43 research outputs found

    Assemblathon 1: A competitive assessment of de novo short read assembly methods

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    Low-cost short read sequencing technology has revolutionized genomics, though it is only just becoming practical for the high-quality de novo assembly of a novel large genome. We describe the Assemblathon 1 competition, which aimed to comprehensively assess the state of the art in de novo assembly methods when applied to current sequencing technologies. In a collaborative effort, teams were asked to assemble a simulated Illumina HiSeq data set of an unknown, simulated diploid genome. A total of 41 assemblies from 17 different groups were received. Novel haplotype aware assessments of coverage, contiguity, structure, base calling, and copy number were made. We establish that within this benchmark: (1) It is possible to assemble the genome to a high level of coverage and accuracy, and that (2) large differences exist between the assemblies, suggesting room for further improvements in current methods. The simulated benchmark, including the correct answer, the assemblies, and the code that was used to evaluate the assemblies is now public and freely available from http://www.assemblathon.org/

    What are the competences in information system required by managers? Curriculum development for management and public administration degrees

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    [EN] This paper analyzes the competences required by executives to manage information system, and consequently, the competences that must define the information system subjects in non-technical degrees, degrees, such as Public Administration or Business Management. This work reviews the literature about business managers competences on Information Technologies (IT) and compares the theory with the traditional body of knowledge about information systems taught at business schools. By analyzing the executives function, their role in the information system management, and, above, all the importance of their decisions in the effective integration of IT in business processes, this work proposes specific development in seven knowledge areas that facilitate the acquisition of these types of executive competencesDevece Carañana, CA.; Peris-Ortiz, M.; Rueda Armengot, C. (2016). What are the competences in information system required by managers? Curriculum development for management and public administration degrees. Technology, Innovation and Education. 2(10):1-9. doi:10.1186/s40660-016-0016-2S19210Bassellier G, Benbasat I (2004) Business competence of IT professionals: conceptual development and influence on IT-business partnerships. MIS Q 28(4):673–694Bassellier G, Reich BH, Benbasat I (2001) Information technology competence of business managers: a definition and research model. J Manag Inf Syst 17(4):159–182Bassellier G, Benbasat I, Reich BH (2003) The influence of business managers’ IT competence on championing IT. Inf Syst Res 14(4):317–336Bettiol M, Di Maria E, Finotto V (2012) Marketing in SMEs: the role of entrepreneurial sensemaking. Int Entrep Manag J 8(2):223–248Boyatzis RE (1982) The competent manager a model for effective performance. Wiley, New YorkBoynton AC, Zmud RW, Jacobs GC (1994) The influence of IT management practice on IT use in large organizations. MIS Q 18(3):299–318Broadbent M, Weill P (1993) Improving business and information strategy alignment: learning from the banking industry. IBM Syst J 32(1):162–179Brown CV, Magill SL (1994) Alignment of the IS functions with the enterprise: toward a model of antecedents. MIS Q 18(4):371–403Busch EA, Jarvenpaa SL, Tractinsky N, Glick WH (1991) External versus internal perspectives in determining a firm’s progressive use of information technology. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Systems, New York, 1991:239–250Camisón C (2002) On the relevance of industry, competitive scope, strategic group, size and distinctive competences construct on explaining of organizational performance. Universitat jaume I, Castellón (Working Paper 1–02,Research Group on Strategy, Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning)Castanias RP, Helfat CE (1991) Managerial resources and rents. J Manag 17:155–171Cegarra-Navarro JG, Sánchez-Vidal ME, Cegarra-Leiva D (2011) Balancing exploration and exploitation of knowledge through an unlearning context: an empirical investigation in SMEs. Manag Decis 49(7):1099–1119Chan YE, Reich BH (2007) IT alignment: what have we learned? J Inf Tech 22:297–315Chan YE, Sabherwal R, Thatcher JB (2006) Antecedents and outcomes of strategic IS alignment: an empirical investigation. IEEE Trans Eng Manag 51(3):27–47Croteau AM, Bergeron F (2001) An information technology trilogy: business strategy, technological deployment and organizational performance. J Strateg Inf Syst 10:77–99Crowston K, Myers MD (2004) Information technology and the transformation of industries: three research perspectives. J Strateg Inf Syst 13(1):5–28Dent-Micallef A, Powell T (1998) Technologies de l’information: nécessités stratégiques ou sources d’avantage concurrentiel? Une étude empirique dans le secteur de la distribution aux Etats-Unis. Rev Can Sci Adm 15(1):39–64Devece C (2013) The value of business managers’ ‘information technology’ competence. Serv Ind J 33(7/8):720–733Doll WJ, Torkzadeh G (1987) The relationship of MIS steering committee to size of firm and formalization of mis planning. Commun ACM 30(11):972–978Earl MJ (1996) The risks of outsourcing IT. Sloan Manag Rev 37(3):26–32European Commission (2015) ECTS Users’ Guide 2015. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. doi: 10.2766/87592Hambrick DC, Brandon G (1988) Executive values. In: Hambrick DC (ed) The executive effect: concepts and methods for studying top managers. JAI Press, GreenwichHambrick DC, Mason PA (1984) Upper echelons: the organization as a reflection of its top managers. Acad Manag Rev 9(2):193–206Hotho S, Champion K (2011) Small businesses in the new creative industries: innovation as a people management challenge. Manag Decis 49(1):29–54Jarvenpaa SL, Ives B (1991) Executive involment and participation in the management of IT. MIS Q 15(2):52–69Lado AA, Wilson MC (1994) Human resource systems and sustained competitive advantage: a competency-based perspective. Acad Manag Rev 19(4):699–727Lado AA, Boyd NG, Wright P (1992) A competency-based model of sustainable competitive advantage: toward a conceptual integration. J Manag 18(1):77–91Lederer AL, Mendelow AL (1988) Information systems planning: top management takes control. Bus Horiz 31(3):73–78Oh W, Pinsonneault A (2007) On the assessment of the strategic value of information technologies: conceptual and analytical approaches. MIS Q 31(2):239–265Osbaldeston M, Barham K (1992) Using management development for competitive advantage. Long Range Plan 25(6):18–24Penrose ET (1959) The theory of the growth of the firm. Basil Blackwell, OxfordReich BH, Benbasat I (1996) Measuring the linkage between business and information technology objectives. MIS Q 20(1):55–81Reich BH, Benbasat I (2000) Factors that influence the social dimension of alignment between business and information techonology objectives. MIS Q 24(1):81–113Riegner C (2007) Word of mouth on the web: the impact of web 2.0 on consumer purchase decisions. J Advert Res 47(4):436–447Rockart JF (1988) The lines takes the leadership. Sloan Manag Rev 29(4):57–64Sabherwal R, Chan YE (2001) Alignment between business and IS strategies: a study of prospectors, analyzers, and defenders. Inf Syst Res 12(1):11–33Sanchez R, Heene A, Thomas H (1996) Towards the theory and practice of competence-based competition. In: Sanchez R, Heene A, Thomas H (eds) Dynamics of competence-based competition: theory and practice in the new strategic management. Elsevier, London, pp 1–35Senge PM (1990) The fifth discipline: the age and practice of the learning organization. Century Business, LondonSiegel DS, Renko M (2012) The role of market and technological knowledge in recognizing entrepreneurial opportunities. Manag Decis 50(5):797–816Stare M, Jaklic A, Kotnik P (2006) Exploiting ICT potential in service firms in transition economies. Serv Ind J 26(3):287–302Swanson EB (1974) Management information systems: appreciation and involvement. Manag Sci 21(2):178–188Torkzadeh G, Xia W (1992) Managing telecommunications by steering committee. MIS Q 16(2):187–199Westley F, Mintzberg H (1989) Visionary leadership and strategic management. Strateg Manag J 10:17–32Yang TT, Li CR (2011) Competence exploration and exploitation in new product development: the moderating effects of environmental dynamism and competitiveness. Manag Decis 49(9):1444–147

