231 research outputs found

    Construction of an instant structured illumination microscope

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    A challenge in biological imaging is to capture high-resolution images at fast frame rates in live cells. The “instant structured illumination microscope” (iSIM) is a system designed for this purpose. Similarly to standard structured illumination microscopy (SIM), an iSIM provides a twofold improvement over widefield microscopy, in x, y and z, but also allows much faster image acquisition, with real-time display of super-resolution images. The assembly of an iSIM is reasonably complex, involving the combination and alignment of many optical components, including three micro-optics arrays (two lenslet arrays and an array of pinholes, all with a pitch of 222 μm) and a double-sided scanning mirror. In addition, a number of electronic components must be correctly controlled. Construction of the system is therefore not trivial, but is highly desirable, particularly for live-cell imaging. We report, and provide instructions for, the construction of an iSIM, including minor modifications to a previous design in both hardware and software. The final instrument allows us to rapidly acquire fluorescence images at rates faster than 100 fps, with approximately twofold improvement in resolution in both x-y and z; sub-diffractive biological features have an apparent size (full width at half maximum) of 145 nm (lateral) and 320 nm (axial), using a 1.49 NA objective and 488 nm excitation

    Sclerostin does not play a major role in the pathogenesis of skeletal complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    In contrast to previously reported elevations in serum sclerostin levels in diabetic patients, the present study shows that the impaired bone microarchitecture and cellular turnover associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)-like conditions in ZDF rats are not correlated with changes in serum and bone sclerostin expression. INTRODUCTION: T2DM is associated with impaired skeletal structure and a higher prevalence of bone fractures. Sclerostin, a negative regulator of bone formation, is elevated in serum of diabetic patients. We aimed to relate changes in bone architecture and cellular activities to sclerostin production in the Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rat. METHODS: Bone density and architecture were measured by micro-CT and bone remodelling by histomorphometry in tibiae and femurs of 14-week-old male ZDF rats and lean Zucker controls (n = 6/group). RESULTS: ZDF rats showed lower trabecular bone mineral density and bone mass compared to controls, due to decreases in bone volume and thickness, along with impaired bone connectivity and cortical bone geometry. Bone remodelling was impaired in diabetic rats, demonstrated by decreased bone formation rate and increased percentage of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive osteoclastic surfaces. Serum sclerostin levels (ELISA) were higher in ZDF compared to lean rats at 9 weeks (+40 %, p < 0.01), but this difference disappeared as their glucose control deteriorated and by week 14, ZDF rats had lower sclerostin levels than control rats (-44 %, p < 0.0001). Bone sclerostin mRNA (qPCR) and protein (immunohistochemistry) were similar in ZDF, and lean rats at 14 weeks and genotype did not affect the number of empty osteocytic lacunae in cortical and trabecular bone. CONCLUSION: T2DM results in impaired skeletal architecture through altered remodelling pathways, but despite altered serum levels, it does not appear that sclerostin contributes to the deleterious effect of T2DM in rat bone

    Chronic administration of Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists improves trabecular bone mass and architecture in ovariectomised mice

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    Some anti-diabetic therapies can have adverse effects on bone health and increase fracture risk. In this study, we tested the skeletal effects of chronic administration of two Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RA), increasingly used for type 2 diabetes treatment, in a model of osteoporosis associated bone loss and examined the expression and activation of GLP-1R in bone cells. Mice were ovariectomised (OVX) to induce bone loss and four weeks later they were treated with Liraglutide (LIR) 0.3 mg/kg/day, Exenatide (Ex-4) 10 ÎĽg/kg/day or saline for four weeks. Mice were injected with calcein and alizarin red prior to euthanasia, to label bone-mineralising surfaces. Tibial micro-architecture was determined by micro-CT and bone formation and resorption parameters measured by histomorphometric analysis. Serum was collected to measure calcitonin and sclerostin levels, inhibitors of bone resorption and formation, respectively. GLP-1R mRNA and protein expression were evaluated in the bone, bone marrow and bone cells using RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. Primary osteoclasts and osteoblasts were cultured to evaluate the effect of GLP-1RA on bone resorption and formation in vitro. GLP-1RA significantly increased trabecular bone mass, connectivity and structure parameters but had no effect on cortical bone. There was no effect of GLP-1RA on bone formation in vivo but an increase in osteoclast number and osteoclast surfaces was observed with Ex-4. GLP-1R was expressed in bone marrow cells, primary osteoclasts and osteoblasts and in late osteocytic cell line. Both Ex-4 and LIR stimulated osteoclastic differentiation in vitro but slightly reduced the area resorbed per osteoclast. They had no effect on bone nodule formation in vitro. Serum calcitonin levels were increased and sclerostin levels decreased by Ex-4 but not by LIR. Thus, GLP-1RA can have beneficial effects on bone and the expression of GLP-1R in bone cells may imply that these effects are exerted directly on the tissue

    Ecological Responses to Extreme Flooding Events: A Case Study with a Reintroduced Bird.

