540 research outputs found

    Catastrophic regime shifts in model ecological communities are true phase transitions

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    Ecosystems often undergo abrupt regime shifts in response to gradual external changes. These shifts are theoretically understood as a regime switch between alternative stable states of the ecosystem dynamical response to smooth changes in external conditions. Usual models introduce nonlinearities in the macroscopic dynamics of the ecosystem that lead to different stable attractors among which the shift takes place. Here we propose an alternative explanation of catastrophic regime shifts based on a recent model that pictures ecological communities as systems in continuous fluctuation, according to certain transition probabilities, between different micro-states in the phase space of viable communities. We introduce a spontaneous extinction rate that accounts for gradual changes in external conditions, and upon variations on this control parameter the system undergoes a regime shift with similar features to those previously reported. Under our microscopic viewpoint we recover the main results obtained in previous theoretical and empirical work (anomalous variance, hysteresis cycles, trophic cascades). The model predicts a gradual loss of species in trophic levels from bottom to top near the transition. But more importantly, the spectral analysis of the transition probability matrix allows us to rigorously establish that we are observing the fingerprints, in a finite size system, of a true phase transition driven by background extinctions.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, revised versio

    Fair linking mechanisms for resource allocation with correlated player types

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    The proceeding at: Second International Conference,Networked Systems (NETYS 2014), took place 2014. May 15-17. in Marrakech, Morocco.Resource allocation is one of the most relevant problems in the area of Mechanism Design for computing systems. Devising algorithms capable of providing efficient and fair allocation is the objective of many previous research efforts. Usually, the mechanisms they propose use payments in order to deal with selfishness. Since using payments is undesirable in some contexts, a family of mechanisms without payments is proposed in this paper. These mechanisms extend the Linking Mechanism of Jackson and Sonnenschein introducing a generic concept of fairness with correlated preferences. We prove that these mechanisms have good incentive, fairness, and efficiency properties. To conclude, we provide an algorithm, based on the mechanisms, that could be used in practical computing environments.Publicad

    Adaptive multiscapes: an up-to-date metaphor to visualize molecular adaptation

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    Wright's metaphor of the fitness landscape has shaped and conditioned our view of the adaptation of populations for almost a century. Since its inception, and including criticism raised by Wright himself, the concept has been surrounded by controversy. Among others, the debate stems from the intrinsic difficulty to capture important features of the space of genotypes, such as its high dimensionality or the existence of abundant ridges, in a visually appealing two-dimensional picture. Two additional currently widespread observations come to further constrain the applicability of the original metaphor: the very skewed distribution of phenotype sizes (which may actively prevent, due to entropic effects, the achievement of fitness maxima), and functional promiscuity (i.e. the existence of secondary functions which entail partial adaptation to environments never encountered before by the population). Results: Here we revise some of the shortcomings of the fitness landscape metaphor and propose a new "scape" formed by interconnected layers, each layer containing the phenotypes viable in a given environment. Different phenotypes within a layer are accessible through mutations with selective value, while neutral mutations cause displacements of populations within a phenotype. A different environment is represented as a separated layer, where phenotypes may have new fitness values, other phenotypes may be viable, and the same genotype may yield a different phenotype, representing genotypic promiscuity. This scenario explicitly includes the many-to-many structure of the genotype-to-phenotype map. A number of empirical observations regarding the adaptation of populations in the light of adaptive multiscapes are reviewed. Conclusions: Several shortcomings of Wright's visualization of fitness landscapes can be overcome through adaptive multiscapes.This work was supported by the Spanish projects ViralESS (FIS2014-57686-P, MINECO) and FIS2015-64349-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE). The funding body did not have any role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, and did not contribute to writing the manuscript

    Notas sobre el tamaño del genoma en el híbrido Ranunculus x luizetii (Ranunculaceae) y sus progenitores mediante citometría de flujo

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    Notes on genome size in the hybrid Ranunculus x luizetii (Ranunculaceae) and its parents by flow cytometry.- Flow cytometry was used to estimate the nuclear DNA content in the natural hybrid Ranunculus x luizetii and its parents. Our results indicate that the genome size of the hybrid R. x luizetii is closer to R. pyrenaeus than to R. parnassiifolius, providing an evidence of genome downsizing.Notas sobre el tamaño del genoma en el híbrido Ranunculus x luizetii (Ranunculaceae) y sus progenitores mediante citometría de flujo.- Se ha empleado la citometría de flujo para estimar el contenido de ADN nuclear en el híbrido Ranunculus x luizetii y sus progenitores. Nuestros resultados indican que el tamaño del genoma del híbrido R. x luizetii se acerca más a R. pyrenaeus que a R. parnassiifolius, con una evidencia de reducción del genoma

