Hronična oboljenja tankih creva pasa su ređa od akutnih poremećaja i samim timteže se dijagnostikuju. Među ova oboljenja spada idiopatsko zapaljenje tankih creva,koje se odlikuje infi ltracijom ćelija infl amacije unutar l. propriae tankih creva, tunikemukoze tankih creva. Na osnovu kliničke slike i opšteg kliničkog pregleda moguće jepostaviti sumnju. Analizom krvne slike pasa zapaža se leukocitoza i limfocitoza, dokse biohemijskim analizama može utvrditi različit stepen hipoproteinemije i hipoalbuminemije.Specijalističkim pregledom creva endoskopom može se uočiti različitstepen promena na sluznici tankih creva, od blagog edema do ulceracija. Tek nakonbiopsije sluznice tankih creva i histopatološkog pregleda moguće je postaviti dijagnozulimfocitno-plazmocitnog duodenitisa. Iako je dijagnoza poznata, etiologija ovogoboljenja nije u potpunosti poznata, tako da je za postavljanje defi nitivne dijagnozepotrebno isključiti sva druga oboljenja sa istim ili sličnim simptomima. Tokom ovogistraživanja sprovedenog na gastroenterološkim pacijentima ambulante Klinike zamale životinje Fakulteta veterinarske medicine u Beogradu tokom oktobra, novembrai decembra 2011. godine, kod četrnaest pacijenata je dijagnostikovan hroničnilimfocitno-plazmocitni enteritis i limfocitni enteritis


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    The influence of the berry size on the skin anthocyanins content of the black wine grape varieties Cabernet sauvignon (clone 169), Merlot (clone 348) and Pinot noir (clone 115) was studied. Research was conducted in vineyard of Experimental estate “Radmilovac” and  in the laboratory of  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. The aim of the research was the determination of an anthocyanin of malvidin-3-glucoside on the berry skin. For all three varieties, berries were separated into three categories: small, medium and large. Based on the results, the goal was to compare the berry skin anthocyanin content of different sizes of berries. Determination of fertility coefficients, yield indicators, analysis of the composition and structure of clusters and berries and the content of sugars and total acids were performed regularly. The obtained results on the content anthocyanin of malvidin-3-glucoside were expressed in mg/g skin fresh weight. Varieties Cabernet sauvignon and Pinot noir had an expected result, meaning that the highest anthocyanin content was recorded in the smallest berries (diameter < 7.5 mm). For the Merlot variety, the highest anthocyanin content was observed in the medium berries (diameter 7.6 – 10 mm). The lowest anthocyanin content in varieties Cabernet sauvignon and Merlot was obtained in the largest berries (diameter > 10.1 mm), which was the expected result, while in the Pinot noir variety the lowest anthocyanin content was registered in the medium category (diameter 7.6 – 10 mm). Variety Cabernet sauvignon (clone 169) showed the highest anthocyanins content (average 6.871 mg/g fresh skin weigh), followed by Merlot variety, clone 348 (average 4.61 mg/g fresh skin weigh), whereas the lowest anthocyanin content was observed in Pinot noir, clone 115 (average 4.05 mg/g fresh skin weigh)

    Deformation behavior of two continuously cooled vanadium microalloyed steels at liquid nitrogen temperature

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    The aim of this work was to establish deformation behaviour of two vanadium microalloyed medium carbon steels with different contents of carbon and titanium by tensile testing at 77 K. Samples were reheated at 1250°C/30 min and continuously cooled at still air. Beside acicular ferrite as dominant morphology in both microstructures, the steel with lower content of carbon and negligible amount of titanium contains considerable fraction of grain boundary ferrite and pearlite. It was found that Ti-free steel exhibits higher strain hardening rate and significantly lower elongation at 77 K than the fully acicular ferrite steel. The difference in tensile behavior at 77 K of the two steels has been associated with the influence of the pearlite, together with higher dislocation density of acicular ferrite. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI174004

    On the selection and design of proteins and peptide derivatives for the production of photoluminescent, red-emitting gold quantum clusters