    Analysis of genome-wide structure, diversity and fine mapping of Mendelian traits in traditional and village chickens

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    Extensive phenotypic variation is a common feature among village chickens found throughout much of the developing world, and in traditional chicken breeds that have been artificially selected for traits such as plumage variety. We present here an assessment of traditional and village chicken populations, for fine mapping of Mendelian traits using genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping while providing information on their genetic structure and diversity. Bayesian clustering analysis reveals two main genetic backgrounds in traditional breeds, Kenyan, Ethiopian and Chilean village chickens. Analysis of linkage disequilibrium (LD) reveals useful LD (r(2)⩾0.3) in both traditional and village chickens at pairwise marker distances of ∼10 Kb; while haplotype block analysis indicates a median block size of 11–12 Kb. Association mapping yielded refined mapping intervals for duplex comb (Gga 2:38.55–38.89 Mb) and rose comb (Gga 7:18.41–22.09 Mb) phenotypes in traditional breeds. Combined mapping information from traditional breeds and Chilean village chicken allows the oocyan phenotype to be fine mapped to two small regions (Gga 1:67.25–67.28 Mb, Gga 1:67.28–67.32 Mb) totalling ∼75 Kb. Mapping the unmapped earlobe pigmentation phenotype supports previous findings that the trait is sex-linked and polygenic. A critical assessment of the number of SNPs required to map simple traits indicate that between 90 and 110K SNPs are required for full genome-wide analysis of haplotype block structure/ancestry, and for association mapping in both traditional and village chickens. Our results demonstrate the importance and uniqueness of phenotypic diversity and genetic structure of traditional chicken breeds for fine-scale mapping of Mendelian traits in the species, with village chicken populations providing further opportunities to enhance mapping resolutions

    Tigers of Sundarbans in India: Is the Population a Separate Conservation Unit?

