182 research outputs found
Analisis Efisiensi Teknis Produksi Usahatani Cabai Merah Besar Dan Perilaku Petani Dalam Menghadapi Risiko
EnglishThis study aims: (a) to analyze the factors that influence the production of great red Chili farming, (b) to analyze major factors affecting the technical inefficiency of great red Chili farming, and (c) to analyze the behavior of large red Chili farmers in dealing with the risks of production and prices. Results showed that most variables, both technical and socio-economic variables in the model, had expected signs significantly. Some of the inputs reduced risk, such as use of seeds, fertilizer N, PPC and hired labor. Some other inputs generated. Average TE values either without or with entering element of risk were each of 0.83 and 0.82, but with different TE distribution. Total farmers achieving more than 0.80 of TE were (68.68%) without including the risks, and (71.71%) by incorporating risk. Great red Chili farmers on prices were risk takers. It implies that the farmers with TE value less than 0.80 are the focused target of upgrading technical and managerial capabilities. Technology design and application in the future can be carried out by reducing excessive use of inputs and increasing limiting factors.IndonesianPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk (a) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi USAhatani cabai merah besar; (b) menganalisis faktor-faktor utama yang mempengaruhi in-efisiensi teknis dalam USAhatani cabai merah besar; serta (c) menganalisis perilaku petani cabai merah besar dalam menghadapi risiko USAhatani dan harga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar peubah baik yang sifatnya teknis maupun sosial ekonomi yang dimasukkan dalam model adalah memiliki tanda sesuai harapan dan sebagian signifikan. Beberapa input bersifat sebagai pengurang risiko seperti penggunaan benih, pupuk N, PPC, dan tenaga kerja luar keluarga, sedangkan beberapa input-input lainnya bersifat sebagai pembangkit risiko. Rata-rata nilai TE baik yang tanpa maupun dengan memasukkan unsur risiko masing-masing sebesar 0,83 dan 0,82, tetapi dengan sebaran TE yang berbeda. Proporsi petani yang mencapai TE lebih dari 0,80 masing-masing sebesar (68,68%) tanpa memasukkan risiko dan (71,71%) dengan memasukkan risiko. Perilaku petani cabai merah besar terhadap harga adalah berani mengambil risiko (risk taker). Implikasi kebijakan penting adalah menjadikan petani dengan nilai TE kurang dari 0,80 dapat dijadikan fokus sasaran peningkatan kemampuan teknis dan kapabilitas manajerialnya. Perakitan dan penerapan teknologi kedepan dapat dilakukan dengan mengurangi penggunakan masukan yang berlebih dan meningkatkan masukan yang menjadi faktor pembatas peningkatan produksi cabai merah besar
Analisis Struktur, Perilaku, dan Kinerja Industri Tepung Terigu di Indonesia
Flour is one of important crop commodity for Indonesian people. However, government interventions lead the formation of monopoli structure and capital accumulation. The purpose of the research is to analyze the structure, behavior and market performance of Indonesian flour industry. Structure-Conduct-Performance model is used to analyze the industry. The result shows that the industry structure is tight oligopoly where tight competition occurs among few big players. CR4 index is 76.3 percent and Hirchman-Herfindal Index is 3731.12. Price, as conduct indicator, is regulated by Flour Industry Association (Aptindo) with regards of International price and cost of transportation. Industry performance is inefficient or constable (either one or both) based on 10.75 PCM index. Government intervention is required to prevent market control by big players
Dampak Kebijakan Pemerintahan DKI Di Bidang Perunggasan Terhadap Ketersediaan Ayam Di DKI Jakarta
Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta yang dituangkan melalui Peraturan Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 4 Tahun 2007, tanggal 24 April 2007 tentang Pengendalian Pemeliharaan dan Peredaran Unggas diperkirakan akan memiliki dampak yang bersifat positif maupun negatif bagi pelaku bisnis ayam ras pedaging (broiler). Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk melihat dampak kebijakan Pemda DKI Jakarta terhadap ketersediaan ayam di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Dampak Perda No. 4 Tahun 2007 yang diimplementasikan pada Januari 2010 antara lain adalah menurunnya jumlah pasokan ayam dari daerah pemasok ke pusat-pusat pasar di Wilayah DKI Jakarta, dari 804,44 ribu ekor menjadi hanya sekitar 604,44 ribu ekor atau turun sebesar 200 ribu ekor per hari. Fenomena kelangkaan daging ayam dan lonjak harga di pasar-pasar wilayah DKI Jakarta tersebut baik pada periode sebelum maupun sesudah Perda DKI bersifat temporal terutama pada hari-hari besar keagamaan, terutama menjelang puasa dan Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Peraturan daerah ini telah menjadi pemicu kelangkaan dan lonjak harga yang lebih tinggi. Beberapa strategi dalam menjamin ketersediaan daging ayam di wilayah DKI Jakarta dapat dilakukan dengan menjaga keseimbangan antara pasokan dan permintaan di wilayah DKI Jakarta, meningkatkan kelancaran arus distribusi dari daerah pemasok utama ke pusat-pusat pasar di wilayah DKI-Jakarta, dan upaya stabilisasi harga daging ayam ras pedaging (broiler)
Vibration and Cylinder Chamber Pressure Characteristics of an Air Reciprocating Compressor
In the application of a reciprocating compressor failures are often caused by valve malfunction. The failure can be minimized by a proper valve design. This research described an experimental study to investigate characteristics of vibration and cylinder chamber pressure diagrams, as results of open-close valve processes in a single-stage, single-acting air reciprocating compressor. Vibration and pressure were measured at the same crank angle. The modification was materialized by a change in a valve seat profile of a discharge side. The study was conducted for several working loads. Compared to the discharge valve which was (commonly) supplied by the manufacturer, the result showed that a provision of a taper angle on a discharge valve seat would decrease vibration level, made longer discharge opening, and would increase discharge pressure
Applying User Interface Analytics to Identify Online Shop Performance Factors
The massive use of information systems and digital applications drives the growth of e-commerce, including online shops in marketplaces. However, some of the online shops are not successful. To improve their performance, the success factors of the online shops should be recognized. This study develops a model of online shop success factors. Unlike the other researches that use customer preference data from surveys, this study uses user interface analytics to develop the model. A marketplace operated in Indonesia was selected as the case study. The study begins with a scraping process of the data available at online shops' user interfaces in the marketplace. After data cleaning, outliers handling, and data clustering by product category, a series of multiple regression analyses are performed to get the model estimates. Eight variables are defined to develop the model, i.e., product price, percentage of responded chat, shop joining time in the marketplace, number of product types, number of raters, shop rating, shop reputation, and number of followers. The results of the multiple regression process show that the model estimate is specific for every product category. The final model can be used as a reference by the online shop sellers to develop their strategy to improve their shop performance. Moreover, the results also prove that user interface analytics is effective in estimating the performance factors of online shops in a marketplace
Prototipe Aplikasi Pelacak Posisi Kereta Api Menggunakan Rf-id
Keterlambatan pemberian Informasi tentang posisi Kereta Api terkadang membuat tidak bagi penumpang yang menunggu. Selain itu laporan kinerja jadwal kereta api bagi pimpinan tidak terlihat jelas. Dengan adanya pemanfaatan RF-ID (Radio Frequency Identification) di setiap stasiun yang dilewati oleh kereta api tersebut di dapatkan informasi tentang posisi kereta api secara real time dan berbasis Web. Dengan demikina calon penumpang dan penumpang merasa lebih nyaman untuk menunggu kereta api dan pimpinan Stasiun dapat memperhitungkan waktu keterlambatan masing-masing kereta api yang terlihat pada laporan aplikasi
Pengaruh Belanja Pemerintah Pusat Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Padi Di Provinsi Jawa Barat