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    Novel pathways of the synthesis of photoluminescent gold quantum clusters (AuQCs) using biomolecules as reactants provide biocompatible products for biological imaging techniques. In order to rationalize the rules for the preparation of red-emitting AuQCs in aqueous phase using proteins or peptides, the role of different organic structural units was investigated. Three systems were studied: proteins, peptides, and amino acid mixtures, respectively. We have found that cysteine and tyrosine are indispensable residues. The SH/S-S ratio in a single molecule is not a critical factor in the synthesis, but on the other hand, the stoichiometry of cysteine residues and the gold precursor is crucial. These observations indicate the importance of proper chemical behavior of all species in a wide size range extending from the atomic distances (in the AuI-S semi ring) to nanometer distances covering the larger sizes of proteins assuring the hierarchical structure of the whole self-assembled system

    Effect of dietary supplementation with medium chain fatty acids on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, lipid profile and intestinal microflora of broiler chickens

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) diet supplementation on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, serum biochemistry and intestinal microflora of broiler chickens. The study was performed on 180 one-day-old broilers of the same origin (Cobb 500 hybrid), over a 42-day period. They were fed diets supplemented with three treatments: control group (basal diet without supplementation); group with MCFA supplementation; and group with MCFA and coccidiostat supplementation. Broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with MCFAs had a significantly greater final bodyweight. The weights of carcass cuts (breast, drumsticks with thighs and wings) were greater in broilers receiving MCFAs than in control broilers. The addition of MCFAs to broiler diet significantly increased villus length and crypt depth in the duodenum and caecum, and significantly decreased villus width in the duodenum and ileum. Additionally, serum HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations were increased significantly in broilers with MCFA dietary supplementation. The results indicated that the MCFA diet supplementation had a beneficial effect on the performance of broiler chickens, their intestinal histomorphology and microflora.Keywords: Carcass characteristics, coccidiostat supplementation, nutrition, poultry, serum biochemistr

    The effect of Spirulina inclusion in broiler feed on meat quality: recent trends in sustainable production

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    This review covers the current situation of the use of Spirulina in poultry diets and discusses its benefits and challenges with particular emphasis on the effect of Spirulina supplementation on production performances and meat quality. Feed enriched with Spirulina influences broilers’ health by improving their immune response and gut function and increasing PUFA and pigment content in the meat. However, despite numerous studies, the effect of Spirulina on broiler performance remains unclear

    Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of promising plum (Prunus domestica L.) genotypes bred at fruit research institute, Čačak

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    Five plum hybrids (38/62/70, IV/63/81, 32/21/87, 34/41/87 and 22/17/87) and newly released cultivar ‘Nada’, obtained by planned hybridisation and singled out within breeding programme at Fruit Research Institute, Čačak, were assessed for the main physical (fruit and stone weight and flesh percentage), chemical (soluble solids content, total and inverted sugars content, sucrose content, total acids content, pH value of fruit juice, ratio of soluble solids and total acids content and ratio of total sugars and total acids content) and sensorial (attractiveness, taste, aroma and consistency) traits compared with the standard cultivar ʻČačanska Lepoticaʼ. Results showed that the studied plum genotypes differed significantly in all of the assessed traits. Regarding the physical features, the best results were shown by hybrid 38/62/70, which had the highest fruit weight (56.92 g) and flesh percentage (96.91%), as well as by the new cultivar ‘Nada’, for which a larger fruit was observed in comparison to the standard (45.54 g and 42.24 g, respectively). Also, ‘Nada’ had better sensorial properties such as attractiveness, taste, aroma and consistency in relation to the other promising hybrids and the standard cultivar. From the aspect of all the studied sensorial characteristics, in addition to ‘Nada’, only hybrid 38/62/70 was aligned with the standard cultivar. Out of the studied genotypes, late ripening hybrid 22/17/87 had the best values of parameters of fruit chemical composition such as the soluble solids content (17.01%), total and inverted sugars contents (12.31% and 8.96%, respectively). The highest sucrose content (3.39%), pH value of fruit juice (3.51), as well as the highest ratio between soluble solids and total acids content (43.72) and ratio between total sugars and total acids content (32.58) were found in cultivar ‘Nada’. The highest total acids content (1.42%) was recorded in hybrid 32/21/87. Compared to ʻČačanska Lepoticaʼ, the same or better results in terms of the fruit chemical composition were determined in cultivar ‘Nada’ and hybrids 34/41/87 and 22/17/87. The study revealed existence of significant correlations between individual studied parameters of the fruit physical, chemical and sensorial properties

