163 research outputs found

    A Collaborative Model to Improve Farmers' Skill Level by Investments in an Uncertain Context

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    [EN] Some small farms are forced to waste a part of their harvests for not reaching the quality standards fixed by consumers. Meanwhile, modern retailers (MR) are interested in selling more quality products to increase their profits. MR could invest in a collaboration program so the small farmers could have access to better technologies and formation to increase the proportion of quality products. Unfortunately, the demand, the quantity of harvest, the proportion of harvest being of quality, and its increase with each investment are uncertain parameters. A fuzzy model considering these uncertainties is proposed to determine the investments that MR should made to maximize the profits of the supply chain in a collaboration context. A method to transform the fuzzy model into an equivalent crisp model and an interactive resolution method are applied.The first author acknowledges the partial support of the Programme of Formation of University Professors of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport (FPU15/03595). The other authors acknowledge the partial support of Project 691249, "RUCAPS: Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems", funded by the EU under its funding scheme H2020-MCSA-RISE-2015.Esteso, A.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Ortiz Bas, Á.; Guyon, C. (2018). A Collaborative Model to Improve Farmers' Skill Level by Investments in an Uncertain Context. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 534:590-598. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99127-6_51S590598534Zhao, G., Liu, S., Lopez, C.: A literature review on risk sources and resilience factors in agri-food supply chains. In: Camarinha-Matos, Luis M., Afsarmanesh, H., Fornasiero, R. (eds.) PRO-VE 2017. IFIP AICT, vol. 506, pp. 739–752. Springer, Cham (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4_66Esteso, A., Alemany, M.M.E., Ortiz, A.: Improving vegetables quality in small-scale farms through stakeholders collaboration. In: 12th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (in Press)Sutopo, W., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto: An agri-food supply chain model to empower farmers for supplying deteriorated product to modern retailer. In: Yang, G.C., Ao, S.I., Huang, X., Castillo, O. (eds.) IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies. LNEE, vol 186, pp. 189–202. Springer, Dordrecht (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-5651-9_14Sutopo, W., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto, Kurniawan, B.: A goal programming approach for assessing the financial risk of corporate social responsibility programs in agri-food supply chain network. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013, pp. 732–736 (2013)Sutopo, W., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto: An agri-food supply chain model for cultivating the capabilities of farmers accessing market using social responsibility program. Int. Sch. Sci. Res. Innov. 5(11), 1588–1592 (2011)Sutopo, W., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto: An agri-food supply chain model to enhance the business skills of small-scale farmers using corporate social responsibility. Makara J. Technol. 16(1), 43–50 (2012)Sutopo, W., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto: Developing an agri-food supply chain application for determining the priority of CSR program to empower farmers as a qualified supplier of modern retailer. In: 2013 World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, pp. 1180–1184 (2013)Wahyudin, R.S., Hisjam, M., Yuniaristanto, Kurniawan, B.: An agri-food supply chain model for cultivating the capabilities of farmers in accessing capital using corporate social responsibility program. In: Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, pp. 877–882 (2015)Jiménez, M., Arenas, M., Bilbao, A., Rodríguez, M.V.: Linear programming with fuzzy parameters: an interactive method resolution. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 177, 1599–1609 (2007)Peidro, D., Mula, J., Jiménez, M., Botella, M.M.: A fuzzy linear programming based approach for tactical supply chain planning in an uncertainty environment. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 205, 65–80 (2010)Esteso, A., Alemany, M.M.E., Ortiz, A.: Conceptual framework for managing uncertainty in a collaborative agri-food supply chain context. In: Camarinha-Matos, Luis M., Afsarmanesh, H., Fornasiero, R. (eds.) PRO-VE 2017. IFIP AICT, vol. 506, pp. 715–724. Springer, Cham (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4_6

    Provision of Spectacles Is Associated With Significant Improvement In Children's Self Reported Visual Function In Mexico

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    This study examines the self-reported benefit in visual function among Mexican children who have received glasses from Helen Keller International