    Fair linking mechanisms for resource allocation with correlated player types

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    Resource allocation is one of the most relevant problems in the area of Mechanism Design for computing systems. Devising algorithms capable of providing efficient and fair allocation is the objective of many previous research efforts. Usually, the mechanisms they propose deal with selfishness by introducing utility transfers or payments. Since using payments is undesirable in some contexts, a family of mechanisms without payments is proposed in this paper. These mechanisms extend the Linking Mechanism of Jackson and Sonnenschein introducing a generic concept of fairness with correlated preferences. We prove that these mechanisms have good incentive, fairness, and efficiency properties. To conclude, we provide an algorithm, based on the mechanisms, that could be used in practical computing environments.Publicad

    Plagioclase and biotite compositions tracing granite genesis and evolution: insights from two syntectonic granitoids from Aguiar da Beira (N Portugal)

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    The Aguiar da Beira area (N Portugal) is located within the Central-Iberian Zone (CIZ) of the Iberian Variscan Belt. It is mainly composed by granitoids emplaced during (syntectonic) or slightly after (late- to post-tectonic) the last ductile deformation event of the Variscan orogeny (D3). From the petrological and geochemical point of view, the syntectonic granitoids from the CIZ can be included into two genetically distinct suites: (a) calc-alkaline granodiorites and biotite granites, and (b) strongly peraluminous leucogranites and two-mica granites. In the Aguiar da Beira area, the first group is represented by a small intrusion of a medium- to coarse-grained porphyritc biotite granodiorite-granite, emplaced 322 Ma ago, characterized by a slightly peraluminous and moderately evolved composition. The second group comprises a NW-SE elongated pluton of a strongly peraluminous and highly evolved medium- to fine-grained muscovite-biotite granite (317 Ma), showing occasionally a gneissic foliation concordant with the D3 variscan structures. Based on geochemical and Sr-Nd and 18O isotopic data, the biotite granodiorite-granite melt is interpreted either as the result of partial melting of heterogeneous lower crustal materials, or as the product of mixing of mantle derived magmas and lower crustal felsic anatectic melts. In contrast, the muscovite-biotite gneissic granite magma appears to have been exclusively generated by partial melting of upper crustal metasediments and suffered a subsequent evolution dominantly controlled by fractional crystallization processes. Plagioclase and biotite major and trace element compositions can be used to constrain the origin and evolution of the two granitoids and provide strong evidence in support of the proposed petrogenetic models. In the biotite granodiorite-granite, the plagioclase is characterized by a wide compositional range (An20-33), high Sr (749 – 869 ppm) and Ba (32 – 351 ppm) contents and a Sr discontinuous zonation pattern, whilst the biotite shows high TiO2 (2.92 – 3.30 wt%), Ba (407 – 589 ppm), V (214 – 234 ppm), and low Al2O3 (16.83 – 18.03 wt%), Li (335 – 367 ppm), Zn (262 – 279 ppm) and Fet/(Fet + Mg) (0.54 – 0.55) contents. These data confirm the typical calc-alkaline affinity of this intrusion and reveal that these phase minerals crystallized under disequilibrium conditions. In contrast, the plagioclase from the muscovite-biotite granite displays a narrower compositional range (An1-7), unzoned or normally zoned compositional patterns and lower Sr (19 – 33 ppm) and Ba (1.1 – 2.0 ppm) contents, reflecting the highly evolved character of this intrusion and near equilibrium crystallization conditions. The biotite crystals from the muscovite-biotite granite plot in the field of the alumino-potassic series in the AlVI versus Mg diagram (Nachit et al., 1983), supporting a major contribution of metasedimentary rocks for the genesis of this magma. Their AlVI contents increase with decreasing Mg suggesting an important role for fractional crystallization processes during magmatic evolution. The range of AlVI and Fet/(Fet + Mg) values (AlVI: 0.482 – 0.487; Fet/(Fet + Mg): 0.72 – 0.83) displayed by the biotites show that the muscovite-biotite granite crystallized from a reduced magma (low O2), which is consistent with its inferred sedimentary provenance

    ToyLIFE: a computational framework to study the multi-level organisation of the genotype-phenotype map

