730 research outputs found

    Estudio preliminar de asignación individual de cerdos ibéricos usando marcadores genéticos de ADN

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    Assignment tests and related methods combined with the use of microsatellite markers enable the determination of cross-breeding among populations. The best classification of the Iberian Pig seems to be in three main varieties, and several local varieties, with different impacts on the genetic structure of the population. In this study 26 microsatellites were analysed in eight varieties of Iberian Pig and screened for betweenbreed and within-breed specificity. In Spain a terminal cross between Iberian females and Duroc boars is permitted for the production of typical Iberian meat products. Although the use of these hybrids are not recommended for further breeding, it is necessary to evaluate the possible influence of the Duroc pig in the Iberian pig, because the influence of this exotic breed (and others) began even before the establishment of the breed book. Molecular and statistical tools seem to be the best choice for that evaluation to complement detection based on morphological traits.Pruebas de asignación y métodos similares combinados con el uso de marcadores microsatélites permiten la determinación de cruces entre razas y la homogeneidad intrarraza. La mejor clasificación del cerdo Ibérico parece ser en tres grandes variedades acompañadas por un gran número de ecotipos locales con influencia diferente en la estructura genética de la raza. En este estudio se han analizado 26 microsatélites en ocho variedades de cerdo Ibérico para describir la posible especificidad intra e inter-raza. Está permitido cruzar madres Ibéricas con sementales Duroc para obtener una primera generación de individuos destinados a la producción de los clásicos derivados cárnicos Ibéricos. Aunque el empleo de estos híbridos no se recomienda para la reproducción, es necesario evaluar la posible influencia de la raza Duroc en el cerdo Ibérico, ya que el uso de esta raza y de otras empezó incluso antes de que estuviera establecido el libro genealógico. Las herramientas moleculares y estadísticas parecen ser la mejor elección para esta evaluación como complemento de la detección basada en caracteres morfológicos

    Climatic vulnerabilities and ecological preferences of soil invertebrates across biomes.

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    Unlike plants and vertebrates, the ecological preferences, and potential vulnerabilities of soil invertebrates to environmental change, remain poorly understood in terrestrial ecosystems globally. We conducted a cross-biome survey including 83 locations across six continents to advance our understanding of the ecological preferences and vulnerabilities of the diversity of dominant and functionally important soil invertebrate taxa, including nematodes, arachnids and rotifers. The diversity of invertebrates was analyzed through amplicon sequencing. Vegetation and climate drove the diversity and dominant taxa of soil invertebrates. Our results suggest that declines in forest cover and plant diversity, and reductions in plant production associated with increases in aridity, can result in reductions of the diversity of soil invertebrates in a drier and more managed world. We further developed global atlases of the diversity of these important soil invertebrates, which were cross-validated using an independent database. Our study advances the current knowledge of the ecological preferences and vulnerabilities of the diversity and presence of functionally important soil invertebrates in soils from across the globe. This information is fundamental for improving and prioritizing conservation efforts of soil genetic resources and management policies

    Análisis molecular de la cabra blanca andaluza

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    Se estudian 50 animales pertenecientes a la raza caprina Blanca Andaluza, mediante 27 marcadores microsatélites con objeto de caracterizar esta raza autóctona andaluza. Todos los marcadores resultan polimórficos, habiéndose obtenido entre 3 alelos para los marcadores INRA5, ETH10 y MAF209 y 17 para el BM6526, con un número medio de alelos de 8,2. La Heterocigosidad media esperada ha sido 0,71 y la observada 0,66. Se calculan los valores de Fis para cada microsatélite y se realiza una prueba de equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg mediante la cual se ve que 18 de ellos están en equilibrio

    Estudio de conservantes para suspensiones de nitrofurantoína

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    With the purpose toget a suitable protection for Nitrofurantoín, it is studied according to one of its pharmaceutical forms -the suspensions-, the influence that exert several preserves with a very different action. Corresponding results were analysed by, visual observation, pH determination, fusion point and corresponding, spectrum in all over the samples, which were kept in ambiental conditions all test time.Con objeto de establecer una protección adecuada para Nitrofurantoína, se estudia, en una de sus formas farmacéuticas -las suspensiones-, la influencia que ejercen varios conservantes de acción muy diferente. Se analizan los resultados correspondientes mediante observación visual, determinación del pH, del punto de fusión y de los espectros correspondientes en todas las muestras, mantenidas en condiciones ambientales durante el tiempo de ensayo

    Polysialylated neuropilin-2 enhances human dendritic cell migration through the basic C-terminal region of CCL21.

