550 research outputs found

    Macrodispersion in generalized sub-Gaussian randomly heterogeneous porous media

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    In this work, we explore the implications of modeling the logarithm of hydraulic conductivity, Y , as a Generalized Sub-Gaussian (GSG) field on the features of conservative solute transport in randomly het-erogeneous, three-dimensional porous media. Hydro-geological properties are often viewed as Gaussian random fields. Nevertheless, the GSG model enables us to capture documented non-Gaussian traits that are not explained through classical Gaussian models. Our formulation yields lead-(or first-) order analytical solutions for key statistical moments of flow and transport variables. These include flow velocities, hydraulic head, and macrodispersion coefficients, as obtained across GSG log-conductivity fields. The analytical model is based on a first-order spectral theory, which constrains the rigorous validity of our results to small values of log-conductivity variance (sigma(2)(Y) << 1 ). Analytical results are then compared against detailed numerical estimates obtained through a Monte Carlo scheme encompassing various levels of domain heterogeneity. An asymptotic Fickian transport regime is attained at late times in both Gaussian and GSG Y fields. Convergence to such regime is slower for GSG as compared to Gaussian fields. This suggests a strong impact of the heterogeneity structure on non-Fickian pre-asymptotic behaviors of the kind documented in the literature. The quality of the comparison between analytical and numerical results deteriorates with increasing sigma(2)(Y) . Otherwise, our lead-order solutions frame macrodispersion coefficients in appropriate orders of magnitude also for values of sigma(2)(Y) up to approximately 1.7, which are consistent with the spatial variability of Y across a single geological unit. In this sense, our analytical approach enables one to obtain prior information on solute plume evolution and to grasp the effects of non-Gaussian medium heterogeneity while favoring simplicity. Our findings also enhance the current level of under-standing of the nature of mass transfer across heterogeneous media characterized by complex variability structures which cannot be reconciled with classical Gaussian scenarios. (C) 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Simulación de programas paralelos en Haskell

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    El estudio de formas de incorporar de manera simple y eficiente la programación paralela al desarrollo de software sigue siendo objeto de investigación. En particular, en el lenguaje de programación Haskell (Marlow 2010) se ha desarrollado una variedad de extensiones del lenguaje, bibliotecas, y abstracciones, que permiten encarar el problema de la programación paralela desde diversos ángulos. Para dar soporte a la experimentación con formas nuevas de incorporar paralelismo al desarrollo de software es necesario el desarrollo de herramientas adecuadas que permitan el análisis de las ejecuciones obtenidas. En este trabajo se propone una herramienta para el estudio de programas paralelos dentro del lenguaje de programación Haskell. Esta herramienta permite al programador observar directamente qué computaciones se van a paralelizar, dándole un mayor entendimiento sobre la ejecución de su programa.Trabajos finalesSociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    In-stent restenosis of superficial femoral artery: use all arrows in the quiver.

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    In-stent restenosis (ISR) is a common superficial femoral artery (SFA) stenting complication, occurring in more than one third of patients within 2-3 years after the index procedure. Moreover, there is no standard treatment for ISR, and although many options are available, there is still limited data regarding its optimal management. We report a paradigmatic case report of a patient complaining of symptomatic peripheral arterial disease, underwent multiple endovascular revascularizations for recurrent femoro-popliteal ISR. A step-by-step approach was followed. At the time of the first presentation, the ISR was treated by drug-eluting balloon (DEB) angioplasty. The repeated ISR was treated by laser debulking, achieving a good angiographic result. Finally, after the third repeated restenosis, a combined approach with laser debulking and DEB angioplasty guaranteed a good acute angiographic result. Long-term duplex-scan follow-up demonstrated the good patency of the femoro-popliteal target lesion

    The ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector Control system and online calibration tools

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    The ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) contains nearly 107 hybrid pixel cells. The operation of the SPD requires online control and monitoring of some 2000 parameters and » 50000DACs. Information for each channel is stored in a configuration database. Timing and data management (» 6GB of raw data each calibration) are critical issues. An overview of the SPD electronics read out chain and of the detector control system is given with a detailed description of the front-end controls and the calibration strategy. The status of commissioning and a preliminary evaluation of detector performance are presented