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    The genotype-phenotype map is an essential object to understand organismal complexity and adaptability. However, its experimental characterisation is a daunting task. Thus, simple models have been proposed and investigated. They have revealed that genotypes differ in their robustness to mutations; phenotypes are represented by a broadly varying number of genotypes, and simple point mutations suffice to navigate the space of genotypes while maintaining a phenotype. Nonetheless, most current models focus only on one level of the map (folded molecules, gene regulatory networks, or networks of metabolic reactions), so that many relevant questions cannot be addressed. Here we introduce toyLIFE, a multi-level model for the genotype-phenotype map based on simple genomes and interaction rules from which a complex behaviour at upper levels emerges - remarkably plastic gene regulatory networks and metabolism. toyLIFE is a tool that permits the investigation of how different levels are coupled, in particular how and where mutations affect phenotype or how the presence of certain metabolites determines the dynamics of toyLIFE gene regulatory networks. The model can easily incorporate evolution through more complex mutations, recombination, or gene duplication and deletion, thus opening an avenue to explore extended genotype-phenotype maps.This work was supported through projects FIS2011-22449 (CFA, PC and JAC) and FIS2011{27569 (SM) of the Spanish MINECO.Publicad

    The significance of «Peña Prieta» stock in the magmatism of the «Pisuerga-Carrion» unit (Cantabrian Zone, N of Spain)

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    [Resumen] Se describe en este trabajo el stock intrusivo de Peña Prieta, el mayor y más complejo, estructural y petrológicamente, del conjunto de rocas ígneas emplazadas en la UPC (Zona Cantábrica) durante una etapa de actividad ígnea tardihercínica de naturaleza calcoalcalina. Asimismo se sugiere una hip6tesis general para justificar el desarrollo de este magmatismo postectónico en la parte más externa de una cordillera de plegamiento y un emplazamiento en condiciones permitidas, con ciertas afinidades con modelos de emplazamiento por subsidencia de caldera, para el stock considerado.[Abstract] The Peña Prieta intrusive stock is described in this paper. It is the largest intrusive body belonging to the set of igneous rocks emplaced in the PCU (Cantabrian Zone) during a calc-alkaline late hercynian magmatic stage. It is also the most complex on the basis of its structural and petrological features. A general hypothesis is suggested to justify the occurence of this postectonic magmatism in the most external part (foreland basin) of the folded belt. We also propose a model of emplacement for this stock, under permisive conditions, which shows sorne resemblances with the cauldron subsidence model

    Adding levels of complexity enhances robustness and evolvability in a multilevel genotype-phenotype map

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    This paper has been presented at: 6th Meeting of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology (SESBE): Palma,17th – 19th January 2018Robustness and evolvability are the main properties that account for the stability andaccessibility of phenotypes. They have been studied in a number of computationalgenotype- phenotype maps. In this contribution we study a metabolic genotypephenotypemap defined in toyLIFE, a multi-level computational model that representsa simplified cellular biology. toyLIFE includes several levels of phenotypic expression,from proteins to regulatory networks to metabolism. Our results show that toyLIFEshares many similarities with other seemingly unrelated computational genotypephenotypemaps. Thus, toyLIFE shows a high degeneracy in the mapping fromgenotypes to phenotypes, as well as a highly skewed distribution of phenotypicabundances. The neutral networks associated with abundant phenotypes are highlynavigable, and common phenotypes are close to each other in genotype space. Allof these properties are remarkable, as toyLIFE is built on a version of the HP proteinfolding model that is neither robust nor evolvable: phenotypes cannot be mutuallyaccessed through point mutations. In addition, both robustness and evolvabilityincrease with the number of genes in a genotype. Therefore, our results suggest thatadding levels of complexity to the mapping of genotypes to phenotypes and increasinggenome size enhances both these properties

    Phytosterol variability in almond germplasm

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    Phytosterols are important dietary components that contribute to reducing serum cholesterol levels. The objective of this research was to assess genetic diversity for total content and profile of free and esterified phytosterols in a world germplasm collection of almond [Prunus amygdalus Batsch; syn. P. dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb]. Steryl glycosides and acylated steryl glycosides were not measured. Fruit from 160 almond accessions were collected in 2009 and 2010. Kernel phytosterol content ranged from 1126 to 2769 mgkgL1 in 2009 and from 1191 to 2777 mgkgL1 in 2010. The phytosterol fraction was mainly made up of b-sitosterol (from 59.1% to 84.1% in 2009 and from 55.9% to 84.6% in 2010) and D5 -avenasterol (from 8.9% to 25.4% in 2009 and from 8.5% to 28.2% in 2010). Significant genotypic effects were observed for kernel phytosterol content and concentration of major phytosterols. Kernel oil content was positively correlated with kernel phytosterol content in both years. The results suggested that almond germplasm contains genetic variability for both phytosterol content and profile that can be used for developing cultivars with increased levels of phytosterols and contrasting phytosterol profiles. Positive correlation between kernel phytosterol content and kernel oil content suggests the feasibility of simultaneous selection for both traits.Publishe
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