    Extra-uterine (abdominal) full term foetus in a 15-day pregnant rabbit

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    [EN] Background: While ectopic pregnancies account for 1-2% of all pregnancies, abdominal pregnancy is extremely rare, accounting for approximately 1% of ectopic pregnancies. Extrauterine abdominal pregnancy is defined as the implantation and development of an embryo in the peritoneal cavity. The present report is the first of an incidental case of abdominal pregnancy within four full-term foetus simultaneously with 2 weeks of physiological gestation in a healthy doe rabbit. Case presentation: The doe was born on November 3, 2014 and the first partum took place on May 18, 2015. The doe had previously delivered and weaned an average of 12.0 +/- 1.41 live kits at birth (no stillbirths were recorded) during 5 consecutive pregnancies. The last mating was on December 18, 2015 and the detection of pregnancy failure post breeding (by abdominal palpation) on December 31, 2015. Then, the doe was artificially inseminated on January 27, 2016, diagnosed pregnant on February 11, 2016 and subsequently euthanized to recover the foetus. A ventral midline incision revealed a reproductive tract with 12 implantation sites with 15 days old foetus and 4 term foetus in abdominal cavity. There were two foetus floating on either side of the abdominal cavity and two suspended near the greater curvature of the stomach. They were attached to internal organs by means of one or 2 thread-like blood vessels that linked them to the abdominal surfaces. Conclusions: In our opinion a systematic monitoring of rabbit breeding should be included to fully understand and enhance current knowledge of this phenomenon of abdominal pregnancy.This work was supported by Spanish Research Project AGL2014-53405-C2-1-P (Interministerial Commission on Science and Technology).Marco-Jiménez, F.; Garcia-Dominguez, X.; Valdes-Hernández, J.; Vicente Antón, JS. (2017). Extra-uterine (abdominal) full term foetus in a 15-day pregnant rabbit. BMC Veterinary Research. 13:1-4. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12917-017-1229-7S1413Petracci M, Bianchi M, Cavani C. Development of rabbit meat products fortified with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Nutrients. 2009;1:111–8.FAOSTAT (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, authors). Available online: http://faostat.fao.org/site/569/DesktopDefault.aspx?PageID=569#ancor . Accessed Sept 2012.Segura Gil P, Peris Palau B, Martínez Martínez J, Ortega Porcel J, Corpa Arenas JM. Abdominal pregnancies in farm rabbits. Theriogenology. 2004;62:642–51.Rosell JM, de la Fuente LF. Culling and mortality in breeding rabbits. Prev Vet Med. 2009;88:120–7.Tena-Betancourt E, Tena-Betancourt CA, Zúniga-Muñoz AM, Hernández-Godínez B, Ibáñez-Contreras A, Graullera-Rivera V. Multiple extrauterine pregnancy with early and near full-term mummified foetuses in a New Zealand white rabbit (Oryctolagus Cuniculus). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2014;53:204–7.Sánchez JP, Theilgaard P, Mínguez C, Baselga M. Constitution and evaluation of a long-lived productive rabbit line. J Anim Sci. 2008;86:515–25.Savietto D, Friggens NC, Pascual JJ. Reproductive robustness differs between generalist and specialist maternal rabbit lines: the role of acquisition and allocation of resources. Genet Sel Evol. 2015;47:2.Viudes-de-Castro MP, Vicente JS. Effect of sperm count on the fertility and prolificity rates of meat rabbits. Anim Reprod Sci. 1997;46:313–9.Marco-Jiménez F, Garcia-Dominguez X, Jimenez-Trigos E, Vera-Donoso CD, Vicente JS. Vitrification of kidney precursors as a new source for organ transplantation. Cryobiology. 2015;70:278–82.Garcia-Dominguez X, Vera-Donoso CD, Jimenez-Trigos E, Vicente JS, Marco-Jimenez. First steps towards organ banks: vitrification of renal primordial. Cryo Letters. 2016;37:47–52.Arvidsson A. Extra-uterine pregnancy in a rabbit. 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Reproductive rhythm and litter weaning age as they affect rabbit doe performance and body energy balance. Anim Sci. 2005;81:289–96.Fortun-Lamothe L, De Rochambeau H, Lebas F, Tudela F. Influence of the number of suckling young on reproductive performance in intensively reared rabbits does. In: Blasco A, editor. Proceedings of the 7th world rabbit congress; 2002. p. 125–32

    Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language

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    Clinal patterns of autosomal genetic diversity within Europe have been interpreted in previous studies in terms of a Neolithic demic diffusion model for the spread of agriculture; in contrast, studies using mtDNA have traced many founding lineages to the Paleolithic and have not shown strongly clinal variation. We have used 11 human Y-chromosomal biallelic polymorphisms, defining 10 haplogroups, to analyze a sample of 3,616 Y chromosomes belonging to 47 European and circum-European populations. Patterns of geographic differentiation are highly nonrandom, and, when they are assessed using spatial autocorrelation analysis, they show significant dines for five of six haplogroups analyzed. Clines for two haplogroups, representing 45% of the chromosomes, are continentwide and consistent with the demic diffusion hypothesis. Clines for three other haplogroups each have different foci and are more regionally restricted and are likely to reflect distinct population movements, including one from north of the Black Sea. principal-components analysis suggests that populations are related primarily on the basis of geography, rather than on the basis of linguistic affinity. This is confirmed in Mantel tests, which show a strong and highly significant partial correlation between genetics and geography but a low nonsignificant partial correlation between genetics and language. Genetic-barrier analysis also indicates the primacy of geography in the shaping of patterns of variation. These patterns retain a strong signal of expansion from the Near East but also suggest that the demographic history of Europe has been complex and influenced by other major population movements, as well as by linguistic and geographic heterogeneities and the effects of drift

    The effect of temperature on strain-rate sensitivity in high strength Al-Mg alloy sheet

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    Comprehensive experimental work performed to assess the temperature and strain-rate affected deformation behaviour of commercial AlMg6 type, 1.0 mm thick annealed sheet. Elevated temperature tension test performed at temperatures ranged from 25 to 300 degreesC, and three cross-head rates, giving initial strain rates of epsilon(i) = 6.7 x 10(-4) s(-1), epsilon(2) = 6.7 x 10(-3) s(-1) and epsilon(3) = 6.7 x 10(-2) s(-1). Steady state strain-rate sensitivity (SRS) parameters were calculated (m = d ln sigma/d ln epsilon) for the strain-rate ratios of epsilon(1)/epsilon(2) (1:10), epsilon(2)/epsilon(3) (10:100). It was shown that in the tested AlMg6 alloy sheet the SRS is negative and decreasing type around the room temperature due acting the dynamic strain ageing (DSA). It becomes positive at higher temperatures when the DSA weakening. This transition temperature increases by strain rate. The monotonic increase of the SRS brought by temperature is assumed to be due the enhancement of dynamic recovery and it appeared to be independent on strain rate, except at 300 degreesC. At 300 degreesC decreasing the strain rate brings considerable increase of the SRS. The experienced increase of the terminal m values from similar to0.15 to similar to0.4 for the applied strain-rate ratios of epsilon(1)/epsilon(2) (1:10) and epsilon(2)/epsilon(3) (10:100), respectively, is assumed to be the result of changing the deformation mechanism from recovery to diffusion-controlled solute drag. However, the performed research has shown that the attained increase of the SRS was not followed With appropriate ductility improvement. Analysis of the strain localization (necking) has shown that increasing the strain rate from 6.7 x 10(-4) to 6.7 x 10(-2) s(-1), the temperature brought softening can be compensated, and the process of strain localization (necking) shifted to higher strains