104 research outputs found

    Serum ferritin is an independent risk factor for acute respiratory distress syndrome in COVID-19

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    Increased ferritin levels could be indicative of a strong inflammatory reaction in COVID-19 and recent studies suggest that increased levels of circulating ferritin levels play a critical role by contributing to the development of a cytokine storm. In this regard, ferritin evaluation could be an early, available and easy to use screening tool to assess the disease severity at the first admission in the emergency department. This test might be of crucial importance for the timely identification of patients at higher risk of an adverse outcome

    Land cover, land use and malaria in the Amazon: a systematic literature review of studies using remotely sensed data

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    The nine countries sharing the Amazon forest accounted for 89% of all malaria cases reported in the Americas in 2008. Remote sensing can help identify the environmental determinants of malaria transmission and their temporo-spatial evolution. Seventeen studies characterizing land cover or land use features, and relating them to malaria in the Amazon subregion, were identified. These were reviewed in order to improve the understanding of the land cover/use class roles in malaria transmission. The indicators affecting the transmission risk were summarized in terms of temporal components, landscape fragmentation and anthropic pressure. This review helps to define a framework for future studies aiming to characterize and monitor malaria

    Risk of Seven-Day Worsening and Death: A New Clinically Derived COVID-19 Score

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    This monocentric, retrospective, two-stage observational study aimed to recognize the risk factors for a poor outcome in patients hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and to develop and validate a risk score that identifies subjects at risk of worsening, death, or both. The data of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection during the first wave of the pandemic were collected and analyzed as a derivation cohort. Variables with predictive properties were used to construct a prognostic score, which was tried out on a validation cohort enrolled during the second wave. The derivation cohort included 494 patients; the median age was 62 and the overall fatality rate was 22.3%. In a multivariable analysis, age, oxygen saturation, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, C-reactive protein and lactate dehydrogenase were independent predictors of death and composed the score. A cutoff value of 3 demonstrated a sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of 93.5%, 68.5%, 47.4% and 97.2% for death, and 84.9%, 84.5%, 79.6% and 87.9% for worsening, respectively. The validation cohort included 415 subjects. The score application showed a Se, Sp, PPV and NPV of 93.4%, 61.6%, 29.5% and 98.1% for death, and 81%, 76.3%, 72.1% and 84.1% for worsening, respectively. We propose a new clinical, easy and reliable score to predict the outcome in hospitalized SARS-CoV-2 patients

    Determination of sodium fatty acid in soap Formulation Using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and multivariate calibrations.

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    Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy using an attenuated total reflectance (ATR) accessory has been investigated as a method for the determination of sodium-fatty acid (sodium-FA) in soap formulations. Multivariate calibrations namely partial least squares regression (PLS) and principle component regression (PCR) were developed for the prediction of sodium-FA using spectral ranges on the basis of relevant IR absorption bands related to sodium-FA. The sodium-FA content in soap formulations was predicted accurately at wavenumbers of 1,570–1,550 cm−1, which is specific for RCOO− Na+ vibration. The PLS method was found to be a consistently better predictor when both PLS and principal component regression (PCR) analyses were used for quantification of sodium-FA. Furthermore, FTIR spectroscopy can be an alternative technique to American oil Chemist Society methods which use a titrimetric technique because FTIR offers rapid, easy sample preparation and is friendly to the environment


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    Il sito di Satrianum si dispone tra le due vallate del Melandro e del Noce, in connessione con un’articolata rete idrografica facente capo ai fiumi Agri e Basento . Tutta l’area che circonda l’altura, è caratterizzata da terreni che si dispiegano tra gli 800 e i 600 m. s.l.m., e presenta un habitat montano ideale per le colture cerealicole, per le distese boschive e per la pastorizia. Notizie del sito si attestano fin dall’età altomedievale (Agiografia di San Laviero, 1162). In età normanna la città aveva un dominus e la sede vescovile come testimoniano le fonti documentarie. L’impianto insediativo si presenta racchiuso da mura di cinta, con all’ interno, oltre alle strutture abitative, i due poli del potere politico e religioso: la torre, a pianta quadrata, ubicata in posizione decentrata rispetto all’insediamento, e la cattedrale. L’abbandono di Satrianum avvenne nel corso del XV secolo, probabilmente a seguito di un grave evento sismico ma continuò ad essere frequentato in maniera sporadica fino al XVIII secolo. Nell’ottica di comprendere e ricreare un ambiente passato è stata effettuata una ricognizione e l’identificazione della flora e della mesofauna esistente. Alla fine è stato realizzato un erbario e un insettario

    Preference of substrate for oviposition of Mansonia Blanchard (Culicidae, Mansoniini) from Porto Velho, State of Rondônia, Brazil

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    Mosquitoes of the genus Mansonia are aggressive and potential vectors of diseases. Immature forms extract oxygen from aquatic macrophytes, common in lentic ecosystems such as dams and lakes. This biological characteristic makes its maintenance in the laboratory challenging. The present study aimed to evaluate the oviposition preference of Mansonia in different species of macrophytes, and in polystyrene sheets. Four species were studied; Mansonia humeralis, Ma. amazonensis, Ma. titillans and Ma. indubitans. The specimens were obtained in the community of São Domingo, located in Porto Velho, Rondônia.Para acceder a la videoconferencia completa, hacer clic en "Enlace externo".Sociedad Latinoamericana de Ecología de Vectore

    Halpha3: Halpha imaging survey of HI selected galaxies from ALFALFA

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    We present Halpha3 (acronym for Halpha-alpha-alpha), an Halpha narrow-band imaging survey of ~400 galaxies selected from the HI Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey (ALFALFA) in the Local Supercluster, including the Virgo cluster. By using hydrogen recombination lines as a tracer of recent star formation, we aim to investigate the relationships between atomic neutral gas and newly formed stars in different environments (cluster and field), morphological types (spirals and dwarfs), and over a wide range of stellar masses (~10^7.5-10^11.5 Msun). We image in Halpha+[NII] all the galaxies that contain more than 10^7 Msun of neutral atomic hydrogen in the sky region 11^h < R.A. <16^h 4^o < Dec. <16^o; 350< cz <2000 km/s using the San Pedro Martir 2m telescope. This survey provides a complete census of the star formation in HI rich galaxies of the local universe. We present the properties of the galaxy sample, together with Halpha fluxes and equivalent widths. We find an excellent agreement between the fluxes determined from our images in apertures of 3 arcsec diameter and the fluxes derived from the SDSS spectral database. From the Halpha fluxes corrected for galactic and internal extinction and for [NII] contamination we derive the global star formation rates (SFRs).Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures. A&A accepted. Atlas available upon reques