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    Published onlineJournal ArticleIn recent years numerous studies have documented the effects of a changing climate on the world's biodiversity. Although extreme weather events are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity and are challenging to organisms, there are few quantitative observations on the survival, behaviour and energy expenditure of animals during such events. We provide the first data on activity and energy expenditure of birds, Eurasian cranes Grus grus, during the winter of 2013-14, which saw the most severe floods in SW England in over 200 years. We fitted 23 cranes with telemetry devices and used remote sensing data to model flood dynamics during three consecutive winters (2012-2015). Our results show that during the acute phase of the 2013-14 floods, potential feeding areas decreased dramatically and cranes restricted their activity to a small partially unflooded area. They also increased energy expenditure (+15%) as they increased their foraging activity and reduced resting time. Survival did not decline in 2013-14, indicating that even though extreme climatic events strongly affected time-energy budgets, behavioural plasticity alleviated any potential impact on fitness. However under climate change scenarios such challenges may not be sustainable over longer periods and potentially could increase species vulnerability.We thank Mitch Weegman, Miguel Villoslada and Anne Harrison for technical support and advice; to Jorge S. Gutierrez for helpful suggestions on the drafts of the manuscript; and to Damon Bridge and RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) volunteers for providing survival and breeding data. We also thank the Environmental Agency for allowing us access to water gauge measurements in the study area. We are grateful to Larry Griffin, Amy King, Harry Nevard and numerous volunteers for assistance with telemetry deployments. SB is funded by an EU consolidator’s grant: STATEMIG 310820. ASR is supported by a joint predoctoral grant from the University of Exeter, the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) and the RSPB

    Exploration is dependent on reproductive state, not social state, in a cooperatively breeding bird

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    Personality is an intriguing phenomenon in populations because it constrains behavioral flexibility. One theory suggests that personality could be generated and maintained if dependent on asset protection. It is predicted that trade-offs with fitness expectations and survival probability encourage consistent behavioral differences among individuals (personality). Although not mutually exclusive, the social niche specialization hypothesis suggests that a group of individuals that repeatedly interact will develop personality to avoid costly social conflict. The point at which behavioral consistency originates in the social niche hypothesis is still unclear, with predictions for development after a change in social status. In the facultative cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis), residing on Cousin Island, breeding vacancies are limited and this forces individuals into different social roles. We used this system to test whether reproductive and social state predicted among-individual differences in exploration. We had 2 predictions. First, that an individual’s start in life can predict personality, whereby young individuals with a good start to life (associated with early age reproduction and earlier onset survival senescence) are fast explorers, suggesting reproductive state-dependence. Second, that an individual’s social status can predict personality, whereby dominant individuals will be fast explorers, suggesting that the behavior is social state-dependent. Neither of the behaviors was associated with social state and social state did not affect behavioral consistency. However, novel object exploration was associated with a proxy of reproductive state. Our results provide further support for state being a mechanism for generating individual differences in behavior

    Palmitoleic acid prevents palmitic acid-induced macrophage activation and consequent p38 MAPK-mediated-skeletal muscle insulin resistance

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    Obesity and saturated fatty acid (SFA) treatment are both associated with skeletal muscle insulin resistance (IR) and increased macrophage infiltration. However, the relative effects of SFA and unsaturated fatty acid (UFA)-activated macrophages on muscle are unknown. Here, macrophages were treated with palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid or both and the effects of the conditioned medium (CM) on C2C12 myotubes investigated. CM from palmitic acid-treated J774s (palm-mac-CM) impaired insulin signalling and insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis, reduced Inhibitor κBα and increased phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase in myotubes. p38 MAPK inhibition or siRNA partially ameliorated these defects, as did addition of tumour necrosis factor-α blocking antibody to the CM. Macrophages incubated with both FAs generated CM that did not induce IR, while palmitoleic acid-mac-CM alone was insulin sensitising. Thus UFAs may improve muscle insulin sensitivity and counteract SFA-mediated IR through an effect on macrophage activation

    A metabolite-derived protein modification integrates glycolysis with KEAP1-NRF2 signalling.

