251 research outputs found
Adaptives Grundwassermanagement in urbanen Gebieten: Einfluss der Oberflächengewässer-Grundwasser-Interaktion am Beispiel künstlicher Grundwasseranreicherung sowie variabler In-/Exfiltration der Birs (Schweiz)
Zusammenfassung: Der Nutzungsdruck auf Grundwasserressourcen in intensiv genutzten Flussebenen wird zunehmend größer. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist, anhand eines repräsentativen, instationären Datensatzes eines urbanen Grundwassersystems (Unteres Birstal CH) aufzuzeigen, wie mit Ansätzen des adaptiven Grundwassermanagements die Voraussetzungen für die nachhaltige Nutzung von Grundwasserressourcen geschaffen werden können. Mithilfe eines instationären Grundwassermodells können spezifische Fragen der Fluss-Grundwasser-Interaktion und dem Betrieb künstlicher Grundwasseranreicherung beantwortet werden. Die Instationarität der Fluss-Grundwasser-Interaktion und eine damit zusammenhängende Änderung von In - und Exfiltrationsverhältnissen konnte für verschiedene Flussabschnitte ermittelt werden. Die Datenauswertung eines Jahrhunderthochwassers trug wesentlich zum Verständnis dieser Prozesse bei. Durch ein Experiment mit der längerfristigen Außerbetriebnahme einer künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherung im Untersuchungsgebiet konnten die Auswirkungen von geplanten Nutzungsänderungen abgeschätzt werden. Die Untersuchungen tragen zum Prozessverständnis des Grundwassersystems bei und liefern die Grundlage für eine Diskussion über lang-, mittel- und kurzfristige Ziele hinsichtlich der regionalen Bewirtschaftung urbaner Wasserressource
Interview with Eugene A. Epting
Professor Erwin Surrency interviewed Eugene A. Epting on December 16, 1982. The physical media for this oral history is contained on tape number 16, and is 1 hour 11 minutes and 18 seconds in length.
Between December 10, 1982 and October 7, 1983 seventeen audio cassette tapes of interviews were conducted between members of the School of Law community by Gwen Wood and Erwin Surrency. The result was a large oral histories project
Forest Clearance and Fragmentation in Palawan and Eastern Mindanao Biodiversity Corridors (1990-2000): A Time Sequential Analysis of LANDSAT Imagery
Conservation International has mapped changes in forest cover in the Philippines over large areas in two biodiversity corridors, as defined by the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF). These changes were derived by analysing Landsat satellite imagery at a spatial resolution of 28.5 m. The dataset analysed includes Landsat 5 data from circa 1990 (+/- 3 years) and Landsat 7 data from circa 2000. Image dates were determined based on the availability of free, nearly cloud-free imagery from the University of Maryland’s Global Land Cover Facility (http://glcf.umiacs.umd.edu/index.shtml). Additional scenes were also purchased for areas most heavily covered with clouds. A supervised classification approach was employed, using a decision tree classifier. The total amount of forest cleared during the time period was 20.1 km2 in the Eastern Mindanao corridor and 37.5 km2 in the Palawan biodiversity corridor, representing an average annual forest clearance rate of 0.04 percent for Eastern Mindanao and 0.07 percent for Palawan. Forest fragmentation was also observed to be more apparent in Palawan due to clearance of smaller forest patches. Forest cover interpretation from the Landsat imagery was validated through a collective aerial system of videography and photography. The combined accuracy of the classified maps was 85.4 percent
High Incidence of Non-Random Template Strand Segregation and Asymmetric Fate Determination In Dividing Stem Cells and their Progeny
Decades ago, the “immortal strand hypothesis” was proposed as a means by which stem cells might limit acquiring mutations that could give rise to cancer, while continuing to proliferate for the life of an organism. Originally based on observations in embryonic cells, and later studied in terms of stem cell self-renewal, this hypothesis has remained largely unaccepted because of few additional reports, the rarity of the cells displaying template strand segregation, and alternative interpretations of experiments involving single labels or different types of labels to follow template strands. Using sequential pulses of halogenated thymidine analogs (bromodeoxyuridine [BrdU], chlorodeoxyuridine [CldU], and iododeoxyuridine [IdU]), and analyzing stem cell progeny during induced regeneration in vivo, we observed extraordinarily high frequencies of segregation of older and younger template strands during a period of proliferative expansion of muscle stem cells. Furthermore, template strand co-segregation was strongly associated with asymmetric cell divisions yielding daughters with divergent fates. Daughter cells inheriting the older templates retained the more immature phenotype, whereas daughters inheriting the newer templates acquired a more differentiated phenotype. These data provide compelling evidence of template strand co-segregation based on template age and associated with cell fate determination, suggest that template strand age is monitored during stem cell lineage progression, and raise important caveats for the interpretation of label-retaining cells
