4,126 research outputs found

    Durabilit\ue0 del legno lamellare rinforzato: un prodotto innovativo

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    La ricerca sviluppata nell\u2019ultimo decennio in edilizia si \ue8 orientata sempre pi\uf9 verso quei materiali, cosiddetti ecocompatibili o ecosostenibili, tali da dissipare il meno possibile le risorse naturali. In questo senso il legno, ed in particolare quello lamellare, \ue8 divenuto una valida alternativa alle tecnologie pi\uf9 usuali e tradizionali del cemento armato e del ferro, anche perch\ue9 rappresenta una delle poche materie prime rinnovabili. Il legno lamellare \ue8 un prodotto evoluto, un prodotto industriale che supera i difetti propri del legno massello con caratteristiche di resistenza meccanica e di durabilit\ue0 superiori, cos\uec da poter ottenere qualunque forma e dimensione. Presenta per\uf2 una rigidezza limitata rispetto ad altre tecnologie, aspetto quest\u2019ultimo, che ha determinato un vasto campo di ricerca basato sulla possibilit\ue0 di inserire elementi irrigidenti all\u2019interno della sezione resistente. La memoria presenta i risultati raggiunti nell\u2019ambito di un progetto di innovazione PIA che ha avuto l\u2019obbiettivo di sperimentare un prodotto innovativo che possa avere una maggiore rigidezza, e quindi maggiori prestazioni a parit\ue0 di costi. L\u2019impiego di materiali originali ha richiesto la verifica delle prestazioni attraverso test ciclici di prove integrate di resistenza meccanica e di invecchiamento accelerato che sono state svolte, rispettivamente, dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica e dal Dipartimento di Progetto e Costruzione Edilizia entrambi dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Palermo. Nel seguito si illustrano le prove di invecchiamento artificiale eseguite per verificare la durabilit\ue0 dei prototipi innovativi da sperimentare

    Evaluation of innovative thermal insulation systems for a sustainable envelope

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    La memoria presenta i risultati ottenuti su sistemi di isolamento termico per l\u2019involucro edilizio. Si presentano i risultati ottenuti tramite simulazioni informatiche che hanno consentito di verificare e ottimizzare la trasmissione del calore attraverso un sistema sottovuoto in vetro per le facciate trasparenti. Inoltre la possibilit\ue0 offerta dal riciclo del materiale di scarto della potatura dell\u2019Opunthia Ficus Indica (fichi d\u2019india) che,opportunamente trattato ha permesso di ottenere un materiale isolante (Brevetto n. 1402131), in forma di pannello o in grani sfusi, (valori di coibenza termica 0.071\uad0.057 W/mK).The paper presents the results of the research on thermal insulation systems for the building casing. We present the results of computer simulations that have enabled us to verify and optimize the transmission of heat through several innovative insulation systems, such as vacuum solutions for transparent fa\ue7ades, or the possibilities offered by the recycling of waste material of Opunthia Ficus Indica (prickly pear) pruning, which, properly treated, allowed to obtain an insulating material (Patent n. 1402131), in the form of panels or bulk grains (thermal coefficient values 0.0710.057 W/mK)

    Putative Microbial Population Shifts Attributable to Nasal Administration of Streptococcus salivarius 24SMBc and Streptococcus oralis 89a

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    Changes in bacterial composition of nasal microbiota may alter the host\u2019s susceptibility to several infectious and allergic diseases such as chronic rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 1-week administration of a probiotic product, composed by a combination of Streptococcus salivarius 24SMBc and Streptococcus oralis 89a, on the nostril microbiota. Differences in the nasal microbiota composition were investigated by using a next-generation sequencing approach. A strong and significant decrease in Staphylococcus aureus abundance was detected immediately after the bacterial administration. Moreover, comparing the microbial networks of nostril microbiota before and 1 month after the end of treatment, we detected an increase in the total number of both bacterial nodes and microbial correlations, with particular regard to the beneficial ones. Furthermore, a less abundance of microbial genera commonly associated to potential harmful bacteria has been observed. These results suggest a potential ability of S. salivarius 24SMBc and S. oralis 89a to regulate and reorganize the nasal microbiota composition, possibly favoring those microorganisms that may be able to limit the overgrowth of potential pathogens

    Multitrace deformations, Gamow states, and Stability of AdS/CFT

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    We analyze the effect of multitrace deformations in conformal field theories at leading order in a large N approximation. These theories admit a description in terms of a weakly coupled gravity dual. We show how the deformations can be mapped into boundary terms of the gravity theory and how to reproduce the RG equations found in field theory. In the case of doubletrace deformations, and for bulk scalars with masses in the range −d2/4<m2<−d2/4+1-d^2/4<m^2<-d^2/4+1, the deformed theory flows between two fixed points of the renormalization group, manifesting a resonant behavior at the scale characterizing the transition between the two CFT's. On the gravity side the resonance is mapped into an IR non-normalizable mode (Gamow state) whose overlap with the UV region increases as the dual operator approaches the free field limit. We argue that this resonant behavior is a generic property of large N theories in the conformal window, and associate it to a remnant of the Nambu-Goldstone mode of dilatation invariance. We emphasize the role of nonminimal couplings to gravity and establish a stability theorem for scalar/gravity systems with AdS boundary conditions in the presence of arbitrary boundary potentials and nonminimal coupling.Comment: 14 pages, references added, introduction change

