96 research outputs found

    Implementasi Monitoring dan Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Supervisi Pembelajaran di Madrasah

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang ipmlementasi monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan Supervisi pembelajaran di Madrasah. Temuan artikel ini ialah bahwa, supervisi profesional akademik pengawas sekolah adalah otoritas kewenangan pengawas madrasah sebagai kegiatan supervisi terhadap guru dalam usaha memperbaiki dan meningkatkan mutu mengajar, seyogyanya terarah pada perbaikan perilaku kinerja profesional guru untuk melayani peserta didik, menciptakan setrategi pembelajaran kooperatif dan mengembangkan mutu pembelajara


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    This research aims to analyze and evaluate educational management strategies applied in MI Miftahul ulum village deep Gading with a focus on improving the quality of learning. Through a qualitative and quantitative approach, the study explores the various strategies that have been implemented by the institutions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process. This research uses methods of qualitative analysis of descriptive research. With a collation of research at MI Miftahul ulum village deep deep Gading. Data analysis using data collection methods through interviews, class observations, and document analysis related to educational management strategies that have been implemented. The research identified several key strategies, including the use of technology in the learning process, the involvement of parents in supporting the education of their children, the implementation of innovative learning models, and improved teacher training and development. In addition, the study also assessed the positive impact of such strategies on student academic achievement, learning motivation, and active participation in extracurricular activities

    Studi Alternatif Pengembangan Trase Jalur Kereta Api DAOP VI YOGYAKARTA Menuju NIYA Kulon Progo

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    Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor KP 1164 Tahun 2013, Bandara Adi Sutjipto Yogyakarta direncanakan pindah ke Kabupaten Kulon Progo karena jumlah penumpang saat ini sudah melebihi daya tampung terminal. Salah satu moda transportasi untuk menunjang aksesibilitas integrasi ini adalah kereta api. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi alternatif trase penelitian sebelumnya, memberikan alternatif trase baru, dan menentukan trase terbaik. Survei pendahuluan berupa pengamatan langsung di lokasi penelitian untuk mengevaluasi trase penelitian sebelumnya dan mensurvei daerah yang memungkinkan untuk direncanakan alternatif trase baru. Pembobotan kriteria dan pemilihan alternatif trase dilakukan dengan wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner oleh stakeholder dan dianalisis menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Stakeholder ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling yang terdiri dari berbagai instansi terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa trase yang direncanakan penelitian sebelumnya (Trase A) berpotensi konflik sosial dan tidak sesuai dengan masterplan bandara baru. Alternatif trase baru (Trase B) memiliki panjang trase lebih pendek dan sebagian besar menggunakan lahan pertanian sehingga konflik sosial rendah. Trase terbaik berdasarkan metode AHP adalah Trase B dengan total bobot akhir lebih tinggi daripada total bobot Trase A

    Penggunaan Media Permainan Bola Angka Terhadap Kemampuan Mengenalkan Konsep Bilangan 1-10 pada Anak

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    AbstractThis study aims to analyze the use of number ball media in the potential level of understanding the concept of numbers 1-10 in early childhood. The method used is a qualitative approach with the type of case study. Data collection techniques through observation, indeph interview. This research was conducted at the Hidayatul Muttaqin PAUD institution, Talkandang, Kotaanyar, Probolinggo, to get a direct picture of the researchers conducting observations and interviewing the principal and teachers of PAUD Hidayatul Muttaqin. The research results show that; First, PAUD Hidayatul Muttaqin has applied the number ball game media in the introduction of the concept of numbers. Second, the implementation is carried out in several ways, namely; preparation, presentation and evaluation. Implications obtained from the use of number ball media; children can distinguish, pronounce, show, arrange number symbols and group number symbols through the use of number ball games by themselves without the help of friends.Keywords:Number Ball Game Media; Number Concept; Early Childhood AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pemakaian media bola angka dalam tingkatan potensi memahami konsep bilangan 1- 10 pada anak usia dini. Metode yang digunakan merupakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis study kasus. Tehnik pengumpulan data melalui cara observasi, indeph interview. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada lembaga PAUD Hidayatul Muttaqin, Talkandang, Kotaanyar, Probolinggo, untuk mendapatkan gambaran langsung peneliti mengadakan observasi dan menginterview kepala sekolah dan guru PAUD Hidayatul Muttaqin. Hasil riset menampilkan bahwa; pertama, PAUD Hidayatul Muttaqin telah menerapkan media permainan bola angka dalam pengenalan konsep bilangan. Kedua, penerapan dilakukan dengan beberapa cara yaitu; preparation, presentation dan evaluasi. Implikasi yang didapat dari penggunaan media bola angka; anak bisa membedakan, melafalkan, menunjukkan, menyusunkan lambang bilangan dan mengelompokkan lambang bilangan melalui penggunaan permainan bola angka dengan sendirinya tanpa bantuan temannya.Kata kunci: Media Permainan Bola Angka, Konsep Bilangan, Anak Usia Din

