2,593 research outputs found

    Conceiving Competitive Arrangements For Public Transport

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    Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne

    Microscopic calculations of Λ single-particle energies

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    A binding energy data for total baryon number A ≤ 208 and for Λ angular momenta ℓΛ ≤ 3 are analyzed in terms of phenomenological (but generally consistent with meson-exchange) ΛN and ΛNN potentials. The Fermi hypernetted chain technique is used to calculate the expectation values for the Λ binding to nuclear matter. Accurate effective ΛN and ΛNN potentials are obtained which are folded with the core-nucleus nucleon densities to calculate the Λ single-particle potential UΛ (r). We use a dispersive ANN potential but also include an explicit ρ dependence to allow for reduced repulsion in the surface, and the best fits have a large ρ dependence giving consistency with the variational Monte Carlo calculations for 5ΛHe. The exchange fraction of the ΛN space-exchange potential is found to be 0.2-0.3 corresponding to m*Λ ≃ (0.74 - 0.82)mΛ. Charge-symmetry breaking is found to be significant for heavy hypernuclei with a large neutron excess, with a strength consistent with that obtained from the A = 4 hypernuclei

    Relativistic Model of Detonation Transition from Neutron to Strange Matter

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    We study the conversion of neutron matter into strange matter as a detonation wave. The detonation is assumed to originate from a central region in a spherically symmetric background of neutrons with a varying radial density distribution. We present self-similar solutions for the propagation of detonation in static and collapsing backgrounds of neutron matter. The solutions are obtained in the framework of general relativistic hydrodynamics, and are relevant for the possible transition of neutron into strange stars. Conditions for the formation of either bare or crusted strange stars are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to IJMP

    Evolutionary history and identification of conservation units in the giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis.

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    The giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis, occupies a range including the major drainage basins of South America, yet the degree of structure that exists within and among populations inhabiting these drainages is unknown. We sequenced portions of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b (612 bp) and control region (383 bp) genes in order to determine patterns of genetic variation within the species. We found high levels of mtDNA haplotype diversity (h = 0.93 overall) and support for subdivision into four distinct groups of populations, representing important centers of genetic diversity and useful units for prioritizing conservation within the giant otter. We tested these results against the predictions of three hypotheses of Amazonian diversification (Pleistocene Refugia, Paleogeography, and Hydrogeology). While the phylogeographic pattern conformed to the predictions of the Refugia Hypothesis, molecular dating using a relaxed clock revealed the phylogroups diverged from one another between 1.69 and 0.84 Ma, ruling out the influence of Late Pleistocene glacial refugia. However, the role of Plio-Pleistocene climate change could not be rejected. While the molecular dating also makes the influence of geological arches according to the Paleogeography Hypothesis extremely unlikely, the recent Pliocene formation of the Fitzcarrald Arch and its effect of subsequently altering drainage pattern could not be rejected. The data presented here support the interactions of both climatic and hydrological changes resulting from geological activity in the Plio-Pleistocene, in shaping the phylogeographic structure of the giant otter