    Influencia del estilo de vida occidental en la disbiosis y sus consecuencias sobre la salud

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    La microbiota intestinal es en la actualidad un campo de estudio de creciente interés e investigación. Tal investigación se ha visto potenciada por el desarrollo de las diferentes técnicas de estudio, que han permitido alcanzar un nivel de conocimiento sobre la microbiota insospechado hasta hace unos años. Así, se le han atribuido un número creciente de funciones a este ecosistema presente en nuestro intestino, y se le ha relacionado con diversas condiciones de salud y enfermedad. Se ha puesto en evidencia que resulta fundamental la existencia de unas condiciones de equilibrio y homeostasis en la composición de la microbiota. La alteración de esta beneficiosa composición y función de la microbiota para el organismo podría condicionar o verse implicada en la patogenia de distintas enfermedades y es lo que se ha conocido en la literatura como disbiosis. En el presente artículo de revisión analizaremos la posible implicación de la disbiosis en las alteraciones de la barrera intestinal, como posible mecanismo por el que se asocia a alteraciones y problemas sistémicos. Del mismo modo, teniendo en cuenta la gran cantidad de factores que modifican la microbiota intestinal, la presente revisión trata de encontrar en la literatura médica actual las posibles causas de este proceso, y determinar cuál es su papel e importancia. Se analizará en este contexto la influencia del estilo de vida occidental, evaluando su papel como causa de disbiosis y las consecuencias que trae consigo. Del mismo modo se pretenden identificar las posibles estrategias que conduzcan a emplear este conocimiento como posible armamento preventivo y/o terapéutico frente a la disbiosis

    Antígenos leucocitarios como genes candidatos para mejorar la respuesta inmune en cerdos

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    Leukocyte antigens (CD) have functions related to immune response and are of interest as classical candidate genes for health. Polymorphisms (e.g. SNPs) in these genes may be associated with variation in the immune response and consequently in disease response. This approach is being taken in search of susceptibility genes for swine disease. In addition, these genes may vary between populations, especially where specific adaptation to pathogens has occurred, and are of potential interest in characterising pig biodiversity.Los antígenos leucocitarios (CD) tienen funciones relacionadas con la respuesta inmune y son de interés con genes candidatos clásicos para la salud. Los Polimorfismos (ej. SNPs) en estos genes pueden estar asociados con variaciones en la respuesta inmune y consecuentemente con la respuesta a la enfermedad. Este ensayo se está desarrollando en la búsqueda de susceptibilidades genéticas a enfermedades porcinas. Adicionalmente, estos genes pueden variar entre poblaciones, especialmente en la que han ocurrido adaptaciones a patógenos, y suponen un interés potencial para la caracterización de la biodiversidad porcina

    Interaction between lactose and cadmium chloride in aqueous solutions as seen by diffusion coefficients measurements

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    Diffusion coefficients of an aqueous system containing cadmium chloride 0.100 mol · dm−3 and lactose at different concentrations at 25 °C have been measured, using a conductimetric cell and an automatic apparatus to follow diffusion. The cell relies on an open-ended capillary method and a conductimetric technique is used to follow the diffusion process by measuring the resistance of a solution inside the capillaries, at recorded times. From these results and by ab initio calculations, it was possible to obtain a better understanding of the effect of lactose on transport of cadmium chloride in aqueous solutions

    Factors Affecting the Bioproduction of Resveratrol by Grapevine Cell Cultures under Elicitation