    Empresas recuperadas y elaboración de alimentos

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    La producción de alimentos bromatológicamente apta es uno de los reaseguros para la perdurabilidad de una empresa. El objetivo general es apoyar el derecho de los trabajadores a luchar por su fuente de trabajo y acompañar los procedimientos para asegurar la producción. Si se tiene el conocimiento, se puede tener el control directo del cumplimiento de leyes, códigos y normas. Se pretende un diálogo horizontal, un aprendizaje mutuo entre la sabiduría de las organizaciones sociales que han logrado empoderarse y conseguir, a través de una empresa recuperada, dignidad y autoestima, con un conocimiento bromatológico preventivo y promocional. Uno de los problemas más acuciantes que tienen las empresas recuperadas son las actas y amenaza de clausura de los Municipios por incumplimiento de normas. El monitoreo, evaluación e indicadores de resultados del proyecto podría ser lograr que se suspendan las medidas y construir un plan de mejoras junto a los actores de las organizaciones sociales, para que sea aceptado por los Municipios. Es un desafío importante ya que para los trabajadores de las empresas recuperadas, las normas bromatológicas están muy lejos en sus prioridades. Sin embargo, si el Municipio los clausura sería muy difícil remontar nuevamente toda la documentación, con las inspecciones. Cuando comenzamos con el proyecto fue difícil entablar un diálogo basado en la confianza, primero tuvimos que ganarnos su estima y respeto para que nos confíen sus problemas. Luego encontramos un Municipio muy escéptico, que se había cansado de poner plazos sin encontrar respuesta. Buscamos desarrollar en las personas que trabajan en las empresas recuperadas, un proceso de valoración de los saberes que ellos poseen y lograr que el mecanismo normativo vigente, coopere en su adecuación, con principios basados en una lógica más inclusiva y educadora que disciplinadora. Poner en marcha estos emprendimientos fueron acciones de vanguardia, no responden al modelo positivo dominante de la administración burocrática de los municipios. Hace falta un Estado que se adapte al requerimiento de una economía más social y solidaria y que simboliza una verdadera alternativa productiva ante el empobrecedor modelo neoliberal y un ejemplo que surge de la mano de los trabajadores, mostrando caminos posibles para recuperar su fuente de trabajo y por ende, su dignidad

    The Reliability of Anamnestic Data in the Management of Clostridium Tetani Infection in Elderly

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    Background: Tetanus infection remains a significant complication of wounds. Because most tetanus treatment guidelines rely on anamnestic data collected directly from patients, the congruence between anamnesis and laboratory evidence must be verified, especially in the elderly population. Aim: Assess, in both the geriatric population (>65) and the non-geriatric one, the reliability of anamnestic data for managing patients with tetanus-risk wounds, identified categories of populations most exposed to non-vaccination coverage, and assessed the agreement of the Tetanos Quick Stick (TQS) results with the therapy performed (administration of tetanus vaccine or immunoglobulin). Methods: In this retrospective single-center observational study, patients were asked their immunization status against tetanus vaccination. The decision to administer a vaccine or immunoglobulin was therefore clinical and based on anamnestic criteria. The TQS test was then given to patients who were unaware of their immunity status. Patients who thought they knew it but were not sure were given the TQS test to determine whether the anamnestic collection was supported by the test. The TQS test results were compared with the anamnestic data. Results: Most patients, geriatric and not geriatric, did not know their immune status. Among those who reported knowing their immune status, there was no agreement between the vaccine coverage declared by patients and the TQS test results (p < 0.001), mainly in geriatric patients but also in the control group. Elderly and women had significantly lower positive TQS test results (p < 0.001). There was a statistically significant discrepancy (p < 0.001) between the therapy based on anamnestic data and the TQS test results. Conclusion: The reliability of anamnestic data for the management of patients with tetanus-risk wounds is low and decreases with age, becoming minimal in geriatric patients. Elderly and women are less likely to have an effective vaccination status against tetanus