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    The Sundarbans tiger inhabits a unique mangrove habitat and are morphologically distinct from the recognized tiger subspecies in terms of skull morphometrics and body size. Thus, there is an urgent need to assess their ecological and genetic distinctiveness and determine if Sundarbans tigers should be defined and managed as separate conservation unit. We utilized nine microsatellites and 3 kb from four mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes to estimate genetic variability, population structure, demographic parameters and visualize historic and contemporary connectivity among tiger populations from Sundarbans and mainland India. We also evaluated the traits that determine exchangeability or adaptive differences among tiger populations. Data from both markers suggest that Sundarbans tiger is not a separate tiger subspecies and should be regarded as Bengal tiger (P. t. tigris) subspecies. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA data revealed reciprocal monophyly. Genetic differentiation was found stronger for mtDNA than nuclear DNA. Microsatellite markers indicated low genetic variation in Sundarbans tigers (He= 0.58) as compared to other mainland populations, such as northern and Peninsular (Hebetween 0.67- 0.70). Molecular data supports migration between mainland and Sundarbans populations until very recent times. We attribute this reduction in gene flow to accelerated fragmentation and habitat alteration in the landscape over the past few centuries. Demographic analyses suggest that Sundarbans tigers have diverged recently from peninsular tiger population within last 2000 years. Sundarbans tigers are the most divergent group of Bengal tigers, and ecologically non-exchangeable with other tiger populations, and thus should be managed as a separate "evolutionarily significant unit" (ESU) following the adaptive evolutionary conservation (AEC) concept.Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun (India)

    Assemblathon 2: evaluating de novo methods of genome assembly in three vertebrate species

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    Background: The process of generating raw genome sequence data continues to become cheaper, faster, and more accurate. However, assembly of such data into high-quality, finished genome sequences remains challenging. Many genome assembly tools are available, but they differ greatly in terms of their performance (speed, scalability, hardware requirements, acceptance of newer read technologies) and in their final output (composition of assembled sequence). More importantly, it remains largely unclear how to best assess the quality of assembled genome sequences. The Assemblathon competitions are intended to assess current state-of-the-art methods in genome assembly. Results: In Assemblathon 2, we provided a variety of sequence data to be assembled for three vertebrate species (a bird, a fish, and snake). This resulted in a total of 43 submitted assemblies from 21 participating teams. We evaluated these assemblies using a combination of optical map data, Fosmid sequences, and several statistical methods. From over 100 different metrics, we chose ten key measures by which to assess the overall quality of the assemblies. Conclusions: Many current genome assemblers produced useful assemblies, containing a significant representation of their genes and overall genome structure. However, the high degree of variability between the entries suggests that there is still much room for improvement in the field of genome assembly and that approaches which work well in assembling the genome of one species may not necessarily work well for another

    Sixteen diverse laboratory mouse reference genomes define strain-specific haplotypes and novel functional loci.

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    We report full-length draft de novo genome assemblies for 16 widely used inbred mouse strains and find extensive strain-specific haplotype variation. We identify and characterize 2,567 regions on the current mouse reference genome exhibiting the greatest sequence diversity. These regions are enriched for genes involved in pathogen defence and immunity and exhibit enrichment of transposable elements and signatures of recent retrotransposition events. Combinations of alleles and genes unique to an individual strain are commonly observed at these loci, reflecting distinct strain phenotypes. We used these genomes to improve the mouse reference genome, resulting in the completion of 10 new gene structures. Also, 62 new coding loci were added to the reference genome annotation. These genomes identified a large, previously unannotated, gene (Efcab3-like) encoding 5,874 amino acids. Mutant Efcab3-like mice display anomalies in multiple brain regions, suggesting a possible role for this gene in the regulation of brain development

    Evaluation And Application Of The Three A's Of Genomics: Assembly, Alignment, Annotation.

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    In the fourteen years since the announcement of the rough draft of the human genome there has been a precipitous drop in the cost of genome sequencing, from several billions of dollars down to a few thousand. This has lead to a new age of data prosperity in biological sciences and to a large growth in the field of Bioinformatics. The extremely low cost of sequencing means that multitudes of species can now be sequenced and those data can be added to the ever-expanding library. This sudden wealth of raw data at a low level in the analysis hierarchy has given an urgency to important methodological questions. What is the best method to assemble a new genome? Given that you have several assembled genomes and you want to know how they're related to one another, what is the best way to align these genomes? And finally, once in possession of an alignment of genomes, how can we best use that information to annotate genes and other biologically interesting regions upon those genomes?The work presented herein is an attempt to quantify and compare the methods for carrying out these fundamental research tasks. In the first chapter (on the Assem- blathon, a collaborative competition that brought together the world's genome assembly expects), I investigate the problem of short read whole genome de novo assembly. In the second chapter (on the Alignathon, a collaborative competition that brought together the world's whole genome alignment experts) I investigate the problem of whole genome alignment. Finally I address the problem of comparative annotation by using a dataset comprised of the genomes of 17 strains of inbred mouse and the rat in order to establish a quick method of annotating multiple genomes using a combination of evolutionary homology information, existing annotations and extrinsic data (e.g. RNAseq) using off the shelf software components for the majority of the work

    The potential of energy farming for transport fuels in New Zealand

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    Report No. 46 - The appendices to this report are contained in a separate volume.This report examines the concept of energy farming for transport fuels in the New Zealand context and shows how energy farming could be used to enable New Zealand to have substantial quantities of transport fuels from an available and renewable indigenous energy source