EnglishWell allocated government budget is a requirement for increasing rice production as well as avoiding underinvestment or disinvestment. This study aims to analyze impacts of government expenditures on rice production increase. Secondary data consisting of 7-year time series data (2007β2013) and 20 cross section data of West Java Province were used in this study. The results of GLS (generalized least square) with a dummy-variables estimation method showed that in the short run the government expenditures on fertilizer subsidy and improved seed assistance had significant impact on rice production in West Java Province at 5 percent level of significance with marginal elasticities each of 0.0056 and 0.038, while tertiary irrigation rehabilitation had significant impact at 15 percent level of significance with marginal elasticity of 0.0206. Fertilizers and seeds were direct inputs in rice farming that had significant impact on rice production. On the other hand, tertiary irrigation rehabilitation needed time lag in influencing rice production. In the short run, capital assistance and field school had no impact on rice production. IndonesianKetepatan dalam alokasi anggaran belanja pemerintah diperlukan untuk meningkatkan produksi padi dan menghindari adanya alokasi yang tidak memadai (underinvestment) atau alokasi yang tidak tepat (disinvestment). Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh belanja pemerintah terhadap peningkatan produksi padi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dalam bentuk data panel dengan 7 tahun time series (2007β2013) dan 20 data cross section di Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Metode analisis menggunakan model estimasi data panel statis. Berdasarkan metode estimasi GLS (generalized least square) dengan variabel dummy tahun, dalam jangka pendek subsidi pupuk dan bantuan benih unggul memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap produksi padi di Provinsi Jawa Barat pada taraf nyata 5% dengan elastisitas marjinal sebesar 0,0056 dan 0,038, sedangkan rehabilitasi irigasi tersier berpengaruh nyata pada taraf 15% dengan elastisitas marjinal 0,0206. Pupuk dan benih merupakan input langsung dalam budi daya USAha padi sehingga memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap produksi. Di sisi lain, rehabilitasi irigasi tersier memerlukan waktu jeda dalam memengaruhi produksi padi. Dalam jangka pendek, bantuan permodalan dan sekolah lapang tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi padi
Sustainability Strategies of Indonesian Mega-Dairy Farm Business: a Case of Greenfields Indonesia
The increase of milk import in Indonesia can be anticipated through the development of dairy farms based on mega-farm. Indonesia has already got dairy farms that adopt the mega-farm, one of which is the Greenfields Indonesia (GFI). GFI has become an export-oriented company, so GFI needs to pay attention to its sustainability on their business processes. This study was conducted at Dairy farm of Greenfields Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to analyze the business sustainability factors and to evaluate the factors of GFI dairy farming business based on the success factor of sustainability relation structure. The combination of delphi fuzzy and DEMATEL (Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) was used for data processing. The research results showed that the standardization of the company's management system was the first priority based on the relation structure. The priority could affect the resilience of farm models that depended on manure management impact and create animal care through the availability of management of feed and drinking water
Pengaruh Modernitas Sikap Kewirausahaan terhadap Keberhasilan UMKM Tempe dan Tahu di Kabupaten Bogor
Entrepreneurship widely-known as the boosting factor for competent human resources. Entrepreneurship has relation with the development of SMEs, such as business in tempeh and tofu. Bogor has many soybean products SMEs. The entrepreneurs must have modernity entrepreneurship attitude to develop the business. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of modernity entrepreneurship attitude towards the success of soybean SMEs unit in Bogor Regency. The data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively using Partial Least Square analyzing the influences between latent variables. The results showed that the attributes of modernity entrepreneurship attitude that are found for tempe producers are innovative, hardwork, respect for time, and individual responsibility, where attributes for the entrepreneurs who produce tofu are innovative, hardwork, respect for time, achievement motivation, self-confidence, and individual responsibility. Attributes of success of the business run by both tempe and tofu producers are the increasing number of consumer and profit gained. Modernity entrepreneurship attitude significantly influenced the success of the business. Government's support are required in order to support the capital incentive, events of entrepreneurship competition, and achievement/reward for the entrepreneurs
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