Groundwater, geothermal modelling and monitoring at city-scale : reviewing European practice and knowledge exchange : TU1206 COST sub-urban WG2 report
The need for cities to make more effective use of the subsurface on which they stand, is increasingly being recognised in Europe and further afield to be essential for future cities to be sustainable and more resilient [1,2]. However, city planning worldwide remains largely 2D, with very few cities having any substantial subsurface planning or Masterplans – the cities of Helsinki, Montreal, Singapore being rare exceptions [3,4]. The consequences of inadequate consideration and planning of the subsurface are far-reaching, in economic, environmental and social terms. Across Europe, poor understanding of ground conditions is recognised as the largest single cause of construction project delay and overspends [5]. Management of urban groundwater and shallow geothermal energy resources is becoming increasingly important as cities are increasingly looking to use these resources to meet current and future energy and heating and water needs. Whilst these are, alongside potential underground building space, the two most important resources for future cities, the monitoring and regulation of these resource is widely variable across Europe.
For subsurface opportunities such as groundwater and geothermal energy to be realised and utilised to greatest effect to support growing city populations and infrastructure, city planners must be both aware of, and have some understanding of the resources, available data and research, and both the opportunities and risks which the resources provide to city development [6,7]. To supply this understanding to city municipalities and others, geological surveys must have robust datasets of groundwater and geothermal resources at city-scale, and the relevant knowledge and understanding from these data must be made accessible to inform subsurface planning in appropriate datasets relevant to different scale of interest in different planning stages. What density and frequency of data are required for a robust understanding of a city’s groundwater and geothermal resources will be different in different cities, according to the complexity of the resources, and the intensity of subsurface use and demands on the resources. Indeed, no one design of city-scale monitoring or modelling of ground-water and -heat resources is appropriate for all cities, or for all monitoring objectives. However, the guiding principles of good practice for developing robust city-scale monitoring, and datasets are widely applicable, as are the key principles for ensuring these data inform city planning processes.
This report provides an initial review of existing examples of current practices in Europe with respect to groundwater and geothermal monitoring and modelling, as a resource for other cities to learn from and build upon. The report also provides an overview of some of the different practices used for communicating groundwater and geothermal energy data and knowledge to inform urban planning and managemen
The application of the repertory grid in forensic practice
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the utility of the repertory grid method with forensic populations. Three case studies are presented, each using an adapted variation of the repertory grid method with a different forensic clients: an individual maintaining their innocence, an individual convicted of sexual offenses, and an individual convicted of stalking. An analysis of the repertory grid findings is presented for each case study, including a Principal Component Analysis and a Self-Identity Plot. This analysis of subjective meaning and idiosyncratic belief systems proves invaluable ordinarily, but particularly when working with populations who present as suspicious and guarded in research or clinical settings. Relationship and offending-related psychological vulnerabilities are explored, with small psychological changes documented and the use of the repertory grid approach as a clinical tool is highlighted. The findings provide a significant contribution to the field of forensic practice, by demonstrating the utility of the repertory grid method when working with forensic populations. This may, in turn, contribute to researchers’ and practitioners’ consideration of its use within future forensic practice
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