153 research outputs found

    Effect of interactions on the noise of chiral Luttinger liquid systems

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    We analyze the current noise, generated at a quantum point contact in fractional quantum Hall edge state devices, using the chiral Luttinger liquid model with an impurity and the associated exact field theoretic solution. We demonstrate that an experimentally relevant regime of parameters exists where the noise coincides with the partition noise of independent Laughlin quasiparticles. However, outside of this regime, this independent particle picture breaks down and the inclusion of interaction effects is essential to understand the shot noise.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; v2: modified FIG.1, new FIG.

    Beyond the Linearity of Current-Voltage Characteristics in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We present local and non-local electron transport measurements on individual multi-wall nanotubes for bias voltage between 0 and about 4 V. Local current-voltage characteristics are quite linear. In contrast, non-local measurements are highly non-linear; the differential non-local conductance can even become negative in the high-bias regime. We discuss the relationship between these results and transport parameters such as the elastic length, the number of current carrying shells, and the number of conducting modes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Violation of Kirchhoff's Laws for a Coherent RC Circuit

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    What is the complex impedance of a fully coherent quantum resistance-capacitance (RC) circuit at GHz frequencies in which a resistor and a capacitor are connected in series? While Kirchhoff's laws predict addition of capacitor and resistor impedances, we report on observation of a different behavior. The resistance, here associated with charge relaxation, differs from the usual transport resistance given by the Landauer formula. In particular, for a single mode conductor, the charge relaxation resistance is half the resistance quantum, regardless of the transmission of the mode. The new mesoscopic effect reported here is relevant for the dynamical regime of all quantum devices

    Four-point resistance of individual single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We have studied the resistance of single-wall carbon nanotubes measured in a four-point configuration with noninvasive voltage electrodes. The voltage drop is detected using multiwalled carbon nanotubes while the current is injected through nanofabricated Au electrodes. The resistance at room temperature is shown to be linear with the length as expected for a classical resistor. This changes at cryogenic temperature; the four-point resistance then depends on the resistance at the Au-tube interfaces and can even become negative due to quantum-interference effects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Finite bias visibility of the electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer

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    We present an original statistical method to measure the visibility of interferences in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer in the presence of low frequency fluctuations. The visibility presents a single side lobe structure shown to result from a gaussian phase averaging whose variance is quadratic with the bias. To reinforce our approach and validate our statistical method, the same experiment is also realized with a stable sample. It exhibits the same visibility behavior as the fluctuating one, indicating the intrinsic character of finite bias phase averaging. In both samples, the dilution of the impinging current reduces the variance of the gaussian distribution.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Spin-charge separation in two-component Bose-gases

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    We show that one of the key characteristics of interacting one-dimensional electronic quantum systems, the separation of spin and charge, can be observed in a two-component system of bosonic ultracold atoms even close to a competing phase separation regime. To this purpose we determine the real-time evolution of a single particle excitation and the single-particle spectral function using density-matrix renormalization group techniques. Due to efficient bosonic cooling and good tunability this setup exhibits very good conditions for observing this strong correlation effect. In anticipation of experimental realizations we calculate the velocities for spin and charge perturbations for a wide range of parameters

    An On-Demand Coherent Single Electron Source

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    We report on the electron analog of the single photon gun. On demand single electron injection in a quantum conductor was obtained using a quantum dot connected to the conductor via a tunnel barrier. Electron emission is triggered by application of a potential step which compensates the dot charging energy. Depending on the barrier transparency the quantum emission time ranges from 0.1 to 10 nanoseconds. The single electron source should prove useful for the implementation of quantum bits in ballistic conductors. Additionally periodic sequences of single electron emission and absorption generate a quantized AC-current

    Conserved spin and orbital phase along carbon nanotubes connected with multiple ferromagnetic contacts

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    We report on spin dependent transport measurements in carbon nanotubes based multi-terminal circuits. We observe a gate-controlled spin signal in non-local voltages and an anomalous conductance spin signal, which reveal that both the spin and the orbital phase can be conserved along carbon nanotubes with multiple ferromagnetic contacts. This paves the way for spintronics devices exploiting both these quantum mechanical degrees of freedom on the same footing.Comment: 8 pages - minor differences with published versio

    Carrier drift velocity and edge magnetoplasmons in graphene

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    We investigate electron dynamics at the graphene edge by studying the propagation of collective edge magnetoplasmon (EMP) excitations. By timing the travel of narrow wave-packets on picosecond time scales around exfoliated samples, we find chiral propagation with low attenuation at a velocity which is quantized on Hall plateaus. We extract the carrier drift contribution from the EMP propagation and find it to be slightly less than the Fermi velocity, as expected for an abrupt edge. We also extract the characteristic length for Coulomb interaction at the edge and find it to be smaller than for soft, depletion edge systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures of main text and 6 pages, 6 figures of supplemental materia

    Experimental Test of the High-Frequency Quantum Shot Noise Theory in a Quantum Point Contact

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    We report on direct measurements of the electronic shot noise of a quantum point contact at frequencies nu in the range 4-8 GHz. The very small energy scale used ensures energy independent transmissions of the few transmitted electronic modes and their accurate knowledge. Both the thermal energy and the quantum point contact drain-source voltage Vds are comparable to the photon energy hnu leading to observation of the shot noise suppression when Vds<hν/eV_{ds}<h\nu/e. Our measurements provide the first complete test of the finite frequency shot noise scattering theory without adjustable parameters.Comment: Version Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 236803 (2007)