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    Mechanisms that integrate the metabolic state of a cell with regulatory pathways are necessary to maintain cellular homeostasis. Endogenous, intrinsically reactive metabolites can form functional, covalent modifications on proteins without the aid of enzymes1,2, and regulate cellular functions such as metabolism3-5 and transcription6. An important 'sensor' protein that captures specific metabolic information and transforms it into an appropriate response is KEAP1, which contains reactive cysteine residues that collectively act as an electrophile sensor tuned to respond to reactive species resulting from endogenous and xenobiotic molecules. Covalent modification of KEAP1 results in reduced ubiquitination and the accumulation of NRF27,8, which then initiates the transcription of cytoprotective genes at antioxidant-response element loci. Here we identify a small-molecule inhibitor of the glycolytic enzyme PGK1, and reveal a direct link between glycolysis and NRF2 signalling. Inhibition of PGK1 results in accumulation of the reactive metabolite methylglyoxal, which selectively modifies KEAP1 to form a methylimidazole crosslink between proximal cysteine and arginine residues (MICA). This posttranslational modification results in the dimerization of KEAP1, the accumulation of NRF2 and activation of the NRF2 transcriptional program. These results demonstrate the existence of direct inter-pathway communication between glycolysis and the KEAP1-NRF2 transcriptional axis, provide insight into the metabolic regulation of the cellular stress response, and suggest a therapeutic strategy for controlling the cytoprotective antioxidant response in several human diseases


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    There’s always something a bit scary about a ghost story. Somehow, though, when you read a collection of them you’re expecting to meet a spook or two. It takes a little more effort to frighten the reader. We hope we’ve managed to do just that with this bunch of tales and our striking cover. We hope as well you’ll find the stories as different from each other as they are from the normal ghost story. You’ll come across some old friends amongst the authors in this volume. Bridge House is beginning to es-tablish a brand and we have several writers now who have the measure of what we’re looking for. You’ll also meet some new names and writing styles. We’re sure both will please. And now to the ghosts…. They too have a life of their own … precisely drawn by our authors. It’s that time of year isn’t it? When the nights are getting longer, the days are getting shorter, when strange shadows lurk and you begin to hear noises you don’t understand. We have traditional ghosts, more subtle ghosts, naughty ghosts, nice ghost, nasty ghost and in one or two of our stories it’s a little difficult to work out who is haunting whom. Stoke up the fire, sit back, enjoy and prepare to be: Spooked

    Seabird sensitivity mapping tool: project report [issue number 3]

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    This project builds upon the existing evidence base for seabird habitat use at sea to develop a fast, user-friendly tool to estimate the sensitivities of key seabird species to ORDs in all British Isles shelf seas. The tool produces estimates for the sensitivity and exposure of all at sea locations in UK waters for 13 seabird species (Atlantic puffin, Common guillemot, Razorbill, Black-legged kittiwake, European shag, European storm petrel, Great skua, Herring gull, Lesser black-backed gull, Northern gannet, Northern fulmar, Great black-backed gull and Red-throated diver) in both the breeding and non-breeding seasons, based on GPS tracking and at sea survey data

    The feasibility of milkfish (Chanos chanos) aquaculture in Solomon Islands

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    Fish is crucial to food and nutrition security in Solomon Islands, and demand is expected to increase due to a growing population. However, it is projected that current capture fisheries production will not meet this growing demand. Aquaculture has the potential to mitigate the capture fishery shortfall, and the Government of Solomon Islands is prioritizing aquaculture as a solution to meet future food and income needs. Aquaculture in Solomon Islands is still in early development. Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is farmed for household consumption, but its prolific reproductive rate and resulting slow growth limit its potential as a commercial aquaculture species. More productive fish species that are not indigenous to Solomon Islands but are successfully farmed overseas could be introduced; however, such a decision needs to take into account the potential ecological or social impacts. For land-based pond aquaculture, the only indigenous species that has been farmed extensively elsewhere is milkfish (Chanos chanos). This report presents a feasibility assessment for milkfish farming in Solomon Islands. It synthesizes the current knowledge about milkfish farming and presents results of a 4-year study on the potential for milkfish aquaculture in Solomon Islands
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