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    Here we present a study of the characterization and optimization of the production of trans-Resveratrol (t-R) in grape (Vitis vinifera cv. Gamay) cell cultures elicited with methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and dimethyl-β-cyclodextrin (DIMEB). The aim of this study was to determine the influence of a number of factors of the grapevine cell culture on t-R production level in 250 mL shaken flasks that would enable the better control of this bioproduction system when it is upscaled to a 2 L stirred bioreactor. The factors included the optimal growth phase for elicitation, the concentration of elicitors and of biomass, the order of addition of elicitors, and the illumination regime and ageing of cells. We found out that the optimal biomass density for the production of t-R was 19% (w/v) with an optimal ratio of 0.5 g DIMEB/g biomass. The most productive concentrations of the elicitors tested were 50 mM DIMEB and 100 µM MeJA, reaching maximum values of 4.18 mg·mL−1 and 16.3 mg·g biomass−1 of t-R concentration and specific production, respectively. We found that the order of elicitor addition matters since, as compared with the simultaneous addition of both elicitors, the addition of MeJA 48 h before DIMEB results in ca. 40% less t-R production, whilst there is no significant difference when MeJA is added 48 h after DIMEB. Upon upscaling, the better conditions tested for t-R production were aeration at 1.7 vol/vol/min without agitation, 24 °C, and 30 g·L−1 sucrose, achieving production rates similar to those obtained in shaken flasks.This work has been supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, ERDF A way of making Europe and European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR grants PID2020-113438RB-I00 and TED2021-129617B-I00, Valencian Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciencia y Societat Digital grant CIAICO/2021/167

    Sperm parameters on Iberian red deer: Electroejaculation and post-mortem collection

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    P. 216-226Artificial reproductive technologies (ART) for cervids have improved, but a need remains for the collection of basic data. We studied two models of sperm collection in Iberian red deer, post-mortem (PM) in a wild population (179 samples) and by electroejaculation (EE) in a farmed population (37 samples), recording: testicular and epididymal weight, testicular diameter, sperm quantity, pH and osmolality and spermatozoa quality (motility by CASA, abnormal forms, cytoplasmic droplets, viability and acrosomal status). We tested the relationship of these parameters with stag age and compared the two models (PM and EE; medians showed). Genitalia parameters were linearly related to stag age (testicular diameter: 31.5–50.5 mm for 2–9 years). Total number of spermatozoa collected were PM: 2.5 × 109 and EE: 3.6 × 109 (P > 0.05), increasing with age only for PM. We found a positive relationship between testicular size and spermatozoa collected for PM. Osmolality and pH were PM: 6.28 and 378 mOsm/kg; EE: 7.63 and 309 mOsm/kg (P < 0.05). The pH increased with age only for EE. Percentage of motile spermatozoa was similar for PM and EE, but motility quality was lower for PM. Abnormal forms, proximal and distal droplets were lower for EE (22%, 1.3%, 1.5% vs. PM: 23%, 4.3%, 83%). Viability was similar (74%) and intact acrosomes were higher for EE (97% vs. 89%). Both PM and EE samples could be used for germplasm banking. This study contributes with new data on red deer spermatology and for the development of ART in cervids.S

    Binary Mutual Diffusion Coefficients of Isoniazid Aqueous Solutions at (298.15 and 310.15) K

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    Binary mutual diffusion coefficients measured by the Taylor dispersion method in two different laboratories (University of Naples, Federico II, Italy, and University of Coimbra, Portugal) are reported for aqueous solutions of isoniazid at concentrations from (0.000 to 0.100) mol·dm−3 and at two temperatures (298.15 and 310.15) K. The hydrodynamic radii for the isoniazid in aqueous solution are calculated from the experimental results. In addition, the Hartley equation and the experimental diffusion coefficients are used to estimate activity coefficients for aqueous isoniazid at both temperature

    Diffusion Coefficients of Copper Chloride in Aqueous Solutions at 298.15 K and 310.15 K

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    Mutual diffusion coefficients (interdiffusion coefficients) and molar conductivities have been measured for copper(II) chloride in water at 298.15 K and 310.15 K at concentrations between 0.005 mol·dm-3 and 0.05 mol·dm-3. The diffusion coefficients were measured using a conductometric cell. The experimental data are discussed on the basis of the Onsager−Fuoss model. The Nernst diffusion coefficients derived from diffusion (1.297 × 10-9 and 1.690 × 10-9) m2·s-1 and from conductance (1.282 × 10-9 and 1.663 × 10-9) m2·s-1 at two temperatures (298.15 K and 310.15 K, respectively) are in good agreement