    Modulation of opportunistic species Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Prevotella denticola, Prevotella melaninogenica, Rothia dentocariosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae by intranasal administration of Streptococcus salivarius 24SMBc and Streptococcus oralis 89a combination in healthy subjects

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    \u2013 OBJECTIVE: Probiotics S. salivarius 24SMBc and S. oralis 89a comprised in the nasal spray Rinogermina are known to exert inhibition of harmful pathogens and ameliorate the outcome of patients with chronic upper airways infections. In this study, for the first time, the effect of this formulation on the modulation of the microflora of healthy subjects was evaluated, with particular interest on pathobionts and pathogens present. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Metagenomic identification and quantification of bacterial abundances in healthy subjects were carried out by means of Ion Torrent Personal Machine. In particular, nasal swabs were sampled one, two and four weeks after seven days of treatment with Rinogermina. RESULTS: The modulation of the abundance of pathobionts and pathogenic species (i.e., Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Prevotella denticola, Prevotella melaninogenica, Rothia dentocariosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae) was characterized and a significant temporary decrease in their presence was identified. CONCLUSIONS: The beneficial effects of S. salivarius 24SMBc and S. oralis 89a nasal intake was assessed but seemed to be restricted in specific temporal windows. Thus it would be interesting to evaluate also this positive impact of longer administration of this probiotic formulation

    Probiotics Streptococcus salivarius 24SMB and Streptococcus oralis 89a interfere with biofilm formation of pathogens of the upper respiratory tract

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    Background: Infections of the ears, paranasal sinuses, nose and throat are very common and represent a serious issue for the healthcare system. Bacterial biofilms have been linked to upper respiratory tract infections and antibiotic resistance, raising serious concerns regarding the therapeutic management of such infections. In this context, novel strategies able to fight biofilms may be therapeutically beneficial and offer a valid alternative to conventional antimicrobials. Biofilms consist of mixed microbial communities, which interact with other species in the surroundings and communicate through signaling molecules. These interactions may result in antagonistic effects, which can be exploited in the fight against infections in a sort of "bacteria therapy". Streptococcus salivarius and Streptococcus oralis are α-hemolytic streptococci isolated from the human pharynx of healthy individuals. Several studies on otitis-prone children demonstrated that their intranasal administration is safe and well tolerated and is able to reduce the risk of acute otitis media. The aim of this research is to assess S. salivarius 24SMB and S. oralis 89a for the ability to interfere with biofilm of typical upper respiratory tract pathogens. Methods: To investigate if soluble substances secreted by the two streptococci could inhibit biofilm development of the selected pathogenic strains, co-cultures were performed with the use of transwell inserts. Mixed-species biofilms were also produced, in order to evaluate if the inhibition of biofilm formation might require direct contact. Biofilm production was investigated by means of a spectrophotometric assay and by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Results: We observed that S. salivarius 24SMB and S. oralis 89a are able to inhibit the biofilm formation capacity of selected pathogens and even to disperse their pre-formed biofilms. Diffusible molecules secreted by the two streptococci and lowered pH of the medium revealed to be implied in the mechanisms of anti-biofilm activity. Conclusions: S. salivarius 24SMB and S. oralis 89a possess desirable characteristics as probiotic for the treatment and prevention of infections of the upper airways. However, the nature of the inhibition appear to be multifactorial and additional studies are required to get further insights

    Automotive leathers – evaluating the performance limits (part II)

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    Content: Consumers perceive leather as a durable and natural product. To support this positive image, car manufacturers have set demanding performance profiles addressing wear, emissions and sustainable manufacture. Poor performance of auto leather becomes visible as the polymeric finishing coat wears off or cracks over time. Therefore ageing property is seen as a representative key performance parameter and is determined by checking how flexible and strong a polymer coating remains after leather has been exposed to light, heat and humidity for a given time. Ageing of leather is complex to determine and depends on various parameters and requires a full system approach . In a first step different type of crusts (wet-blue, wet-white) were prepared and finished with a standard polyurethane coating. It turned out that the selection of the right fat liquors and tanning agents as well as the presence of vegetable tannins play an important role. On top of this the effective use of proper protective chemicals like anti-oxidants is needed. In a second approach the polymer coating itself was studied and optimized with regard to aged flexing and abrasion. Parameters like polymer type, crosslinking, application technology, coating thickness and impact of additives were investigated and tested when applied on the best crust leathers selected from part 1 of this work. Results show that not only is the right selection of polymers critical but also so is the way the coat is being applied . Furthermore coating thickness greatly defines wear (abrasion), lightfastness and ageing properties. Additives like dulling agents, levelers, feel agents, waxes ,fillers although needed can weaken the integrity of the polymer matrix and consequently reduce physical and chemical fastness properties. This may also apply to a certain extent to protective additives such as anti-oxidants and UV stabilizers, but when used properly their advantages outweigh the potential disadvantages. As to application, special emphasis is given to transfer coating technology which can provide advantages in application and quality consistency but also with regards to fastness properties such as wear and ageing. Take-Away: - crust leather has a critical impact on performance of finishing coat of automotive leathers and requires careful selction of products and use of protective chemical - polymer selection and use of protective chemical play an important role for achieving good aged flexing performance - type of application of finishing coat on auto leather further determines the performance of coatin