    Neurogene Stammzelltransplantation in die Kochlea

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Die Stammzelltherapie ist insbesondere im Hinblick auf eine Applikation im Innenohr interessant, da die Haarzellen nicht regenerieren. Einmal abgestorbene Haarzellen werden nicht ersetzt, es kommt zu einem irreversiblen Hörverlust. In den vergangenen Jahren konnten Stammzellen mit wechselndem Erfolg ins Innenohr appliziert werden, zum Teil haben sie sich zu Innenohrzellen entwickelt. In der vorliegenden Studie wollten wir untersuchen, wie sich neuronale Vorläuferzellen verhalten, wenn sie in vitro und in vivo auf ein geschädigtes Innenohr aufgebracht werden. Methoden: Neuronale Vorläuferzellen wurden von E9,5Tage alten Mausembryonen isoliert und danach mit einem Virus, der das grün fluoreszierende Protein (GFP) exprimiert, infiziert. In der Folge wurden die GFP+-neuralen Vorläuferzellen sowohl auf ein geschädigtes Corti-Organ in vitro aufgebracht als auch Mäusen ins zuvor geschädigte Innenohr in vivo appliziert. Anschließend wurden die Vorläuferzellen bzw. ihr Bezug zum Corti-Organ analysiert. Ergebnisse: Sowohl auf ein geschädigtes Corti-Organ aufgebrachte GFP+-neurale Vorläuferzellen als auch in vivo in geschädigte Innenohren transplantierte GFP+-neurale Vorläuferzellen konnten nach Transplantation nachgewiesen werden. Interessanterweise haben sich die GFP+-neuralen Vorläuferzellen nicht zufällig auf dem Organ niedergelassen, sondern ein gewisses Muster gezeigt. Insbesondere konnte nach der In-vivo-Applikation gesehen werden, dass die GFP+-neuralen Vorläuferzellen sich im Bereich des Corti-Organs in der Region von abgestorbenen Haarzellen angesiedelt haben. Schlussfolgerung: Neuronale Vorläuferzellen haben ein großes Potenzial, einmal abgestorbene Haarzellen zu ersetzen. Allerdings braucht es noch intensive Forschung bis zur klinischen Anwendun

    Towards the first targeted therapy for triple-negative breast cancer: Repositioning of clofazimine as a chemotherapy-compatible selective Wnt pathway inhibitor.

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    Wnt signaling is overactivated in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and several other cancers, and its suppression emerges as an effective anticancer treatment. However, no drugs targeting the Wnt pathway exist on the market nor in advanced clinical trials. Here we provide a comprehensive body of preclinical evidence that an anti-leprotic drug clofazimine is effective against TNBC. Clofazimine specifically inhibits canonical Wnt signaling in a panel of TNBC cells in vitro. In several mouse xenograft models of TNBC, clofazimine efficiently suppresses tumor growth, correlating with in vivo inhibition of the Wnt pathway in the tumors. Clofazimine is well compatible with doxorubicin, exerting additive effects on tumor growth suppression, producing no adverse effects. Its excellent and well-characterized pharmacokinetics profile, lack of serious adverse effects at moderate (yet therapeutically effective) doses, its combinability with cytotoxic therapeutics, and the novel mechanistic mode of action make clofazimine a prime candidate for the repositioning clinical trials. Our work may bring forward the anti-Wnt targeted therapy, desperately needed for thousands of patients currently lacking targeted treatments

    Ecologia de populações de porco monteiro no Pantanal do Brasil

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    O porco monteiro chegou ao Pantanal há cerca de dois séculos e, desde então, tem sido considerado como a principal espécie cinegética (de interesse para a caça) na região. Suas populações vivem livres na planície e independentes da atividade humana, exceto pelo manejo tradicional que age como fator de controle populacional dos rebanhos. Considerando que a espécie apresenta potencial para utilização econômica e que pode vir a compor a pauta de produtos com certificação de origem no Pantanal, informações sobre a ecologia das populações presentes na planície são estratégicas. Este artigo apresenta um apanhado sobre as informações disponíveis a respeito da espécie e discute aspectos da dinâmica de suas populações, com base em projeções obtidas utilizando-se o software VORTEX 9.6.bitstream/CPAP-2010/57340/1/DOC106.pd

    Lambda-proton correlations in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    The prospect of using lambda-proton correlations to extract source sizes in relativistic heavy ion collisions is investigated. It is found that the strong interaction induces a large peak in the correlation function that provides more sensitive source size measurements than two-proton correlations under some circumstances. The prospect of using lambda-proton correlations to measure the time lag between lambda and proton emissions is also studied.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure, revtex style. Two short paragraphs are added at referees' recommendations. Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Relativistic Mean Field Approximation in a Density Dependent Parametrization Model at Finite Temperature

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    In this work we calculate the equation of state of nuclear matter for different proton fractions at zero and finite temperature within the Thomas Fermi approach considering three different parameter sets: the well-known NL3 and TM1 and a density dependent parametrization proposed by Typel and Wolter. The main differences are outlined and the consequences of imposing beta-stability in these models are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure