1,554 research outputs found

    Sensibilidad a la colocación de los marcadores en el modelo convencional de análisis cinemático de la marcha

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    La correcta evaluación del movimiento articular a través de sistemas de análisis del movimiento depende, entre otros factores, de la correcta colocación de los marcadores reflectantes sobre los sujetos analizados. En el modelo convencional de marcha, de los 15 marcadores de miembro inferior, la mayoría se localizan en puntos anatómicos fáciles de localizar y que tienen poca posibilidad de error. Sin embargo, hay dificultad en otros, como el de la articulación de la rodilla y, sobre todo, en los del muslo y pierna. En el estudio, se empleó un sistema VICON 460, con el que se analizó la cinemática de miembro inferior de 5 sujetos adultos sanos (2 mujeres, 3 varones). Para evaluar los movimientos articulares se empleó el modelo convencional de marcha. Determinada la posición correcta de los marcadores en cada sujeto, se procedió a la variación por separado de los marcadores de la rodilla, el muslo y la pierna, moviendo cada uno 15 mm anterior y posteriormente con relación a la posición inicial. Estos pequeños desplazamientos producen importantes variaciones en los resultados cinemáticos obtenidos. Entre ellas en el varo-valgo de rodilla, parámetro que es de gran utilidad a la hora de detectar errores en la colocación de los marcadores

    Detección de levaduras y bacterias ácido lácticas nativas de diferentes cultivares chilenos: Potenciales especies para la producción de vinos reducidos en alcohol

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    En este estudio se caracterizó la microbiota natural (levaduras y bacterias ácido lácticas) observada durante la fermentación espontánea de variedades de uva de Chile, con el fin de evaluar su potencial para producir vinos con menor contenido de etanol. El potencial de fermentación de las levaduras seleccionadas se determinó en términos de consumo de azúcar y producción de etanol. Las cepas con potencial para producir vinos reducidos en etanol se estudiaron adicionalmente en inoculaciones secuenciales con Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Se identificaron nueve especies no Saccharomyces y solo tres géneros de bacterias ácido lácticas. Durante las etapas finales de fermentación, S. cerevisiae y L. mesenteroides fueron dominantes, mientras que solo Candida, Metchnikowia, Torulaspora y Lachancea spp. se observaron después de 14 días de fermentación. La fermentación de cultivo puro con cepas aisladas seleccionadas mostró aproximadamente un 50% de utilización de azúcar, con una producción de etanol que varió desde 6.25 a 9.25% v/v. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las levaduras nativas R. glutinis, M. pulcherrima y H. uvarum, aisladas en este estudio, son potenciales para producir vinos reducido en etanol. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios sobre la contribución en sabor y el aroma

    Influence of the starting temperature of calorimetric measurements on the accuracy of determined magnetocaloric effect

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    Availability of a restricted heat capacity data range has a clear influence on the accuracy of calculated magnetocaloric effect, as confirmed by both numerical simulations and experimental measurements. Simulations using the Bean-Rodbell model show that, in general, the approximated magnetocaloric effect curves calculated using a linear extrapolation of the data starting from a selected temperature point down to zero kelvin deviate in a non-monotonic way from those correctly calculated by fully integrating the data from near zero temperatures. However, we discovered that a particular temperature range exists where the approximated magnetocaloric calculation provides the same result as the fully integrated one. These specific truncated intervals exist for both first and second order phase transitions and are the same for the adiabatic temperature change and magnetic entropy change curves. The effect of this truncated integration in real samples was confirmed using heat capacity data of Gd metal and Gd5Si2Ge2 compound measured from near zero temperatures

    Novel Procedure for Laboratory Scale Production of Composite Functional Filaments for Additive Manufacturing

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    Successful 3D printing by material extrusion of functional parts for new devices requires high quality filaments. Uniform homogeneity and good dispersion of particles embedded in filaments typically takes several cycles of extrusion or well-prepared feedstock by injection molding, industrial kneaders or twin-screw compounding. These methods need specific production devices that are not available in many laboratories non-specialized in polymer research, such as those working on different material science and technology topics that try to connect with additive manufacturing. Therefore, laboratory studies are usually limited to compositions and filler concentrations provided by commercial companies. Here, we present an original laboratory scale methodology to custom-prepare the feedstock for extruding magnetic composite filaments for fused filament fabrication (FFF), which is attainable by a desktop single-screw extruder. It consists in encapsulating the fillers in custom made capsules that are used as feedstock and reach the melting area of the extruder maintaining the same concentration of fillers. Results have shown that our approach can create smooth and continuous composite filaments with good homogeneity and printability with fine level of dimensional control. We further show the good dispersion of the particles in the composite filament using X-Ray Tomography, which enabled a 3D reconstruction of the spacial distribution of the embedded magnetic particles. The major advantage of this new way of preparing the composite feedstock is that it avoids the hassle of multiple extrusion runs and industrial machinery, yet providing uniform filaments of well controlled filler concentration, which is predictable and reproducible. The proposed methodology is suitable for different polymer matrices and applicable to other functional particle types, not just limited to magnetic ones. This opens an avenue for further laboratory scale development of novel functional composite filaments, useful for any community. This democratization of complex filament preparation, including consumers preparing their own desired uniform novel filaments, will facilitate to unify efforts nearing 3D printing of new functional devices.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional MAT-201677265-RJunta de Andalucía US-1260179, P18-RT-74