    Probiotics Streptococcus salivarius 24SMB and Streptococcus oralis 89a interfere with biofilm formation of pathogens of the upper respiratory tract

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    Background: Infections of the ears, paranasal sinuses, nose and throat are very common and represent a serious issue for the healthcare system. Bacterial biofilms have been linked to upper respiratory tract infections and antibiotic resistance, raising serious concerns regarding the therapeutic management of such infections. In this context, novel strategies able to fight biofilms may be therapeutically beneficial and offer a valid alternative to conventional antimicrobials. Biofilms consist of mixed microbial communities, which interact with other species in the surroundings and communicate through signaling molecules. These interactions may result in antagonistic effects, which can be exploited in the fight against infections in a sort of "bacteria therapy". Streptococcus salivarius and Streptococcus oralis are \u3b1-hemolytic streptococci isolated from the human pharynx of healthy individuals. Several studies on otitis-prone children demonstrated that their intranasal administration is safe and well tolerated and is able to reduce the risk of acute otitis media. The aim of this research is to assess S. salivarius 24SMB and S. oralis 89a for the ability to interfere with biofilm of typical upper respiratory tract pathogens. Methods: To investigate if soluble substances secreted by the two streptococci could inhibit biofilm development of the selected pathogenic strains, co-cultures were performed with the use of transwell inserts. Mixed-species biofilms were also produced, in order to evaluate if the inhibition of biofilm formation might require direct contact. Biofilm production was investigated by means of a spectrophotometric assay and by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Results: We observed that S. salivarius 24SMB and S. oralis 89a are able to inhibit the biofilm formation capacity of selected pathogens and even to disperse their pre-formed biofilms. Diffusible molecules secreted by the two streptococci and lowered pH of the medium revealed to be implied in the mechanisms of anti-biofilm activity. Conclusions: S. salivarius 24SMB and S. oralis 89a possess desirable characteristics as probiotic for the treatment and prevention of infections of the upper airways. However, the nature of the inhibition appear to be multifactorial and additional studies are required to get further insights

    Stakeholder views on a recovery-oriented psychiatric rehabilitation art therapy program in a rural Australian mental health service: a qualitative description

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    BACKGROUND: Recovery-oriented care is a guiding principle for mental health services in Australia, and internationally. Recovery-oriented psychiatric rehabilitation supports people experiencing mental illness to pursue a meaningful life. In Australia, people with unremitting mental illness and psychosocial disability are often detained for months or years in secure extended care facilities. Psychiatric services have struggled to provide rehabilitation options for residents of these facilities. Researchers have argued that art participation can support recovery in inpatient populations. This study addressed the research question: Is there a role for the creative arts in the delivery of recovery-oriented psychiatric rehabilitation for people with enduring mental illness and significant psychosocial disability detained in a secure extended care unit? METHODS: The study had two major aims: to explore the experiences of consumers detained in a rural Australian secure extended care unit of an art therapy project, and to examine the views of nurse managers and an art therapist on recovery-oriented rehabilitation programs with regard to the art therapy project. A qualitative descriptive design guided the study, and a thematic network approach guided data analysis. Ethics approval was granted from the local ethics committee (AU/1/9E5D07). Data were collected from three stakeholders groups. Five consumers participated in a focus group; six managers and the art therapist from the project participated in individual interviews. RESULTS: The findings indicate that consumer participants benefitted from art participation and wanted more access to rehabilitation-focussed programs. Consumer participants identified that art making provided a forum for sharing, self-expression, and relationships that built confidence, absent in the regular rehabilitation program. Nurse manager and the art therapist participants agreed that art participation was a recovery-oriented rehabilitation tool, however, systemic barriers thwarted its provision. CONCLUSIONS: The transformation of mental health services towards a recovery orientation requires commitment from service leaders to provide evidence-based programs. Psychiatric rehabilitation programs based on local need should be included in public mental health services. This study supports the use of art-based rehabilitation programs for people detained in rural secure extended care facilities. Introducing these programs into clinical practice settings can improve the consumer experience and support organisational culture change towards a recovery orientation
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