    Risk management in e-business application development / Ahmad Faizul Haraza A. Razap

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    Software development projects become more challenging as the size and complexity of the systems being developed is growing. However, the capability to build software has not increased proportionately to demand and shortfalls in regard are a growing concern. Software projects are exposed to various risks where risk is understood as a possibility of loss, damage or disadvantages. The risk is related to the whole project is to deliver in time and within the budget constrains, a product that meets client needs and expectation. A project without risk management will face problem only after the risks came to the siirface as a material fact. So, this will increase time and cost of project Risk normally refers to something that is "uncertain" and that uncertainty normally carries a loss or adverse effect. . From the formal interview with the IT company, the researcher have gain some risks and problems faced by the respondent in software development life cycle. From the literature review, researcher has merged the result from the interview with literature review. Risk management describes the techniques and guidelines that identify, analyze and tackle software risks. Software risks are illustrated as endanger a successful development leading to wrong or inadequate software operation, software rework, implementation difficulty, delay or uncertainty. To objective of this project is the risk in E-Business application development. After all the study done bye the researcher, the final product of this research is to develop an effective tool for collaborative risk management

    Guardexpert pro: application-centric IoT solution for guard touring system

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    Internet of Things (IoT) technology promotes remote data acquisition and device control across wireless network infrastructure and is a catalyst for increasing internet-connected applications. This paper presents the development of an IoT based application for a guard touring system (GTS). A traditional GTS lacks real-time functionalities such as data upload, multitasking, summon features as well as competitive pricing. It is proven that the developed IoT based GTS, which consists of an Android application, web browser and cloud database, enables easy deployment and monitoring of guard’s patrolling activities. The performance analysis shows that the accuracy for Global Positioning System (GPS) location tracking has by default a 68% confidence level within a set geo-fencing radius of 25 meters while the end-to-end delay is about one minute over cellular and Wi-Fi networks from a test run within UTM campus

    Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and occupant's perception in Malaysian green office buildings / Sati Sekar Kinanthi, Zulkiflee Abdul Samad, Faizul A. Rahim

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    Natural elements used as a part of sustainable building design have been known to improve the Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) of a space, and enhance occupants' physical and psychological well-being. This study addresses the impact of green office buildings on occupants' perception of their working area, productivity, mood, sense of well-being, and work motivation, with the aim of understanding the workability of sustainable design employed in Malaysia. An embedded multiple-case case study was conducted. Pictures and data of the green building design were collected, and cross-case analysis was conducted to compare the design elements among the three buildings. A total of 210 subjects in the 3 buildings completed a questionnaire about their perception of the IEQ of their working space, and the perceived psychological impact. Finally, interviews were conducted on 5 subjects per building to further understand their perception of the buildings and how they feel like they are affected by it. The result showed that overall, the subjects perceive sustainable office buildings as optimal to their comfort level, and that the buildings affect their physical and mental well-being positively

    The effect of Malaysian cocoa extract on glucose levels and lipid profiles in diabetic rats

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    The present study aims to investigate the effect of cocoa extract on serum glucose levels and lipid profiles in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Cocoa extract (contained 285.6 mg total polyphenol per gram extract) was prepared from fermented and roasted (140 °C, 20 min) beans by extracting using 80% ethanol in the ratio of 1–10. The extract of three dosages (1, 2, and 3%) was fed to normal and diabetic rats for a period of 4 weeks. In hyperglycaemic group, cocoa extract (1 and 3%) diets were found to significantly lower (p < 0.05) the serum glucose levels compared to the control. Furthermore, supplementation of 1 and 3% cocoa extract had significantly reduced (p < 0.05) the level of total cholesterol in diabetic rats. In addition, 1, 2, and 3% cocoa extract diets had significantly lowered (p < 0.05) the total triglycerides. Interestingly, this study found that serum HDL-cholesterol had increased significantly (p < 0.05) in diabetic rats fed with 2% cocoa extract, while the LDL-cholesterol had decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in the 1% treated group. These results indicate that cocoa extract may possess potential hypoglycaemic and hypocholestrolemic effects on serum glucose levels and lipid profiles, respectively. The results also found that the effect of cocoa extract was dose-dependent

    Field measurement of fishing boats generated waves

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    Ship generated waves can cause banks erosion as well as disturbance on stationary boats. Studies have shown that the boat generated waves are dependent on and affected by environmental factors and vessel parameters. The main environmental factors are tidal and current direction, and for vessel parameters are speeds and hullforms. This paper describes a full-scale experimental work to measure wave heights and wave angle direction on boat generated waves. The measurement method used in this paper is based on the analysis of digital video recordings and image processing techniques