    Condition-dependent male copulatory courtship and its benefits for females

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    Postcopulatory sexual selection has shaped the ornaments used during copulatory courtship. However, we know relatively little about whether these courtship ornaments are costly to produce or whether they provide indirect benefits to females. We used the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, to explore this. We challenged males using an entomopathogenic fungus and compared their courtship (frequency of leg and antennal contacts to the female), copulation duration, number of eggs laid, and hatching rate against control males. Infected males copulated for longer yet they reduced their leg and antennal contacts compared to control males. However, there was no obvious relation between infection, copulation duration, and courtship with egg production and hatching success. In general, our results indicate that the ornaments used during postcopulatory courtship are condition-dependent. Moreover, such condition dependence cannot be linked to male fitness.Fil: Cargnelutti, Franco Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; ArgentinaFil: Reyes Ramírez, Alicia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Cristancho, Shara. Universidad El Bosque; ColombiaFil: Sandoval García, Iván A.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Rocha Ortega, Maya. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Calbacho Rosa, Lucía Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; ArgentinaFil: Palacino, Freddy. Universidad El Bosque; ColombiaFil: Córdoba Aguilar, Alex. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Méxic

    Inequidades en salud de la primera infancia en el municipio de Andes, Antioquia, Colombia: un análisis desde la epidemiología crítica

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    En Colombia persisten inequidades en la salud de la primera infancia. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo para estimar las desigualdades en salud de la primera infancia del municipio de Andes, Antioquia. Las categorías teóricas utilizadas fueron la clase social y los modos de vida. Se hizo valoración clínica del crecimiento, del desarrollo y del estado de la dentición de 642 niños de cero a cinco años. Se encuestó a los adultos acompañantes para clasificar su posición de clase. El muestreo fue probabilístico en la zona urbana y por concentración en la rural. La población se clasificó en cinco fracciones de clase. Se observaron desigualdades en los modos de vida, en el desarrollo infantil y en la experiencia de caries dental; más graves en los niños de las familias subasalariadas. Las disparidades constituyen inequidades sociales, puesto que son producto de las condiciones de vida que les son impuestas a los grupos humanos de acuerdo con su posición social

    A cross-sectional study of Colombian University students’ self-perceived lifestyle

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    Background: The Fantastic Lifestyle Questionnaire was designed for enabling staff working in health sciences and physical activity (PA) areas to measure lifestyles (LS) in the general population. The aim of this study was to assess the lifestyle in a sample of university students. Method: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study involving 5,921 subjects’ aged 18- to 30-years-old (3,471 females) from three Colombian cities. Was applied “Fantastic” instrument (that consists of 25 closed items on the lifestyle), translated to Spanish in versions of three and five answers. Results: Having a “good LS” was perceived by 57.4% of the females and 58.5% of the males; 14.0% of the females rating their LS as being “excellent” and males 19.3% (p  less than  0.001); 20.3% of the females and 36.6% of the males stated that they spent more than 20 min/day on PA (involving four or more times per week). Negative correlations between FANTASTIC score and weight (r = ?0.113; p  less than  0.01), body mass index (BMI) (r = ?0.152; p  less than  0.01) and waist circumference (r = ?0.178, p  less than  0.01) were observed regarding females, whilst the correlation concerning males was (r = ?0.143, p  less than  0.05) between Fantastic score and weight, (r = ?0.167 for BMI, p  less than  0.01) and (r = ?0.175, p  less than  0.01 for diastolic blood pressure). In spite of the students being evaluated referring to themselves as having a healthy LS (i.e. giving a self-perceived view of their LS), stated behaviour involving a health risk was observed in the domains concerning nutrition, PA and smoking. Conclusion: Specific diffusion, education and intervention action is thus suggested for motivating the adoption of healthy LS. © 2015, Ramírez-Vélez et al

    Nanostructuring as a Procedure to Control the Field Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect

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    In this work, the field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect of Gd bulk samples has been enhanced through nanostructuring of the material. Nanostructuring consists in multilayers preparation by alternative rf-sputtering deposition of Gd layers and Ti spacers onto glass substrates. The results obtained for the multilayers were compared to those obtained for the Gd bulk. Assuming a power law for the field dependence of the magnetic entropy change (ΔSM ∝ Hn), higher field dependences close to the transition in a wider temperature range are obtained for the multilayer material (n = 1.0) with respect to the bulk counterpart (n = 0.78). The effect of a Curie temperature distribution in the multilayer material (due to variations of the layer thickness) has been studied through numerical simulations to explain the observed field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect, obtaining a remarkable agreement between experiments and results. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd.This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO and EU- FEDER (projects MAT2013-45165-P and MAT2016-77265-R ), the PAI of the Regional Government of Andalucía, and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Project No. 2582 ). L.M. Moreno-Ramírez acknowledges a FPU fellowship from the Spanish MECD. Selected measurements were performed at SGIker service of UPV-EHU. We thank A. Larrañaga for excellent technical support

    Solución a la vivienda transicional por medio de la aplicación de domos geodésicos autoconstruibles

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    Tener una vivienda digna es uno de los derechos a los que cualquier persona debería de acceder, a lo largo de este documento PAP se abordará un nuevo sistema de vivienda transicional en el cual su principal objetivo es proveer de vivienda digna a personas de escasos recursos. Para lograr esto se propone un domo geodésico modular, cuya principal característica es la adaptación a cualquier programa o estilo de vida y uso y su fácil adaptación o mejoramiento posterior. Además de lo anteriormente mencionado, se provee de recursos gráficos que ayuden a entender tanto el funcionamiento como el ensamble de dicho sistema de vivienda