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    Free Access at: http://glycob.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=20488940Dendritic cell (DC) migration to secondary lymphoid organs is a critical step to properly exert its role in immunity; and predominantly depends on the interaction of the chemokine receptor CCR7 with its ligands CCL21 and CCL19. Polysialic acid (PSA) has been recently reported to control CCL21-directed migration of mature DCs. Here; we first demonstrate that PSA present on human mature monocyte-derived dendritic cells did not enhance chemotactic responses to CCL19. We have also explored the molecular mechanisms underlying the selective enhancing effect of PSA on CCL21-driven chemotaxis of DCs. In this regard; we found out that prevention of DC polysialylation decreased CCL21 activation of JNK and Akt signaling pathways; both associated with CCR7-mediated chemotaxis. We also report that the enhanced PSA-mediated effect on DC migration towards CCL21 relied on the highly basic C-terminal region of this chemokine; and depended on the PSA acceptor molecule neuropilin-2 (NRP2) and on the polysialyltransferase ST8SiaIV. Altogether; our data indicate that the CCR7/CCL21/NRP2/ST8SiaIV functional axis constitutes an important guidance clue for DC targeting to lymphoid organs.This work was supported by research grant from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (FISPI0708879 to MAV).Peer reviewe

    Contenido y distribución de Mn en una secuencia de suelos. Relaciones con el Fe

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    8 páginas, 1 tabla y un dendogramaSe estudian los contenidos en Mn, presentes en varias formas, en algunas muestras de una secuencia de suelos. Esta secuencia incluye suelos de tipo Regosol, Cambisol, Luvisol y Planosol. Las cantidades totales de Mn están por debajo de la media mundial. Se detecta que las formas extraídas por métodos selectivos son algo más elevadas en la fracción arcilla que en la fracción < 2m.m Se puede indicar que hay cierta asociación Mn-Fe en los suelos estudiados.Peer reviewe

    Estudio de conservantes para suspensiones de nitrofurantoína

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    Con objeto de establecer una protección adecuada para Nitrofurantoína, se estudia, en una de sus formas farmacéuticas -las suspensiones-, la influencia que ejercen varios conservantes de acción muy diferente. Se analizan los resultados correspondientes mediante observación visual, determinación del pH, del punto de fusión y de los espectros correspondientes en todas las muestras, mantenidas en condiciones ambientales durante el tiempo de ensayo.With the purpose toget a suitable protection for Nitrofurantoín, it is studied according to one of its pharmaceutical forms -the suspensions-, the influence that exert several preserves with a very different action. Corresponding results were analysed by, visual observation, pH determination, fusion point and corresponding, spectrum in all over the samples, which were kept in ambiental conditions all test time

    Variations of the agroecological potential of Moringa oleifera Lam., in the presence of climate change scenarios in Veracruz, Mexico

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    Objective: This research aimed to identify the area variations with agroecological potential for Moringa oleifera Lam. cultivation (Moringa), derived from the effects of climate change at the near horizon of 2039 in the State of Veracruz, Mexico.Methodology: The current climatic agroecological potential layers for the state of Veracruz were used, and a general circulation model (MGC) HADGEM2-ES for the RCP8.5 scenario projected to the near future 2039, with five categories: Very High, High, Medium, Low and Very, Low potential.Results: An area with a Very High category of 1,057,415 hectares (ha) was identified, which, corresponds to an expansion of 4.9% with respect to the current size. determining that climate change favors the cultivation of Moringa in three sizes of the State. The most significant variation with an increase in the Very high category (115.58%) was identified in the south of the Veracruz state, followed by the central size (110.17%). The greatest decrease (-4.53%) occurred in the north of the entity.Limitations on study: Only the regions with Very High potential were identified without considering those with High, Medium, Low, and Very Low agroecological potential.Conclusions: The projections under climate change conditions to the horizon of 2039 highlight the expansion of regions with Very High potential in 19% of the Veracruz territory for the cultivation of the species.Objective: This research aimed to identify variations in areas with agroecological potential for Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringa) cultivation, derived from the effects of climate change to the near horizon of 2039 in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: The future scenario considered the current agroecological potential in the State and the general circulation model (GCM) HADGEM2-ES for the RCP8.5 scenario projected to the near future, 2039, with five categories: Very High, High, Medium, Low, and Very Low potential. Results: An area with a Very High category of 1,057,415 hectares (ha) was identified, which corresponds to an expansion of 4.9% with respect to the current size. It was determined that climate change favors the cultivation of Moringa in three areas of the state. The most significant variation with an increase in the Very High category (115.58%) was identified in southern Veracruz, followed by the central area (110.17%). The greatest decrease (-4.53%) occurred in the north of the state. Limitations on study/implications: Only the regions with Very High potential were identified, without considering those with High, Medium, Low, and Very Low agroecological potential. Findings/conclusions: The projections under climate change conditions to the horizon of 2039 highlight the expansion of regions with Very High potential for cultivating the species in 19% of the Veracruz territory